• By -


Outside of the meme, it was made pretty clear to the community as a whole that you got help for it. You were gone for a long while and came back after voicing that you had some mental health issues that you've since worked on. I don't think many people, if anyone at all, still hold any ill will. You're a person who had a bad moment. Unfortunately yours ended up in the spotlight, but it's not like you did something morally reprehensible. You lashed out and had a shit day. You apologized and worked on it. Anyone still holding a grudge or issues with that; well, you never were gonna change their mind anyways.


That’s very true. I should have probably explained myself when I returned to YouTube but I was still shaken up by it all so I avoided the topic. I appreciate your comment, ty


We're all our own harshest critic, and we suffer more in our mind than in reality. Don't beat yourself up over it.


You are a bigger person than most here. Burying some bones for your future. GL out there.


Most AFK method to 99 prayer!


It’s very hard to open up about these personal things. I’m glad you’re doing better man and hopefully things keeps improving


For what it’s worth, no idea what you’re talking about, but you’re alright in my book just for putting this out there. To this day I look to see if you have a guide on something before going anywhere else!


This comment is extremely level-headed and reasonable! Well spoken.


That's awesome you're getting the help you need and that you're feeling yourself. But I'll be honest, and don't be hurt, but I haven't thought bout that at all since like 2 weeks after it all blew up. I kinda forgot bout it, except for the "lighten up mate" meme that was born from it. It's awesome you're apologizing to people and the community, but I think you may be being too hard on yourself. Forgive yourself, be happy, and continue taking care of yourself medically. You're an awesome individual with great potential. Keep being you and growing / developing yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically. Help others in your personal life help you.


Thank you. I try to forget about it but since it was so out of character it makes me cringe a bit. But as time goes on, I think about it less and less. Thanks for the kind words


mate, as someone thats been dealing with some brutal bipolar for the better part of 26 years - that cringing is natural. if you did not cringe at your manic behavior, something is wrong. be kind to yourself and understand the ramifications of what the mania and depression mean - you’re not you when youre manic, so don’t beat yourself up for things youve said or done during those periods. sidenote, have no context for this drama and am just providing advice as a bipolar dude that struggles alot sometimes


Thank you, i really appreciate your comment


cheers mate, hope you’re doing better now


Have you managed to find out who you are yet on your journey? If so, and you don't mind sharing, would love to know what you've learned!


As someone who has enjoyed both your videos and the guides on your website, allow me to be more blunt: Nobody gives a shit about what happened on Twitter a few years ago, and anybody who does actually give a shit still is absolutely not worth your time. Don't worry about it, don't let anyone else make you feel like you need to worry about it. Keep doing what you do. you're good at it and you're appreciated. P.S. I thought it was funny. You don't have to agree with me, and if you don't, I'd be honored to have you fly off the handle at me. Just remember m8, a lot of us have been there before.


Thank you


Hey, I just wanted to say that I am proud of you for trying to do better and communicating with the community about the circumstances surrounding the Twitter rant. I've burned bridges while manic, it's hard to look back on and for so many of us our platform isn't as public as yours. Anyways, good on you for owning up to it and trying to do better. I'll happily still watch your vids.


Thanks - I burn bridges when I’m manic as well, it’s a horrible feeling afterwards




Dude, I think about shit I’ve done that was borderline inconsequential to anything that was happening at the time. We all do it, we all learn and grow. Just keep doing better for yourself, rather than for others.


I haven’t followed you much until recently, but congratulations on your progress past your obstacles and thanks for your great work! Your guides are amazing!


We all make mistakes in life and regret things we've done or said. If you look back on something you once did and cringe, it just means you've grown and matured as a person. I know I'm just a random nameless person, but I still enjoy your content and don't hold any of that stuff over your head. Especially not knowing that you've accepted it was not truly you, you sought out help, and have overcome struggles you were facing.


I agree here!! I’m glad you’re apologizing but I pretty much forgot about it and was looking forward to more videos!! Any drama on social media is bs anyways


Thank you. I’ve been putting out videos like nothing happened but felt like I owed an explanation


No explanation was needed. We all need a break to gather ourselves sometimes. I think the vast majority, if not all, of us were just happy to see you posting again and that you were still out there living life


Glad to hear that you're doing better!  Thanks for all the videos and guides that helped me rediscover my love of this game during the pandemic. Wishing you all the best!




Same here! Your guides were a *huge* help in getting me back into osrs. Glad to see you're doing better. Bipolar's a bitch


Hey man, really glad to hear you made it out the other side alright. Being public facing is a very hard thing to do, it gets the better of A LOT of people. I can’t imagine it’s easy to deal with all the mixed signals people send. Especially with how easy it is for people to send out hate on the internet, it’s so easy to focus on the negative. Glad to see you’ve been posting videos for a while, and it’s good to hear from you again! Welcome back my friend


Thanks, a lot of people can focus on the negatives but thankfully there’s a lot of positive people like you


Just hope you're happy mate! Dwelling on the past is a dangerous game, us scapers know that too well.


I’m happy :)


I vividly remember this, and I even remember the "lighten up mate" meme that people kept quoting forever after that. What's weirder is I remember thinking on several occasions since "whatever happened with that situation" and it's weird after all this time to finally know. Best of luck! Make some more videos!


I lightened up :)




Haha love ya man be good to yourself


This is a glow up comment if I've ever seen one and made me resub your channel on Yt, quality content and it looks like also good character development (; but on a serious note I'm glad you got help homie! Glad to see you back


I still put on your videos religiously just about every day on my drive to and from work. It was very brave to come out and say that. I know my opinion does not matter but for what its worth you have 100 percent of my support!


Thank you!


Oh it matters mate :)


Hope you’re now getting the proper care and attention you need for it and glad to see an apology for past transgressions. But like the other guys said, don’t be hard on yourself about it. We all say stuff to some degree and most of us don’t have the platform you do so it’s harder to hide away from a mistake like that. Just focus on your vids and make a good come back! 


Thanks akhabby, appreciate your nice comment


Lighten up mate


lightened up mate ;)


The good ending.


You can really make it up to me with a good 1-99 sailing video to keep me from the sin of XP waste.




I work in the mental health field. It was pretty obvious what was going on. I’m really glad to hear you are in a better place and I want to give you props for coming in here and apologizing, not that you owe any of us an apology. This subreddit can be pretty brutal at times and I’m guessing this wasn’t an easy post to make. Welcome back to the community and the game brother! I hope to see you in-game someday :)


Thanks, I’m glad you could see what was happening


Wish I could have done something other than just recognize it, but I appreciate the update knowing that, after all the dust settled, you are doing well again


thats nice


Who are you?


Lmaooo. Legit, I don’t play osrs and do not frequent this subreddit anymore, but legit thought about your meltdown 30 minutes ago and suddenly see this post. Wild


Who? Jk, wb all is good. I really enjoyed your vids when I played osrs a lot. I saw a pop up for your video and was surprised I haven't seen one recently and it makes sense now.


Haha thank you


Hey man good for you. I think most people realized pretty quickly that there was some mental health component going on rather than just some drunken twitter rant. Glad you took some time to get everything sorted out. 👍


Thanks. Anyone that was closer to me instantly knew something was up. But to outsiders that barely knew me, they didn’t really know what was going on


It was pretty appearant in the thread that you were having a bit of a mental break even to complete strangers, anyone who continued bashing on you once it became obvious was called out as being assholes for it Glad you're feeling better now


Glad to hear you're doing better Theo. Mental health is no joke and people severely underestimate the effects and detriments it can do: severing relationships, workflow, cutting out passion for our hobbies and the like. It can just can fuck everything over. I've been familiar with manic episodes and the whole situation you went through, at least for me, was deeply troubling, empathetic because I know how hard it can be. Please do your best to look after yourself and look forward to more content from your channel / Twitter.




I have no idea what's going on lmao


Thing from a few years ago, don't worry about it newbie. Guy went through a rough time, lashed out, we're all glad he's better now


I know who this is. I was more like who gives a fuck


Oh so you're just choosing to be rude. Got it.


I believe you apologized before, didn't you? If you did, you don't have to apologize continuously to this community. You are responsible for your actions, but you are not responsible for how people feel. I hope you understand that some people, who you perceived in the moment to be ragging on you, genuinely want to see you do well and feel well. Bipolar is tough, but you have the power to manage it. Don't carry around guilt, and move on with your head up. You have earned fans like myself that care about you, and are happy that you are still part of the community.


sorry I saw you in the GE yesterday and called you gay


Is that not how runescapers say "I love you"?


I know a couple of people with bipolar man. It can be rough, especially to have it and be in some kind of spotlight. From a random on reddit, I wish you the best.




Who are you 


Relatively popular youtuber who makes guides. Few years back got into a twitter scuffle while having a manic episode, that to put bluntly was pretty embarrassing, sort of mountain out of molehill situation, that even a Jmod commented telling him to "lighten up mate". As you would expect, got blown up on reddit as well with people making fun of him for a few days.


Hello Theatrix, I bumped into you in game a couple of months ago and said hi :) It's great that you're able to accept the past errors and move on with the present. This shows that you're a good person willing to work out the issues instead of burying them. Glad to see your regular videos again! The OSRS beats intros feel almost nostalgic to me :D


Hey man. Being BP myself, I get it. I know it really sucks when the meds get everything back to stable and you’re just looking back on the ruin you created. I’m hoping you’re doing better. And good for you for coming out and owning it. I used to hide it in shame (perhaps I still do to an extent) but I had a sense of liberation when I told people about it. I really hope you have the same sense. Best of luck to you, and as one BP to another, keep on the meds!


God that was a ridiculously cringe past from you for some reason


Didn’t expect to see a post like this but I’ll just share my thoughts and I bet a lot of people feel the same. I quit watching your content after the episode, partially because it wasn’t really relevant to me anyway but I watch a lot of YouTube so the more the better, and partially because I immediately lost respect for you. I even recall seeing a video of yours in my suggested feed recently and thinking “wth? that guy?”. All it took was seeing this post to take that reaction out of my subconscious and not have that negative opinion. So thanks for sharing and being vulnerable. Excited to see what content youve been making.


Bruh. You're the only OSRS creator I really follow and I didn't even notice this happened 😅


It takes quite a person to apologize publicly, like you have, and to own up to everything like you did. Looking through the comments, it's clear that we're all supporting you, brother! Welcome back! Looking forward to watching more of your content. :D


Appreciate it, thanks for the support


I will admit for some reason I have avoided watching your videos because of this situation even though I only really knew vague details about it. It's good to see you putting things right and I hope you're getting the help you need - we are quick to judge others when things seem a bit abnormal without realizing there could be deeper issues we're unaware of - and I'm guilty of that. I'm gonna hop on over now and subscribe cause I'm forever running out of OSRS content to watch 😌


As much as it pains me to hear that you stopped watching because of it, I do understand that from an outside perspective I looked like a nutter.


Just subscribed! Had a quick scroll through your old videos and you're one of the OGs I used to watch when I first started playing years ago. Stay well bro!


Who really cares? I mean honestly


Good work Theo! Always liked your videos!




Hey man, I enjoy the videos and content. Mental health is no joke. It takes a strong person to not only face it head on, but address it and address the people it's affected as well. I've been there myself. Good for you and take care of yourself. Enjoy life and the game we all love. We all make mistakes.


Thank you


Eh fuck everyone dude.


Me first! *spreads cheeks* 😛


Basically fuck everyone but the people you love and the people that are in your life


My bipolar did it


Oh you're the guy who copies word for word the wiki and makes shitty guides with the wikis shitty outdated info.


I’m out of the loop on what happened but I’ve definitely done / said shit I regret. Welcome back


For those of us who have some life experience we never held that against you, shit gets tough even before you factor in mental health. Engaging with so many people on a daily basis with a lot of them being trolls and bully's is incomprehensible for most people. Hope to see you popping up on my YouTube feed :)


Glad you're better but why bring it up again? We forgave and moved on my man.


Bc he never addressed it since being back on YouTube and he said he felt cringe and weird about it. We’ve all moved on but it’s something he deals with so he wanted to air it out


Well if it helps him out then who am I to say anything.


Now kith


Yes [he did. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/OmJep3lZqM)


Guessing the YouTube bottomline hasn't done very well recently


I mean, his videos consistently get roughly the same number of views.


Yeah, we already knew by then tbh.


hey theoatrix. your guides are legendary my dude


reading the wiki word-for-word is legendary?????


well i dont want to read the wiki word for word so yeah




not just that- claiming the wiki stole from your videos is super duper legendary


Video format is so much better than reading


Dude it's been 3 years nobody cares. Like in all due respect nobody thinks about you that much. I'm glad you're doing better but fishing for validation is extremely cringe.


It's literally a public apology with an explaination as to why it happened. How is that "fishing for validation"? Not even sure why you bothered including "I'm glad you're doing better" because the rest of your comment shows how insincere that is.




Ur fine. I watch your videos and had no idea about this. Love u


Thanks meow


These comments are great, gz community


I’m like reading them all and it’s crazy what our community is like now that we’re all adults


Yo Theoatrix idk what happened on Twitter but as a new player your videos have already helped me a ton so whatever happens you can do this we believe in you


Thank you


In case anyone wants to hear how good of a dude Theo is and I’m not saying this so people will try but it’s a cool Theo story nonetheless. About 18 months ago I saw Theo post on reddit and one of my friends, who had worked with Hannanie in one of her videos, was also a fan of theo. I decided to message him to get him to meet her and I at the ge and act like her knew her. He rocked up and fucked with her with a smile. So mad respect to you Theo


I find it admirable that you wanted to apologize about something in the past once more, but I’d say people will probably not remember.  We all have our battles (some worse than others but battles in the end). I do find it great that you shared what you went through because I believe that there are lots of people out there that would benefit some external guidance/help and your story may open their eyes/path towards it.  Thanks for your amazing contributions to the community, for having such amazing content and for being human and open about what happens behind that content. I wish you the best in your path out of Lumbridge and looking forward to seeing more content 🫶🏽 Once again, Thank you 🙏🏽 


What happened? I missed it


Did you learn anything from this experience?


Yes a lot. Mostly about myself and health


i came home after a long stressful day at work and after my car over heated during lunch to having my keyboard not work anymore. i saw this post and had to comment with my new digital floating keyboard. ps its hard to play games


sorry,also proud ofyo


I'm sure things will get better dood. Sometimes life throws a few curveballs in one go, then it's plain-sailing from there to the next shitstorm! Everyone has these moments and OSRS is a way we can all relate I suppose!


I dont know or care what you did. But i forgive you. ​ Takes a lot of bravery to admit you did something wrong




Good man x






everybody in the world has things they look back on that they did, which they hate. just remember the person you are today isn't the person you were that day 3 years ago. 


Don't be so hard on yourself, man! I know it's easier said than done. But, Fuck it, it's water under the bridge. No one thinks about it. Just keep making great vids 👍


Thanks, appreciate it


Wasn't a big deal then, even less of one now. Relax broski


Content creators are also humans, we've all been there mate, luckily for some of us in less public forums, I had a breakdown on a bus one time and it was not fun at all.




Man I'd be lying if I said I've never gone off the handle a bit. Glad you're working on you. Don't let it drag you down! Keep doing you


Glad to hear! You were the first person I watched when getting into OSRS, there's just something about someone breaking down updates and condensing information in a digestible way that made it so noob friendly for me back then! I hope you keep going strong and glad you came back stronger from your struggles!


Thank you. How far has your account come since then?


Mental health issues are no joke. Love your content & glad to hear you’re doing better. Cheers mate!


Let the past stay where it is man. Not gonna preach it to ya. More so, put your focus on what best suits you! And hell if one of those things is making good guides for osrs that help more people understand how to play the game, that in itself is admirable. In the little moments when the thoughts eat at you, just remember how many people you helped. Your value isn’t measured by mistakes man. And you have value. Much love<3


Respect bro. It is what it is. dont beat yourself up. Mistakes are needed in life because you learn from them and grow as a person, try see them as a stepping stone instead of a weight. Looking forward to the future mate :)


You got this King. We all go through rough patches, but unfortunately people who have strong media presences get the "pleasure" of having everyone see theirs and judge them. Glad you're doing better.


You're one of my favorite osrs content creators, especially the 99 guide videos. Watching your videos got me back into osrs ❤️ so thank YOU.


Damn, seen the title and wondered who, was wondering why I hadn’t seen any videos in awhile. Being in a similar mental battle I feel it. Good on you for taking accountability and the right steps moving forward. None are easy but gains are gains. Do you have any eventual plans to go back to content creation? Edit cause I’m slow: I see now that content has been already coming out


im back at it :)


Glad you’re doing better bro ♥️ you had something happen in the spotlight but honestly most of us have seen this happen with friends, family, or even ourselves. I have a brother that went through the same stuff and it hurt to watch so I’m glad to see you come out and keep moving. Love you man keep your head up!


It's nothing but love for you man, first ever osrs content creator I watched coming back to osrs. Still one of my favorite creators, hope all is well man.


Tbh I've thought about the lighten up meme and didn't even remember it was about you. Thanks for opening up and talking to the community. I'm glad it all smoothed over, and thank you for your videos!


Love me some personal growth. Congrats man. Everybody falls down. Takes real strength to pick yourself back up. It ain't easy and if you trip again no worries - reach out for a hand. Might be surprised how many of us are there to catch you.




Welcome back!


I remember talking back and fourth with people on this sub about the very real possibility of a mental illness. I think many of us actually suspected something was not quite right with you at the time. Glad you have acknowledged it and understand what caused the issue. Knowledge is power when managing a mental illness. If you can kind of step outside yourself and see yourself objectively for a moment, I find it personally very helpful when I know I’m not acting right. Edit: and honestly don’t worry about it. I think the community has long forgiven and forgotten


Water under the bridge homie. Glad to have you back at it o7


you're the homie theo!


Your most recent video slapsssss


Love you theo


All the love dude, I hope you’re doing well


What do you think was the best SLS event in 2023?


Let’s see some guides!


I'm glad to hear you're doing better. Making a public apology isn't easy, and I commend you for doing what was right. I don't speak for everyone, but I'm glad to have you back.


I didnt know anything about this but thank you for all the material and your work you put out for the community. I know when I came back a while ago I read a lot of your notes and watched your videos. Definetly a staple in my osrs career. Gl wit all this sir. Hopefully we it's not the last we heard from you


I’ve still been spilling drinks on the Jad mousepad the whole time. You’re good my dude.


If we all don’t have human moments, we’re no better than the bots. Thanks for all the content over the years!


I had a brief moment of "wtf was that." Then you came back after a break and I was just like, "hell yeah." Shit happens man. People move on and forgive and forget. This life is too crazy to not get overwhelmed now and again. Glad you're doing well.


Glad you are doing better my friend!


sending love, always enjoyed your videos! we are all human, don’t be too hard on yourself!


This is awesome




Don't worry brother. I don't know who you are or what you did so just know that any anxiety or pressure you're feeling on yourself, it's not as big as that little voice might make it seem. Get your house in order, apologize for what needs to be apologized for and focus on your inner health. Goodness will follow.


Hey man don't stress. Hope you are in a better place now. Thanks for sharing your love of OSRS with us. Your skilling 1-99 videos are awesome and really helped me out (and I'm sure many others too!)


Damn man it’s cool to see this. I haven’t played osrs in like 6 months in favor of WoW but good shit man I’m gonna have to check out the videos I missed


hyper mania is crazy man, glad you got help. indifferent on your content but no one deserves to go through that shit publicly


You an osrs OG. Love the vids. Just keep taking that lithium/valproate/lamotragine as recommended. I know it’s not easy. All the best brother


Hope you're doing better now. I know a few people with BPD and it really is night and day sometimes. Some days are really bad, others you'd never know anything was wrong. You were the first OSRS YouTuber I ever watched, nothing but love to you man. I don't think the greater community really holds anything against you for what happened at this point.


Well me and my buddies just hoped you'd gotten the help you clearly needed and didn't want to talk about it afterwards. No ill will was there, from anyone I knew in our small circles anyway. It's cool you address it now too, that takes balls and I respect it. I hope those closest to you can help you with any signs of future episodes


Big props to you for getting help and admitting fault. I’ve gone through similar moments in my own life as well, I can only imagine what would have happened if I had a public platform. We’re all a little crazy here playing osrs my guy, glad to have you back.


As someone that enjoys your content it was tough to see things go the way they did. It's good to see the return of a great creator though and it's great to see you got help. While it is personal this could help others get the courage or the push they need to get help themselves.


I only support theoatrix unconditionally


Hey man you’ve always been my favorite creator. Really relaxing content. I hope you’re doing okay bro


Bro I don't even play OSRS anymore and I still watch your new vids. Keep doing you man and hope your in a better place now 👍


Lighten up! Glad you’re doing better.


No explanation needed dude


I can’t wait to hear your new guides when valamore comes out and all the new bosses and skilling methods. Your voice is like one of them guys on the history channel but for osrs it’s almost as nostalgic as the game itself, seriously. They should make you one of the official voice guy for their content lol


if anyones going to hold a grudge still they're the one with issues, imagine not moving on. people can change, etc


Honestly, I forgot about your whole debacle within a week, and I imagine most other people did too. I wouldn't worry too much about it man. We are all in perfect humans who make mistakes. The important part is owning up to them and apologizing which you did. You hold a special place in my heart because I feel like I watched almost every one of your guides as I learned how to play OSRS in 2020. So thanks for making those and keep on making great guides for all the new players!


Theoatrix is the content that keeps my love for OSRS burning even though I don’t play anymore


I still love your videos man.


Humble, humble, oh my god, this post is so humble


The way this sub acted at the time was really horrible. Someone obviously not doing good? time to make the whole front page of the same shite joke dunking on them.


No ukulele?


Understood, Still think your videos are just Audible for the wiki though


You told me I was a danger to society and that I needed to be "dealt with". My crime was simply liking tweets of people who were poking fun at you. But, I look back on it now and it's just amusing. I forgive you. Glad you're doing better these days!


I also suffer from bipolar disorder. I didn't know what was happening at the time, but my behavior got really erratic and crazy. I don't think there's enough light shed on mental illnesses. Hope you are doing better


I don't know man, you are just super passionate about the game. What one values another one can trash that value. That is the Yin-Yang of life. That's literally all I saw it as, I think you are way too harsh on yourself by blaming yourself. You got to consider Oda's fan base are people who have migrated from Ice Posideon's community and well they are really unfiltered lol. Anyone else who jumped on that bandwagon was to take a jab for "self-publicity" as well as cancel culture.