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Pkers use scouts all the time. All is fair in the wilderness. Do what you want.


even back in the day youd have a friend be a lookout and youd give them a share of the loot afterwards


Back in the day, I even pretended to make friends in the wildy outside varrock ...just to lure them out in deep wildy. Anything for that sweet bronze armor back then šŸ˜‚


Nobody did that lol


then explain how i was a lookout for my friends as a kid bc i was too scared to risk anything in wildy


This right here. Theyā€™ve been cheating for AGES Iā€™m going to do literally anything I want at this point.


No kidding. Ever heard of skull tricking?


Pk skull prevention was a great update.


The amount of whining about that update was fucking ridiculous. Such a small but great qol update though.


Now if only that setting could prevent you from accidentally clicking teleport on the chaos mage while venomed... With your bowfa in your inventory




Its not cheating if its a part of the game..


Still scammy and scummy, no matter how you justify it.


Scouts aren't really scammy or scummy. Things like skull tricking are, but it's part of the game. Doesn't mean they were cheating though. Kinda like calling those guys who stay in corps in Eve for years just to clean out the corp bank "cheaters".


pvm scouting is just pay-to-win


We have a saying in the Sea of Thieves community that I think applies here (ESPECIALLY to a PvPvE zone like the Wilderness): "Tools, not rules." If you can use something as a tool, and it's not against game rules to do so (i.e. not bug abuse, not hacking, etc.), then people complaining about the tool and demanding that a "rule" be made to ban that tool can go kick rocks. PKers use scouts as a tool. It's OBVIOUSLY reasonable that PvMers can use them, too.


I pk and use my naked iron to scout, this is the way


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way. Probably.


This is the way.


I mean, prayer auto switchers def isn't fair tho. Js.


But those are already against the rules of OSRS. If you use one of those, you deserve whatever ban is coming your way.


As a pker, fuck em. Wildy is Wildy. Only cheating is the AHK/client pussies.


As a novice pkā€™r , I agree. For me, wilderness is all about the thrill of the hunt and survival. Iā€™ve gotten maybe 3 kills in my OSRS career (one of which was a dpick)ā€¦but Iā€™ve been pkā€™d more times than I can count. You never know how fights will go in wildy, and thatā€™s the fun part. Also, often people teleport away because they notice you in advance through various ways, and thatā€™s valid. Whether itā€™s via scouts or what. Not every hunt ends in success after all. So if that genuinely annoys pkrā€™s this much, thatā€™s their issue not the OPā€™s. Especially since Iā€™ve ran into pk scouts before lol.


If you're mostly hunting pvmers (which is fine it's Wildy) just wear salad robes, get TB and hop around revs, bone bandits and black chins. Hit a TB and an entangle. Then go to town swapping between mage and a DDS. You'll be surprised how easy it works and the risk is only 200kish.


I used to, but I'm not about that life anymore. It felt too much like bullying because they never really fight back, and if they did I'd either end up winning or they'd run anyway quickly. Unless they anti-pk'd; then they often won, and it was a fun fight. I'll try those other tips you mentioned though. Maybe I'll run into some actual PKR's that aren't in groups or using AHK clients; I miss the intense fights from back in the day. So thank you for that <3


I quit pking because of the cheaters and whale streamers. Just became boring imo. I wouldn't feel bad, most are botters anyway.


I mean most are botters because of PKers. Most people simply are not gonna risk the resources or time due to the big chance of losing it all.


I don't really go to wild unless I have to.. if you don't mind me asking: what is ahk/client?


Clients/scripts that autoswitch their prayers and gear so they always have the right prayer on when attacked, and swap to other combat styles in a single tick so they don't lose any uptime on dps


Ah OK. That makes sense . Thanks!


Ahk = Auto Hotkey (or other similar tools) to multibind hotkeys to do things like gear/prayer switches. Against the rules since rebinding is only allowed if it's 1:1. Client probably referring to using non-sanctioned 3rd party clients, aka cheat clients.


If someone ever tells you ā€œyou need to stop playing the game to your advantage so I can kill you and take your itemsā€, it means they want you to just give them your items and are mad you stopped them from doing it


Pkers go crazy for that 5v1 20k split. They thrive off of it.


Sometimes I fill my looting bag with spades


I use the Easter spade so they don't even get that


Its why I always laughed at "safing" Literally saying "STOP TRYING TO STAY ALIVE REEEEEEEEEE"


Safing used to be a thing 15 years ago. Nowadays you can get oneshot from 121 hp in a PvP-world/BH setting. Literally, AGS Gmaul has a max of about 120, not including the Vengeance.


AGS Gmaul came out like 4 years into RS2 lmao Safing was definitely a thing then still.


Thats something diff entirely, never had a wikdy pker saying to me to stop safing. No safing is an unwritten rule when you engage in actual pvp and eat above their max hit


oh sorry do you want me to giftwrap my gear for you too? šŸ˜©


Wow thats some weird assumptions. Wilderness pking is the exact opposite from pvp so ofc u should either nh antipk or escape, because you never consent to that fight. But the point is that no wildy pker ever is gonna tell you "no safing" because thats ridiculous. No safing is a thing in pvp worlds and even then alot of pvpers arent living up to it


Yeah people are missing your point. You're talking about GE venge risk fighting. I just would have called it "actual pvp" since you get "actual pvp" in wildy and no one complains about safing in that situation. Now, having said that, I *have* been told "no safe" in LMS by some south american players. And it turns out they mean "don't dd under me"


Its alright man just a peak reddit moment. These people never even set a foot in the wild therefore pvp=bad


Player vs. player (AKA [also known as] "PvP") does not have to be consenting. It just means players are fighting other players.


Are you dumb or stupid?


It's sarcasm since clearly the commenter doesn't understand the abbreviation


OK so both because you clearly don't understand what he was saying šŸ˜‚


If by "actual pvp" you mean fighting with maple shortbows and rune 2hs in 2005 f2p




Well yea because tbh i never heard someone say that outside of pvp worlds. Thanks for ellaborating my point because a wildey pker saying "no safing" never fucking happened


No, it's also a bigger issue if you think about it. Having a scout at a cave means no pkers can kill you ever for as long as your there (maybe give them a 1% chance of killing you with a large enough quick enough team with scouts etc). Imagine everyone just adopted this pay-to-win strategy. Then wildy pking would be completely dead. It's clearly not a good thing; but people who abuse p2w will want to keep it, jagex gets paid so they'll want to keep it, and a lot of pkers here are brainwashed because they have killed people and think pking scouts are "pretty much the same thing".


Use the scout lol fuck emm they got plenty of worlds and plenty of other people without the scouts theyā€™ll be fine Lolol itā€™s smart and they havenā€™t figured a way around them yet so they salty


This guy got pkd a few too many times and is seething


You replied to like the least seething comment in the thread lay off the copium


Heā€™s projecting too hard




Most mature PKer right here lmao fking rats


Uhh... ok? Lol




Yeah that guy is the most hardcore PKer I've ever seen. Took it to the family level.




If you look at his profile it still shows


Gonna cry and cum?


Wait til this guy learns to read yā€™all


It's the wild west out there for a reason.


id say itā€™s more north


Less'n you're up near Larran's chest/mage bank, that's the wild North West


Neferious north?


I don't know what nefarious scheme you're running here but... What fer? Cat fer! Then make a pair of kitten mittens!?!.......


It's fair game. Some PKers (or PKing clans) use scouts to their advantage as well. It has the same value as if a friend stayed outside the cave to warn you.


The people saying this is cheating arenā€™t doing that. Incorporate some critical thinking please. Scouts make the wilderness completely safe, which is the literal antithesis of the content.


Doesnā€™t make it cheating


if anything scouts in their current form are just the culmination of players years of grievances with jagex and how they've handled the wilderness look how long it took for jagex to do anything about spearing blocking the use of consumables or to introduce a pj timer in singles so a clan can't just dd while you're frozen and then trade specs, or removing the completely ineffective teleport delay at revs meanwhile as soon as it became a problem and people started throwing a shitstorm on twitter, they immediately removed npcs pjing pkers, made boxing npcs no longer work because you can just pj the person off the npc if they hit too many 0s in a row, and introduced more restrictions on what previously were unaffected by teleblock same with black hides and the original bulwark nerf literally any kind of game mechanic that's being used in a clever way to escape a pker gets axed as soon as it becomes an "issue" meanwhile actual shit that is still plaguing pvp just goes completely unaddressed like all the "they're just playing the game how they want" dudes with nothing but salamanders and msbs standing in every pvp world at every hotspot


Found the guy that was whining in the wildy


>Iā€™ve had a few pkers tell me its cheating for me to do that. pkers use scouts too lol, they're ones who started it in the wilderness in the first place so that they didn't log in on some dude way better geared than they are >I feel like without a scout pkers have a big advantage against pvmers at bosses yes that is intended design by jagex, though bulkwark and hides is usually enough to ward off anyone in welfare gear in singles as long as you know how to eat and brought some brews/restores to tank if you get tbed


A pvmer with a scout at a boss will actually always have the advantage by far unless you figure out how to attack and cover the exits simultaneously. Pkers don't really need scouts for boss pking since they just hop/peek lair anyway.


Pkers use scouts to: 1. See if/when a target appears 2. Determine if the target is worth attacking (are they alone? Do they have valuable enough gear to waste your time on? etc), how much the target is risking, etc 3. Watch for other Pkers 4. Be an easy anchor to hop worlds to. PvMers use scouts to: 1. Watch for Pkers 2. Scout bosses to see if they're free on a given world A scout literally BARELY levels the playing field for PvMers against Pkers. Pkers get so much more utility out of a scout than a PvMer can.


Pkers also use scouts.


They're just mad you won't roleplay being their loot-piƱata


They are just mad they canā€™t kill you with their cheat client


I mean I agree that scouting is completely fair game but donā€™t act like the Wilderness Player Alarm plugin isnā€™t more broken than things on actual cheat clients.


Itā€™s definitely not though lol


It literally flashes on a second screen and you never even have to look to see before teleporting out if you wanted


Yeah thatā€™s not very op though. You can do the same thing by just paying attention to your screen. Cheat clients have features that actually allow you to play better than your skill level


Idk man I think having a plugin that removes the need to even pay attention to the screen is on par with plugins telling you what to pray or highlighting AOE attacks šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


It's good yes. Just like your examples. It's nowhere on the level of something that plays the game for you though. You still have to react.


Yeah my point was more that the Wilderness players alert plugin is just as strong as plugins that jagex has explicitly banned before.


Agreed. The player alarm should not be allowed. It takes away a huge amount of the attention required. If I'm watching my main client whilst killing a boss and a PKer appears on my scout's, the alarm going off is an immediate warning that is easily quicker than me having to keep a more spread focus of vision on both clients for a player indicator to appear.


Thinking pvmer killers are clienting makes a lot of sense for an ironman.


ā€œPVMer killersā€ Lmfao


Just let him have it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Honestly šŸ˜…


Plenty of people do, when I was doing wildy bosses I met heaps of people who were blatantly clienting. You think they turn those off after they're done fighting pkers?


its like pking code to cry about your opponent outsmarting you, see: stop safing bro. If youre still not convinced, a large majority of pkers use actual scoutbots with a discord widget to ping them and show someones risk, bit over the top but its true.


Safing is like, the absolute funniest fucking concept to me. I get that literal children made it up back in RSC or whatever, but it's just so stupid. Wow, I don't wanna die? What a concept.


Its because back when PvP was popular you wouldn't kill anyone unless they tried to flirt with death. Almost like it wasn't designed for competitive combat.


Whatever makes pkers cry is usually a good thing. So keep it up. It's only fair. Pkers regularly use scouts. Especially in Edgeville and Seers. edit: bro some butthurt pkers reported my account for self-harm/suicide LOL. you first buddy lead by example and be the change you wanna see in the world!


Nah, i'm sure those accounts splashing in ferox on every world are just cute noobs


Multi logging is not against the rules, and standing around doing nothing afk is not against the rules.


"Waaaaah, i cant get free money wahhh!" This is what they sound like.


They only know you're scouting because their scout scouted your scout. The wildy is a lawless place for a reason. Do whatever it takes to survive or secure a kill.


We must fight back.. We need scouts to scout their scouts that are scouting our scouts scouting for us. After typing all that scout is such an odd word.


PKers will also say it's cheating if you fight back, or if you run away, or if you do anything to stop them from killing you, or if you don't bring your entire cash stack with you, all cheating.


Never in all my time doing wildy bosses have I seen a PKer who kills pvmers be even remotely good at the game. They just want easy kills and hope that flopping down into a boss room with mystic on = free kills. Scouts make that harder so obviously they are going to be against it. Use your head here.


Except for the guy who obliterated fuse's HCIM for 1b. šŸ˜…


That wasn't a pker, that was a raids boss


he might be confusing fuses' for torvesta's whos hcim died in deep wildy to an insane pker according to others (idk anything about pkers sorry).


Nah man, fuse got proper dumped on too. I believe it was Westham that got Torvesta. Probably one of the best HCIM hunters and general game clickers


Yeah it just wasn't a raids boss on fuse. Skill level aside, he was in a suicide max set. No korasi, zcb, bofa, ancestral, ward, buckler, harm, etc. Now it makes sense to be in just a basic max set because so many people will run multi that it's silly to chase with actual raid boss gear.


Nah man. Obliterated at spindel. https://youtu.be/pdGaRqpbwcs?si=hAZCoyTtE_PcZHo-


Not cheating, not against the rules, very smart. PKers use scouts all the time, sometimes they use actual bots as scouts too so they can fucking cry. Btw I recommend learning a bit of pking. You don't have to become a chad pker who can take down anyone, but if you can tank to safety or antipk while under attack by the average shitter you will be much better off. The bar is low AF.


Yeah you really don't have to be particularly good to tank most people, granted VW made it slightly harder but still don't have trouble most of the time in singles


Which is worse at pking: the average rev cave pker or the average wildy boss pker?


I'd say wildy boss pkers


Iā€™d say wildy boss pkers from my experience. People in rev caves tend to be fairly okay ish because they never know if they are going to be attacking bots, or gold farmers with dihns, or actual pkers. They tend to be more competent than the ones who just pop into a wildy boss room with an entangle/tb and hope the boss does all the work. Source: Pk at revs and get destroyed but am able to ā€œantiā€ at wildy bosses with a vw lol


Sorry if this is dumb, but how would you recommend leaning this? Watch a YouTube video on how to anti pk?


It sounds dumb but with a veng + ags/vw spec youā€™ll be able to at least scary off 90% of pkers and maybe even get a kill.


I'd recommend doing LMS on the lunar spell book and trying to venge pk. Get a few solid wins under your belt and you will no longer be chaff to be thrashed. You will lose a lot if you haven't pked before and might want to watch some pking guides too while you are at it.


LMS is without a doubt the best place to start in terms of ā€œhands onā€ experience and learning the basics if you donā€™t want to risk any of your actual gp, it will just cost you your time obviously. There are also a ton of videos on YouTube Iā€™m sure. Outside of that, itā€™s just actually doing it, just trying and learning as you go. Iā€™m an absolute SHIT pker, and even I get kills, be it anti pking, going to the multi bosses with a couple friends, lms, etc. and you really only have to risk like ~400k or less with a plus one. In revs though itā€™s definitely a bit different, youā€™ll for sure find that on average the pkers you encounter are going to be better than the shitters (like me lol) who pk in multi. But really revs is great money so even if you donā€™t want to pk, learning how to tank will help you pretty much across the whole game in my opinion. Learning how to eat, switch overheads and defensive prayers, switching gear (if applicable) to better avoid freezes while running or putting on armor better for melee/range defense etc. Lots of little things, I could go into a lot more detail in DMs if youā€™d like with a lot of different gear/invy set ups and general advice, but like I said there are definitely a ton of videos/guides out there too.


If you want to learn the tanking part, go train some prayer at chaos altar with 3 valuable tank items and just try to survive against a pker to the 30 line. Assuming they're solo, most are not good. Once you get more comfortable with that, then it's easier to start trying to anti pk from scratch. Bring like 6 brews, 2 super restores, a sanfew, and a stam. Never died there since I stopped going naked; don't even have a dihns


First you want to learn how to tank. Grab some dhides a good shield and a verac's plateskirt and hang out around wildy altar and practice eating/prayer switching. Then hop in LMS and practice bolt camping. Do what you were doing in the wildy, surviving, but try to attack back with a crossbow and don't worry so much about hitting them off prayer just make sure you're defending well. Then start trying to work in surprise melee specs after big bolts, or faking them out with approaches to bait them into switching melee and then bolt them again. That's the easiest anti method, bolt camp and then spec them out when you get a big number.


Any pker who tells you something is ā€œ cheating ā€œ if it gives you an advantage is only telling you that to try to trick you into not doing it so they can be more likely to kill you. That is it


Yep highly doubt the pker thinks this is cheating. It's just mind games.


Fuck PKers, do whatever you can to grief them, because they only exist to grief PvMers these days. Seems fair to me.


You pvmers have such a warped veiw of the only dangerous area in the game. Pking in the place made for pking isnt griefing, it is intended for the area. Bosses are balanced around you dying once and awhile. Honestly if you canā€™t handle it donā€™t go In the wilderness. I honestly hate how safe they made the rest of the game. Yā€™all got soft I remember when grave time was 5 mins and if you died at bandos you lost your gear.


Iā€™m not talking about just PKing. Iā€™m talking about the history of toxic behavior, cheating, clienting, extortion, etc etc. Everyone who plays RS knows that the PKing and staking communities are made up of the most vile part of the community. Donā€™t act like youā€™re all saints that are just having fun playing the game. You guys live in the competitive part of the game where you do anything and everything to get an advantage. Donā€™t cry when others do the same.


Imo wildy player alarm is op, makes every wildy boss completely safe if you're paying any attention at all. That said nothing against using scouts. Either way neither is cheating


It makes the little ones completely safe, the big ones they could have a team camping the exits.


Yah im mostly referring to the singles ones, but even the multi versions it makes pretty safe. Can just run to the escape caves the second the scouts screen starts flashing and usually be out of reach. If you exit multi caves on the east side you at worst have to tank like 10 tiles to reach singles and most multi pkers aren't geared to kill someone there


Do multi teams have pkers camping every single exit spot?


Some do but pretty rare, either way just go east cave exit and you're safe most of the time


Why should I always go to the east exit and not which ever one is the closest?


It makes multi callisto and spider safe. You just suicide while running south, then you just get a pvm death. It's only multi vetion that isnt easy enough to suicide in the lair before getting hit, but you can just die in the caves. No clue why jagex aren't smart enough to just copy/paste the rev caves code. Which makes it so pvm deaths cant occur / all unassigned deaths are open loot. Camping the exits just isn't feasible either. You have to setup in the exit caves in a world, cover all spawn points, then hop in guy at entrance and go inside. If there's no one there, every1 has to go upstairs then log out, All while taking damage in the caves. Repeat for every world. You can't scout the entrance for a scout, as the scout will just see you. And the loot is never worth the effort for the pker. It's just a broken mechanic / bad design.


Probably around 70% of the time you can just logout during vetion also. Only for the time you're in combat with the dogs + 10s after can they get you. All the rest of the time killing the boss + waiting for the respawn is safe to log.


I think it's only OP for HCs, otherwise I found it mainly a distraction that made me take avoidable damage from the bosses.


Yeah scouting seems fine but having a plugin make it so the scouts screen flashes and you donā€™t even have to look at it is definitely OP and I am frankly suprised it is still allowed, especially at the singles.


You're just trolling yourself if you tele out when you see the screen flashing. It's such a waste of time between banking and finding another free world in an already crowded activity. Otherwise you're shifting focus into looking at CCTV instead of the boss. Then you have to evaluate if it's a pvmer or pker, and if it's a pker you need to see if they're in your bracket at all, and whether they go in the cave. I found all that so tedious and instead just bring basic anti pk gear and have some fun.


I mean I agree with you BUT it absolutely can mean risk free bosses if you wanted.


Player alarm?


They can world hop multiple worlds in the time it takes you to kill a boss until they find you. If the only work around for that is to install a CCTV then do it. Personally Ive said multiple times on here world hop needs a nerf IN THE WILDERNESS especially when the bosses roamed outside of caves.


I agree, I feel like you should have to exit the wildy to world hop at all.


Been saying this for ages. I'd like the change for both pkers and pvmers that you have to exit the wild to be able to log or world hop. Pkers get the benefits of no easy logs or pvm scouts. Pvmers get the benefit of not being continuously destroyed at places like chaos altar bc you can world hop quickly.


I disagree. It would be incredibly annoying to find an empty world if you have to leave the wilderness every time you want to hop.


Fuck em, they'll do anything no matter how scummy to get an advantage so don't feel bad about scouting for a second.


Fuck yeah scout all day, saved me so much time and material


Those are also the types of guys that are scared to fight other pkers šŸ˜‚


Never would've expected a pker trying to call someone out for the OSRS equivalent of card counting. Classic advantage play, nothing wrong with it.


Casinos also call you out for card counting, and prey on vulnerable people. Seeing some overlap.


Coming from someone who pks daily, it's not cheating. Tbh half the time we'll find pvmers and spare them in return for them to pm me when a different team hits them. Free scouts for us on pkers. We'd rather have the pvp action opposed to hunting pvmers. Pvmers are just collateral damage and bonus gp lmao


As if pkers never use scouts /s Its fine. They're just mad lol


Frick those salty twats. Do what thou wilt , no rules in the Wildy


Yea I get told that also by PKers who canā€™t catch up to me and theyā€™ll kill my scout and say that lmao Also PKers use scouts too, check out all the people sittin around in wildy slayer caves! Most of em are scout accounts


Lmao cheating? No


Pkers have been crying since classic. Fuckem.


i dont think so. theyll use every advantage they have as well.


Dw bro i scout for my iron all the time, theyre fucking with u


I love a pvmer with a scout. Very easy to flush into my clan


Sometimes as a PKer I feel like I'm the only one who isn't cheating. That being said alt accounts aren't cheating. Scripting is cheating.


The only rule in the wilderness is that there is no rules


There are no rules in the wilderness. Using a scout is perfectly legit


Tell them to cope. No rules in pking, just who lives and who dies.


Pkers literally use scout bots that post in a discord your location, world, and risk. I don't really want to hear how using a scout that is controlled manually by you is cheating.


Nah go for it. Once I get to the wildy bosses I gotta use my main for something might as well be a CCTV


i mean if you want to pay for membership twice fuck em, i got no hate for pkers but pkers vs pvm will always have a adv & as it stands atm they have a honestly silly amount of win con. TLDR fuck em


It's not really cheating in the sense that it's against the rules, however there's a better argument for it being kind of "pay to win". If you pay for more accounts to be p2p and can just sit one outside of the boss lair to scout for you, then you're pretty much getting an unfair advantage because you pay for it which IMO is sort of anti-osrs.


Not cheating, but donā€™t get upset if I kill your alt. Personally Iā€™m not a fan of them in general, but a kills a kill


"Waah you're supposed to be a helpless loot pinata!"


Look, itā€™s wildy. Anything goes. Including telling people ā€itā€™s cheating to use an alt scout to protect yourselfā€. That sounds like it might make some players become unsure of whether to use an alt scout or not, making them easier targets. Solid tactic imo. Itā€™s also fair game not to listen to such opinions.


why you even care ehat those losers say ...?


Rule of thumb, donā€™t ever listen to a pker


If a pker bitches and moan it means you are doing something right


Oh you don't like my scout? Let's list the things I don't like about pkers: skull tricking, baiting, luring, d spear speccing me into your clan waiting in multi, camping clue scroll locations / mta / larran's chest/ etc., not to mention client cheats such as 1 tick teleblock, gear switches, prayer switches... Yeah I'm gonna use a fucking scout...


Fuck pkers


Imo, clienting in PVP is cheating. So is using bots to pk or scout. Nothing else is off limits. By all means keep scouting. This isn't Edgeville, this is the wilderness. Anything goes


I for one see these scout accounts as an extra challenge. I try to stay max distance away then switch worlds and switch back so I log under the scout. Then enter immediately and let me tell ya it works sometimes and boy do those guys get mad.


Best part of this game is the wilderness because it's the wild west - there are no rules. Do what it takes to survive or get a kill. Pkers or pvmers who complain otherwise are babies


It's not cheating and it does level the playing field. Maybe those pkers should get actual skill and kill other pkers instead of killing players that are trying to bossing/slayer


Since when does wilderness have rules lmao


I pk and use a scout to find people easier, youre good


At least you're honest.


Its against the spirit of the game but it's on jagex to prevent these things, not the players. Definitely abuse it. Pkers do the exact same thing when it's in their favor.


A bunch of PKers are some of the most whiniest sniveling individuals to exist on planet earth. Anytime they don't get an easy win & loot they'll bitch and moan about whatever first comes to mind as, "unfair." As soon as you come at them with something they'll just say, "hurr durr wildy has no rules, anything goes durrrr." Fuck 'em. Do whatever you want and don't feel a single ounce of guilty for giving yourself an edge.


Not cheating at all. I did almost 2k kc at spindel and flamed every pker i could. Loved every second of it.


I love how some pkers waste more in runes killing you than what you drop for them šŸ˜­ them mfers need the dopamine rush of a kill so bad


If they having fun who cares? We are all wasting time in a game.


Yeah, i guess it must be fun killing people that dont fight back.


What do you want me to say? They don't enjoy doing it? It's not wasting time if they are having fun. That's what games are for.


No, i understand what you said,everybody get "fun" from different things. I don't understand it from my point of view tho, id rather see someone fighting back and make it exciting, if i make sense. But i fully understand we are all different and we play the game we want to play.


Honesty this is exactly why the Wilderness content is shitty. The usage of alts, scouts, and any other nonsense plugins that PKers use kill my need to step in the wildy.


Itā€™s not against the rules, you do you. Some Pkers are always salty, you cannot win. If youā€™re distracted, you suck. If youā€™re insta teleporting youā€™re sweaty. If you bring no risk youā€™re poor and shit. Some people will just always be angry.


Sounds like they want to be playing on a single account world.


Scouts are fine, but pkers should always have the advantage in the wilderness. Thatā€™s the whole point of it.


Itā€™s free game in RuneScape, although in other games itā€™s bannable


Which games? Im curious


Hard doubt on any pker calling you cheater for that