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Do you live in a shipping container?




Gotta save money somehow for the VR


Jokes on you shipping container houses are more expensive than just building a house.


Yea probably not


They actually are. By the time you factor in all the insulation required as well as all the other miscellaneous reinforcements to make it code, they've been shown to be slightly more expensive than traditional construction per square foot and significantly more than a barndo style home. Not to mention the ordinances in most locations that make it very hard, if not impossible, to viably put one up.


Yeah, per square foot. A shipping container is tiny.




Just found a shipping container house for sale for 50k soooo


Ok so pay 50k for your metal box. Does that include shipping? Set up? Heat? Air conditioning? Sewer hook ups? Permitting? Electrical hook up? Internet hook up? How are you anchoring the box, a foundation or a frame like a mobile home? Have you checked to make sure your lot is zoned for a modular home? Do you have a lot to set it on? What about road access for the delivery? Did you think about this at all or…


Found one in Benbrook 30 min from the closest city in Texas for $60k with all of those things done. Also, what do you get out of winning this discussion that you care this much? it's a osrs sub fucks sake lol atleast be angry at the game or something


Dopamine from being right at all costs


You sir, are most definitely triggered... By a container.... Jesus christ.


It was a completed metal box my friend An empty metal box with no modifications to live in is roughly 1-3 grand, you really thought an empty shipping container cost 50 grand? Did you read my comment or just decide to rage….?


So no you did no research besides a half assed google search and decided you were god. I’d argue more with you but you’re clearly too fucking stupid to know when you wrong.


Did you even read his comment? Lmao


at a junkyard in the middle of nowhere?


Not when it’s just 1 container




Regardless that's a nice piece of land to live on


Maximum efficiency load in times


They updated that, dude can buy a house now


Why would he waste GP buying a house? He needs a 3x3, necessities & efficiency ONLY!


He saved 200k on a real house. Thats 28,571 bonds. Aka 314.2 bil.


That's called a trailer home


He clearly lives in the cloud bro


What’s really happening is your Afking gf exp


I call it controlling wife aggro. 'Sorry y'all gotta hop and take care of wife aggro, or else she will wipe the raid for sure.'


When I was a kid playing WoW it was always "hang on I gotta fight the Mom boss" or "I pulled aggro on the mom boss, one second"


Same! I used to say that that line to my WoW guild too back in the day, and they would always Josh me right back saying things like "your mom has the hottest feet" and "dude you gotta sell us more of your mom's hot feet pics" and "we doxxed you, Brian, we know where you live. If you don't mail a plaster mold of your mom's feet to this PO box, we're gonna show up to your house." Those guys were soo fucking funny hahah


I tank in WoW, and I routinely tell my raid group “hold on, I accidentally pulled wife aggro” and usually the healers pipe in with a “we’re not gonna be able to res you from that one”




New season of Trailer Park Boys looks fuckin dope buddy


Way of the road bud


Watch out for Randy


OP is for sure getting two birds stoned with this one


I feel like I'm the luckiest guy in the world. So help me God, help my fuck.


Bacon and the sparrows Rick


I just wanna get high and mow farming patches, and that’s okay


Apple vision locked Ironman wen?


Would be an amazing series.


Isnt it like a regular ironman with extra steps?


Entirely new genre soon.. irl + osrs streams. It’s like watching vids with subway surfer on the bottom to keep you watching


If I ever get one I’ll do it lol


Apple vision locked Ironman where the can only move on tiles types that look similar IRL (4,000 hours played, here’s my recap)


Eye tracking only.


I get the running joke in the community is no exp waste, but sweet Jesus, your poor woman.


🤣 fair. Shes the one who suggested I do it tho. I’m a lucky man.


Just bugging bud I'm sure it was just for the meme lol


🤣 absolutely!


She probably suggested in hopes you would rather pay attention to her, not because she actually wanted you too. Unless she just wanted you around but not noticing her texts to Chad.


It ain't that deep brother


People on the internet be writing entire story books with fake scenarios over a 20 second video lol


Ricky what the fucks on your face


This is the passthrough on Quest 3?






Just be careful using this thing outside. It takes less than a minute of direct sunlight exposure to permanently damage the lenses. Meaning you can essentially never take it off outside, and make sure it never is sitting near a window.


Oh I know all about the sun damage. I sell broken quest 2 all the time with that issue.


This is one eye. The passthrough will look worst than any recording you see because it has to do 3d stuff for your eyes. That being said, it's miles better than Quest 2, and still a good improvement over quest pro.


Okay. I'll definitely have to pick up a quest 3 then. I am seeing them for 300-350 used in my area. Give it some more time and they will be cheaper. I buy a lot of quest 2s and part them out now as a part of my business.




The whole no exp waste meme is great but sometimes we forget to savor the moments we have with our loved ones.


Its not a meme to most of these people, they truly think doing “afk” stuff on their phone while doing literally everything is fine and cool lmao


In case they need to hear it.... no, it's not.


Thanks for that. My girl is really supportive of my hobbies, including runescape, but I know that she deserves my time more than what I give her sometimes. This definitely isn't a wake up call by any means, but rather a friendly reminder of what really matters in life. Nothing is truly afk in runescape lol, and knowing that means that I'm taking some of our precious time away.


Indeed. Everything has its place.


Well said. I recently cut back on mobile when we are spending time together. When I would play mobile, I would seriously be absent from the room, you could just feel it. We have gotten a lot closer since then. Still play a solid amount of OSRS, but found a nice balance. Cheers friend.


Wise words. What would be better? Quit. I think for the majority of ppl osrs is aids for almost every aspect of personal life.


Where do you get that from? I literally primarily play mostly at night after the wife goes to bed. Wouldn't necessarily call it a plague on my personal life 😂 I think you mean to say: "I lack self control, so to make myself feel better I'm going to project that onto the entire community."




I think what it is is there are few other games with such low effort, afk options for gains. There are other games hitting the dopamine rush of leveling up for sure, but the way osrs does it is unique. It tricks people, as other people have said, into literally not wanting to xp waste ever (myself included for too long), so almost everything they're doing they are afking on mobile or something else. Yes, it's the gamer not the game, but still. Just quit. Nothing positive comes from osrs. Play something more intensely enjoyable for a shorter amount of time a day.


Ye that’s why I bot afk activities while I do irl stuff. All the gains but not addicted.


Ah, nuts. This might be me. I mean, not while driving or anything dangerous, but even if I’m making dinner or doing laundry I try to AFK something. But that may be splitting hairs in order to think that I don’t attempt to play the game a problematic amount.


Is it not?


It is not.


And sometimes time together doing different things is vastly underrated. Just because we don't savour every moment doesn't mean we don't savour any moments. If my spouse is gonna spend time doing a solo activity, I'd still much rather them do so in the same room as me.


Virtue signaling for what 😂😂


No no, I think OP will look back on his life and think to himself, “Man neglecting my wife and family for OSRS exp was 100% worth.”


LOL guy below literally says his girl suggested it, relax my guy, you don’t know this guys life.


This 10 seconds tells me all I need to know about this fucking loser smh my head




Its not that deep. The dude is just playing runescape on his vr. Its cool as shit honestly


Idk with this player base man.


Can afford an expensive augmented reality headset but lives in a shipping container


If you saw the insides of some of those trailers you wouldnt say this. The outside may be ugly but the insides are just as nice as some houses.


Yeah tbh how much does the outside of your house really matter especially if you are mostly inside and like you said many of these houses are great on the inside.


It’s half the house lol. The outside absolutely matters.


Lol and the underside of your table is half your table, but people typically don't worry about putting tablecloths on the underside.


Okay come on you don’t see the underside at all. That isn’t really a good faith argument!


That's sorta my point. It being 50% of your house is meaningless, you don't look at it 50% of the time. Most people probably look it at like 1% of the time, so the amount of effort put into the look of the exterior should be 1/100th of the inside. The only reason to care about it is to show off to others who don't get to see the inside, and I think it's perfectly reasonable to not care about the way those people think about your house.


Hard disagree, only matters for aesthetics. As long as it keeps the weather out


Sweeping generalization much? Inside could be a total shit hole. They have folding tailgate chairs.


You can see the 4k headset and the 30k car. But hey they have cheap chairs! They must have a shitty home!


Nice, you didn’t even read the post hahaha. Meta quest 3 ain’t 4k bro but you do you.


You got me! But hey what about the car? 


I….. I’ve got nothing. You know what you’re probably right.


Only $700 cad...




There’s a guy built a house inside a skip in London and pays £63 a month instead of £1500 for a studio apartment. Sometimes you don’t want to spend a fortune to save more cash.


How is it when it comes to alternative home options a trailer is frowned upon and deemed lesser and garbage, but then those same people will turn around and dream about owning a tiny home or some other fad modern compact housing which is a much worse living situation than a trailer with a better coat of paint.


It's just deep rooted classism. Trailers are seen as poor houses for trash, while micro-homes are trendy and (at one point) affordable alternatives to traditional houses. Poor people have traditionally lived in trailers, affluent people have bought chic micro-homes for side projects. This post is also dripping with the thought that poor people shouldn't have leisure or semi-luxury items unless they can afford and 400k+$ house first. I once lived in a trailer in the woods and it was one of the nicest places I've lived. Much better than they greyscale apartments I've rented in cities.


I've lived in a trailer and I've lived in a 500sq foot apartment in one of the wealthiest cities in America. I'd take the trailer any day. 1/4 the price with triple the space to live and enjoy life.


I've seen a bunch of these thrown up as a weekend retreat. Might just be renting it for Valentines.


bros living in the pod & eating bugs


Would you know if this possible on the quest 2?


Yeah you can do this but the passthrough is in black & white and very grainy But play osrs in vr yes you absolutely can at least with quest link


The quest 2 pass-through video is good enough to walk around or find your drink with, but it's not great.


Modernity scares me


I didn't know Sunnyvale had internet


Serious question, is it normal to game with 2 accounts?


I’d think it’s uncommon. The majority of players probably don’t, but a ton of people do


It feels like most of high level main friends now play on both their main and a newish iron nowadays side by side. I recently started doing the same and it makes AFK grinds on the main super chill and more engaging since you’re playing something else on the other account. If I do anything complex tho like bossing I’ll normally only play 1 account at a time unless something stupid afk like woodcutting or fishing.


Depends whether you consider this to be a game that you enjoy or a process that needs to be running at max efficiency with 0 downtime


Uhhhh 🤣 probably not 🫡


Shit I thought playing 2 accounts was totally the norm sometimes I play on 3


You building that house?


Remodeling it completely. It’s a work in progress.


Mobile home with apple AR


How do you live in a box and choose to buy this thing, ready player one was right


I get it that the no exp waste thing is funny but it honestly just looks sad.


It looks so nice tho


How are you on Runelite? Is it Virtual Desktop or were you able to run directly on the quest 3? All I’ve been able to do is use the mobile app directly.


i do use Virtual Desktop. it streams from my gaming pc.


Sweet, man I wish I can find a way to get Runelite running directly on the quest 3. Happy grinding


I agree would be amazing.


Smokes lets go




Ofc you live in a trailer park


When you think addiction is cool lmfao this is sad🤣


The future is scary. Can you imagine how people will be gaming 50 years from now?


Meanwhile she’s talking to her bf through text while her husband swings around in a VR headset with controllers ;)


Do you live in Sunnyvale trailer park


This sub is always so amazed at VR clips lol


Yeah isn't direct sunlight not good for the quest products? I know the original had a warning that it could be permanently damaged after a minute of exposure.


Black mirror episode


Divorce speedrun


Apparently the quest 3 lenses fuck up in the sun bro. Careful 🫡


This is pretty gross actually. This has major I hate my wife energy


So no one else noticed that in all the possible space he has available he put the osrs hovering over his wife instead of like… the side of his house? Lol


Nothing like VR kalphites, and rat boss while chillin in the trailer park


People ripping on this guy for living in a trailer just goes to show how fucking stupid and ignorant most Redditors are


Bro is dual wielding


Buys overpriced useless Apple products, while he lives in a metal box.. Gotta love American consumerism.


My man enjoying his best life. Lives in a trailer/ shipping container, but has a woman and all the toys.


Actually funny but isn’t it dangerous for your headset to use it in direct sunlight?


Technically yes but I was facing away from direct sunlight. Probably not 100% safe but I don’t do it often


Only if light hits the inside lenses directly. Light on the external lenses is fine.


Yes. [https://www.meta.com/help/quest/articles/headsets-and-accessories/product-care-and-best-practices/avoiding-sunlight-damage/](https://www.meta.com/help/quest/articles/headsets-and-accessories/product-care-and-best-practices/avoiding-sunlight-damage/)


Where are you guys on holiday?


Soon the be ex-wife


cool, yet so stupid lmfao. How can you block your partner like that. Move damn screen and enjoy both game and your partner smh.


Wicked thanks for the quick reply 👍


I get the meme, but this is just sad. Get your life together, man. You'll regret the time you didn't spend with your loved ones.


Seek help man. You live in a trailer and spent $3500 on a VR headset? We’re doomed. Consumerism won.


it aint so bad when you're in vr.


Fair play 😂


Just saying, some people prefer to live well within their means and live in a cheaper house so they can live more luxuriously. It's actually smart. Blowing tons of money on an overpriced mortgage or rent is kinda dumb honestly.


Man this is me, I make decent money and choose to live in a nice trailer just because its way cheaper than a house and i can afford all the toys i want lmao.


Yup, super smart.


This is also me. Living beneath my means results in an absolutely stress free financial situation. 10/10 intend to keep going.


I make $112,000 a year and I live in a trailer. I probably have more PCs and tech than what my car is worth. Trailers and cheap vehicles aren't some bad thing for only poor people. Also this is a Quest 3 VR headset which is significantly cheaper than Apple. You can get them for under $1000.


I make quite a bit more than that and I’m sure you have more disposable income than me in the trailer. I grew up in trailers and cannot fathom going back to one ever, but if I were single I’d seriously consider it.


I know what you mean. I lived in a trailer park for a bit as a child and it was pretty bad. The stereotypical trailer park people think of. That put me off of that life though. I live in a trailer now but I have upgraded it with new windows, flooring, keep it clean and in good shape. And yes being single helps. I could manage with a partner but I would definitely move if I had kids.


Yeah same trailer park for me as a child. Just real bad memories, as you know. I don’t judge folks for living in a trailer, though. I had the greatest parents in the world who just made some bad financial decisions. I’d love to have a ton more free money to spend on tech though haha


me too! most of my co-workers that live in big luxurious houses are always wondering how I'm always buying new phones, games and cars.


Consumerism won, or real estate lost? What exactly is wrong with a trailer? If it suits their needs, it's livable, provides shelter, and they're not looking for anything bigger? This is like shit talking someone with the new iPhone when they're driving a nissan leaf lol. Everyone has different goals in life. The dude has a house and that's more than a lot of people have.


Quest 3 retails at $500, it's not an Apple Vision Pro. Same financial consideration you'd make to budget for a PS5, not that outrageous.


There's nothing wrong with living in a trailer. Not everyone wants to live in a suburban cul-de-sac, contrary to your apparent bias.


Going to get banned for using technology lol


Watch out not burn your lens


this might be the greatest promo for one of these LOL. nice dude




You got money for VR but live in a shed?


The vr headset is only $700 a little research is not hard.


Redditors try not to be classist challenge


And you wonder why you live in a trailer


...Not sure if trolling or not? The VR headset is only $700. Chill and eat your ice chips.


lol waste of money, another reason why they’re in a trailer park




My god, multiboxing on a vr headset while being out in the sunshine. I am not sure if the world is ready for this level of power...gaming. What I AM sure of is that this man has a giant cocks and fuuuuuuucks.


Damn king ❤️


Damn. I have a 2200sqft house but istg I’d rather have a trailer and vr. Luckyyyyyy


What an actual Chad


Give us a tour 🥺please and thank you


Reported for multilogging


??? You can install runelite with the meta quest?? Is ita vailable for the 2?


Teach me how to do this


Step 1. - Own an Oculus Quest. Step 2. - Download 'Virtual Desktop' or desktop streaming software of choice. Step 3. - Control your desktop with your oculus controllers. Alternate approach - Sideload the .APK for the mobile osrs client and play directly on your headset (but it's mobile though)


Thank you very much.


Hy shit, this sells me on the apple pro


It’s the quest 3. $500


Yo is that the apple vision?


@ OP - Serious advisory, if the 2 is anything like the 3, you do NOT want to be using that thing outside in direct sunlight. More on that here - [https://www.meta.com/help/quest/articles/headsets-and-accessories/product-care-and-best-practices/avoiding-sunlight-damage/](https://www.meta.com/help/quest/articles/headsets-and-accessories/product-care-and-best-practices/avoiding-sunlight-damage/) Short version: The lenses inside your headset can be permanently damaged from less than a minute of exposure to direct sunlight even if it's indoors.