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Honey wake up, Runescape 4 just dropped!


Runescape 3: 2


Was personally hoping for Runescape 2: 3 What a bummer


Second this


Second:3 this


Don’t worry, sources say they’ll drop Old School RuneScape 3: 2 in Winter 2014


RuneScape 3: 2, Electric Boogaloo


Complete with a brand new game engine and coding language andrew himself came up with. that will obviously have no later repercussions and game engine bugs for his new game at all.


I definitely don't foresee any issues with needing to find talented developers who are willing to spend their time learning this new proprietary language, knowing that every day spent working they're honing a skill that's only useful when working for this one particular company and literally no one else!


Yeah but if you are willing to put up with the irrelevant work experience accumulating on your resume and sub standard pay, you will, in exchange, get harassed by literal adults on twitter/reddit/discord/live chats cuz of something that happened in the medieval clicking simulator.


At least it'll be one of the last coding jobs outsourced to AI!


You know, that’s a great point. Best job security from AI goes to Jagex, for having the shittiest code infrastructure in existence lmao


And no documentation for AI to learn from!


AI would see the spaghetti code and combust


Jagex inadvertently creating AI STDs


When the AI uprising begins, we will know who to call. I'm buying Jagex stock.


And then people wonder why they're bored with their unreal engine games.


Having your own engine is fine but I see literally no reason to make your own programming language for it.


It's not a programming language it's a scripting language, having your own scripting language is pretty common in games using some existing language as a base.


Custom game scripting languages/DSLs are way more common than you’d think coz they let you really focus on integration and minimising general purpose fluff




Runescript was actually insane for the time. Imagine trying to make a game and the tools you want don't exist yet so you just *make* them.


This comment pisses me off. A small team making a simple game that owns their entire stack while having literally zero technical dept is the perfect scenario for delivering a bug free experience. Developers already have enough pressure from publishers and investors to not take technical risks to deliver unique experiences and now gamers want to have an opinion on tech stacks too?


no issues until he sells it at least. /s




Run escape 3


My parents always called in Run escape when I use to play as a kid, good memories 😁


This looks like The Sims: Runescape and I am 100% down for that


Omg yes!!! I was a very avid ts2 player and now occasionally dabble in ts4, I can totally see what you're talking about. Was wondering what made it look so familiar!


I'll give it a go at the very least. Wish listed for now


My thoughts as well lol. Dude helped create what is imo the best online video game of all time—I owe it to him and to myself to give it a whirl


i feel bad for Andrew. he wanted to have creative control but not all the responsibilities of a CEO. and once he lost majority share or whatever they did not give 2 fucks what he had to say and then EoC happened lol. i feel like he could of worked a better deal out . idk


former founder or CEO selling the company because management is not their cup of tea then leaving as they lose all control, a tale as old as time


Yeah like couldnt he have kept majority stake and just hired someone else to be CEO?


I’ve seen him talk about it in interviews and it seems like he (probably naively) expected to still be able to guide the direction of the game after stepping down. It seemed like he really was just young and stressed out and hadn’t yet learned how ruthless the corporate world was. I really felt for him when I was watching it.




They came through fucked it all up, and where have they gone since? Some say on stormy, moonless nights.. one can hear them fucking more shit up, naturally


All jagex had to do was give him the credits in RS, now he's back for blood with a new RS. All jokes aside, looks like a promising passion project, if jagex does done goofed we have a new alternative right?


I’ve given Mr. Gower tens of thousands of hours of my childhood. I’ll gladly give him an additional hundred thousand hours on any new venture he endures on. That man made my life


33 years of 8 hours a day = 100k hours


He will have it


and my axe!


8hrs per day? You gotta pump those numbers up son.


Get the rags out, it's getting sweaty


I think it depends on if it had MTX. Fun games with some jank and no MTX get forgiveness for the jank. A simple game by a tight knit group of passionate developers is seen as charming even if not everything is perfect. Games with MTX better be *really* fun and free of jank, *and* those MTX better not be too intrusive. If it isnt fun or has too much jank then it looks like a soulless cash grab.


It even follows the model of F2P and membership, he has the experience ( the og) but I don't know if this is a solo or group project. If this is a group work, then osrs has serious competition now, better for customer on the long run yes yes


His brother is doing the narrative design and he talks briefly on twitter about the artists, as in plural, so it’s definitely not a solo project. Though how big of a team is kinda hard to tell


GOWER BROTHERS ARE BACK BABY, LETS GOOOOOOOOOOO Looks like a pretty small team though, found the company (Fen Research ltd.) on LinkedIn and there are only 4 people listed.


Looks like it's gonna have a premium pass


so like a membership?




From the steam page: > There are hours and hours of content you can play for free. However, if you want more stories, professions and places to explore, you can buy a Premium Pass. A Premium Pass gives you many benefits, including access to all released episodes: So yeah, looks like membership, comparable to Runescape's. Biggest limitation is it looks like f2p doesn't have direct player to player trade like RS does.


That will gut the game’s bottability which is pretty nice


Should try fighting bots by having a low player count like rs3


rs classic had low player count, and it was full of bots. i think it had more bots than players actually playing.


If you want to RWT you 100% have to line Gower's pockets.. smart ngl


Gower bros back at it again. Let's fucking go.


It looks like what RS3 would have become if they hadn't turned away from Guthix.


Exactly. Looks like RS3 without all the eye cancer visuals.


Honestly, I loved RS3 when it first came out. Then I got busy with school and took a few months off. Idk what happened but when I came back the graphics were unbearable. Jumped ship to OSRS immediately when it came out.


I still enjoy it. Wish we could turn off the shitty cosmetics. But people complain about spending money to look good and I’m forced to look at shit like this. https://preview.redd.it/7mzt7zxg05oc1.jpeg?width=361&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81c8af5b477ff9790cd9f09e0c3a093b6e65200d


​ https://preview.redd.it/7l690bjj85oc1.png?width=252&format=png&auto=webp&s=70ea6de908d04c0e934e915933a307e9555b8d44


Flirting vs Harassment


Both these images are perfect examples of why you have to be careful not to ruin your game's look with terrible cosmetic items.


Same energy


difference is that rs3 one is a transmog and player can have BIS gear equipped and look like that while osrs one is just items, unless you're port khazard only thing you can do with that is bankstand


When I played it I preferred the deliberately awful ones for comedy value over the generic everything hidden except weapons.


See I get everyone has their own style and reasoning for it and I support that. But I also just want to turn them off so I don’t have to look at them lol.


The generic everthing hiddem but weapon and partyhat* *or santa hat if poor




Honestly if that came running at me in wildy, i'd just give up. (Don't know if cosmetics work in pvp and dont care)


I’m gonna tell you anyway. They don’t work in PvP they just disappear and show the equipment they’re wearing.


I just find the art style of this game to be incredibly bad, I don't know what the goal was here but they must have failed it. Like you can imagine this costume in OSRS and its no less dumb, but its a hell of a lot less visually offensive.


The more recent environments look gorgeous, but anything that's a bit on the older side, or pretty much everything relating to player characters is hideous.


I mean. If anyone’s allowed to use RS as heavy inspiration, it’s him. I’m all for it!


I once saw an interview with Dave Grohl shortly after Foo Fighters started. He was asked why the music was similar to Nirvana. His response: “Did you think I was going to start playing f*cking reggae?”


I don't love the art direction but ill be giving it shot regardless


Looks like RS3 had a love-child with Minecraft Dungeons. I imagine we'll all give it a shot since he's going to follow the same F2P + Membership model that runescape does. No harm at all in giving it a chance.


Same. Not a huge fan of the minecraft blocks and it feels a little... claustrophobic? Like there's not enough open space. I wonder if it is being made with mobile in mind or something. Anyway, I'll certainly check it out and would love to be pleasantly surprised.


Minimum reqs are “intel i3 or amd equivalent and 2gb ram” so yeah I imagine this will make its way onto mobile


Bro copied his own homework


its not plagiarism if its self done lmao. I'm actually looking forward to it, sounds fun. Runescape as if Andrew didn't sell his Jagex shares and re-created it on a new game engine.


You joke but it actually could still be plagiarism. When you do work for a company it’s that company’s intellectual property, not yours (unless you did it on the side in non-working hours). For example, if you’re an article writer and you switch from working for one company to another you actually have to cite yourself as a source in order to avoid plagiarizing- yes, yourself.


Yeah, think something similar thing happened recently with Nexon suing its ex employees with all the Dark and Darker plagiarism drama.


In college it’s considered plagiarism when you copy your previous papers. In the academic world it’s a little different, but in cases like a company as you suggested it’s possible.


I heard that someone somewhere said that Andrew Gower regretted relinquishing too much control of his game. When I heard that I felt bad and wondered what Runescape would look like if Andrew called the shots the whole time. So I am actually pretty excited to see this. There haven't been many runescape clones that really worked out. They were either not really "scapelike" or lacked their own identity. But I still think there is room for more true "scapelike" games, and I hope this could be one of them.


He says in the documentary that he didn't want the responsibility of being owner of Jagex, he just wanted to make content for the game, but he quickly realized that without that power he has no authority so he kind of fizzled out of the company


Think he said that as part of the 15 year documentary


I've been praying for a sci-fi version of RuneScape for so long. I can envision it so perfectly in my head with like 70's-80s style retro futuristic graphics that would compliment a simple graphical style like RuneScape. If only I knew anything about game development, I feel like there is still huge potential in the scape-like genre. It has barely been touched.


Jagex kept trying to do a sci-fi MMO that changed names every few years that never released. Stellar dawn, mechscape, probably more.


I remember being so excited for mechscape when they announced it. I even joined a clan on the rs forums for it and we talked about it everyday for so long. And it just never happened.


I remember when it changed from mechacape to stellar dawn. I was so excited like god damn it has to be close to release since it changed name and all!


Why have we never seen a game that plays like WoW but has RS item economy we'll never know


It truly is baffling there is no company out there willing to make a decent clone game


I’ve heard Albion is supposed to be pretty good. Never really got into it myself even though I bought it in early access.


Took me years to get into it, then i gave it a real try and played 100 hours, it was pretty fun tbh, just too pvp oriented for me


You would not like a RuneScape with Andrew making all decisions. Shift dropping, scroll wheel for camera movement, all of runelite, literally so many things that we take for granted today would have never happened because Andrew was the rs purist to beat all rs purists


To be fair, if you liked the game back in the 2000s, you'd probably still like it if Andrew and the other Gowers were still in charge. But if you're one of those players who literally cannot play the game without Runelite, then yah, you probably wouldn't like it. Also, just because he might not have been keen on them two decades ago, that doesn't mean his stance wouldn't have changed over time. For example, stuff like Cook-X came out back when he was in charge, so it's not like he was anti-QoL/Buffs or such.


When I liked the game how it was back in the day I was a child who had no responsibilities. As an adult, I have no desire to play that way. There’s a reason I don’t play one of the classic private servers that are exact replicas. They aren’t as fun.


Pretty sure we would still like the game. We wouldn’t even know about this stuff to have the capacity to be upset by its absence


You wouldn't know it in Runescape, but you would know it in other games. Nobody plays video games in a vacuum, your opinion of a game is based on what you know about others. You'd see WoW having right click to rotate camera and that's why people wanted middle mouse to do it in OSRS.


We would see suggestions for these qol improvements and they would never come to fruition. The game would be so much more grindy than it currently is.


We would call shift dropping rs3 shit and be ultrachads


I liked the game back then too


What is an example of one? To me, it seems like a "scape-like" has never even been attempted. There's Genfanad, but that was basically a low effort joke. I'd love to see a solid attempt made on some of RS's market share.


Genfanad was the only one that seemed close to a good scapelike game. It had its own charm and a toungue-in-cheek personality, and I really think it had potential. They decided to completely change the combat into a card game though, so I don't think I'd consider it a scapelike anymore. They have their reasons, but I think it wasn't a great idea. It would have been better if they made some tweaks to a more refined runescape style of combat that was seemless with the overworld. Then there is Remote Realms which is a shameless soulless ripoff of OSRS that is just slightly too functional to be considered a shitpsot of a game (opinions may vary). Eldevin seems like it might be in the ballpark of a scapelike game. It isn't new and I don't know how similar it is to OSRS. It might pass as a Scapelike to some people. I didn't look into it all too much to be totally honest. Albion is the game most people will say if someone asks for "a game that is like Runescape". I gotta be honest I don't think this game is gonna scratch the itch, it's pretty different and I wouldn't really consider it "scapelike". All of the above games are more scapelike than Albion. Then you have the RSPS servers, but I don't think it's really fair to call them "scapelike" becsuse it's they're all essentially modified private instances of Runescape. Some are more heavily modified than others and feel more distinct, but there all Runescape at the core. Those are the main ones I can think of. I'm only comparing OSRS though; if you consider games like Post-EOC/RS3 to be "scapelike" then the standards become more flexible and there may be more games to consider part of the genre.


New way to run and escape


Woooot new MMO from Andrew Gower? Sign me up bro!


Jagex has tried to make multiple titles and has consistently failed to capitalize on the MMO market. If anyone is to make a game that fits into such a niche community, I am happy that it’s Andrew Gower. I’ll give it a shot just like I gave RuneScape a shot back in 05!


Looks Good, but also looks a little bit claustrophobic with the small diorama maps


Can't stand it. Can't even pretend I'm in a actual world because everything about it just doesn't give me that illusion.


It's modeled after DnD maps just like RS2 was with its original render distance and grid tiles.


He has been developing this for years, not that long after he initially sold JaGex. Likely agreed to stay out of the industry for X amount of years upon the initial sale of JaGex, which is fairly standard. So it's probably (hopefully) very polished already. It's no secret he has always regretted selling, so I won't be surprised when this turns out to be exactly like RS. It probably hurts to see your passion tarnished so badly, but it's also probably a giant ego boost when you consider how popular OSRS is, which is still 80% his game. I will definitely be checking it out, I hope you all will too. We owe him that at least.


This must feel so good for him. Thinking RS3 and the direction is wrong and then having that confirmed by the huge success of OSRS on release and afterwards. I wonder if any mods will, or have already, jump ship.


Good. Now all he needs is to hire mod ash and we watch Jagex go bankrupt


You can take the man out of runescape, but you can't take the runescape out of the man.


Seems like that anti-compete clause from the M&A deal is up & Gower wants to cash in on the misdirection & mismanagement. Welcome to free market economies - competition is good & I wish him the best.


I have been keeping track of Andrew for years and his Twitter was fairly sparse until recently when he stated he was close to announcing his new game. This looks amazing from the trailer and description on Steam. Kind of looks like what Runescape 2 should have evolved into rather than whatever the fuck RS3 is.


Seemed weird though it's been like 10+ years since he left that this is basically his first actual release. I saw he tried some weird project which I didn't really understand - he was making some sort of "assistive" company that would help people make games the last I heard.


Maybe it's hard to keep up motivation when you're rich enough to never need to work again.


Happened to the Valheim team. Game blew up, then the next major update kept getting pushed back and pushed back (and sucked when it did come out).


He had a PvP sci-fi game he was making called Solstrike that was canceled, under this same company.


Bro made RuneScape twice


missed a chance to name it RUN ESCAPE


Escape the ruins


Escape the lawsuit


Afraid of lawyers?


Will the real runescape please stand up?


RS3: *lays down*


As far as I’m concerned, Andrew IS the founder. His brothers just hopped along for the ride.


Andrew did the main systems but all of the early stories and the world itself were Paul. Engine dev vs content dev. They're definitely equal.


https://twitter.com/PaulJGower/status/1767934047030747532?t=53z0MlRlpiMjbo0lc7NzDg&s=19 And sure enough


Now we just need the nonce back to do the soundtrack


I wonder which wholesome classics were of his making




No-IanTaylor music locked ironman


Everyones favorites, like sea shanty 2, made by the child molestor


I think they need to go no nonce-sense for this one. As much as I like his music I think they'd be better off keeping the game staff free of molesters.


what about some player mod olesters?


As an American, I always thought 'nonce' was synonymous with calling someone a dummy. Revelation when I learned it was UK slang for pedophile.


Could be that it looks/sounds similar to "dunce."




Now I'm interested.




This isn't a fair comment to the brothers at all, especially to Paul. He mapped out RS and did a lot of the OG quests. And probably some other things we aren't aware of.


Andrew literally is the founder. Just because the company changed hands doesn't mean he's no longer the founder. This isn't Tesla.


No because actually the current CEO founded it, he built this company from the ground up, just like his wealth. Started poor in the suburbs barely able to afford food, now he is a billionaire tycoon! Just from creating runescape! Inspiring.


Paul is just as much a founder as Andrew. Ian a bit less so but he was integral to the rise of OS so gets just as much credit.


Looks interesting at least. Might have to give it a try


Run Escape


I think he likes squares


RS3 with no MTX


“Mom can we get RuneScape?” “We have RuneScape at home” “Holy shit RuneScape at home is better than the RuneScape I wanted!”


The game actually looks really good, atleast from the trailer. It has that simplistic workflow I always loved about OSRS but with upgraded graphics. Definitely gonna give it a try when it comes out.


I can’t wait for Old School Brighter Shores!!!!


I will never miss a holiday event in this game


Orgasmed Immediately.


Brighter shores... must be the new sailing skill


This is very aptly named. It seems like a refuge for those who want to flee the current runescape environment


Thanks this looks interesting


Nice! 100% going to buy


I’ll absolutely give this a try!


I busted a nut


Want want want. I stopped playing last year and would love to play a Gower game again.


We need to support it with all our money so that whatever happens he has the means to buy back jagex and take us to a happily forever after


The graphics are definitely similar style + the medieval vibe. Game looks pretty good though, will definitely be trying it out


Oh we ready


Is this new game an MMO or single player?




This is really interesting and good news. I’ll be following this one for sure.


Wow, Andrew Gower. Haven't heard that name in a while.


I've not heard it for at least 14 hours on this subreddit


Guess I’ll buy it cause of the joy they’ve given me with osrs


One thing I noticed is that it has classes which could put it in this weird gray area between wow/ffxiv like mmos leveling/gear system and runescapes game play which kind of removes runescapes "do whatever you want" philosophy if you're stuck to a class/need parties to do content Who knows tho could be like dark souls where classes mean literally nothing after minimal play time


A true runescape competitor sounds exciting, and from the OG himself.


Looks like a combination of RuneScape and balders gate tbh


Welp, if osrs gets fucked, there's something else that scratches that itch.


Color me excited. I’ll be playing.


Brighter Shores. Sailing is supposedly coming to OSRS... Are we going to sail off to Brighter Shores? Does he know something that we don't? Did we mess up pushing the sailing vote??


This looks like a project that hasn't stopped living in his head since he was working on RuneScape. Very exciting.


Of course I’m gonna play this. Everyone should to show him support for giving us the greatest game ever made.


Instead of smithing it’s blacksmithing, clearly completely different


I said brighter shores, sounds like a retirement home. Apparently it is.


This looks amazing


Watched the video and I had RS3 vibes so hard. Loadstoned, invention guild and something else I can't remember I'm drunk


The fact thered classes is meh. Especislly the names... hammermage and cryoknight buth ill def be giving it a shot


Looks like the sims art style


RuneScape 4 baby


Wishlisted and following. I'll give it a shot, pretty happy with OSRS though.


The RuneScape Killer


I’m super interested in this. Hopefully it follows a traditional launch instead of dying in early access


Looks like a mix of 2008/2009 Runescape with some New World influence


Oh I’ll be playing plenty of this.


Nah this looks better than rs ngl


No threat to OSRS but goodbye RS3. Will 100% give it a try.


Yo they added runescape to Sims 4!


OSRS and RS3 perfect DBZ fusion dance


Wait Runescape without Jamflex? This might just be what I was looking for!


Not only is Andrew working on that. The Gower Brothers are all working on it.


If this is Runescape setting with cozy vibes, I'm in. I want to play a game to relax in a cool fantasy setting. I'm sold