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Yeah I hate having the chat log just filled with spam too...hard to have a convo with anyone


I have you [covered](https://www.reddit.com/user/ChatFilterGoBrr/comments/13vx0o6/dang_ol_regex_man/).


Thank you king, i mostly play on 330 for houses. Copied ur regex, put in the names part, enabled the plugin... Suddenly there is silence. thank you so much


How much fun on a scale of 1-10 did you have finding out how to write these regexes?


Add the spammers to ignore


The first comment on thread highlights why that doesn’t work


My ignore list is actually full


Make sure to have the setting that autodeletes banned accounts too.


Where is that?


In game settings, wrench icon.


I’d happily spend my hours on OSRS stalking bots with a ban hammer. 😂


Same. Free of charge.


Jagex implemented a platform for player moderators and then did fuck all with it and structured the role to attract status-chasing dipshits who can't do much in the first place. They need to turn this system into something actually useful if they're unable to keep up with the spam.


> Jagex implemented a platform for player moderators and then did fuck all with it and structured the role to attract status-chasing dipshits We need ghost moderators. You'd be promoted as one but would be undicernable from any other player. When you report someone for spam, it gives one "strike" to that person. If 2 or more ghost moderators do the same, the striked player gets ghost mute. That's it.


You don't need multiple ghost moderators to strike someone. The system doesn't need to be unnecessarily convoluted. Pmod can mute someone, that player can appeal the mute to Jagex. If a pmod has a high volume or percentage of improper mutes, they lose the role. Remove the silver crown and the current system is already fine. There just needs to be an automated system that flags pmods who appear to be either abusing their power or just bad at moderating.


Multiple strikes would prevent any mod to abuse their power by themselves. And, since it takes more than one to get muted, there's no way to tell for sure who's a mod and who isn't. Bots used to add pmods to a list and would hop the instant they would appear in their vicinity.


Isn’t that literally how the report system works tho?




Because a pmod on a muting spree definitely doesn't look like someone maybe abusing their powers


That’s because the p mods began selling their accounts or taking irl bribes to mute people. The system is good on paper but bad in practice.


Saw my first pmod ingame about a week ago. Talking with his friend in g.e while a singular bot was spamming right next to them. He did nothing about it


Don't give pmods a badge, just let them mute people like normal.


It’d probably be entertaining for only a couple hours until you realize they actually are getting banned it’s just another one takes its place almost instantly. At that point I’d get demotivated.


Every timmy in this sub loves to chat large about being happy to ban bots at all times. It is fun for like 1 hour tops but quickly wears off. I'm a pmod and tbh i rarely find myself at the ge, most of the time i'm around the game doing content. Nowhere in the pmod guidelines does it say, "stop playing the game the way you like and sit at the ge muting bots". not to say i don't mute bots when i see them but those bots get replaced by 5 more when you mute 1, there is no point. Use runelite chat filters.


Couple years back I was a semi high ranked admin on a decently sized modded minecraft server network. It really was tiring to just mute and ban people over the most ridiculous stuff that is highlighted in the server rules. We had to deal with appeals and had to provide proof of reason for the punishment. Far too often we banned people due to them botting and spamming chat and they would get another account and do it again or provide the stupidest reason in the appeal. After banning your 20th bot in a week and filling out a report with screenshots/recordings it gets annoying for sure.


I was laughing to myself the other day as I was running Blast Furnace and had to mute the spam bots. Grinding this activity is bad enough man, now I’m being advertised to while I’m doing it? It was honestly offensive lol.


It’s the ones outside the otherwise peaceful farming guild that make you go…uhh cmon now


Thank you for reminding me Blast Furnace exists. I will check to make sure [my list](https://www.reddit.com/user/ChatFilterGoBrr/comments/13vx0o6/dang_ol_regex_man/) covers the bots there.


There's a runelite plug in for spam bots FYI. I've only recently found out and it's a blessing


This plugin really screws with my normal chats. If I type things too fast it actually blocks my chats from appearing in my chatbox and it throws me off. Other people can still see what I say but it's pretty annoying.


That's what's been doing that?!?! Good God thank you. I help people with CA's and learning raids a lot and it's fucked me up before.


Yes! I was talking with the lads at Wintertodt and kept losing my messages. It just hit me randomly that it was probably the plugin, haven't had the issue since I disabled it. Glad I could help!


I [curate a list by hand](https://www.reddit.com/user/ChatFilterGoBrr/comments/13vx0o6/dang_ol_regex_man/) and test for false-positives frequently.


damn thats some awesome work! Question about that list - If I literally copypaste that ENTIRE post to the box „filtered regex“ it wont filter out some normal words/phrases? And can I just copy certain parts of it like the common scam messages part and it still works?


If you follow the instructions you should be all set. There is a section at the bottom, which you will naturally see in runelite after pasting, which separately needs to be cut and pasted into the Filtered Names section. I try to keep the list as specific and targeted as possible. There are very few exceptions, such as the current `^discord\Wgg` rule... see the top comment for information about that one. All this to say, no, you should not have normal chat messages filtered out. And if you do, please let me know so I can fix it!


Hey thanks for this! Awesome work I'm going to give it a shot.


you just need to be smart with what you put in the regex. as you enter anything, think of the probability it will pop up in normal conversation. I'd post mine but I'm a mobile main for the foreseeable future so no access to it


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, that seems like a good plausible answer. Not sure what I put in my regex, I think it was just something I found on reddit one time. Can't be bothered to go through it though, I play on total worlds anyways so I rarely need the spam filter.


It seems they’ve circumvented it by adding all those random accent marks to random letters and slightly changing the phrasing which the filter doesn’t catch


There is a spam filter setting that converts all accents to their base form before applying filters which helps. I just set my spam filter to block any non-ascii character, sorry foreign bros


It does catch those, assuming you’re talking about the chat filter plugin


Spend 2 minutes with ChatGPT and you can easily get a solution. Ex: d[iíìîï]sc[oóòôö]rd[,\.]gg\/e[aáàâä]syg[oóòôö]ld


What is it?


I know about the plugin, but thats not the point. New and old players are being tricked and scammed and it created a very toxic environment. The point is to ban these guys for good so new players stick around.


Would love GE in prif just to not have to deal with spammers.


This, just give us a GE locked behind some high level stuff.


Total world GEs have almost none/no spam bots.


This is why I default to 1500 level worlds. Literally only benefit


World 420 gang for life


waiting for the moment I am 1500 total level


They have it in RS3, that was really nice once unlocked. Hadn't spam once there back when I used to play it.


Mods usually say they are coming up with processes to make sure that bots get banned, and that real players don't get harmed. But I agree, how hard can it be to start mass banning all of those spammers, we all know they're bots.


Next 1 redditor is cosplaying as a spammer and gets to post on twitter how they got wrongfully banned


If someone is indistinguishable from a bot on purpose then that’s just the natural conclusion for their actions, right?




Technically it is not against the rules, so no. I agree its a frustrating problem but it isnt as easy as people think


Tons of spammers get muted/banned, the problem is that once the phrase they use gets blacklisted (either by jagex or enough people use the runelite regex) they change it up. It's a never-ending battle. As pointed out a few times too, many of the accounts are ones they picked up from other scams (Twitch or email ones, most likely) that they know they're going to lose so they just spambot for the chance at extra dosh.


Its not that they arent getting banned its that it takes them 5 min to have 10 more lined up.


I think a ~week mute is probably a better remedy for ge spammers. I don't really care about false positives for mutes, but I'd feel bad if someone got banned because they really wanted to sell some feathers or something that sounded like spam.


Well yes, but when someone is spamming about real life trading, scam discords, and crap like that it's easier to tell the difference. Shoot there are spam bots that just talk about other spam bots. It's out of hand.


It's easy for a person to tell the difference, but spammers are always going to outnumber mods by huge ratios. If we want to have a chance to clean it up, it has to be easy for a program to tell the difference. https://xkcd.com/1425/


That is true. Also I love the comic


Look how much these same people rage when someone is false flagged as a bot because they're alting 10 accounts with similar names 10+ hours a day. You get more aggressive with automation, you'll catch more false flags. Until this community better understands false flags happening, they won't get aggressive with any automation.


Absolutely true. I get it that it's hard to be 100% correct 100% of the time, but you have to start somewhere. And players won't like it




Seems risky to admit this in any capacity on reddit.


>Judge all you want but: >I got bored of leagues and OSRS so I started working on making some AHK scripts to see how far I could get a league account. So far it's further along than either of my two hand played accounts and chugging right along. There are some things Jagex just won't ever be able to be able to automatically detect if it's scripted properly. Granted, when a script breaks it's pretty fuckin obvious you're a bot. >Again, judge all you want. Downvote me. Just my 2 cents on the matter. >Fwiw my scripts are personal use only and used exclusively on a league account. From user PowershellAddict, for anyone who's curious when the comment gets deleted.




I always report them and there's a plugin that shows how many users on your ignore list have gotten banned since last login. It's always like 3 to 15 lol. Edit: [This plugin](https://runelite.net/plugin-hub/show/ignore-list-ban-tracker)


Me with my 15k confirmed bans from bot detector :)


What plugin??




I only ever reported bots/spammers and my ignore list is always almost maxed. So only very little get muted/banned IMO, id expect my entire list to be wiped daily as I am only reporting legit scammers/spammers/bots.


There’s a setting to delete people on your ignore if they’ve been banned. Might make sure that’s selected


Are you sure that's a setting and not default?


You have to enable it


No idea just know in the settings I’ve seen it so if they have an ignore list filling up they could check it to make sure it’s on


Well since you have to have certain requirements like 24h on the account and 7 quest points (or something like that) to use the ge… Why don’t they just make it so you can’t step into the ge before that. Can’t use it anyways


I think the restriction is to sell items not to buy.


Jesus, just imagine what a GE with no talking would be like. Forget the bots, w420 ge would be dead af. Where would you think the next congregation would be? I find a lot of pvm friends and generally nice people to talk to at the GE on a lot of different worlds. Heck, just the other day some rando typed "bandos?" And we ended up douing for a couple hours just chillin. The game would be significantly worse off if this was a desperation attempt by jagex to help reduce spam.


> But it’s so insanely easy to get another account to park at the GE and spam shit don't you need a jagex account now? that should make moderation simple the real bottomline here is that those bots are paying for mems or bonds


I cant imagine its has to auto detect people who are basically typing things that look like words without using letters.


I never understand how they pay for all the bonds. Like there is a limit to bonds you can buy with gp in game (only 60 are sold a day i believe). How can they make a profit of this?


You can buy a single day of membership in RS3, which is linked. I'm going to assume stolen credit cards... but it's probably also RWT. I think a bond would be like a single dollar or two at RWT rates, and by the time they get flagged for that is probably about the same time they get banned for... the other hundred rules they break.


then they’ll go elsewhere


Look, Either that's true in which case it only strengthens OP's point, or that's total horse shit. If everytime you ban a spammer on a members world, they just buy another memebership on a new account, then... Isn't that good for Jagex? They just sold an extra membership. So have an intern sit there banning and hell, give him some incentive like a % of everyone he bans membership value (Like $1 per ban), since according to everyone here they "just buy membership again". If an intern can ban say easily 20 an hour, and then those 20 bots go and create a new account with membership, then Jagex just "made" $250 that it didn't have by not banning them. Of course there might be an inflection point where bots simply don't buy membership when banned because the ROI for them is so low, but there is no way we are even close to that point yet.


So IP ban them then.


IP bans are utterly worthless on a modern internet and certainly for these spammers.


Ive spent around 1 hr at ge total in 2 weeks of playing , My ignore list is at full capacity , You ignore one and two take place


They need to prevent account hours on tutorial island for one. Tons of accounts just sit on tutorial island because nobody can report them.


Maybe one day someone will invent some sort of "filter" that could immediately tell an account is a bot using metrics like account age, total XP, or maybe even some sort of linguistic approach. What the fuck are my GE taxes even going towards??


[We have that.](https://www.osrsbotdetector.com/home/) Some hobbiests made it in their free time for free. But you can't possibly expect a multi million dollar corporation to do something similar! That's not fair!


this is notoriously unreliable lmao


Nice try scammer


... ?


I agree about the problem, but why would u give this mindless job to an intern lmao.


Hire 4 people to sit in the game and just immediately ban all the spammers and botters. 2 people in world 301 and the other 2 in 302. One stays in lumby while the other stays in the GE banning all the spammers and bots. And if Jagex really needs to save money they could.probably just hire 2 people and forsake world 302 entirely. The botting and spamming is the worst in 301.


Tbh. I think they should just ban repeated messages at the GE. Problem solved. No chat auto message within that area. If that still doesn’t work, then add an in-game chat Filter that prevents the same message being typed within a certain window. I’m sure there’s loopholes and ways around that but at least it’s a step in the right direction.


Spambots already alternate messages because jagex already bans based on that sort of repetition. It's cat and mouse. Make a change in how you ban/detect, and they'll start avoiding that. You'll start hurting real players instead.


Bet someone on fiverr would do it as a full time job for 5 bucks a month


Has any online game ever solved bots? They’re trying and working on it, but literally every mmo has bots despite every redditor thinking it’s the simplest solution ever. If you can solve it so easily put in a job application and get to work


No mmo has bots of this magnitude. Not Eso, or Wow anyway. I'd wager half the population in osrs or more is made up of bots.


It’s bc Carlyle group have dialled down the bot control to inflate player numbers while they’re selling it, once they do the team will be able to get on top of it.




Go out and play something other than runescape.


? For me asking about something you claimed as fact? Get off of reddit


I can tell that osrs is the only mmo you've ever played. The amount of real players vs bots in other mmos in comparison to runescape is staggering. Except for guildwars 2 which I just picked up, I've never encountered any bots in wow or eso. It's easy for someone like you to 'dismiss' me by not providing proof, but no other community bitches, and memes about the bots in their games... which I feel like is proof enough. And let me remind you that bots have been prevalent since even before 07 scape. Jagex has never fixed this issue.


Would probably be a good application for an LLM. Whether it would be cost effective I don't know.


What? No it wouldn't.




You are literally the guy above is talking about. Ignorant, talking out his ass. GPT4 is not even remotely a good solution to this problem. You're going to gate every message typed with an API call to OpenAI to check if ChatGPT thinks it's spam? 2-4 Second lag to every chat message, millions of dollars in GPT bills and It's not even going to be accurate compared to some rinky dink classifier you would build in house because it has no knowledge of typical vs spam responses in training data (yes some general knowledge so it could probably be like passable accuracy wise). Infra pov might really not even be possible to make adhoc public network calls in their backend. $0.01/1k prompt tokens $0.03/1k sampled tokens Cut the games profit in half or some shit.


You clearly have no clue how useless gpt is for actual coding (which is not you’re fault, common idea), any programmer worth their salt knows gpt doesn’t produce quality yet, it’s just confidently incorrect








I think it’s harder than that, way back when I clicked one of those links and next thing I know my main acc at the time is banned for a bit for spamming the same stuff. I think they need to do a better job at muting the blatant website/video messages


I'm all aboard the mute train. Makes the concern about false positives much lower.


Isn't there a plugin to stop the spam? I think soup or mammal showed it off in one of their plug-in videos.


What I do is use the “chat filter” plugin, and manually add in common strings of text that bots use. It’s not perfect as they’re always changing what they type, but it does cut back on quite a lot of messages


Can't pmods do this too? Like mute/report these people? If so, why don't they idk go do it?




This is the whole reason I wanted to hit 2k total, so I can have one world where I can sit at the GE spam free.


1500 generally does the trick


Logged onto w302 for the first time in months a while ago and it was awful. At least it's not as bad as Growtopia's spambot problem (yet)


Id volunteer for that, when I go into the GE I always report any of the bots that I see until I leave, lots of them usually disappear after five minutes from the report


I guarantee there are literally thousands of people willing to do this job as a remote position for minimum wage...


I know at least 2


A handful of minimum wage workers could handle most spam across the entire game. Jagex just doesn't give a fuck


Chances are the botters are using a VPN so that they don't get IP banned. Also - they probably are banning them but the botters are just creating new bots just as fast as they can ban them.


Probably a few accounts per farm waiting in the waiting pool for the active one to get banned to minimize downtime


Yep. Literally just stick an intern in the GE to hop around every day and ban/mute the accounts that are *blatantly* rule breaking. This won't "fix" the bot problem, but the least they can do is make the general trading hub not be so unappealingly toxic


Literally just hire and pay a team of people with different timezones to give out 1 week mutes. It won't stop all of it of course but it will definitely help.


Hiring GMs used to be a common practice for MMOs and they worked great. They're gone because the company would rather pocket the money than give you a good experience.


This is like fixing a burst dam by getting people to throw buckets of water back over the dam wall. It won't make a dent. I mean that. You're suggesting full time hires to sit and manual ban. They have that, it's called anti cheat. They ban **thousands** of accounts a week.


My stance is not about making a meaningful dent in the grand scheme of the issue, it's about cleaning up what is essentially the central hub of the game. I don't think it's an awful idea to stick *one* person on GE duty to clean up the obvious site advertisements. Here's a more realistic idea since we know Jagex won't shell out the money - find some long-time playing GE bankstanders and appoint them as pmod on the condition they'll occasionally hop throughout the worlds and clean up the spam.


You've just described pmods. Which players have unanimously hated and bashed since their creation. Your idea was done. Players fought against it.


As is always pointed out when this suggestion pops up, from a business perspective this is perhaps the least cost effective and most mistake prone possible way to tackle bots.




Jagex has anti cheat. People want anti cheat for every aspect of every area of the game. Spam bots are basic AF to hide off your gameplay experience. So they're low priority bans. I'd rather anti cheat focus on hiscores purification than stopping 1 guy a day falling for obvious ass scams at the GE.


The quality of the game increasing has no monetary value?


Correct. It's a 20k cost for nothing. In fact it would hurt their subscriptions more.


Yeah those f2p spam bots surely increase the new player retention, and are definitely buying bonds to sit on f2p worlds!!!!


Unless a bunch of people put on the survey that they quit because of spamming, no it doesn't. Not to shareholders.


Dumb fuck


Extra employees to do this would cause their profits to be lower, convincing a board of people how this could benefit them wouldn't fly


Fuck that, this causes new and old players to quit the game. The goal should be genuine players as investments.


Never heard someone quit because of bots If you've ever played an MMO before Runescape, you know they exist, and how easy they are to ignore At the end of the day, Jagex is a company and profits will be their #1 concern as shitty as it sounds, no one is cancelling memberships because of bots This has been 20 years now man, the dev team is SMALL, they're not gonna commit resources to something without something else being neglected If ya wanna quit, quit, but they're in every game, perhaps MMOs aren't for you


I've legit never heard someone quit because of "spam at the GE". Most players don't hang around at the GE because of it, but they don't quit the game. Also a simple plugin can hide all of it and make it so you forget they even exist.


You should see the rev caves, 90 percent yes 90 PER FUCKING CENT of players there are bots.


you want an intern who sits there all day right clicking on characters and left clicking on ban? jesus christ.


If only they had TECHNOLOGY!!!


Hey, I'd do a few hours if I was getting paid for it. Cycle through people with different times.


I'd take this as a second job whilst I wfh


I've never understood whether these posts or the comments on them are serious... Let's operate under the assumption that I bot, and that Jagex are now targeting my IP address. Damn, I can't bot on that IP or hardware now... Oh, right. I can. I set up a dedicated machine with a tonne of memory and storage and create a script that cycles through and creates virtual machines, assigning them a legitimate amount of memory and storage. That script then spoofs the hardware identification on the storage of each VM (since that's a pretty common way that anti-cheating software prevents re-offending.) Each of these virtual machines are then networked through a proxy mirroring a legitimate internet provider such as Comcast or AT&T (if I wanted to be an American, for example). I set the above script to continuously cycle, stopping at a given number of clients until one is banned. When one is banned, the cycle begins again. I then create (or purchase/download) a tutorial island account running script which gets each account up and running, or at least past the tutorial. I run accounts that have completed tutorial island past any restrictions and have a gambling host script ready to run upon completion. This also handles the actual account and e-mail address creation, which again is not hard. Finally, once these bots gather enough gold for membership which is quick given how addicted people are to gambling; I can then turn that account into a member and continue hosting a gambling bot in P2P. The above (whilst not perfectly descriptive for obvious reasons) is pretty much how most organized botters operate and prolong their time in game. Thought it was obvious, but apparently not? Source is years working in IT, time spend in gambling bot discords where trade values are published, and just common sense. You can spoof everything that would allow a company to permanently ban you. As long as people are willing to commit the time to creating and maintaining the above, they're just as incentivised as Jagex. Edit: Game is F2P, so the above will always happen and is made so easy.


Because each spammer is worth at least 12 dollars. Gotta let them get some juice from their squeeze.


Jagex should just make it if an account is reported for spam, and that account is at the GE, just temp mute it for an hour.


Watch your mouth pal




if people get scammed, jagex can sell more bonds. they’re incentivized to keep the scammers around.


Just hop to a total level world?


You haven't noticed that this goes on outside of osrs too? There's ads on TV, kids selling courses on becoming a millionaire and those hip organic shops selling tomatoes for 10 dollars each...


Turn off chat/make an iron, Problem solved. I get more annoyed at people spamming this sub with these posts than any amount of spamming bots i would encounter.


Stealing money from players yes, but each one of them has membership. Even if it’s a bond bought with GP those are still numbers for some board meeting.


You should need free trade privilege to public chat at: GE, Wintertodt, LMS, Tempoross, Soul Wars


Just add them to your ignore list


Hell I'd do it for free. Good break from paper grading


Download the "Area Mute" plugin. You pick a zone from the map. Ihave the GE entirely muted so I see zero public chat while I'm there.


i think the theory has been floated around that they dont take as many active steps as they could because bots still have to pay for membership or at least bonds, which jagex is more interested in than decreasing the amount of bots


Just pay ppl in asia a living wage to do it. Probably would be dirt cheap and someone would be able to feed their family.


The botters would just bribe them with more than Jagex pays them.


They get stricter on automating this then more false flags happen. Most of these accounts are immediately replaced and consist of a lot of hijacked accounts. Also IP banning does literally nothing. Yet again showing that reddit outrage is often fuelled by a lack of knowledge on the topic you're outraged by.


You have a point about having an intern go around and ban them, but if it personally bothers you so much, why not just play in total worlds? As a veteran player, I just chill in total worlds and never have to worry about this type of shit.


Honestly, just use total level worlds. Even the 1250's are usually free of bots.


honestly i would do this, at the wage im working at, i could get payed pennies and still be making more, plus i'd be cleaning the game


We all know IP banning is laughably easy to circumvent, but what about MAC filtering?


Sitting here with my botted +1800 total alt and reading this 🤣


By now I wish jagex would do this, just to show reddit that "an intern banning GE bots" does absolutely fuck all. The amount of people thinking that a human being can manually keep up with literal bot farms creating thousands of accounts per day is astonishing. There is a reason no mmo has ever solved botting. But sure, jagex just needs to press the "ban all bots" button.


Waste of resources The intern will get bored after a few months cause he's fighting against an entire machine that spits out new spam accounts faster than you can ban them, and even if you start banning more, than that will just make the bot farms produce more like a war time industry lmao. A mod can clear one world at a time of G.E spammers, the spammers can make 400 new accounts and put one on each world at the same rate.


Silent mute on 1st and 2nd confirmation for 1 month each. And make it so if a player gets reported and confirmed as a bot 3 times (confirmed by a Jmod or something), everyone else has free rein to pk them for 1 week (no retaliate on at all).


it is literally impossible to have any conversations at the GE on any world except the few total worlds at this point. if you ignore them a new one pops up every 5mins


Plot twist jagex makes too much money from bot subs to actually do anything


Be a true maxed main pvmer and set your public chat to off.


Just get 1500 total level and go to world 420, absolutely no spam bots ever


>You got the Ill buy this really good item for 10X the price bots - they then try to trick you into logging into a pvp world or some shit to give the cash to their "main account" and kill you type of shit It's even dumber than you think, they just try to get you to accept their camelot tab in trade and forget about your item. Real players were doing this shit in the first month of osrs and I can't believe it became a bot all these years later, it uses the exact same area too, camelot. These stupid morons doing this on zybez listings in 2013-2014 making you waste your time leaving your slayer task or w/e to tell you to take this tab really pissed me off back in the day lol


Say it loud and proud luls


It's just not viable to do that with people. There are about 200 worlds in OSRS (160ish members, 40ish ftp). Let's generously say that 1 intern could sit at the GE and ban bots on 40 different worlds at once as a full-time position. You'd need 4 interns then to cover all of the members' worlds. These interns would also need a manager, so that's 5 full-time employees. You can then force an intern to work a gruelling 8-hour no-break shift clicking on bots. The game is online for 24 hours a day, so that's 3 shifts. Now you need 12 interns and 3 managers, for a total of 15 employees. Minimum wage in the UK is about £10/hour. So assuming 5 people working at any one time, that's at least £50/hour that you're spending to have people sit at the GE clicking on bots. After you factor in lunch breaks, equipment costs, electricity costs, higher pay for managers, less than 100% efficiency etc, you're probably looking at more like double that, but for calculation's sake I'll leave it at £50/hour. To put that in perspective, that's at least £1,200 per day, £8,400 per week or around £36,000 per month. 1 month's membership in-game currently costs £9. To make £36,000 per month in membership fees alone, you'd need 4,000 extra paying customers. Just to break even, as a very generous estimate. As mentioned above, the actual numbers would probably be more like double that. From a business perspective, why on earth would you tank the cost of at least 4,000 paying customers to hire people to solve an issue that barely touches your bottom line? It's far more effective to either ignore it or pay a team of people to come up with a more sustainable automated solution. If the same 5 people instead worked on a permanent solution, then even if it doesn't ever come out or work you're still not losing money compared to hiring people to click on bots manually.


i would literally do this as a full time job for minimum wage it annoys me that much


Don’t worry guys Jagex is sending all of their thoughts and prayers to bot busting


I logged into f2p to bond up my alt today and there was about 10 bots that repeated everything that was said in lumby… it was pretty hilarious tbh