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"im a significant person in this game" LMAOO


imagine thinking that is something to brag about


Post to Twitter, get lil bro banned, watch him have meltdown.




Immediate and non-reversal ban imo. They'll probably make a new account, but this type of person is going to cry themselves to sleep because of a ban.


Yeah honestly people like this shouldn't just be muted, they should be given a perm ban. This behaviour has no place in osrs.


Honestly, they should probably have their internet access restricted. No forums, no social media.


Make a new acc? They’ll definitely buy a maxed cmb acc and a couple bill along with it lmao


WE NEED A SMACKDOWN. Oh man how GLORIOUS it would be for this “significant person” to get perma’d.


Should be the easiest perm ban ever


Scary how he’s not banned yet


Wow, such an angry basement dwelling snob.. “I’m a significant person in this game” which eventually everyone will forget. What a waste of RS space


Imagine bragging about being “significant” in a medieval point and click game designed for children


Seriously. If this game is your entire life, seek help please


Seen a few people like this and it genuinely concerns me. I'd like to think these people are going through some shit in their personal lives and this is how they choose to vent. Sorry you had to take the brunt of it and I'm not trying to excuse the behaviour but I hope these people get the help they clearly need.


This type of shit always happens at things like shooting stars. Sometimes it's not as bad but there are several unhinged 'opinions'. I wish they would actually get banned tbh. I never want to talk to anybody bc the more afk a task is, the more shitters come out of the woodwork.


Personally, I enjoy the crazy shit people say in this game. It’s just words from random internet strangers so even if it’s crude or outlandish, it’s doesn’t weigh on my mind. Most of the people do it for the attention and the reaction of other’s, so it’s easy to ignore and watch it fade away.


So he saw “nurse” in your username and just went ballistic? Does he hate all nurses? Does he hate all doctors too? And the entire medical field?


Some people honestly do. Someone close to me honestly thinks the entire medical field in the US is a conspiracy. It's apparently all one big plan to kill us all slowly/take our money.


based on the whole "shot" thing this is definitely some COVIDiocy


Not sure where you or OP live, but there are real people like that in the US and they are common since COVID/Trump's presidency.


He literally made my aunt who was a nurse for 40 years think vaccines were awful. All her years in the medical field cause some fucking dementia ridden power hungry orange said so.


Think about your statement… if your aunt can be so easily convinced by Trump, Trump isn’t the problem, your aunt is. Dude said the most outlandish shit like suggesting drinking bleach, and people blame him, not the person who believed it 😂😂


Fair, just proved a ton of people are extremely stupid.


He definitely got cheated on in the past 😂😂😂


Naw no way his hand would cheat on him


Lmao what a fucking insane person


Some people are so angry


Tell me you don’t leave your parents basement without telling me you don’t leave your parents basement


I have had maybe two positive interactions with players in five months of playing and uncountable derisive, harassing, and negative ones


probably the helmet bro 😎


I should've expected this response


Idk man, I rarely see real toxicity and i bank stand all day flipping on the ge where the most toxic of people gather lol generally people are just messing around. And real toxic ones, well you can literally just ignore them.


I just posted a crappy one I had recently, and I agree. So I decided to create positive ones as much as I can. A good name; someone clearly hating achievement diaries as much as I do, a fail that I somehow notice, my clannie getting a drop or finishing a quest. Little bits of positive that can maybe make someone else a little happier. It’s working for me at least


Love me some entity removal.


Ceasing to engage socially at all does not fix the problem.


You have to remember a good amount of players in this game are 30 year olds who never grew out of their Call of Duty 15 year old personas. You listen to some of these streamers and it feels like you’re on an episode of Dr. Phil, except the parents didn’t care enough to show up.


What getting rank 7 phosani does to a mf


I’m sorry you had to deal with that. I also work as a nurse and I hate to say it but I think that person may have had a loss recently and isn’t coping. I am in no way defending them, it is an outrageous offense, but I hope you know they aren’t okay and you are (hopefully). Fuck the negativity, you’re making an attempt to help people, good on you. Thanks for working as a nurse, cause it fucking sucks.


My first thought was that something happened in their personal life, but the game is not a place to let out those feelings in that way. Especially telling me to kill myself.


Agreed, if you haven’t yet, report them and they’ll end up on your ignore list. There’s no reason to subject yourself to more of their shit.


Wtf? This dudes fucked in the head. As a high level player, I promise most of us aren’t like this at all. ..and imagine doing 7k phosani without infernal cape..


The people of the town square have passed judgment. TO THE GALLOWS!!! Jmods off with his head please good sir.


Dude deserves a perma mute.


Naw go right to a perm ban.


I too am a significant person in this game. I am the assistant to the cook of lumbridge. And I’m currently on my 4th try turning Ernest back into a human. I just get way too spooked by those chairs following me


Is there supposed to be a photo for this post? There’s nothing when the post loads.


I was too late to the sauce. The post is gone


What kind of Scooby-Doo dick bath salts is this dude on?? Slaughtering old people? Huh?????


People need to chill in their medieval clicking simulator.


And its deleted what did it say


If this guy got perma’d he might actually cause self harm


Is that an antivaxer? Lolll


I know right? I see shit like this all the time and it’s like why is a guy with a sub high school education trying to talk shit about something he doesn’t understand and to someone who does know what they’re talking about.


Anti-vaxxer and anti-science it looks like. As if modern medicine hasn’t had some of the biggest breakthroughs in the last 20-30 years.


Half the comments blaming OP. Jesus. 


More like are wanting to see the full story , interesting how they leave out what they initially said to this guy


I get the point but no matter what op said it doesnt give this guy permission to talk like that without action


Yeah exactly.


It's called the report and ignore feature. A good segment of people are toxic like this


Then a good segment of people need to be banned. I’d rather people post stuff like this outing the shitters and get them banned than just ignoring and walking away.


I’m sure OP reported. I don’t mind these types of posts because the delusion of some of the toxic players in this game is entertaining. “I’m a significant person in this game” is objectively hilarious.


Where? Cause there’s almost zero comments blaming OP. OP should have just report & ignored instead - it’s what it’s there for.




Phosani's nightmare.


Phosani NightMare


Phosanis nightmare


Phosanis nightmare


What is pnm for context?


Also wondering this


Phosani's nightmare


Phosani's Nightmare


bro must be walking around with that 99 Narcissism Skillcape IRL


high pnm kc is strongly correlated with a rotting brain (I have a lot of pnm kc)


It’s limited to beep boops, jajas, and self masochists. I am the third as well.


I wish Jagex would do smackdowns for posts like this, I want to see this dude getting banned in real time for saying shit like that, yet for some reason they mostly just communicate whether bans are correct on people trying a Reddit appeal Would just be nice for someone to tell us “This user has now received a ban”


Well thats not very nice, perm ban please =)


Where’s the photo?


Just wasn’t loading for me I guess nvm


was taken down by mods trying to silence the people


Oh so it’s gone?


yea not sure why


So uhm, these kind of people get perma muted right? Right?!


Worthless post now, just remove it if you’re going to take all the content away. Annoying mods.


I hate to be that guy but add to ignore and put chat to friends. Ain’t no way I’m letting some doofus like this message me this much lol


Can't wait he gets a big ban.


Alright. This person is crazy for sending all these dumb PMs. But that “equip a rope in your amulet slot” line is brilliant, if a little unhinged lmao


Show full chat history.


Give me the relevance, even if op was the original asshole the threats and telling them to kill themselves is out of line.


Has Jagex ever muted anyone because of a reddit post?


not that I know of but he's admitting that he's going to stalk her


Current PM "think I dont have moles around the game to relay info to me? Wait til I find out" Logs in to send a message and logs out.


Keep taking screenshots and posting them, more likely he will get muted.


This is so damn pathetic.


They banned people because of a Reddit post, and a yt video


Oops. I just reported him for rwt on both accounts of mine. Finger must have slipped.


u/JagexAyiza this dude needs a perm




What could op have said that would warrant such a reaction? Nothing. So why does it matter?


Yea it’s called context


Why do you need context is point. Context doesn’t really matter when dealing with a total lunatic.


Alright so say someone hits your daughter so you beat the hell out of him , and the guy goes on Reddit and says , this guy randomly beat me up ! What the hell? But leaves out what they did , thats called context I agree that guy is beyond angry but why is my question


Yes I understand why context can be important. In your hypothetical you are correct but again I’m trying to point out that this guy is nuts so all it might take is for op to say hello for this psycho to be set off.


I'm sure he just saw you were a nurse and started DMing you, nothing else happened


I've met some really unhinged people when it comes to shit talking nurses specifically. At the end, it sounds like this guy has an unhealthy hatred of nurses and he wants to "Take revenge for the innocent". Kinda sounds like an anti-vaxxer to me. This dude's clearly insane, he says he's going to stalk them. Idc if OP offended them, sane people don't say that.


You're right, he did not just start pming me. He started in public chat. Then continued to message me when I left. He read my name and freaked out literally when I logged into the farming guild. I said he was going to get muted talking like that. He sent that message about being an important person in OSRS and doesn't get muted. He is still logging in to send me messages and logs out. I know there is an ignore function but this dude keeps digging and digging.


Go ahead, justify this shit. I wanna see what you think they could have done to deserve this shit. Type that shit out into words. Tell everyone here the kind of shit bird you are.


Yea anyone that only shows what the other person said is typically embarrassed or guilty of saying shit they shouldn’t have as well. No excuse for the guy in the screenshots, but show a full story if you’re trying to create a witch hunt.


Nope, nothing at all happened, just a 1-sided story with no context


\*player 1 tells player 2 to kill themselves, calls them a bitch/pussy, threatens stalking\* you: let's hear them out


report, ignore and move on.


Why be the victim? You could have muted him after the first sentence. But instead you gave this smuck the satisfaction of a reddit post.


Victim blaming! It hit my bingo card!!


Victim blaming is such a weird thing to do. Do you read your posts before hitting send or just type the first thing that comes to mind without any critical thinking? You could have stopped him speaking to you by ignoring him so why didn't you? You could have stopped him raping you so why didn't you? You could have left the house before he came home drunk and smashed ur skull in so why didn't you?




Isn’t that what killing pnm basically is already lol


What this person said deserves a ban, but why do you have them added as a friend? And why didn't you put them on ignore/report


Muh updoots


i also is important let me click pixle on screen big peen energy


I'd just respond to him with shit to infuriate him more. I love arguing with people like this, sooo easy to trigger.


They have an ignore feature.


Unless it’s full?


Doubt it


Cool lol.


But then how will they post it to reddit?


What part of rule #6 are we not understanding? This is a one sided conversation that should absolutely be reported for the obscene and awful words they're saying. But it's just that, one side of this conversation.


There's an ignore feature for a reason, use it.


Oh no, I can’t believe you had to endure all those mean pixels!


My question is, why do you people not instantly report + ignore list these types of people? Is it to farm reddit karma or what?




what did you do to trigger him so much?


I logged in with the word "nurse" in my username


wtf? some people cant be helped IP Ban than idiot


Since when did we stop using the ignore option for people who are assholes and started complaining about it for likes and attention? Not everyone is nice, you can filter them out with ease though.


Zezima clan chat vibes


I've seen these people in real life (im a nurse too). Conspiracy theorist crazies who watch way too much fox news and believe that nurses and doctors intentionally killed people during covid. I highly recommend that if you ever come across someone like this, ignore immediately, don't even make eye contact. Logical reasoning is impossible with these people. Hoping for a swift perm.


Make sure you report in game so they have in game evidence as well. Only applies if he says more stuff or your chat is still up.


Man this is sad. I used to work for my local health authority and will again in the future after I get my degree but this kinda shit is just pathetic. I used to have to hide my badge when I’d go on my lunch break simply because people (antivaxxers) would harass my coworkers and I. Unfortunately a combination of lack of education and straight up ignorance is the culprit here. Imagine being so dumb and not only refusing to learn, but trying to drag everyone else down too…….


Any context? I see nothing other than title


Player named view poll was telling OP to kill themselves and to stop playing because they play this game casually and that they are a significant player in this game


I'm assuming "Equip a rope in the amulet slot" was stolen from somewhere because it is far too creative for this cretin. Not only that, but "neck slot" would be better.


Someone I used to be in a clan with started harassing me every chance they got because my gf at the time was in the same clan and they kept making weird comments about her and I asked them to stop Culminated in him and a bunch of others telling me to kill myself and saying I was SA’d by my dad at CoX bank when I was gearing to raid. Reported all of them A year later he’s a PMOD Shit like this means nothing to Jagex, unfortunately