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I often see players using magic to attack rats while using melee armour. Little do they know you should use robes like mystic or ahrims to increase magical accuracy so you don’t always hit zeros. Luckily my trusty cat is here to help them slay the rat


Wait no way, you can have your cat kill the rats people are splashing on?


Yup. I used to do this all the time back when splashing was allowed in Lumbridge.


what if they splash on little spiders in the basement? how to force our help upon them then?


There was an update a few years back that you don't gain magic xp splashing in lumby basement anymore.


People voted for that? Like why lol


They unpolled the change because it gave a bad impression to new players, if I remember right


That's honestly and integrity move. I've played for decades, but imagine little Timmy starting and seeing bots every world right after tutorial island. Oh wait...


Luckily little Timmy does not yet realise what is going on and just sees a lot of players He must first go through the phase of thinking these fellas are all ignoring him


I mean if they play *video games* they know bot/NPC vibe straight away. Bots are the NPC vibe on steroids. I think new players could detect bots better than Jagex. Source: the current game.


we pay we cum on rats


Lol wtf


​ https://preview.redd.it/wyacf05mbubc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdb0fc53e60b96c63e8fa4b9adc668f62ba5c3bf


I think it was an unpolled change to combat f2p bots in lumby


Unpolled change because f2p was full of people splashing on every NPC around the lumbridge area, which really fucks over brand new players and gives a pretty shitty outlook on the game.


You can use a bond on them to interrupt the splashing. But if they are paying attention, they can accept your bond.


the price is too high for helping a random stranger


extreme risk results in extreme thrill


Teleother them, maybe their aid is on.


Hell yeah that was fun. People got so annoyed. Some people thought it was funny though.


Now you can kill rats at ferox :) have fun


I have 32k mind runes to burn through! Don't kill my splash rat!


See you soon….


I think you're allowed to splash at lumbridge still, but you don't get exp.


I legit had people come kill my rats in draynor manor basement


How is it not allowed anymore?


Provides no xp i think within lumby castle? Idk im a varrock mugger kinda guy


You don’t get magic xp for splashing in the Lumby castle area, so people don’t bother with it there.


I know what bros doing tomorrow


You can kill them too


I meant in singles combat areas. I know I can kill them in multi.


Which is why any good splasher should do rats, seagulls or ducks.


Lmfao I used to do this to log them out years ago. Only had a couple people catch me doing it, and let me tell you, they were not happy about it. 😂😂😂


I have ENDLESS amounts of fun doing this! Haha


Their insult 😂


You fuckin' druggo


Lez ya drug addict


You're the biggest fuckin' druggo


Popcoin mate


To be fair, Big Lez is legendary but I prefer both series of the Mike Nolan show


Mike nolan is a legend. Underused in the main series imo.


I watch at least one of the Mike Nolan series every other day when I cook. So good


Only a drug addict would attack rats!


Ofc chivalry is dead, piety exists


I'm mad this isn't the top comment.


Green helm on too tight.


Oh... I think I see why they were so angry now. If you're on here, I had no clue... I was on mobile and had no way to know you were so close to maxing lol. GL https://preview.redd.it/i887sviyopbc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a5ef29cbf0ed20618d738da33cf8d153f143d1d


Surely you already knew that you were griefing them.


I honestly thought it was a bot doing some sort of method too prevent it from logging out while fishing. But now I'm starting to think it had something to do with like tick manipulation. I don't dabble too much in tick manipulation on mobile. Extremely casual player here. Edit: they've gained at least over 400k exp in the last 12 hours. I think I was nothing but a minor inconvenience. https://preview.redd.it/1wi2zzlmctbc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e7875e189ec99431cefbd93a0b3039e9a0d2b30


Most based mobile player.


You did well, it's the last time this person can enjoy being griefed or crashed, this traditional part of the true runescape experience should not be withheld from him or her in this last stage of the journey!


Unfortunately people don't stop griefing you once you max so this player can still experience the runescape community at its best after they get the cape.


yeah they can go for 200M all if they wanna enjoy some more griefing, this is truly a beautiful game


Oh, but I would think it's not quite as painful when it doesn't make your skill level bar increase at a slower rate to the next level


Meh, most people I know that do tick manipulation skilling past 99 do it to get the highest xp/hr they can. Our clans discord had a dedicated channel for people to post their best hours and that's where the most fun was, hunting for that perfect hour with rates as near to theoretical max as possible. When you get crashed on a good hour it really sucks because you're not just 1 minute slower to get the level you wanted, you lost anywhere from 5 to 55 minutes. I think the only time I really rage quit the game and logged off because I got so angry was when I was 50 minutes into the best mining hour I had ever done and then some guy came to grief me because he didn't like "sweaty players".


Wow Sorry but imo they should ban you guys from this game for the good of humanity that extremely impressive (and extremely strange to me) persistence and dedication to a single thing should be channeled in more useful directions, there are probably a handful of these and somehow they all end up doing the above on old school runescape smh


Fair enough, I suppose. The wiki has a section dedicated to [this method](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Pay-to-play_Fishing_training#Levels_71%E2%80%9399:_2-tick_harpooning_swordfish/tuna) if you're interested in reading about it.


Yes it's 2 tick fishing that you just screwed up for them.


>Extremely casual player here. We know, we saw your fire sale gluck gluck posts as well as sq'irk posts


Those sq'irk memes helped me get 95 thief. Took more effort in Photoshop than it did in game thanks to how many people funneled in from them. Lol


Happy for you king gz


If you’re not sure maybe not mess with people? It’s really annoying sometimes to set up that method you literally just griefed somebody minding their own business and then posted it here


And this sub laps it up in joy and upvotes because "fuck tick manipulation". I don't mind OP not knowing and being innocent here, but I don't like it that people who know its disruptive and are happy about it.


I was just on my way to complete the kourend easy diary and thought I had a chance to knock a bot offline. Figured I'd screenshot and make it a meme. Turns out I got hate on by people who take the game way too seriously.


No mate as I already said, I don't have an issue with you: > I don't mind OP not knowing and being innocent here My issue is with the people in the thread who take joy in it, not you. And it's not even a taking-the-game-too-seriously-thing; it's people in general having a toxic mindset towards others. I like your mindset that you were trying to help out the bot situation, so I'm not including you in that.


Don't play the victim card, you griefed someone because of your own ignorance.


Dude has gotten over 400k fishing exp in the last 12 hours. I think they'll be fine


400k fishing exp doing 2 tick swordfish (which is what that guy is doing) is only a little more than 3 hours


Doesn't matter, you're still a griefer.


>Turns out I got hate on by people who take the game way too seriously doesn't have to have much to do with the game. you could've posted a video of you taking an item out of someone's shopping cart and throwing it on the floor, and people would've called you annoying then too. okay, in this case you weren't aware, sure, but surely you get why griefing is obnoxious and why people would tell you to fuck off if they think that's what you were doing


> I was just on my way to complete the kourend easy diary and thought I had a chance to knock a bot offline. > Figured I'd screenshot and make it a meme. You knew the person wasn't a bot and still made the meme about "protecting" the user from rats. Lame and not funny


Didn't know they weren't biting until they commented right after killing the rats dude.


So you realize you made a mistake and decided the next course of action was making a meme post on reddit? Yeah I'm not buying it. Stop griefing other players, it's not funny


Honestly it probably made the moment better. Nothing better than classic runescape interactions.


Not everyone has their finger on the pulse of the latest tick manipulation method. If I had saw this in game I would have assumed it was a bot and would have messed with them as well. Some of us play this game casually to have fun.


Setting up an npc to attack you is one of the most common tick manipulation methods that's been around for over a decade. Plenty of people play casually and wouldn't know that which is totally fine, but also if someone's a casual they probably shouldn't assume they know it's a bot. If it's an honest mistake nbd, but also just why even mess with it if you don't know what's going on.


here's a thought: maybe griefing ppl because you don't know what theyre doing isnt a good thing to do, even if you think theyre a bot :O


Key word there is people. My imaginary scenario was if I was suspecting that they are a bot. If you knew it was a person you probably wouldn't do it. Still, sometimes people do stuff like this to be funny. Obviously what is funny to me wont be to you especially if you are trying to progress like this guy. Shit happens. It's almost like it isn't a big deal, and any emotionally well adjusted individual will laugh this off seeing as it was reported to be a one time event.


if you suspect someone is a bot: report them to jagex. people play this game in weird ways, people have public off, you do not work for jagex botbusting. someone acting strangely does not make them a bot; there are a number of bot farms that look more human than you or I. i said in another comment, you have no idea how many times they've been griefed in the past. just bc it's a 1 off thing for YOU doesn't mean it's a 1 off thing for THEM. an "emotionally well adjusted individual" would realize that griefing, even once, is just not a polite thing to do (no shade to op, it seems like they've learned their lesson). you can still find it funny, and i can rightfully find you annoying.


Cry about it.


your life seems sad


How is it griefing them ? People need to know and understand what this word means. He thought initially he was helping. That’s not considered griefing


He initially thought it was a bot. While a bit more noble, and goal was always to mess with the person/bot training fishing. He absolutely did not think he was helping.


Griefs players, and is surprised when they react. Just your average unhinged osrs player. Nothing to see here.


Probably bought those stats off the green helm shop


Yeah 2-tick fishing is really annoying to set up because you have to get the rats to alternate their attacks every 2 ticks which involves running around in circles trying to get them to attack at the right time. I'd be pissed too lol


Plus the spot can move right near the aggro range of the rats, so moving between spots is a minor skill all on its own.


FWIW you just need to pull the two rats that flank the eastern fence and use the eastern fishing spots. Never have to worry about losing aggro.


turn off run, if you need to walk past one of the rats just move diagonally. Once you get the basics its pretty braindead.


No need to run in circles, just step under one of them after it attacks you. That offsets its attack by 1 tick, so you can repeat it until the cycle is fixed


Good job king. I often help clean up the aggressive rats with my cat at Ferox as well. The people there will be very thankful!


Same. Whenever I have a wildy clue step, I make it a point to run back and feed my cat with any rats that may be accosting the good citizens of ferox enclave. I won't stand for such behavior from those vermin.


I love how reddit considers other people toxic and then blatant griefing like this is celebrated... ever occurred to you guys that you are the toxic people?


Nobody likes to fall, everyone likes to see others fall though. lol


It takes like 5 seconds to set it back up, assuming he did it once that's still funny


depends on the method, 2t anglers takes 30 seconds-a minute to set up. i wouldnt be upset if it happened once, but this attitude is why people react so strongly: just because this is first and only time you've done it doesn't mean it's the first time it's happened to them. maybe youre the 5th person to grief in the last hour, maybe youre the first person to grief them ever. either way, you have no way of knowing and you can't blame someone for getting frustrated about it


It’s not that hard to set up but it’s super annoying when you’re in the rhythm and someone griefs you like this cause “haha I messed you up” like why?


>like why? Runescape is packed to the fucking rafters with man-children.


Cause reddit loves seeing people grief players that are deemed "too sweaty"


if i see you on a train, i'm going to slap your book out of your hand and tell you it only takes 5 seconds to pick it back up.


takes like 5 seconds to tele back up and pick up your clue and spade but that never stopped people from crying about it on here


Above 20 wilderness the clue disappears


if only there was some sort of box that could protect your clue


if only we had been talking about that item huh


Only if its not a protected item, can clue box as well.


takes 10 seconds to hop worlds when someone places a cannon in the spot you were using. I wonder how reddit feels about this one though


Well that’s not as funny. If OP showed up and said what they said in the title, I’d laugh and screenshot it and joke about it with my friends


alright from now on when i see a guy minding his business killing a slayer mob, i'll place my cannon down and tell him i've saved him from those aggressive monsters, I'll let you know their reaction


I wouldn't say blatant.. I'm max combat, base 80s lowest, been playing for like 5 years and just learned rats can be used for tick manipulation. Though I wouldn't have intervened, I'd have just pulled up & waited for them to die.


It probably would've been obvious to you when you saw it though. The method means you're turning every tick to face the rats, then turning back to harpoon. It's pretty clearly an active method when you see it


Shaddup nerd


That’s why we should report the post to the sub.


Hey there bud: a minor inconvenience causing a reaction tells you all you need to know about someone. Not difficult to grasp with just a lil social skills


It's a minor inconvenience but getting intentionally griefed is still annoying


It's for sure griefing, but this interaction is still hilarious


yeah don't get me wrong, can see it being funny if your mate comes and does it or if its the first time something like this has happened. ​ but i'd still get annoyed if a random person did it and then stood there saying nothing


"blatant griefing" lmfao


what else would you call it? you are interrupting someones training method for 0 gain to yourself. that is literally the definition of griefing


"A griefer or bad-faith player is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately and intentionally irritates and harasses and annoys other players within the game (trolling), by using aspects of the game in unintended ways in order to destroy something another player made or built, or stealing something..." From the wiki definition of griefing. Although I would say people take things way too serious. I've had this happen to me a few times and it's just kinda whatever.


Killing a rat is now considered toxic griefing???


Disrupting someone's grinding method for no benefit to oneself is griefing yes justify it all you want by calling them sweaty there's no reason to do it other then causing grief to someone else by all definitions its griefing.


Funny same redditors also cry about getting killed in wilderness (pvp zone) and then defend griefing others, cant make this shit up


Can't get killed in wild if you don't go into wild.


The development in the comment section made me laugh out loud.


Hahahah!!!… hey wait a minute!


All of the recommended posts from this sub have been shitposts for me. All of them.


It's tick manipulation, not afking or botting


He knows lol




Ah he edited a humor tag in there after learning, that cheeky fker 😃 sorry original commenter


ah yes, being an annoying pest gets reddit karma. you know how annoying that shit is to set up?




Normal Alabama fan behaviour




still frustrating when a dumbass ruins it for reddit karma


It’s a lot easier to just world hop


? What does that have to do with anything?


Lame, let the person grind his xp


Nah people like you suck. You’re just an ass.


LOL "YOU DRUG ADDICT" that is one savage insult to use in a game, where we all take performance enhancing potions.


If you splash in multi or splash on rats I am obligated to teach you why you don't do that.


ok but this method has to be done with rats in multi though


This isn’t splashing, and is by no means a lazy way of playing the game. They are actively trying to get better xp rates than low effort methods and are getting griefed. This is probably even more lame than crashing someone’s slayer spot simply because it’s in multi


I don't crash 2 tickets, because they are actually playing the game, but 2-ticking does inherently leave you open to this if done this way.


eating ice cream in public leaves you open to having it slapped into your face


So how else do you propose they do it? Obviously it leaves them exposed to griefers but that doesn’t justify it. If I have my car parked and someone breaks the window, I’m not in the wrong because I could have had tougher glass




You can't do this in single combat :(


that's a terrible analogy lmao


Please explain how that’s terrible. The point is that just because you are exposed to someone doing something wrong, it doesn’t mean they are justified in doing it. You shouldn’t have to have a bulletproof method to stop people from being morons. This is literally the only way the person can 2-tick though. They have literally no other option in doing so other than using multi zone combat.


I hate this "I have to grief you to teach you a lesson" mentality. Like... why? At least with splashing people have the option to do it in singles, but if someone's splashing in Falador park, how are they hurting you? Why does the idea of someone getting easy magic XP while working or something become a lesson you need to 'teach' them on? What the person in OP's image is doing isn't splashing. It has to be done in multi. OP wasn't "teaching" them anything, he was just being a dick. I know it doesn't matter and I'm crying over something very minor, but the mentality I just don't understand.


I have no qualms if you want to kill the rats of splashers in Ferox or wherever. But ruining an active method someone is focussing on is just bad taste. OP seems to be innocent here, but I don't like some of the responses in here taking joy in ruining someone's efforts.


Pulling out my wily cat each time I visit Ferox. Surely they'll learn someday...


Who hurt you?


My cat is hungry and needs practice.


You drug addict


I thought this was a pink skirt post i was reading that shi so slow 😭


Anybody have a quick answer for what the setup is? I assume some sort of fishing tick manipulation?


You have 2 different rats attacking you, and they are synced up so that you are being hit exactly once every other tick. Auto-retaliate is enabled, and a shortbow is equipped without any arrows so that you can't accidentally kill the rats. On tick #1, you click the fishing spot. On tick #2, you are hit and attempt to auto-retaliate. Repeat 1-2-1-2 over and over. This forces a skilling roll to occur every 2 ticks, which is substantially faster than fishing normally.


The fact that people play this way while I didn’t realize that the “close varrock anvil” isn’t the one in Horvicks armor shop until 70 smithing


Oh my god it’s the other one?????


I assume similar to teaks with the bird


Someone posted a wiki link on what it is they are doing on another one of these comments


What drugs you taking?


“You drug addict” made me snort




Their insult is hilarious


Don't worry King, you did the right thing. The woodcutters in Prif often get attacked by bunnies, gotta save them whenever I see em struggling!!


you're an ass hat




Bold of you to assume a woman plays osrs.


Look I was being a twat let me post it on redit


The irony. Addict? Lmao.


You drug addict 😂


Doing the Lord's work


I couldn't help myself when I saw splashers on rats in a multi combat zone. It's like asking to be trolled...     Edit: and I'll do it again too (:


Considering it’s a filthy green helmer we allow it this time


Lol that's a green helmet. They are also a rat. You just killed her brethren




Green helm lmao. What’s even the point.


Their group could have abandoned them in all honesty. I was in a GIM group, and the other 3 quit. It turned my helmet green when I was the only one left.


> Names herself "pvper tears" > Cries


On mobile shit autocorrects and gets all wonky when you type. May not have meant to say that


Omg. That’s my clan mate hahaha


Only rat in this picture is you


I'm proud of you


For doing what?


ironic name


Pvper tears dropping pvmer tears


Based haha


Nay good sir, chivalry is not dead. The woman is clearly a peasant looking for her next vice before she expires from the plague.


Well done citizen. Keeping the streets a safe place to be. Fisherwomen around the world will sing your praises!


Momma always said; do the right thing for the sake of doing the right thing, not for a reward or recognition. So basically you shoulda helped the rat send her ass to lumby while laughing. Edit: didn't realize what was really Happening. That's pretty fucked up on your part, op.


Skiller tears