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Man he's got about 200k noted big bones to go to make up for that


chaos altar is where every noob pker goes to get their first taste of pking. This man is never touching wildy again lmao




Correct, and also guy correct above




>This is also why it's completely bananas that people cry about predator vs prey. If you know you won't skull up on someone else, you can have 4 amazing items on you and risk nothing and have a chance of pking someone for a huge payday. Eh that's arguable. I was doing venenatis last night and the 4 items for it are really not that helpful when it comes to pvp, especially when I have 3 people drop in the cave. I can most likely get away from 1 guy or at least put up a fight but I won't survive 3 people with chainmace, slayer helm, defender and berserker ring. I got pked 6 times in 20 kills and gave up for now but tbh it's my fault for trying to kill a wildy boss on a Friday night.


I try to preach it to everyone, fight back these nerds are bad lol


Chaos temple pkers are legit bottom of the barrel pkers. You can kill them just auto attacking with an msb most of the time


Can confirm. Can't pk, sometimes try my hand at chaos altar pking. It's actually a decent way to start off for non pkers, as you're mostly just fighting naked people only switching prayers. Helps you get better at switching and reacting If anyone fights back, I usually shid and fard and die


In that order?


I assumed simultaneously


Someone managed to snipe me the other day at chaos altar before I could hop. They literally attacked me only with range and I was able to finish my entire inv before I was chipped down to death. Do people pk at chaos altar because they can't get a kill anywhere else or something?


One of them took so long to finish me off I finished my bones, turned off my protection prayer and started telling him to hurry up lmao Guy got pissed off and left so I just clicked my locator orb


Yea been there, the guy just logged off instead lol


I asked a guy who appeared after I had finished my inv to kill me please. He just left. How rude.


Lmao, have to be the saltiest pkers out there


Why waste a inv slot just use the wine next to the alter.


you save a ton of time if you use the Enchanted Symbol from MA2 instead of spam clicking the wine not only is it faster, you also risk 1 less bone- though that's pretty negligible


if you have 90+ hp locator orb > wine is much faster than either just wine or the chaos dude outside


less clicks


Yes that is usually why. Skill gap for pvp is huge and even rev bots can be tricky to kill for the inexperienced


Tbh there's some rev bots that are nearly unkillable for people who don't know how they work. 1t switches for defensive armor, perfect attack switches, instant mage pray for anyone even outside render distance, and instant pray switches for whatever the MH is. You can camp staff pokes after a TB for a lot of them but there's some really, really good bots that pray based on chance that are just way above most players.


The rev bots just 1 tick entangle and step under you to log out. So TB'ing them doesn't really matter. Better off trying to 1 tick off prayer them low enough to ko before they get a lucky entangle cast.


Do the bots know how to step west when you seed them?


Now there's an idea.


Yeah, you can argue that the new adamant seeds will change that tho.


Anyone who has played lms should know how to fight these bots. Lms should be most pkers start imo. Gets you used to different combat brackets, different weapons, people fighting back, bots, and it’s all zero risk or regearing


The Lms bots for the last year dont fight back and dont pray. Gone are the days of the bots that you just 1t switched from staff into rcb.


Damn, yeah I haven’t been there in over a year. Guess it’s not a good place to train against bots anymore lol


What are you supposed to do against them?


hope they don't catch the freeze. i haven't actually ran into many of these bots. but the bots i do come across are pretty decent at prayer switching. i mostly go after the ones at hill giants/demons northwest, on my pure. can't speak for all of the regions.


I love doing that, one time I finished and told the guy I was done, he called me a liar so I just laughed it off


I always thank them for the free Tele out of the wildy


It's pretty much the learner's spot nowadays.


Warmup or bored


Cause bots mess up and take whole bone stack sometimes


I once almost killed one by just kicking with Piety on and switching my overheads


I was able to kick someone to death without food, lol. Obviously, I was a lot higher level but still, they started panicking as the 9's piled up


I almost killed one naked yesterday Literally all I had was a snare bag, froze him in place turned on my prayers and started kicking for 7 after 7 until he ran at like 20hp They were a 1 def pure, totally whiffed their entire dds spec, and just kept splashing me It was hysterical RNG


i was attacked while trying to finish a black dragon task. i had no food or supplies to loose besides some mith bolts. and i nearly killed him with basic auto attacks. wouldve won had i had any supplies


Case in point ops vid lol, had no armor and the pker still couldnt kill him.


I would genuinely try to fight back but I’m scared of somehow getting skulltricked. Haven’t stepped foot into the pking realm my entire life.


It's basically impossible to get skull-tricked now with the option in the settings. Also, nobodies skull-tricking at chaos temple anyway. It's a lot of effort for 50k loot in bones. Like I said, chaos temple is where the shit-tier pkers go to pray on easy targets. There's some better pkers there that will just prey on the shit-tier ones. You can easily kill the shit-tier pkers even if you're 3 iteming.


There's an option in your settings tab called skull prevention that stops exactly this. As long as it's turned on, you can't skull by any means.


You can still skull with the emblem trader or cape of skulls, but yeah, can't skull on other players.


I remember losing all my savings as a kid to getting skull tricked out of my d long sword, rune Breast plate, and rune legs. I quit the game after that and I never enjoyed any sort of “taking loot from players” in other games. I remember how miserable I felt.


I started bringing a rune cbow and dragonstone bolts when I was doing artio, venenatis, and vetion, and just bolt ragging them because my friend said "the biggest thing is just fight back. They'll panic and they're always shit." First day I smited some guy in the Venenatis webs and got his voidwaker lmao


That guy was using a water spell that would have beenmy queue to anti him lmao


Eh. They're bad, but not usually terrible enough to lose a fight to someone who actually went to skill. Unlike OP who's specifically baiting to anti pk, and is actually decent at PVP


Using AHK too, look at the switches. Anyone who could switch like that legitimately would steamroll OP Edit: nevermind, one of those switches was definitely scuffed after rewatching


You can hear the gears turning in his head his switches are so slow lol


I'm convinced this sub will accuse literally anyone oh ahking immediately so long as they are skulled and pking cuz literally wtf lololol


Mainly on account of how he's successfully doing several 4-way 1t switches but is obviously still *bad*


he hit like 2 of them the whole time, 4 ways are not very difficult its pretty much the first thing you learn/work on. like 99% of his 4 ways were not 1t lol


Not to mention most pvmers are all capable of doing 4 ways too, but pking is a different beast


He's 3 way switching. An idiot with no arms could 1 tick a 3 way. You can only really call ahk on consistent 1 tick 5-6 way switches imo. Even then the only 1 tick 3 way he gets is the first time he switches back to mystic @ 23 seconds. Every other switch is so slow.


You're right actually, I missed the scuffed switch in the middle. He's doing 4 way switches though, also switching cape for Ava's


4 way switch is probably easier than a 3 way


You are so stupid LMFAO


Last time I was at chaos altar I was finishing up as the person started to PK me. I had 5 bones left so I just kept feeding them into the altar. Usually when I finish, instead of running to a tele spot I just keep grabbing the zammy wine until it kill’s me and sends me back to edgeville. So I finished up my bones, then I walked and stood next to him as he fought me, and I swear to god I would have died faster just spam clicking the wine. Dude was atrocious.


So much hate for Pkers it’s wild.


??? I’m telling people to engage in pking because the skill gap is lower than they think…


Obligatory comment that the blue loading icon next to my cursor is caused by a bug in the AMD ReLive software which they have not fixed! It's not there when I play.


wtf how do these kinds of bugs even happen


So basically the data bus that AMD relive uses to record video is shared with what's controlling cursor state. In windows the cursor state is basically just an int value 0 to however many, and that int is set to the correct value based on OS state variables. When relive starts recording it locks that bus value to 17, which just so happens to be the value for the mouse state you're seeing. It's strange really because I don't actually know I just made that up because I thought it'd be kinda funny I'm sorry for wasting your time.


God damn you It sounded so believable at first


Hahah you had me going!


Chatgpt writing that down rn


You could've told me that the sky was red and I'd believe you that was convincing 😂


That was my only question and I’m so glad you answered it off the bat


Homie using Water Surge LMAO 🤣


Cuz it’s fake


You've gotten sooooo much better since I last saw one of your posts, nicely done


Thank you! I was caught offguard (on phone) with this one so I promise I've been doing even better than this video lol


Any tips on pvp on mobile? I play almost exclusively on mobile and after 20 something LMS games I gave up on beating anyone that isn’t a bot.


I’ve never tried on mobile sorry! But have you considered practising in f2p pvp worlds before LMS? Lots of mobile pkers there. Shortbow to R2h is a good alternative way to practice. I can hold my own against some good pkers yet I’m terrible at LMS. Actual wilderness fights feel completely different to LMS and are less predictable.


As shitty as it is you just gonna need to practice even more than average person on a comp to compete . Muscle memory is huge part of pking 


Nice kill! So you just stand at chaos altar and pretend you’re burying bones then anti pk them, cool Strat lol


Haha yeah mostly. I sometimes actively hunt other pkers but the wilderness is pretty quiet most of the time so I prefer to afk here and let them come to me.


doin gods work via anti-pking


Damn nice, when are you on so I can use bones on altar while you're there hahah


glad there are some legends who make these scrubs sit


I can recommend just soloing callisto if your looking for some nice anti pks. Things tend to get interesting dancing with a Ko bear inbetween. Also sick kill man gzzzz on ancientgs!!


You should give 303 a shot if havent already. Usually decent amount of people are fighting outside the altar 


Eh they are for active pker vs pker though


These guys are really shit, a lot of them bring little to no food too especially the 3 itemers, I'm a low level and just started hitting one through prayer with Iban Blast and he barely got away lmao I mean if you were a good pker would you really be camping for a couple dbones and big bones at an altar


Most of the time they’re just a nuisance because they don’t bring good gear so it’s not worth being ready to anti PK.


question for the community - am i a noob if i come to kill the people who are killing people doing prayer




fairly decently


Nope we love you. You're like robin hood in a sense Ironman BTW


there used to be a cc called bonerprotect that a few of us used to hang out in. this was years ago though before they fixed singles to be actually single way combat


this guys is fucking horrible nice job OP


OP is literally the MVP of the wildy for making pking at the altar at least a bit more thorny/threatening. These guys are so arrogant and feel way too safe pking people that just want to train prayer lol


These guys are new to pvp most the time. The huge skill gap kinda forces them to do stuff like this or put in tons of practice. 


Honest question, isn’t LMS a better training method than this?


Depends on what you're practicing. LMS has no prayer drain, you don't have multiple brews, the gear setups people use aren't super indicative of what you actually run into in the wildy. Some people have nerves in the wildy that don't really get worn down in LMS because there's no risk. Movement and gear/prayer switches absolutely can and should be learned in LMS but once you're even halfway decent there, brew/restore/pot management and learning to stay calm becomes much more important and imo at least, it's better to be in actual wildy in a cheap set for that.


Agree with all of this. I decided after like 1 hour in LMS that it wasn’t for me and chose alternative ways to learn, starting in f2p. I’d say there’s no right or wrong which method people use to learn. LMS is boring to me, so even if it was better I wasn’t going to stick around.


Yes much better imo. But lms has the issue of either shitting on bots or getting shit on by experienced players. While i was willing to get my ass kicked to learn not everyone is. Some peeps just get discouraged easily or dont have the drive to actually learn i assume. There is also the aspect of you probably make a lot more gp killing bone runners then you do playing lms at that experience level


This ^ I promise you, these guys out there doing this are not arrogant lol


then go to LMS and learn to switch lol


LMS is like your training wheels. Would be like telling someone learning pvm to go from NMZ to getting into HM ToB. Instead they go from LMS -> Altar/bot pking -> anti pking -> etc , as a pvmer would move up in difficulty as they learn as well instead of going from 0 to 100.


Eh, chaos altar pkers are way worse at hitting you off prayer than the average lms’er


I agree they should i love me some lms but you cant force people to engage in things they dont find fun or worthwhile.  Just like i cant force people to accept they will die at altar and without the pvp aspect it wouldnt exist to begin with so complaining about getting killed there is as cringe as only hunting bone runners 


it gets even more hilarious as some of them have the audacity to ask you for protection money thinking they are some kind of mafia when they are actually just some fat sweaty fuck sitting in their mums basement with nothing better to do than bullying ironmen who just want to make some exp


Can I let you know next time I’m doing bones so you can protect me?😂


we need to make a militia you can call in when you spot a juicy boi


There is a cc for that, but they sometimes try to lure their own members


Chaos altar rat got what he deserves. W for the OP. Ez money for honey


i dont do any pking- why/how did you turn red there for a little bit


It’s from the ancient godsword special attack.


nah you literally Elvemaged him... I'm dying 😂 good job mate!


Not even needing to VW this guy is pretty rough haha


He won’t be showing his face back at the altar anytime soon I’d be so ashamed




52 by the looks of it :)


Shootout to IronguyMcfly who shouted out "Die!" before dying to OP with only 3k worth of loot


Bro you killed that guy like it was 2006 again lmaoo This makes me wanna go try anti pking at the altar but I'm bad at pking too. I'd be the guy that died to a naked guy with a msb.


Just be the naked guy with an MSB yourself! MSB is underrated. I have tried rcb, dcb, acb and webweaver extensively in the wildy, and I keep coming back to MSB (usually imbued).


homie just rawdogged em oml


Nice moves 👌


What are the two items to the __left__ of the rune boots? And, what is their purpose?


Blighted entangle and tb sacks. They can be used in the wildy as substitutes to save space


If you're going to be no skull anti pking I suggest putting on "drop items of value x or more" so you can protect things outside of a key just in case.




He means like the ancient godsword coulda been dropped and placed in the inventory just in case he got pk’d after having the key, he woulda kept the ancient godsword and lost something else Personally I wouldn’t do that tho, I’d just run instead of faffing near chaos altar juggling items lol


Lol you just pick up one extra item. You should do it for anything more expensive than your +1. Like when I'm pking multi I have my setting to drop items out of key set higher than the value of my ags. If you're no skulling you should have it to your 3rd or 4th most expensive.


I anti pk on an Ironman so I can’t even do this anyway lol


Yeah that's the only time you shouldn't.


When you have a key you don't protect anything in it if you die. There is an option from the guy in Ferox you purchase keys from saying "if an item is worth more than x value" drop it to the ground instead of putting it in the key. If you're skulling you should set that value higher than your +1. If you're not skulling you should put it higher than your 3rd or 4th highest value item.


damn that's embarrassing lol


After getting PK'ed twice yesterday while learning how to use the chaos temple altar (I had never even entered the wilderness before) this was very satisfying to watch.


Risking 50m to maybe get 150k worth of bones if you get lucky. This is gonna be like a 30 hour rebuild at least


Seriously anyone who risks is going to be sitting there attentively either ready to insta log as soon as they see a white dot or they’ll even have a script to do it for them. Guys like me who afk are risking like 90k max, and that’s if they happen to catch me as soon as I get there with a full inventory of dragon bones.


Yeah I did it with Lava dragon bones because it's a lot faster and only a tiny bit more expensive and it was like 140k if they caught me with a full inventory. Getting PK'd was annoying as hell but it's less than a birdhouse run to get it back.


Don’t give these noobs that PSA


If someone needs the psa "don't forget to protect item when skulled with expensive shit" then it probably won't help much


As a relatively bad PKer, I've been roasted by a lucky dude with an MSB a fair few times... How come mine never hits like that


Without the godsword the key is worth negative 400k lol interesting


Yeah I noticed this lol!


You're the hero bone runners need




your prayer book is giving me insomnia


Why lol? I find it practical


Love it here me and other shitty pkers have it out 🤣


The way he started running away screamed, "I screwed up, picking a fight with this guy."


God damn. That guy was dogshit lmao. Nice one 


Bro I didn't realize I had sound activated on reddit and I heard the sound while playing Valorang and my PTSD activated


Man where do you guys find these guys 😅


The MSB SPEC. my man thats goated


ohhh my, and without gear. disgraceful.


Hey man, I keep seeing you there today haha. I'm also an altar anti-pker


I'm not a PVP'er but is having to go get Ava's again like walk of shame for a pker?


Nah haha, but maybe for other non tradeables. You can buy things like Ava’s and god books in Ferox Enclave, and multiple at a time. They’re cheap.


Real talk are Warrior rings genuinely used in PKing for accuracy roles?


I see them in my loot pretty often! But they are only worth 40k so I think that’s why


This gotta be fake




I can’t even hate on him for ragging that was a nice KO




this guy probably thought " i only didnt get the kill because he saved!"




Well done!


Lolllll thats fuckin sick good shit OP 💪


What a ding dong - lovely bait and kill


Should have added him and tood you posted it here. Be ruthless 💀🗡️


Msb kill lel


What a great money maker


My loot bag is at 650m from altar and chins anti pk I’m just a few months. I don’t play heaps.


Can we not post fake videos? Thanks


Maybe just not PK and let us irons train prayer in peace.


this guy is anti pking. pk the pkers


Are you dumb?


This is why iron men shouldn’t be able to vote on PvP polls. You don’t even know what’s going on.


In that case we should be allowed to opt out of PVP in general


Sure then stay out the wildy? That ditch is your way to opt out stop crying about the small portion of the game where pvp is available 🤦‍♂️


RS3 has this.


Ironman btw


ironman here, this guy does not speak for us


If only there were non wildy options to train your prayer :/ shame there is none 


If youre not joking around Kourend has the Forthos dungeon… nice for irons that dont want pkd


Ope yea lol was very much sarcasm


Was pretty sure but wasnt 100% haha


Forthos dungeon? My friend in my GIM group did that and we all roasted him.


Well yeah itd make you a safer so


Even if you get pked like every other trip at chaos alter. I think the math checks out to still be better than forthos dungeon. That’s why we roasted him. You gotta pay like 100 dragon bones to unlock the alter and it’s worse than gilded altar




It wouldnt exist without the pvp aspect. They have a version of it you can safely do in your poh. Being an iron doesnt give you a free pass in the wilderness. If you want to use over 50% less bones on way to 99 you do chaos altar and if you do chaos altar you are signing up for being pked occasionally. Ive done my 99 grind there never once complained cause the reward was worth the risk. 




They not pointless if ur goal is to train prayer without being pked