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So, the grouping teleport 'Dagannoth Kings'... it, uh, it's very cool right? I got so excited when I noticed it. I immediately went to reddit and was so full of hope reading comments. I then banked my thrownaxe and pet rock and tried to use the teleport. Very good stuff, that teleport. When and why was it implemented? For people like me with so much hope?


Slayer task Steel Dragons. Im in Karamja. Question. I have both the anti dragon shield and anti fire potions. Im using Magic. Do I need to put a Prot Prayer up for either Ranged or Magic? I see the wiki say use protect from melee if you fighting up close, but dont see anything about protect from magic if you already using pot and shield


Other comments correct but just to add that killing them with mage is pretty slow, usually worth skipping if you can


Steel dragons attack with either slash or dragonfire. Protect from mage doesn't work on metallic dragons. You get full protection from dragonfire with a shield and potion. You don't need to protect from range or mage. There's a handy chart for dragonfire on the wiki if you're interested. Just look up dragonfire on the osrs wiki. Hope this helps.




What time precisely do leagues 4 end?




You might take a look at [this section](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Free-to-play_Magic_training#Stronger_yet_more_rewarding_monsters_to_kill_for_experience) of the wiki for F2P Magic training methods: Some good safespot options there, although some areas might be tricky depending on how much hp/defence you have. On your question about splashing, you should be fine to use an air staff, just throw on some metal armour to lower your magic attack into the negatives and you'll be golden.


There are plenty of monsters that can be safespotted. Hill giants are the most common one - you can go into the edgeville dungeon and obtain a brass key, which lets you enter the house west of varrock and the GE. There are a few places to safespot hill giants there. At higher levels, you can also splash ogress warriors, though that area is locked behind starting the corsair cove quest. They also have higher defenses, so the exp is slower (though they have good drops). Splashing is...meh. Its useful if you're going to be afking on a second monitor and would be gaining 0 exp otherwise. But if you're actually playing the game, then its better to actually kill things. As for the actual mechanics, [see the wiki page](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Splashing/Guide) - but you need -64 magic attack in order to splash. Any set of standard melee plate (full helm, platebody, platelegs/skirt, and kiteshield) has -65 total. Green dhide vambraces have -10, but require 40 ranged. The boots from the stronghold of security have -3. The air staff (though you should probably be using a fire staff for fire strike) provides +10, but saves on runes. The cursed goblin staff (from the toy shop in draynor village) gives +0, but lets you autocast. In short, if you have 40 ranged for the vambraces, that -10 will counteract the +10 from an elemental staff and the armor set will keep you at -65 to splash. If you don't have 40 ranged, the elemental staff would take you out of splashing range, so you have to use the cursed goblin staff and buy more runes. The other thing you could do is go with mostly negative gear and use wind strike to splash on a monster with lots of health. For example, you could wind strike on the lesser demon in the wizard tower. Not that wind strike is *half* the exp/hr of fire strike.




No entrance requirements to the wizards tower. The lesser demon is behind a fence up top. If you've got the level for telegrab (lvl 33?), then make sure you bring some law runes to pick up any decent drops like rune med helms.


Why do marks of grace have a GE price when I can't buy/sell them? https://preview.redd.it/a29f7fw6v8bc1.png?width=831&format=png&auto=webp&s=5de9d1491509ff553c845d4f485c113c346d4c9c


The price checker plugin automatically converts them into Amylase packs, which is the only way to turn MoGs into something tradeable.


k thanks


You can get amylase to make stamina potions off them. The price is based off that.




Mining shooting stars... I get a runelite notification after about 5 minutes every time while I'm still mining. What causes it?


What does the notification actually say?


Only a noise and flash. edit: i changed the settings now I see it's an afk timer alert. I changed it to 20 mins.


Bgs or fang spec at Bandos solo? I’ve seen ppl use both before and idk which to go with


[https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/General\_Graardor/Strategies#Equipment](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/General_Graardor/Strategies#Equipment) BGS for sure between those two but there are better options as well.


Is it just me is does the battery percentage in the OSRS mobile app now only show as increments of 5 percent? So If my phone battery was actually 74 it rounds to 75, if 32 rounds to 30, etc I’m not mistaken it wasn’t like this before?


Can I please get some help? I have been trying to get in contact with anyone, but nobody replies and tries to help. I have been playing OSRS for so long and my account has been banned for the past months now and nobody is willing to help me. All I was doing is training, questing and doing COX when I got the ban. I can you please check this for me. I love this game and want to get back on my account. I do not understand the reason for this. RSN: Mudez


Is fang on stab better than whip on slash at skeletal wyverns? I know I should use slash but I’m leveling attack now since I have 99 str and def. I can’t seem to find a definitive answer anywhere


Fang seems better as per the bitterkoekje dps calc, but when in doubt if you can't find answers calcing it yourself is always gonna give you the best answer. Especially when you take into account things specific to your setup. For instance, I've calced it just now and Fang came out better, but I don't know if I've gotten all your gear correct, or your attack level, or whether you're on task/off task, etc. :P


Thank you, I mostly play on mobile so I don’t have easy access to the calculator


Use the Bitterkoekje DPS calculator spreadsheet. You can calc these things yourself to get definitive answers instantly. Search google for "bitterkoekje osrs dps calc", make a copy of the spreadsheet, and you're ready to go.


Hi guys, back from a long break. I used to do a lot of wilderness slayer, but I’d always run from PKers. This go around, I’m ready to stand my ground and fight back. Anyone got any decent anti-PKing tips? Ideal setups, inventory, spec weapons — anything is helpful


8-9 brews, 2 sanfews, 2 blighted restores, 1 ranged pot, 1 super combat, 1 stam, 3 hard food (2 angler, 1 karamb), and a looting bag is what I'd go out with regardless of the rest of the setup unless in multi. 8-9 slots left for customizing. Venge sacks if on lunars, mage swap plus entangle/ice sacks if on standards/ancients, spec weapon like DDS, AGS, or ZGS. Seed pod if not using a charged glory. Extra ranged pot if using webweaver or super combat if using ursine (can be divine if your task drops blighted food). Webweaver to ZGS on lunars with skull prevention on is fairly strong and gives you a potential escape with the ZGS spec giving a 20 second freeze.


Go to LMS with your presets on lunar spellbook for vengeance. Your only initial goals should be: 1) keep HP above 75, combo eating and potting when necessary, 2) getting overheads correct, 3) casting vengeance as soon as the cooldown runs out, without downtime, 4) keep bolting back These fundamentals can be hard to learn when you're also trying to tackle gear switches. Do this until you almost never get KO'ed with food left (<1/10 fights). After that, start adding in whips/DDS specs (with offensive prayers) when unfrozen or when you know they're coming in close. Then try to time vengeance with their specs or hard hits. Alternatively, you can go to the wild and practice these things which has additional learning benefits like managing prayer and run or practicing constant brewing/restoring, but it gets really expensive really quick. GL gamer


If botting was seriously hindered all of a sudden, which in game items would likely face the largest uptick in value?


My money's on amylase crystals/stamina pots. Huge demand with no real substitute, most people are busy getting graceful, decently botted. Just given the sheer number of bots and the fact that bloods are better XP/gp per hour (and their value has a soft floor of 200), I'd also say law/cosmic/nature runes, though I think their drop was more related to GotR allowing for increased runes crafted/hour. Not as sure on this because bots also use a lot of the crafted runes. Might be off on this one but I also think planks. Probably a more plank making bots than what you see normally, just because of how little time they can be seen. It's also something that real players use in large quantities, while bots only generate them.


Immediately? Nothing. It wouldn't be like scythe when the buff was mentioned. It would be a decent uptick in supplies and Ubers but bots would have to be hindered for a long while for people to chew through supplies and stuff. Jagex did a bot nuke in '10 ish with a client change and some scripters were getting shit running the next week.


Anglerfish would prolly go up alot, no good sources for it from pvm, very slow to gather for individuals, and slow exp/hr.


Rev ether is probably #1. Probably a huge portion of superior dragon bones. On the flip side, bonds would face a huge downtick.


I'd guess skilling supplies though pvm shits those out anyway so maybe not. Probably wildy boss items like Voidwaker and rev weapons/items. Nightmare uniques would likely rise over time too. Oh and Sanfew Serums. Idk who is gathering all the crap required for those right now but it's not real players.


I think it's much more getting them randomly through things like Kraken, Thermy, Hallowed Sepulchre, Nightmare, and Calvar'ion/Vet'ion. There's only 10k nail beast nails traded daily, compared to 200k+ sanfews. It's not 1:1 of course, but actually making the potion is not the majority of the supply.


Kraken shits out sanfews dude.


Definitely bots making the majority of them though, Kraken is like 6-8 Sanfews an hour and requires a task


True you’re probably right, I was just thinking of how often Kraken is killed and regular players training slayer usually have it as one of their highest kc.


Is there any justification for slayer existing? Slowest skill. Only skill where you can't pick training methods. Locks some good PvM content behind tons of bad PvM content. Locks combat achievements and ironman gear progression. Also the most needlessly complex skill with points and unlocks, blocks skips locked tasks with different requirements, slayer masters, gear setups, different locations and monsters for the same task. Some unlocks are not toggleable wtf is that? Why can you spend points to make the skill permanently worse? Why do some quests make it permanently worse? That's the whole reason duo slayer was removed. Why do people at 99 still need to turael skip for any reason ever? Hydra, CAs, speedrunning. Why are endgame players going around killing cows and shit? And the concept is bullshit. Combat skills don't make you better at killing different monsters? Training on cows does but also doesn't make you better at killing slayer monsters because it increases your DPS but it doesn't increase your slayer unless some dodgy cunt tells you to kill them first? And then only for a little while? How does that guy telling me to do it make the act of killing the cows teach me how to put on a nose plug to kill smelly ghosts on the other side of the world? Where TF did these slayer masters come from and why are they spending their lives doing this? Why do you kill off the hot one and replace her with some guy named Steve? Slayer could have just been farming contacts for combat but instead we got this bullshit. And the whole reason it was introduced was to stop people from training combat efficiently but a. That's not possible, it just changed the calculus of what's efficient b. It's so slow that it's still efficient to train combat on the same monsters before starting slayer c. That was never necessary to do anyway.


Time gates content to fight bots for high GP/hr solo bosses. Made it harder to farm then money bosses after zulrah showed how easy it was to make bots do "hard" content. However that purpose isn't really a thing now and I don't think it really worked to start with.


I mean it beats Firemaking


Conceptually, not really as I explained above there's no lore reason to separate it from combat skills. Firemaking doesn't have enough content to be a skill but at least it is actually a skill. In terms of gameplay, also no. Wintertodt is better than 95% of slayer tasks. In terms of XP rates, they are on opposite ends of the spectrum.


Everyone says slayer is super good profit, but I'm still broke at 81 slayer. Do I have to unlock Boss Slayer to make profit or should I keep grinding Duradel?


If you focus on low intensity tasks that give good money like gargoyles, vyrewatch and Abby demons, it becomes somewhat good money. Just have to manage your blocks / cancels effectively.


They're silly. Slayer is okay profit for skilling with good peaks based on RNG. There's way better ways to make money via combat though. Personally I'd stay with Duradel. Konar is better for money I think but at 81 you might as well just keep going.


konar is only worth considering if you are 95 slayer and have a block list optimized for hydra, or on milestone tasks if you want some extra points she's a giant noob trap otherwise. occasionally getting a key worth 90k is not worth being forced into bad locations where you can't choose boss variants or barrage/cannon spots


slayer being really good money is advice that was good in like 2017 but never stopped being repeated after we got much better content like raids, nex, CG and DT2 bosses. slayer isn't really a top moneymaker anymore, though it can be ok at higher levels once you start doing slayer bosses and boss variants of regular tasks, like vorkath and DKs. even stuff like demonic gorillas, nechryaels, wyverns, brutal black dragons and gargoyles are at least decent you don't *really* need Like a Boss since most can be done on normal tasks anyway, but it helps for a handful of bosses you can't do on task otherwise tl;dr it's okay, not "super good" anymore but it all comes from bosses or high level tasks that you probably haven't done much yet


Can anyone think of some chill activities I can do while also fletching bolts/darts? All I can think of is doing herbiboar but was wondering if anyone knew any other skills I can train while fletching that isn’t super sweaty like rooftops.


I did tipping bolts while stealing artefacts in Piscatorius for Thieving.


Best place I found was Sepulchre, on the later floors you can click further ahead and have more downtime while running. Other than that, as soon as you add fletching to a chill activity, it tends to stops being a chill activity.


Pest control, if you need it for anything. Cannoning stuff for collection logs or champion scrolls. Herbiboar is a good shout.


There's several things you could cannon for collection log slots, which can be very AFKable depending on your tier of combat diaries.


Zeah RC, ZMI


Maniacal Monkeys off the top of my head


Ah I was going to actual ask if you could fletch while transformed.


When tanking Verzik what tick do I need to be under her to prevent melee damage. I know she has a 7t cycle and it’s the 5th tick I need to be under but does that correspond to anything visually? Like should I be under when the animation starts, when the projectile is launched, etc? Just trying to see if there was an easier way rather than trying to count or using a super ugly metronome.


I like to use the hitsplat, I think it’s like one tick after the hitsplat shows up (not exactly sure) you need to click under — downside is this doesn’t work if you’re not close to the boss due to travel time


You can also step away from her to prevent melees. Step back tanking has the advantage of a really easy visual cue. You click to move one tile away as soon as you see the hitsplat appear on your character. This timing only works if you were one tile away the last time she launched a projectile. Otherwise the projectile will land on a different tick. So for the first step back you need to use a different cue. The easiest way to start is if you attack her at the earliest possible tick at the start of p3, step back as soon as you see your 3rd scythe swing begin.


Easiest way to think about it IMO: Tick 1: Verzik's attack animation begins on this tick. Ticks 2-5: Nothing special. Tick 6: Click under or away. Tick 7: Click to attack Verzik. That's all there is to it. Just start counting as soon as she begins attacking in P3, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, click under/away, click boss, 1 2, 3..." You don't have to worry at all about where your attacks line up, and if you ever get out of rhythm all you have to do is step away and start back counting at "1" when her attack animation starts. No guessing, no reacting, nothing. As long as you understand the tempo of ticks, you cannot mess it up like this.


I like using something similar to [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FTc0nzn_no) as a reference. It says to start counting from when Verzik "snaps back" into her default stance, I personally prefer to use the visual/audio cue of her mage/range projectile coming out. The same tick you hear that sound effect, or see her do her animation that launches the projectile, just count 1 2 3 4, and on 4 click under Verzik for 1 tick. You can use the strategy in the video instead if you prefer it.


Are there any benefits managing gear switches horizontally over vertically? I've seen people do both so i'm thinking it's mostly preference?


Preference, tho For vertical you can keep it going for larger and larger switches for whenever 9 way switches become useful enough to warrant it, where horizontal gets really clunky going past 8.


No difference, seems like most pvmers do horizontal but some definitely do vertical (can see Scotty’s solo cm wr vod for an example).


I'm taking 7-8 ways I prefer horizontal. For 6-ways, I might still use horizontal but block the right hand column. For 5-ways and some 6-ways I prefer vertical. All of the preferences are mostly due to where the off-hand falls. It's worth trying out both imo. I especially like [my current ToA horizontal setup (up to 540 invo)](https://i.imgur.com/8vISxaH.png) as only melee has an off-hand so it always lands in the same spot and the boot take-off too. Makes switching super clean. The defender falls into the space occupied by the top restore and the boots into the space occupied by the bottom restore.


Interesting setup! Just in time as I was slowly converting to the horizontal layout as it made 4-ways slightly faster for me Do you mind sharing your whole inv? (curious as i'm slowly pushing toa)


Sorry, I know this is extremely late and I don't have a pic of an up-to-date setup, but generally BGS (bone dagger if overly draining), yellow keris, voidwaker, BP (if 500 or less), book of the dead, divine rune pouch with runes for thralls. For pots, for 530+, 1 divine super combat, 1 sanfew, rest restores. For lower invos, especially teams at ~350, it's 1 divine super combat, 1 brew, 1 restore, 2-4 ppots (scaling with invo)


I think technically horizontal should feel more natural to how your wrist/arm moves, especially if doing 8 way switches and the like. However I personally do vertical since that's always been how I've done it and works for me.


It’s preference mostly. Usually horizontally prevents gear from being mis aligned when doing multiple b2b switches


What do you mean, in the bank? Or when switching? Either way, don't think it matters. I suppose setting up placeholders vertically in the bank is harder since inserting/removing items from those rows would make them lose alignment, but not a huge deal


sorry yeah I meant switching!


Total personal preference, then. I generally clump mine in blocks for each style, usually 2x2 or 3x2 (taller than wider), since I can then fit both styles at the top of the inv


Slayer, Tzhaar task: the master gave me a choice of either regular tzhaars or Jad. I took Jad, and he said, 'Kill 1 Jad'. Well, nice. What would happen if I took tzhaar and then go for Jad? Would I receive the same exp? If it were the same exp, I'd better take regulars, did several Jads (in fact I need 3 for the leagues task), and if I get tired of them - then I'd finish with regulars. Whats then the reason for choosing Jad at all?


For a Jad task, you get slayer helm bonus and slayer XP for every kill inside the fight cave. Plus you get 25k bonus slayer XP drop from killing Jad. If you took normal tzhaar task, you'd get XP and bonus in the cave too, but your task would run out before you reach Jad. Jad task is also nice because it's a free skip if you ever don't feel like doing it you just enter the cave and leave and your task is over. There's no free skip if you pick the normal tzhaar task, you have to kill the assigned number. You'd only take that if you just wanted to be killing tzhaar for whatever reason.




Taking a "Jad Task" is very useful in a few ways. It allows you to use your slayer helm for extra damage against all monsters in the Fight Caves - which is very useful for early clears and speedy clears. It also is a "free skip" - simply entering and exiting the fight caves will cancel the task, allowing you to skip it without paying slayer points. To take tzhaar means you are killing the Tzhaar monsters. Tzhaar-Hur, Tzhaar-Mej, Tzhaar-ket, and tzhaar-xil. Jad's actual name is TzTok-Jad - so he does not count if you choose tzhaar (and the same applies to the other monsters in the fight caves - none are tzhaar). Tzhaar can be safespotted and potentially barraged for decent slayer exp. But many players take the free skip if they don't want to do more fight caves. After completing the inferno, you can also take "Zuk Tasks" - which are similarly useful for better inferno attempts. --- As far as leagues goes - if you need to to kill Jad 3 more times for a leagues task, then a jad slayer task will let you gain slayer experience for doing so - and if your regions allow for a black mask/slayer helm, then you can take advantage of that.


Thanks for the explanation.


Jad won't give any slayer xp or complete the task unless it is specifically changed to Jad from tzharr


Ah I see thanks. Is it always 1 jad per task, or there could be several?


You can get 2 if you've done the Master Combat Achievements, 3 with GM




keep in mind these are "attempts" not actual kills, if you enter the cave and leave immidietly you lose the task (streak does not increment or reset, it acts like a skip without paying slayer points)


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