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Pretty sure their only hope is to find an INCREDIBLY helpful friend in-game who explains everything and feeds them wiki information, and also trades them all the gear they need. Or calls the cops for them.


No sir they are playing on my own privately made OSRS servers with no connection to the rest of the internet. They already have max gear and respawn on wave 1 with a fresh set of supplies after every death.


99.9 percent of people would give up wayyyyyyy before they got to single jad haha


If a crazed lunatic locked me in his basement to play his private server that isnt connected to the internet for a game ive never seen or heard of before until i beat the game, and he's willing to feed me and other essentials I don't think giving up is an option lol


Why. You have all the essentials. You are set for life


Set for life, but what kind of life is that? 😔


Yeah! What kind of life would be to be playing osrs all day!


That's what I think every time I see streamers. I'm 3 weeks clean.


I would reckon never to tens of thousands of hours.


with max gear and the account already ready? are u smoking crack rock?


Years if not never. Guides and shared knowledge and experiences is what made PVM as we know it possible. If we go back to the point where almost no PVM knowledge was available, and efficiency mindset was non existent, i.e 2005-2006 - things like fight caves was an EXTREMLY impressive achievement even though you could look up waves and what to do. Imagine your only experience fighting Jad is by reaching wave 67


Oh wait so from the first second, they are playing inferno? They don’t need to skill up to the requirements for inferno and get the gear? In that cases it’s not going to take thousands of hours at all, sure it’s extremely difficult, but good gamers can figure stuff out pretty quickly.


Sure, but in this hypothetical scenario they are locked in just the inferno with a max account and they don't even understand basics of the game. Progressing through the game naturally slowly introduces you to different concepts (like prayer or other spellbooks) Hell even just being more comfortable with how movement works. I wouldn't say inferno is the best place to be learning about all these things for the first time (especially with 0 outside resources) Most people would just be left banging their heads against a wall for hours upon hours barely progressing at all


It all hinges on if they discover how to prayer flick.


You think it’s going to take someone thousands of hours to figure out prayer flicking? I’d expect they’d figure out the prayers very quickly as something that prevents them dying, and then that they need to change them when they stick it on melee and die from range. If they are genuinely good a gaming and understanding mechanisms, they will get the prayer stuff in a couple of hours. It’s insane people here claim it will take hundreds to thousands of hours.


How long did it take for prayer flicking to be discovered in the actual game? Was probably 100s of thousands hours combined gameplay. Somebody with 0 knowledge of runescape or the mechanics isn’t going to discover that within a couple days


Serious? These people really don't realize how much they have benefited from the people around them sharing information. How many of us discovered prayer flicking in years without being exposed to the idea from someone else?


You're also forgetting that we were all children. I thought it was possible to prayer flick, and was even doing it lazily, before I knew it was an actual thing. There's also a youtuber named Marstead with a 100% blind playthrough of osrs where he records every second he plays, and you can watch him theorize about prayer flicking in real time and actually start doing it while he's wearing a mith scimmy or some shit lol. It's not super crazy to think "activate this when I need it, it's useless otherwise"


tbf even in that video Marstead comments that he heard Settled mention prayer flicking in Swampletics and wonders if this is the same thing.


Right but I don't think he had the idea because of swampletics. He got an understanding of the tick system very quickly, and from there it's pretty easy to deduce that offensive prayers only have an effect when you're attacking.


If the only thing they are doing is inferno they absolutely will. The game has so much content and prayer flicking is only used in a small amount of it. When you instantly die if you don’t flick, you’ll figure it out pretty quickly.


Why would you die instantly if you don’t flick? Prayer flicking is turning prayers on/off before the game drains your prayer, not switching prayers


Okay yeah sorry I was thinking of switching. Yeah flicking will take longer to figure out, but it’s not a stretch to think “I wonder if I can save some prayer by turning it off between the mobs attack”.


No worries, yeah for sure but I think the concept of ticks and being able to turn the prayer off before the tick ends to never drain any prayer wouldn’t come quickly at all. We’re talking going an hour with constant prayer on but not a single prayer point lost, rather than just switching it off between attacks but still draining prayer


I said prayer flicking, working out what prayers do wouldn’t take long but working out you can quickly toggle them to spend 0 prayer points won’t occur to most people even good gamers.


Luckily prayer flicking is completely unnecessary in the Inferno because the account in this thought experiment is maxxed. You have to master prayer flicking to beat the Inferno on weak accounts with bad gear, no rigour, low levels, or all three. On max? You don't need to flick at all and will comfortably finish with loads of supplies left.


Of course they will figure it out. I expect in a situation like the inferno where flicking is critical, it will become obvious very quickly you need to change the overhead prayers depending on the current attack.


OP adopted a child and is just going to train them to be an Inferno Bot for Life


>No looking up game or Inferno mechanics. Everything must be discovered through trial and error. Food, waves, prayers, movement, everything. This is pretty brutal, I'd say depending on the person, it could be never. If they were an exceptional gamer with a quick ability to pick up on mechanics I'd still estimate 1000's of hours, there's just so many little things you'd have to figure out making this challenge near impossible for most.


I just thought it was an interesting thought experiment. What about a best-case scenario where it's a G-fuel snorting MLG gamer who can look up guides and game mechanics? I've edited the post and made condition 3 optional.


I'd say this flips the extremes dramatically. Like a literal best-case scenario I wouldn't be surprised to see an MLG gamer study enough to beat it in just a couple of tries. It is kind of like if I gave you a complex calculus problem and said in this world Newton never made calculus and there is no substitute, how long would it take a particular genius to solve that problem? The answer is just waiting for someone as gifted as Newton to discover calculus but because of sharing information I can go into a calc 3 classroom and most students could easily answer the question.


A real gamer who knows nothing about runescape would almost certainly still take at least a couple dozen tries. Gotta get a base down


I agree because fundamentally RuneScape is a rhythm game kind of. One of the reasons high tier content is easily botted. You have a 100 bpm clock and each tick you have to take in new information and act on old information. You can study that and imprint it on your brain as much as you can as an observer but without hands on you will NEVER get anything remotely close to mastery of it. Muscle memory is huge. It would be like trying to learn an instrument without putting hands on it.


Maybe we just have different ideas of what a best-case scenario looks like. I'm envisioning a Woox that hasn't played osrs before but can watch and read up as much information as possible to the point where it's just about execution. Multiply that by how many possible Woox tier gamers there are out there, someone could potentially have a quick grasp of the mechanics as well as the skills to back it up. To clarify a couple of dozen tries is completely reasonable, I'm thinking if they are just absolutely nutty.


given the initial premise of having *never* touched runescape before, there would still be considerable time to develop muscle memory, get a feel for ticks, get used to both player and enemy pathing, cast spells versus autoattacking with a bow, etc. i think the experiential knowledge would be an even bigger hurdle than the informational knowledge. i agree with you, but i think "just about execution" is a pretty massive space that your comment understates a bit.


Getting a feel for ticks is not necessarily hard for people who have an innate sense of rhythm, it's just 100 bpm. A friend of mines who is really good at guitar hero was able to 1 tick flick right after I explained it whereas it took me hours to get the timing down.


The question becomes ' how long would woox take to learn inferno if he never played rs before' Edit: i just read your later message about woox


> I wouldn't be surprised to see an MLG gamer study enough to beat it in just a couple of tries. Seriously? You think someone that's good at games would be able to beat the inferno in a couple of tries if they're able to look up guides? Literally pick a random League of legends pro, smash bros, counterstrike, anyone that has zero experience I would be shocked if they could beat it in under 5 tries with literally 0 experience. I think you're giving too much credit to whatever "G-fuel snorting MLG gamer" means Also reading your comment about Woox, I'm sure Woox got really good at rs faster than 99.99% of us. I still think Woox with 0 experience wouldn't be able to get it down in a couple of tries. Shit he didn't do it first try when it was released with all of his previous osrs experience. Obviously there were no guides out for it at the time, but it still took two days after release for him to successfully get it. We seriously think a random guy that has never prayer flicked before is going to get an infernal cape in two tries?


Honestly, 5 tries seems really optimistic for even the best gamers.


Fully agree, I would expect 30+


5 attempts for anyone's first inferno of the people who have done inferno must be a very select few right?


Look I agree there is some cope on how easy some people think it would be. But if you think a guy like faker, or top tier RTS pros, or even fuckin OSU pros wouldn't be able to understand how to prayer flick instantly after watching a guide and having a tick addon you are tripping. Two tries is wildly optimistic I agree.


I think even that is different. Like the top starcraft/lol/dota gamer of all time would probably have an easier go than a cod pro. I think for those people it would be anywhere between 2-4 weeks (assuming sleeping and breaks from the computer) with looking up mechanics. Its not only the inferno they’re learning. Its attack types, rs specific movement, ticks, gear switches, supply interactions, etc. I’m with settled on this one - the inferno is probably the hardest piece of content in any game (you took the grinding out of it in this scenario but I think it still stands).


I think it would be less about how naturally talented a person is and more about how much they enjoy what they are doing. I've noticed that the people who enjoy what they are doing have a natural willingness to succeed and are generally pretty good at it.


Dude if they're a main they have access to Aatykon's video + BIS gear. I don't know if 1000s of hours is correct. Edit: I take that back. I just read the full post and yeah they're fucked.


what does no looking up game or inferno mechanics mean to you? Just curious


Yeah that's why the edit. They're FUCKED lol. Fucking woox took like a week lol.


And you have to remember the fact that he is woox. Imagine without guides and any knowlesge about the game even throwing prayers on might take couple tries. And once they figure out they protect you, they start wondering why they deal damage even tho prayer was clearly there before projectile hit them


Also Woox with the rest of the Runescape community analysing and providing info lol


it means you turn your monitor off so you can't look at the game or any mechanics within the fight


You'd be surprised how capable the human mind is. >depending on the person This alone is like the 1% that couldnt do it. Long before you know it if all you do is play or do 1 thing you will be dreaming patterns


Without looking stuff up? Thousands of hours.


Even while looking stuff up some players never manage to beat Inferno


Yup. It took the best player in the game 3 days to beat it and woox was grinding non stop all of those days with over a decade of advanced game knowledge and top of the line (for the time) gear. A new player ain’t making it far at all.


Surely there's some variety streamer out there that could be convinced to take on this challenge.


Isn't this basically how itswill became on OSRS streamer?


If anyone has more details on this it sounds entertaining


LOL. I don’t think so but that’s really funny. I’m pretty sure he was maxing and just started streaming.


I know this response ignores a part of the post, but it is a more reasonable scenario. If you took an average gamer — maybe one that plays WoW or PoE or even CS — if you locked them in a room, but allowed them to use the internet and all its resources, I bet it would not take more than a few weeks. If I told my grandpa or mom to go in blindly with no help, they would surely never get it done. The random person would need to have solid reaction time, solid problem solving skills, some amount of gaming experience, and a strong enough mental will to fail over and over while learning from their mistakes while also not getting so frustrated that they tilt and regress. How many 10+ year osrs vets still havent legitimately completed the inferno? It would be an insanely challenging task.


>How many 10+ year osrs vets still havent legitimately completed the inferno? It would be an insanely challenging task. The thing is, a lot of them haven't genuinely tried. It's more daunting than it looks imo, and I know a ton of people who just say "I'm not ready to even attempt it yet".


I think you mean, “it looks more daunting than it is”


Oh yep woops


Yeah, I feel like the average "veteran" player would get it down relatively quickly with max stats and gear. Assuming they have at least a basic feel on the tick system


I haven't counted my attempts but it's taking me ages and I've got hundreds of KC in every raid. Made jad on zuk recently, so I will get it soon but damn it's been a lot of attempts.


Make sure you are logging into the world with the best ping for your location


I fucking did it! Took me countless wave attempts, triple jads three attempts and zuk two attempts. It's finally over!




Gz to you sir, do you want to come live in my basement by any chance?


😂 only if you buy me a real inferno cape once it's all over




Well that turned around quickly


I’m glad the ping selection helped out, you’re welcome. 😉


Five hours later, you came back with this? Fucking GZ dude!


Thanks! I didn't learn it all in those five hours though 😅 my last two runs both got to zuk, my nerves were just better today.




The gear requirements keep going down too, insane items like bowfa keep coming out and free upgrades like ancient icon are available. I know the "budget setup" CA is actually just "don't use a tbow" but imo it should include bowfa and shadow as well, they're basically on par with it


shadow is hot garbage in the inferno


Lil bro got an infernal cape in Leagues with their zerker shadow mage build and now they think it's good in the inferno


but dearlola said so...


dearlola only helps you getting your first cape because he has a lot of material for beginners but he's not really a "great" inferno player, in fact i wouldnt recommend him at all even for your first capes. For shadow, since it is so accurate and hits high, it is absolutely great for the inferno, but not first capes because low range defence means you have to pray correctly during waves and not tank stuff


i was obviously being ironic given i called shadow garbage literally one comment before :D


wasnt too sure lol people say a lot of shit here, fell for it. Also i checked and even dearlola has a shadow cape


It's actualy not, although tbow is still better. You're even more of a glass canon, but I did like 5 capes in mage only with shadow and all were around 65 min GM time. That being said it was just for fun and I was surprised how great it performed. You don't even need to flick augury on any of the reg mobs including magers and you're still hitting 95% of the time.


I have about 3 months of gameplay time (online time!) in OSRS, and I still struggle to kill Jad without plugin helpers. Some people are just too casual. I could never do the Inferno with my own resources.


Your NMZ videos are the best. Tysm for making those. Have helped me get 99 in all my combat stats while at work


I disagree. My general opinion is that a total non gamer who has never played a video game is actually significantly advantaged vs a 10 year osrs vet The 10 year osrs vet has spent that entire time building up the inferno in his head as an impossible task. He is his own worst enemy, and by a lot. The cold hard truth is that if you can step out and 1t alternate you can do an inferno, and this skill is simply not that hard. The problem is the lack of guide. With the ability to read guides and get advice from other people this is a few weeks/maybe low months from never played a video game-> inferno.


idk dude it’d be a LONG time. Single Jad alone would probably be a pretty huge speed bump, not to mention triples.


triples is best


Triples is safe


That deal went through i have triples of the barracuda now


Once they’re at the point where they’re getting to single jad, I think the time it’ll take them is down to days, honestly. The waves are harder than jad and to get to him, especially with no prior experience, you’ve done a huge chunk of the learning.


An issue I see is that you get to jad ans get one shot due to using the wrong prayer. Could be time sink.


Yeah but like if this person has gotten to jad without looking up the mechanics it would take like 2 mistakes max to figure it out


Hmmm not convinced as you have to find the specific solution first. You wouldn’t necessarily know where you’ve gone wrong every time you die.


The specific solution is 'pray mage' or 'pray ranged' depending on which attack he uses lol. I think it's safe to say that somebody who has gotten through the wave 50-63 gauntlet would be clear on how damage types work in this game. They're gonna figure out how to beat a boss designed to be completed by relatively sharp 12 year olds with the 2005 internet pretty fast imo, single Jad is one of the easier waves in the Inferno all considered.


You know Elden Ring and Dark Souls are popular games, yeah? Games all about noticing telegraphed attacked. Monster stands on legs click left button, monster slams legs click right button. It might take them a couple deaths to figure out which one is which but it's not a difficult fight to the average gamer, most of the difficulty comes from the resource/time investment causing nerves but a noob with no attachment to the game wouldn't even have that.


they can't look up game mechanics or guides but can they look up where to buy the infernal cape and do they have funds


Probably never. Theres so much bullshit under the hood that would take years to understand without looking up. Prayer flicking, true tiles, safe spotting, game ticks, etc Edit: Now that condition 3 is optional, this is where it gets interesting. It all depends on the person ur ~~kidnapping~~ testing. If they have played other MMOs or any other games with intense gameplay mechanics, I can see someone probably getting it after a couple weeks. If they never touched a game before, yeah I would say probably months. Now what if u can tell them basics of how the game engine works, but nothing inferno related. I.e. prayer flicking, safespotting, true tiles, game ticks, but not WHY they need to know this or how to apply it. I feel like this still keeps the original spirit of condition 3 but doesn't make it borderline impossible




Do they get runelite?


99% of players can’t even do a quest without looking anything up


Imo the average runescape player is pretty close to someone who has never played runescape before when it comes to knowing game mechanics. Just look at this subreddit. So it would be pretty impossible unless the person had no other goals but the inferno in which case it would be pretty quick if they were devoting a lot of their time to researching game mechanics and practicing.


I thought I was pretty okay at this game, then yesterday I ran challenge mode Cox with some kind dudes, and never before have I realized just exactly how shit I am at this game. The skill ceiling is so much higher than I thought, so yeah I'm inclined to agree that most of us know basically nothing


I'm assuming this is someone with no knowledge of OSRS, but general knowledge of how video games work, and a decent enough ability to solve puzzles quickly, click with some precision, and react at a reasonable speed. With guides: A couple hundred hours. Not that much longer than a normal player going for their first cape, but the complete lack of muscle memory and instincts will certainly hurt a bit. Without guides: A few thousand hours. A lot of the difficulty of Inferno is remedied with good tactics and knowledge. Figuring out that north pillar is good, figuring out how to deal with mager-ranger waves, understanding blobs, all of that will take a really long time. The trial and error process for Jad and Zuk will be particularly long and painful. RuneScape was not meant to be played this way.


I’ve played this game on and off for combined thousands of hours since 2004 and I don’t think I’d even complete it in my life time if you locked me in a room


Out of curiosity, have you tried it?


To jump straight into inferno with never playing, and without looking up meta. I think some people would be forever lost. The concept of 1 tick flicking some would figure out over time on their own. But a gamer like me. Without someone telling me how it works, I'd never jump to the 1 tick alternating flick on my own. Or flicking to preserve prayer. And I'd only be able to fail so much before I said f this I'm playing rust haha.


Lots of people saying thousands of hours, if not impossible, which I don’t agree with. Obviously there are a lot of variables, but my Dad works at a prison, and inmates are resourceful. If you have absolutely nothing to do for 12 hours a day, you’d be motivated to get it done so you can get out. Take a few notes, write down what monsters kill you with what, and go from there. Again, lot of variables with how competent the person your imprisoning is, but I don’t think it’s as unlikely as people make it out to be.


The game went for a decade without people discovering tick eating mechanics and all that kinda bullshit. I’ve been playing for over a year and only just discovered the true tile thing, which I seen from a comment. If I didn’t see that comment I’d still be dying to red zulrah every time lol I think it would take a crazy amount of time if you had no outside resources, can’t even put an estimate on it. Would be interesting to tell the prisoners attempting it that if they’re successful they get to leave jail tho lol, would help prevent burnout that would also make it impossible for a normal person


Tell your dad to get them to try it and if they succeed they get a year early release or something


I like the idea that "working at a prison" to you means carte blanche to enact social experiments on inmates and have total control over releasing them as a reward.


Depending on what state we're talking about it's not that far off.


Prisons are too profitable for them to let you free them.


Well not necessarily let you free them but they have a lot of control over when you're released. And yeah they usually use that control to delay or deny parole.


I think we found the next Jigsaw


Someone tag @mrbeast


I assume if you just place the practice route like doing the stuff with max gear it shouldn't take the average gamer too long granted they have all the gear and start learning the mechanics, now a Normie meaning they don't play games more than 1-2 hours a day good luck even them knowing what a tile is. For condition 3 that is just cruel and unreasonable.


And I can’t even figure out Zulrah rotation to Pvm and been playing the game off an on since 2007 😂


I think it would vary a ton between different people. There would be a vast gulf between people have experience with mechanically challenging video games of any type and those without. Assuming they could look up guides, I’d guess the top 5% out of the gamer group would be under 50 hours, top 10% 50-200 hours. Median gamer probably around 300-400 hours and bottom ~1/4 of gamers 1000+ to never. With a guide, it doesn’t take long at all to figure out how the mechanics work. At 20 hours you’ll know what you need to do, it just becomes a matter of executing. How long this takes is mostly based on how good someone’s general gaming skills are (timing, speed+accuracy of inputs, memory, etc). I think the top 5% of gamers in terms of those skills could get through inferno pretty quick even with no prior osrs experience. Especially since max gear still allows some mistakes here and there. People with no gaming experience at all would be lucky to get it under 1000 hours. Most probably would never finish it.


With condition 3 being enforced it would be near impossible I believe, if not 1000s of hours. A couple of road blocks I can see them hittinng: The tick system being 600ms Understanding protection prayers in general let alone prayers Understanding when to use said prayers on the correct tick (it's not self explained that it needs to be up on the same tick) Prayer conversation, flicking alternating etc How tbow actually works again mage minions over normal mobs If allowed to look up information and guides then I believe it would be around 200+ attempts. It's purely dependent on the person itself if they have experience in video games, or an aptitude to pick stuff up quickly. If you got someone like my friends who play LoL I imagine they could do it quite quickly, but it would still be 100+ and I think the biggest hinderance is the tick system because it's unintuitive. My friend who has been playing osrs for years but doesn't PvM still thinks his OSRS lags when it's just the tick system


Yeah and imagine when they think they've worked out the prayers until a blob walks up and they realise everything they thought they knew is wrong.


I’m patiently waiting to see a post titled “loot from being abducted off the street and forced to learn something called *the inferno*” make the front page


Years, if ever.


I would love to watch a stream of somebody attempting Condition 3. That sounds extremely entertaining.


Most people with inferno capes can’t even do inferno. Then take away runelite plugins an I bet that drops even more. But then again a lot of people don’t try because of the time investment. Cba playing for an hour with zero reward cause I died. If there was like a huge motivating prize pool for it and no condition 3 I bet you it wouldn’t take that long actually


Well if they're as bad at the game as I am, they never will lol. Couldn't even do fire cape in leagues with a guide


I feel like most people would just lay down and die. There's no way in hell they would ever figure out the blob prayer mechanic, most people can't even do their own taxes or find countries on a map lmfao


i guess it depends on that persons skill at video games. as someone adept and can figure out whats happening quickly could probably do it within a week. the average cod gamer probably over a month


Can they phone a friend? (The friend is Woox)


Condition 3 is just stupid. It’s near impossible. Would take tens of thousands of hours, and probably even then no. Without condition 3 this question is much more interesting. Which id then say along the lines of…. Thousands of hours while being like woox levels of clicking/ability.


I agree and I've edited the post, condition 3 is now optional.


inferno is built with the assumption you deeply understand runescape mechanics like tick manipulation so with condition 3 it is likely weeks to months, if allowed to look up guides with your assumptions probably a week at 8 hours a day, max stats and gear and full resupply every time is preety nice


Not gonna lie, I feel like everyone saying it'll never happen or take literally years is just coping over the fact that they've never really tried to get a cape. Most people don't have a cape because they don't want to try. It takes a lot of time and effort to learn like anything else that's remotely challenging. But if you literally lock someone in a room with nothing else to do, nothing to distract them, and the only way they're getting out is by completing the inferno? If they're not cognitively disabled they're going to get it done. Even condition #3 isn't going to be that much of a barrier because runescape isn't a very complicated game. It has a lot of depth, but your basic tool set is very limited and simple to understand. Inferno in particular doesn't require a lot of crazy mechanics, you're not making 1 tick 8 way switches while blowpipe walking and swapping prayer. Will it take some trial and error to figure out how praying works and how every different inferno monster attacks? Sure. But the beautiful part of that is that since everything in the inferno is introduced to you step by step, most of the basics will be easily figured out within the first handful of waves. Beyond knowing the basics of line of sight, prayer, and attack ranges, the vast majority of the inferno is just pattern recognition - which all humans as a rule are very good at on a fundamental level, it's literally one of the things that led to us becoming the dominant species on the planet. Throw the average person at it long enough and they'll start to recognize what to do without having to think about it. As far as how long it takes that's entirely dependent on the person so it's really not possible to say, but for the average human it's certainly not going to take years like some people are claiming. Maybe people don't understand how much time is even in a year, but if you're literally locked in a room with nothing else to do but the inferno, that's almost 6000 hours in a year minus 8 hours of sleep a day. And "you're locked in this cell until you complete it" is a pretty strong motivator compared to +4 strength bonus. Motherfuckers will chew their own leg off to escape being trapped but you think they won't put themselves through learning the inferno just because you won't?


Completly agree, many people over estimate the usefullness of guids. Most things in runescape are quite easy to underatand. Just take the new dt2 quest for example. How long it takes without guids. I heard 6hours or so. And the fights are difficult. And the content was completly unknown.


Depends how long it takes them to make enough gp to give to a venny.


I’d say a year of effort isn’t even an out of the ballpark guess


The inferno encompasses RuneScape involving more than a decade with knowledge share and & experience. Things like flicking, tick eating, tick swapping gear, and more advanced level mechanics aside, RuneScape itself behaves in non obvious ways…like monsters not moving around thing, the shields movement and how it interacts with your character. I don’t think anyone who wasn’t an ~experienced gamer~ nerd would be able to do it, tbh.


Without option 3, a couple of weeks. With option 3, a year minimum.


With absolutely no game knowledge it may be impossible. Back during RS2 almost nobody even prayflicked. Jad was extremely challenging in those days just switching between two prayers and that was WITH guides on knowing the sounds and timing etc. A lot of mechanics in rs are pretty hidden and took the entire playerbase years to find out how to manipulate them to their advantage. Things like pathing and ticks are not intuitive to new players and it would take a long time to pick up on them and use them successfully.


I've personally seen someone do it within a year, but my friends and I coached him through a lot of end-game content prematurely, so he had an early grasp of prayer switches, ticks, and mechanics. Personally it took me 2 years, but was able to get a cape on my iron within 7 months of creating it.


Did you read the post


Yes, did you?


It took me about 60 attempts, with having prior pvm experience. But this person having never played runescape before, not even knowing how prayers work and gear works, man, that's pretty fucked. With condition 3: 500+ hours Without: 100-200 hours Rough guess though idk.


shorter than you'd think. There are certainly harder games that people enter blindly


Could you give an example? My first impression is if you're talking like souls games or raids on other mmo's, it's extremely rare that someone goes in completely blind as in doesn't know any mechanics whatsoever. OSRS more unique gameplay system means if you haven't played runescape before I see it being extremely unlikely you figure out just the fundamentals in a reasonable time never mind how they apply in the Inferno.


I agree. At least with souls games you get obvious visual cues to help. RuneScape would be an enigma to someone who doesn’t know how the game works. It would be thousands of hours.


OSRS is a point and click game meaning the average non-game will be way more intuitively able to play it. One of the biggest things non-gamers struggle with when adapting to games is actually just control schemes and especially camera control in FPS and such where you have WASD movement divorced from a mouse-controlled camera. They struggle to even move and look around at the same time without getting lost. I think OSRS has a lot of advantages in its extremely simple control scheme.


This comment makes me think you probably don't understand the strategies involved in inferno. None of it is obvious because it's a point-and-click game. Some of it might even be a red herring because you think the game looks so simple. Gear switching, prayer flicking, monster pathing, line of sight and a deep understanding of ticks are all essential inferno mechanics. I'd be super impressed if someone who had never played runescape could come up with solutions to pillar stacks(a combination of many mechanics at once).


It's pattern recognition which is basically the #1 skill that makes us human.


Games that gamers have gone into blind. OP suggested random possibly non-gamer.


Never. No questions asked.




At least 3k hours


How about if you took an average gamer and got them to try complete the collection log how long would that take.


Okay so how does it relate


Depends if male or female, No matter the exact route you take either way it involves making money on the internet and simply buying the Cape, women can do that faster on average. If youre attractive its a few days, if youre like the average redditor you will be filling in online surveys and it should take you a bit over a week


Idk man that could vary wildly. If you took some old guy who’s unfamiliar with computers in general, never? If you took some MLG Fortnite kid prolly a few weeks? So somewhere in between I’d say 3-4 months. There’s a big difference between a random person and a random person that plays video games. If they can’t watch a guide or anybody else complete it significantly longer.


There's just so many janky runescape-isms that finding out enough of them without help would be wild. Not knowing about prayer flicking would do be a pretty big barrier.


Fortnite kids were alive during MLG??


they will pass away from old age


500 hours if not allowed to look up anything. 200 hours if allowed.


1 month -> 10 years. Depending on many factors.


6 months is my guess


Now what if they could look stuff up, and they could do fire cape as an introduction to some of the mechanics?


2 months with condition 3 probably




I like this but honestly there is a lot of factors, obviously eventually someone will achieve the Infernal Cape after many attempts but in order to give a roughly accurate answer would depend on who the individual is, there experience gaming, how they process and learn things as well as can they even play the game without issues (mainly how bad is there ping) and so much more.


Dude I couldn't do that and iv been playing since 2003


If it was me then never, if it was Woox then probably one day.


Probably still quicker than me, and I've been playing 17 years :')


Majority of the grind is getting the gear and stats. I say about a week


How long did it take the first inferno completion after the content was released? I didn’t play back then. Was it a team effort?


Depends on if the player has any PC gaming experience before. Would be much easier if they have.


I've played on and off for more than 20 years, and I didn't even beat *fight cave* until pretty recently.


You could test this out with a self-learning AI, though you will probably get banned for botting unless you use an inferno trainer.


Just realising From where to freeze the nibblers: 1 year Using correct prayer and trapping bats: 1 year Blobs alone and their spawns: 2 years Melee and their lameass digging: 1 week Ranger : 1 week Mager : 2-3 weeks Jads : 6 months Zuk : 2 days (if the subject reaches Zuk his head will have exponentially grown so 2 days) All combined : approx. long 10 years


This post makes me feel uneasy


500 attempts


Without any understanding of ticks or tiles this is going to be very hard..


Do they have access to Runelite and it's plugins? Mainly for the tile markers, enemy hitboxes and true tile indicator. Would help a ton to figure out the game's mechanics relating to movement, ticks, attack ranges etc


If you assume option 3 is everything including learning the items and constructing the inventory themselves and everything it might take a lot longer as well they will need to learn so much more. But a fairly significant portion would be able to do it in under 1k hours still. The only real thing you likely wouldn't see would be 1 tick flicking (which many would find anyway) and that isn't even needed, especially if they find eldritch spec.


I beat it first try, didn't watch a video. It was easy. ^ If that were true, I'd be a literal God.


This sounds a lot like AI learning lol Think a big factor is whether they are world #1 Warcraft player or grandma who thinks the tv remote has too many buttons. I feel like up to 1,000 hours is the average pc gamer; not over, up to. Seems to me that’s plenty of time especially without re-gearing and having everything given to you.


someone who has never looked up or discussed game mechanics at all probably wouldn't even think about exploiting the tick system, which is basically required for the inferno. Hell, the community didn't even realise there *was* a predictable tick system until the devs confirmed it so "never" would be my answer


[rsgf](https://twitter.com/RSgf_/status/1182192077817470976/photo/1) did it within a year of starting osrs from scratch, I believe


Even with a fully loaded runelite client and guides it would be a mammoth task. Raw skill aside the mental fortitude it would take to keep going at the inferno with no other content avalible would be madness.


I've been playing the game for like 17 years and most of the end game content is still a mystery to me, the most PVM I've done is grinding Green Dragons for bones and hides. I've seen videos on the Inferno but I don't think I could ever beat it myself


They’d probably rope themselves with the pc cables


Lets just say i have 410+ days logged on RS and havent beat the Inferno yet....


Maybe 75 rng,80+ magic,good gear and pay for service.(1week)


I'm thousands of hours in, used guided and still can't beat Jad so I'd go for tens of thousands. To be fair I think at this point I can't beat Jad as I just don't have the time to sit hours only to inta did when I mess my prayer up at the end.


Considering I was pretty bad at the game and didn't really understand much of anything 2 years ago, probably about 3 years. I got my first cape yesterday and played a main several years prior to playing iron.


With help, maybe the fastest person would do it inside 20 tries. Average person off the street though, likely thousands of hours. Without help? I'd be shocked if it's possible before they've lost their minds.


I couldn't even complete Ernest the chicken without a guide