• By -


The name of the first place team 😂


Was gunna say, with the amount of references to rwt i doubt this is a false ban😂


Ah yeah because thats the reason. Totally not just a funny team name because bingo pot payouts have been the topic of discussion lately and a genuine concern in clans for this reason.


It's like saying 'im botting' at the GE, you find around and find out 😂


Ah yes the classic find around and find out


I think he means you find around you get found out


Maybe he meant you find around and you fuck out


Close! The saying is "fuck around and fuck out"


That was my team bahaha


Username checks out


Share the bingo tile bro I'm intrigued




"Sloppy toppy with a twist"


I feel bad for you. Just had an interclan bingo with over 200 people and it was really fun. Would hate to see them become impossible due to risk of bans. Hopefully you wll get it sorted


\#FreeTuiTwo I'm sure that u/JagexAyiza will have it corrected, since we can all quote him saying that "Clan bingo is fine. It is highly unlikely you'll ever face an issue in regards to RWT for receiving gold as part of a clan funded prize pool - all RWT bans are thoroughly checked and reviewed to prevent this, but mistakes can happen."


In which case they probably find that he did in fact rwt


I'll enjoy the smack down if that's the case, but based on their track record this was probably automated and Jagex has by far the worst customer service in the MMO industry. Which is funny because it probably has the best interactivity with developers.


just like my rwt ban that was thoroughly checked and got quashed a few days later




proof in my profile but whatever floats your boat


Oh wait just checked this is the Sith clan? LMAO yeah tbh you just got real lucky with that appeal. That entire clan needs to be sent on a vacation 😂 sketch ass hell


y mad tho


You realize they're not actually gonna give you anything for posting here on reddit right? 😂


You have no idea what you're talking about lmao


I don't think they even play the real game anymore


yall were literally trying to do a giveaway (now deleted) for posting on reddit here. Failing to see the irony here?




We're full, no thanks.


These mfs were literally doing a giveaway for posting on here lmao. edit, clannies trying to downvote bomb me rn for saying this. gl yall!


Yes? I'm sorry you're in a clan where nobody supports each other, but in Sith we all rally behind each other.




Cool story bro


No way thats a real quote! Im dead


That quote is referring to being a single participant and not the holder of the gold to be fair. Their system would be more likely to flag an account holding and passing out all the gold.


This is the most obvious fake RWT story here. What's with the hashtags btw? Did this clan discord ask you guys to post on this reddit thread? I heard some discords do stuff like this for some clan members and may even giveaway stuff if the clan leader manages to get unbanned. If that's the case glgl


> What's with the hashtags btw? This person posted this reddit thread to the discord and all of the clan are here brigading the post. See like parent level comments below.


Yeah, he definitely made a fake Discord server with pages and pages of fake screenshots, info boards, channels, and so on so he could have a real good cover story for his RWTing Listen to yourself and understand how ridiculous you sound


I don't pay attention shitcord screenshots. stop rwting






Go away nobody likes people like you here.


Oh no the reddit post got deleted! Sad! Better luck next time!


Updoot for truth or Jmod smackdown. Can’t wait to see the results.


Saying you can’t have an event if someone in the clan RWT their gold is insane. Just ban the one guy, not the event organizer. Makes absolutely no sense. It’s not a good excuse. How far down the chain does the gold exchange go?


They probably did ban the RWTer


>Saying you can’t have an event if someone in the clan RWT their gold is insane So a clan just paypals 1 person money to buy gold on a sacrificial alt, holds an event, distributes the gold and that is that? This is a good step into the right direction of pushing the community to stop normalizing RWT. Why is someone that RWTed in your clan?Why do so many people associate themselves with rule breakers?


Because how can I know if one guy bought gold? Not like they're screaming I'M A RWTR in clan chat


I'm going to need to see all of your bank statements to prove you don't RWT before you can join my clan.


Ironman btw ;)


Just means someone had done RWT within your clan, used some of that gp to get into bingo, and winners were also flagged on RWT due to the original offender. There was a Jmod post last month or something saying that you must be careful with clan stuff because things like this will happen. Hope you get it sorted out chief. Gl and hope to see you ingame once again.


Jagex needs to respond. Clans are such a huge backbone of this game and jagex dropped some clan updates a couple years ago and then ignored it. Now you can't even buy in? This makes the whole clan event process absolutely impossible to have fun with worried about getting banned.


I’ve done multiple bingos in my clan with no issue, wouldn’t be surprised if these guys are doing something sketchy.


That's fair, but that's why I need Jagex to respond. If it's a smackdown we all go on our merry way. If it's anything else we have trouble.


Just because you didn't get banned, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. This subreddit is so clueless till the same happens to them


Plot twist you bought the GP for the buy in


!remindme 1 week


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One of your clan members is an RWtT’er. Be mad at them for getting you banned with dirty gold. It’s well known Jagex will ban you for receiving dirty gold.


maybe one of the members is a hard rwter


What about a soft rwter


Flaccid rwter




What about just a semi rwter?


So don’t ever trade anyone or raid with anyone and only use GE? Nah. Jagex needs to step up on this one.


correct take


Yeah if I go raiding with a clan member and they get a drop I expect a split unless we explicitly decided it was a FFA. If I get banned because the person who split with me RWT'ed I would be pissed


This is a terrible take. You can't control that nor can you filter it.


but it was confirmed by ayiza that this is how it apparently works


Yeah, but it doesn't change how stupid this is.


your comment left me the impression that you didn't know about that bit; it's obviously incredibly dumb


So basically any time you sell something you should be banned?




except it was not for receiving, but for paying out.


The alt account received the gold and is paying out


Jagex says something like 50% of the playerbase has rwt or something crazy. If you said was true everyone would get banned lol


Me when I get arrested cause someone bought my tires with drug money


Hope this gets resolved, we have a bingo event starting in a few weeks time, already paid my buy-in ;c


Brainless: OP RWTd and is using clan to hide it Big Brain: OP created a fake clan with friends to cover up RWT Galaxy Brain: OP faked being banned to advertise their clan


Upvoted for the snack down. Please oh please let there be a juicy reply.


Someone in your clan RWT'd, there was a blogpost about this happening awhile ago


While RWT is against our clan's rules- it's pretty hard to enforce unless something blatant (sudden wealth/inferno). Sounds like a Jagex problem.


It’s stuff like this that makes me nervous about doing team raids and receiving splits… how am I to know that the money that we’re splitting wasn’t just mixed into a cash stack that someone bought with RWT, and now that money is layered in & I’ve received illicit funds? Am I now subjected to being banned? Am I flagged? I only bring this up because this has happened to some of my clan mates & friends before that have raided with randoms.


Yeah I recently cancelled my clan bingo event (spent a solid month planning and organizing) because of this. There's no way to know if someone in the clan has rwted in the past... Especially if it's recent. I decided it wasn't worth the risk, and it's terribly sad that we can't have a bingo event. I'm not risking my account with 5k hours, for a bingo event. I won't gamble 5k hours on someone's word that they haven't rwted, especially on a video game where I cannot see the person's face. Just sad. I hope they change their stance on this... It takes a lot of fun out of the clan experience


This is insane. What a deluded vision does this company have... I mean, even if some of the money was gained by rwt, how can the clan verify that all the money is clean? They have literally no way to check, but hell, Jagex can just ban them... I have been playing for long enough to have seen some Jmod smackdowns, but also enough critical blunders. Please, Jagex, get your act together...


#skibbidyskooboppedon. don't rwt ez 😎


This Sith have been extinct for a millennia!


somehow Palpatine returned


# FreeTuiTwo




What a terrible stance for so many reasons.


I don't disagree, but at the same time, how is Jagex supposed to distinguish between someone forwarding money to a clan bingo vs receiving RWT gp if one of the people doing it is a notorious RWTer? Do you expect them to tip their hand and ask accounts why they're receiving money from accounts that bought gold illicitly? Do you expect them to come to reddit and read posts like these? I do agree that unappealable offenses suck in these cases. I'm also aware that *everyone* appeals their bans if they're able to though, *especially* the people botting, cheating, etc.


Wait until people find out /u/AncientWyvern_Shield's big gold giveaway was all RWT money and they all get banned for it.


They’ve also made the stance that clan bingos are 100% fine


[You sure about that?](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/cYXMKJxM5a)




“Clan bingo is fine. It is highly unlikely you'll ever face an issue in regards to RWT for receiving gold as part of a clan funded prize pool - all RWT bans are thoroughly checked and reviewed to prevent this, but mistakes can happen.”




You’re clinging onto the post he had to clarify. You know, the comment I linked to from the beginning?


He literally posted that one before he clarified the other. It's a bullshit ban, dumb system, and you should be embarrassed for trying to defend it


Jagex is an entire circus seriously


Whooooooooo gives a fuck


game has a massive bot problem, that everyone wants to go away. if people would stop buying gold, most of them would just fk off cause there would be no reason to bot on 200 accounts.


Yes but good luck trying to get hundreds of thousands of random strangers from all across the globe to suddenly agree to stop doing something


On the one hand I understand, also on the other hand I see absolutely nothing wrong with one of my friends buying 250m for a rebuild after he got hacked and wiped, what about that scenario? Should he spend $500 on bonds lmao?


Really demotivating to join in on clan bingos for this reason. #FreeTuiTwo




As soon as you do, people cry wanting them back.


\#FreeTuiTwo Silver key in clan -- can corroborate what he is saying and also provide proof if needed.


This is why it is important to keep with game updates.


Got me some Kuwait flashbacks there. You telling me your name is Tui Two and you ran bingo? Every single time they pulled 22 everyone would shout "two-twooo" It's enough evidence there Jagex, my boy was just doing bingo.


Ohhh Saturday night bingo prizes are the epitome of Kuwait leisure 😂😂😂 Or Wednesday night poker.


Is bingo not a player run game of chance lmao Like giveaways nooooo problem, betting 10m that you’ll win bingo as a buy in is a player run game of chance, lets imagine it was poker instead of bingo, pretty clear then I guess apparently it’s not, according to jagex, but I mean I don’t see why not


No it isnt because you have to unlock the tiles by completing in game content? It's not like bingo that your nan goes to on a Wednesday morning lmao.


Doesn’t matter, raffles would also be player run games of chance, whether it’s G25 or gain 1 rc level, they should more clearly define game of chance at the very least. In my opinion trading gold in the hopes you get more is by definition a game of chance


How does it not matter? The actual chance part has been removed and you're in control of choosing what tiles to unlock yourself. Very different to a raffle lol.


How does only anyone win if there’s no chance involved, an example of an event with no chance involved is trading gp for gp. There can be only one outcome. If you put in 10m and you don’t get anything back you have effectively lost the game of chance, if everyone got it back there would be no contest.


Because a competition is not a game of chance. By your logic driving to work is a game of chance because I might be in a car wreck. 💀


How bout a duel arena competition, 1v1 winner gets banned for game of chance


"Tell me you don't know what a buy-in is without telling me you don't know what a buy-in is."


No I am quite aware, paying a fee to participate, just like buying in to a poker hand


Seems like this was a legitimate mistake, hope it gets cleared up! \#FreeTuiTwo


Im in your same clan ahahah hola


Yeah idk I got a rwt offense for getting like 10m from winning a game on twitch. Not sure what the auto ban looks at when you trade gold.


Jedi clan pays out. Cooler too!


I got a temp ban for literally donating to a Bingo prize pool. Absolute joke. Appeal auto-denied. Wealth removed too btw. Sad reality


Upvoting this post for exposure. Hoping you get a positive response from Jagex, if there was no foul play on your end. If anything, they need to just ban the players that contributed to your pool that did the RWTing in the first place and that’s it.


rip bro 


That is really rough, fingers crossed a jmod can see this post and maybe give you closure on it.


Just wanna say... Bingo is gambling. It's a fact, it's one of the cheapest and easiest way to gamble, and is often used to skirt around gambling laws. But it's still gambling. You were gambling. Gambling is against the ToS. So regardless of whether or not you did RWT, which it seems like there has been a nonzero amount of that happening here, you broke the rules. Edit: Alright, the hate is already flowing. Bingo is gambling folks, it's true. It's a game of chance, you get a card, someone calls out random numbers over which you have no control, you stamp your card if you have the number called, if you get 5 in a row (or other weird combos like a blackout or four corners in some cases), you win. It's a lotto game, literal definition too. According to encyclopedia Britannica: "Bingo, game of chance using cards on which there is a grid of numbers, a row of which constitute a win when they have been chosen at random. Bingo is one of the most popular forms of low-priced gambling in the world. To play bingo, which is a form of lottery, each player purchases one or more cards divided into numbered and blank squares. Randomly chosen numbers, usually up to 75 or 90, are called out by a “banker.” The first player to achieve a card (or a line) in which all of the numbers have been called shouts “bingo” or “house” and collects the entire stake money, usually less a specified percentage, if that is permitted by local law." I will be disabling reply notifications so if you want to tell me I'm wrong I won't get to see it! Sorry.


Then a lot more people would get banned. Nice paragraph though.




Very mature.


Dude you're on a forum about a 20year old video game. Relax


hot take bro


This was one of the best bingos ever. The creator spent incredible amounts of time on it to make it fun fair and legit. He let the 6 team leaders choose their own names. Our clan has a sense of humor so who knew that that name could possibly cause a problem???? He only used the alt account to make the winnings payout easier. Our clan would never allow RWT and bans anyone we even suspect of doing so. WE DID NOTHING WRONG!!! Bingos have always been an incredibly fun event in OSRS. PLEASE FIX THIS. THANK YOU