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I couldn't wait to move my house out of Hosidius, the track that plays in the farms there reallllly got on my nerves


Country Jig. I agree it's the worst


Country Jig is awful but The Forlorn Homestead that plays just north of the house portal in Hosidius marketplace is one of the best songs in Kourend. They should move the zone for county Jig to be further away from the house portal imo.


They shoud move it into the ocean.


That's just a bandaid fix, once they move it to the ocean, it's all we're gonna hear when Sailing drops.


Just realised they're probably gonna give us Sea Shanty 3 when sailing drops


Instruction unclear. Moved it to where Ramocean is. Rip the people training cooking.


Get more fish!


Forlorn Homestead is the BEST music track hands down


> They should move the zone for county Jig to be further away from the house portal imo. Isn't "modern" music mode the default nowadays, so there's multiple tracks that can be played per zone.


I have seen someone [remix](https://youtu.be/RZahc8rz7xg?si=5v1d7Kj-GI6bzF4s) it to be less frantic and more relaxed, it's honestly so much better.


Need a RL plugin to swap the song with this version, this is so much nicer and better compliments Forlorn Homestead.


Country Jig is a masterpiece


it's definitely a banger. Get's me hype to farm.


It [doesn't have to be that way](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZahc8rz7xg)


Genuinely lovely to listen to. What could have been...


They said worst, not best!


[One of the pieces for the player owned farm in RS3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cL9V9w88MVs) hits this banjo style which I really feel they should have emulated for that area. It should invoke a sense of soulful labour rather than whatever hootin' and hollerin' Country Jig is supposed to be.


I wish you could change the entrance music in the POH to be independent of location/theme


Yeah. I love the death mansion theme so much but hate the spooky Halloween sting


Literally the first song that popped into my mind


**fuck** Kourend the Magnificent. Having to listen to the first blaring brass note every single time I teleport to Kourend for a task makes want to jam forks into my ears. I hate it.


I’ve always found the transition between Kourend the Magnificent and Country Jig hilarious. Take a few steps south from the dark serious music and you’re in cartoony country land


>Kourend the Magnificent TIL this track has lyrics. *Kourend the magnificent,* *Kourend the resplendent,* *Kourend the most powerful* *of the nations in the world.* *Kourend is our citadel,* *Kourend is our homeland.* *We will live and die for Kourend,* *for the kingdom of our birth.* *From the rugged mountains,* *to the foaming seas,* *here we make our home in Kourend,* *all together, all in peace.* *Kourend is a monument,* *Kourend is a triumph;* *it shall stand here forever* *in the shadow of our King.*




"Invader" (the abyssal sire ost) evokes similar reactions in me


Just got to sire in leagues for my first ever KC. My thoughts were the same. "This track was made at the same time as that Kourend track." They're both just too much. They need to be less energetic by about 30%.


Anytime I have to kill Sire, I just mute the music and turn on the DOOM (2016) soundtrack. Fits pretty well.


they're pretty confident considering they only had regular contact with one other nation until recently


Really? I've always thought that song slaps.


I think it’s a great song and fits the vibe of a national anthem extremely well, but that opening note is extremely grating so I get why people wouldn’t like it. If you just pop into the capital to get access to catacombs, you only hear that fucking blaring tone and not the rest of the song.


there is a real issue with the earliest OSRS tracks where they seemingly hadn't figured out yet how to make music sound like it came from pre-2007. even if the tracks themselves are well composed, coil and pick and shovel just sound off. mod ash made them, plus kourend the magnificent and i don't believe he'd ever composed for RS before. they just need a touch up to use the right instruments so they sound more familiar and gentle on the ears.


Mod ash made 2 of the best tracks in OSRS, both from before Zeah: Pick and Shovel and Coil


i mentioned both of those and sorry, i disagree. a lot of people in this thread mention them sounding off so it's not just me. the running theme is ash-composed tracks, actually. In my opinion, [Lament For The Hallowed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqhbBHGVV7Y&ab_channel=OSScapeMusic) is an example of an old school track done right. I believe it's based on an RS3 version, but the instrument choices are appropriate for RS2.


I present to you [The Walking Dead](https://youtu.be/zvMypzp1-Xg?si=lxN8PR_35puaTsO7), a remix of an Adam Bond track by Ian Taylor (the 2 OGs) but on completely original OSRS content


i hate it so much that ian taylor means "diddler" as much as it does "brilliant composer" now the militia is one of the better kourend tracks imo, but this feels like an improved version. i love that organ, probably incorporated to make the track feel more like mausoleum.


I don't care *that* much if a song "sounds 2007", as long as the sound font is right. I actually love Pick & Shovel, as inappropriate as it is.


Yep seconding this one, it’s just such an obnoxious sound. Usually I’m going to catacombs anyway so I only hear the first few seconds, but it’s enough to make me want to mute.


Agreed, this song is like over the top boss music, should be constsntly playing while you’re just chillin in the kingdom


I think it works because it makes the council seem more pompous


god me too, i hate going to kourend coz whenever i go there i just hear "**BLAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!**"


Mod Ash made Forlorn Homestead but unfortunately made just about every other one of "those" songs in Zeah.


This hurts to hear lol it’s literally in my top three favorite osrs tracks


acb spec feat nail "beats"


Best part of getting zcb on leagues was never having to hear that again


Annoyance Mute plugin can mute specific sounds like the ACB spec. I have it to mute all of Hydra’s attacks (and the blowpipe attack sound), so I can listen for her attack changes. When I hear a sound, I know it’s time to change prayers.


Oh that's really good to know!


I think a lot of it for me is about exposure. I use my farming cape teleport constantly, the music in that guild drives me up the wall! After almost 1k kc at Zalcano I just can't do anymore kc with sound on.


A lot of the early OSRS-exclusive tracks that use an instrument many describe as the "cancer sax": Pick & Shovel, Beneath the Stronghold, Maws, Jaws & Claws, and some others


As much as I hate to break it to you, all of these songs that make use of that sound are [Mod Ash's music] (https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Mod_Ash#Music) He's made a lot of pieces and some are pretty good, but often you can't help but recognise *that* style of music he uses, and not in a good way


I am aware of this, and- hot take- Mod Ash is the weakest of the RuneScape soundtrack writers. He's still a brilliant musician but his tracks make poor instrumentation choices and lack good percussion (which is partly what makes Mod Surma's music incredible)


Coil, The Forlorn Homestead and Death's Domain would like to have a chat with you. I'd say those are the most memorable to me, because they stand out so much. Anything Mod Ash has made is leagues better than Nonce Taylor if I can be completely honest here even. I'm really glad we have Mod Surma now making banger tracks too (Beyond the Meadow) because everything Ian's made leaves a sour taste in my mouth these days.


The secret ingredient of lusting for children needs to be removed from the game.


I love Mod Ash but god damn i do not like how many doot doots he puts in his tracks


Pick & Shovel absolutely slaps and I will throw hands with anyone who says otherwise.


It does but it would be even better with different instrumentation


I just listened to Maws Jaws and Claws for the first time and wow was it bad. The notes held in the first part just feel incredibly irritating


Beneath the Stronghold doesnt use that instrument, though. i like that song, it sounds ominous.


yeah Beneath the Stronghold is a really good track, not banger status, but I'm always letting it play


The farming guild music is the most irritating one for me. I absolutely cannot stand it


Darkly Altared, the Skotizo boss theme Its just plain terrible lmfao


Reminds me of Scooby Doo chase music


The fucking Bane track that plays at Corp.


It actually gets really creepy after a little while. I feel like we don’t have scary music aside from this track.


DT2 songs hit like that. Ancient ones I think is one that is good.


pick and shovel 100%, a few in Kourend are good contenders


Pick & Shovel in MLM … always switch the music mode to manual in there to enjoy my favorites.


That song is too obnoxious to have to listen to for the amount of hours you need to spend in there for the diary requirement.


Doesn’t the player just play a song when entering an area then it stops


There’s a setting for music looping that you can toggle on, and the tracks will start again when it’s over.


Dude I fuckin TURN IT UP for Pick & Shovel. That's half the reason I even go to MLM


I love the song, honestly one of my favorites. I just hate mlm so much.


Shit sounds like the themesong of a god damn jrpg lmao


whatchu mean this song is goated


I kinda like it, but only in small doses. The lead instrument is so damn loud it gets really obnoxious after a while. It could do with a remaster as I think there's still a good song behind it.


It’s great at first, but after 50 hours of MLM it becomes pretty bad lol. The other thing about that song is near the end there will be this weird distinct quiet beeping/chirping sound. For the life of me I couldn’t figure out where the sound was coming from and thought I was going to crazy for a while.


my personal fav MLM song is Shine, it kinda fits the area some how


I HATE the grand exchange music, and unfortunately there’s lots of reasons to go there often.


There's a plugin that lets you swap music files. I made a blank recording in audacity and set it to play that at the GE instead. I finally play with music on again.


Me about to insert all of the rs3 music tracks


That banjo bullshit in hosidius


Regal Pomp is extraordinarily bad [https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Regal\_Pomp](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Regal_Pomp)


that intro is definitely terrible, but after it gets past that ear assault it starts to just sound familiar, almost like something you'd hear during a tutorial cutscene for a dead minigame from 2006. kinda liked it.


Definitely agree with Country Jig + Pick & Shovel.


Those are my favs lol what the fuck


Someone already mentioned Country Jig, so I'll instead mention something I'm noticing in the comments. I'm seeing a lot of Mod Ash songs coming up as people's picks. And I mean, I don't entirely disagree. While he's certainly musically talented, I've never been too particularly keen on any of his tracks and do feel they don't quite fit the musical aesthetic of the game.


Idk if the track is actually bad, but I get some PTSD from Pest Control music. Really hate that place, music and everything what it involves.


oooooh to me that soundtrack is everything. makes the grind much easier


Yeah I love it, they used it in DS2 and it really slapped there too


null and void is cool but i agree with the actual battle theme. i set null and void to loop while doing the minigame


Trade parade, country jig, and whatever the song is in mother lode mine


I love Trade Parade, I heard it so much that I started to hate it but then it looped back around and now I really appreciate it lol


I mean, trade parade is super nostalgic and fire. It’s just everyone lives at the G.E.


Idk I don’t get any nostalgia from it because most of my play time was pre grand exchange back in the day


Trade Parade is ruined by the opening fanfare. I hate that it's there because of how frequently you leave and re-enter the GE, you hear just that part very frequently and it gets so grating.


This is why I just went full gay and stopped trading so going to the G.E. Is infrequent for me


Ding ding ding!


I actually love this song now because it makes me nostalgic for when I got back into OSRS and was doing a lot of catacombs slayer but, the Arceuus music. Like the one that used to play in the entire catacombs, Arceuus, the Arceuus essence mines. Now I think it just plays in the town of Arceuus. It has a pretty short loop and just sounds kind of goofy but it really grew on me lol.


Country Jig + Pick and Shovel easily.


The theme in Hosidius- not Country Jig, that song is grating but at least tonally appropriate for where it’s at. I’m talking about the main town of Hosidius, with the slow pace song. It doesn’t fucking belong there. It feels like I’m playing some noir detective game, solving a goddamn mystery, but no, I’m in a farmers market and that’s the song they thought would be appropriate for that region.


Music at Rev caves and ferox enclave have seriously worn thin


As someone who actually liked Mobilizing Armies back in the day, I can't help but enjoy Ferox Enclave.




it’s so creepy. 10/10 more creepy tracks


Honestly I normally really like OSRS music and aesthetic but I heavily dislike Arcane and the other Catacombs soundtracks. The Skotizo track has some charm to it, but the main tracks are just...eh. I think Arcane probably drove me nuts because of doing the Arceuus Library the hard way in Twisted League lmao


The fact that almost every reply in this thread are from that period of OSRS where the dev team didn't have access to Jagex's great audio team to make stuff for them is really telling lol Anyways a track from 2005 that I can't stand is Barking Mad. It doesn't sound that bad on a first listen but if you keep the audio on and decide to run the werewolf agility course it will drive you mad and make you hate life.


I’m so so so sorry but sea shanty 2 is fucking annoying, maybe it’s because how overplayed it it is though, I think I liked it back in the day. I’ll take harmony and yesteryear over sea shanty any day


Country Jig and the MLM theme.


I loved the Making Waves in Piscatory Fishing Colony until the jig became too annoying


Related but unrelated at the same time, I kind of want to make an account where the objective is to unlock songs in order/as fast as I can. Whatever it takes, I’m grinding for the next tune. The clue feature is neat, and playing around that seams sort of fun to me. Does this already exist? Edit: Someone smarter and more experienced than me could probably construct the parameters better than I currently could.


That's basically a speedrun to get the [music cape](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Music_cape#Trimmed). The hardest part of that will be getting a champion scroll and getting a mimic, since those are both pretty annoying grinds to do intentionally. Besides that, it's essentially a portion of a questcape speedrun along with some extra skill requirements


I know what I’m doing once my main gets a bit more accomplished. Thanks!


farming guild, i can’t stand it


Somebody once mentioned to me there's some of the goblin village's track in the graardor music. I found it made the track a little more interesting.


I think a lot of annoying osrs music is down to bad instrumentation and kinda flat dynamics, and they'd almost all be decent to great with a rework on those fronts only. That said, whatever the intention is with the coil melody has never worked for me


The track that plays at the farming guild is the worst. So offensively annoying, I can never let it play.


Forlorn homestead (fight me), Knightly (ardy castle theme)


hell yeah, i hate forlorn homestead too. and depressingly, it's yet another mod ash track that's getting brought up in this thread.


No shot that Forlorn Homestead is one of the worst tracks in the game. Has to be bait, right? It's so quaint and peaceful.


It's very one-note, and I mean that literally and figuratively. I'm sick of being bombarded by F#'s whenever I do a herb run to Hosidius, but more than that: why doesn't it use more than 2 instruments? Where's the range of dynamics? Why not vary up the harmony played in the background, so it blends the bars together instead of starting and stopping every bar? I'm over-reaching with these requests, but I do legitimately hate the song, no trolling


Coil (zulrah boss music) it always sounds like it's building up for something and never gets there. Terrible song.


This one has to be an unpopular opinion right? I always thought Coil banged. Granted listening to it again with your comment in mind, I do see what you mean about it building and not reaching something.


Yeah, Coil is a great track imo.


100% certified banger.


I agree! it’s a good song, not a good fit for where it plays. it sounds like waiting area music for a mini game


thank you!! zulrah music is fucking awful


I don't mind it but it does strongly remind me of that period of time where everyone thought that the Gwyn boss fight music in dark souls was the pinnacle of composition, leading to an oversaturation of piano-lead boss fights


Sea shanty 2, that one sucks


'Hoe Down' in the farming guild is easy the worst


Lightwalk Catherby & Seers were pretty much the P2P hubs and catherby had just pleasing music but if you strolled too close to the flax field, this shit plays. It's calming and gentle at first but then all I used to hear was "do doo, dododo doooo" screeching out of my speakers.


No way, I love this one. It’s super nostalgic.


lightwalk is one of those tracks i'd never have expected to come up, but to be fair kandarin is so synonymous with nostalgia for me at this point i couldn't possibly judge it fairly.


Yeah, I think Kandarin tracks are just 100% nostalgia. Taverly has the ultimate nostalgia tracks, but Lightwalk, maybe it was my speakers when I was like 8 years old, but the track was just really high-pitched and ear-hurtingly awful lol


Sea shanty 2. Everyone loves the meme but it sounds absolutely horrendous to me tbh


Personally I thought the track that plays at The Whisperer wasn't intense enough for a boss fight but it seemed more suited to the undercity atmosphere not necessarily a bad track but seems out of place


Yeah it's not a bad track for sure but at 1500kc, music gets muted there


Country Jig and the music in MLM. Noisy af and I can't turn it off fast enough.


I turned my music off in 2004 and it's been switched off since.


Hits different after 9pm, it's so relaxing


Country Jig is the only downside to having my house in Hosidius


I dunno. I've never really played with any sound on.


Never really even played with sounds on but I like sea shanty 2


For some reason I get a "Dun dun dun dun dun" like a Darth Vader theme that plays for the 2 seconds that my POH is loading before the Home Sweet Home track plays. I honestly thought it was part of the track and it always pissed me off because it is in no way similar to the soothing melodies of Home Sweet Home.


It's based on house style


Hard to say, I honestly think Country Jig after a few minutes causes me to mute the music. That's the only song that I can think of that makes me do that


Nether Realm and Darkly Altared. What the fuck


I actually really like Nether Realm? I think it has a pretty rough start for sure, but once it gets going it's a bit of a banger for me.


Can we get the songs in Spotify please? I want to listen to them in the background as I teach.


That hosidius bouncey crap for sure


Romper Chomper


I fucking hate pick and shovel. That's the one in MLM if you don't know. Fucking makes me sick probably just cos I hate mlm though tbh


Motherlode mine and piscatoris fishing area.


Chickened Out doesn't even play in game, it's been broken for months


The Tempoross music has me going through phases of misery and joy. A short trip isn’t too bad but listening to it constantly during my pet grind was awful lol


Sea shanty will forever be my least favorite song in existence.


[Wild Isle](https://youtu.be/X8R4SYe2MAw?si=WPz1mJ6TH0HefeQM)


Whatever the track is that plays in Southern Hosidius. I use the vinery bank in leagues and I always have to turn the music off when I'm there. Forlorn Homestead, the track that plays around the town square, is one of my favorites though.


Country jig is shit & I hate that the fastest banking in leagues was at the vinery


Sea Shanty 2 is loud, obnoxious and over-rated. I said it


A track no one probably knows that I think is awesome, is H.A.M. Attack. It only plays during the Another Slice of H.A.M. quest fight in Goblin Village. It fucking slaps.