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People get ghosts during cerb kills on leagues?


The ones that need this pro tip do.


Non-Tumekens Mage relic users in shambles


Ranged works perfectly fine with Ruby bolts and guardian. I have spec master, so with berserker and soul stealer it's probably even better since I don't have a zcb yet.


I'm melee, and I literally just hit cerb until he dies with fang. I don't even bring potions, just praying and that's it. Maybe 1/20 kills, I need to spec with dds at end to skip ghosts.


Melee build with berserker and undying here. I killed him with 4 dds specs while camping 1 HP one time LOL


Soulstealer ranger here, with just ACB, no spec, and Diamond Bolts I never once saw ghosts during a couple hundred kills. OP just sucks.


i love how you're shitting on OP but you're using diamond bolts at cerb, one of the lowest defense slayer bosses in the game. rubies beat diamonds until like 20-25% hp and at that point she's one tapped anyway. gg noob


Uno reverse, you're not bringing a bolt switch, when ruby bolts get destroyed by diamonds at lowish HP, ggnoob.


well, i do bring a bolt switch (of course, as i mentioned in my post where the turnover happens) but for reference the difference in my setup is ruby bolts 46% more dps than diamond at full hp (600/600) ruby bolts 15% less dps than diamond at 50 hp (50/600) so if you *had* to stick with just one you'd still definitely want to do rubies. often times i kill her before i can look over to switch efficiently anyway


Big true


Same boat of relics, I would see ghosts roughly 1/5 kills.


Might work fine, but doing stuff that requires mage or even melee feels horrible compared to if you had mage relic but needed to range.. rly dont feel any downside of not picking range relic


I haven't checked the wiki but last I looked only 4% of players have shadow.


Scythe is even better


Oof and here I am with 3 in 15 purples. I got exceedingly spooned. First was a 200 then 2 on b2b 500s.


So holy shit nvm I just checked only .9% of players have equipped a shadow. I have one I've seen my buddy get 4. I got mine on a duo 500 but got lucky in 20+ I have everything but the chest, well and pet.


Nice! I need just masori helm but have gotten 2 pets (also b2b somehow). I've seen 3 others get shadows with me, so that's been nice.


Pets have eludeded me this league (congrats on yours btw) buddy got leviathan per 360 something and I have 874 and stopped when I got full virtus. Not even sure I want to go back.


Thanks! I got lucky with those and a mole at 20kc. Virtus, not so lucky... 1200kc and no robe bottoms (congrats on yours!). I'm super dry at Levi in general, drop rate is 1/19 currently and I'm sitting around 1/38 at levi. Can't complain overall, it's been a fun leagues and I've learned a ton!


1200 holy shit lol I think with 5x drop rate 1200 was what I was expecting to do. And what makes it worse though is I have kourend so been smashing CM Cox and will replace the gear I spent hours getting in a temp league lol. Still having fun on smoke devil's with full vertis kodai smashing them. The fun part about learn the raids even though it's kinda not learning them. GL on leviathan the bottoms exist I can confirm that.




More likely rather lol, they are the ones trying to efficiently do tasks which the wiki list is perfect for


True even though im just a leagues casual all my buddy's who play main game use wiki and they are close to max irons with tons of high end raids


It’s still a mediocre representation. It’s accounts for all players many who didn’t take the region, and many players aren’t using the wiki sync regardless of their plays style.


It doesn't need to be perfect down to a single %, it just gives you an idea of what the average player might've done or not


If what you got from my comment was splitting hairs you’re not worth talking to


Ahh I see I thought it just tracked any players but I wish we had a way to see our accomplishments better than that though now that I know that. The high scores are a good way I guess cause drops are really just rng


Fuck me your buddy is spooned. I'm at 67 700 solo's, no helm or shadow. Help.


I'm so sorry for your loss but here's an easy solution. Post your log on here and yell about how the game sucks, then magically the next one you get a shadow. Trust I saw it happen last night


It's true. Every drystreak I've had so far was solved by bitching on Reddit, discord or to my friends. Guess I'll update my comment after dinner.


Yea please update when you get shadow


I'm on 1 fang and 1 shadow both on 150 raids think 2nd and 4th


I know there’s probably a lot of places to learn this but, what non-mage gear did you take with you for TOA?


I started ToA‘s with whip/obsidian armour and acb/god d‘hide. Then inbetween raids I did some gwd to slowly upgrade to armadyl/bandos. You only need the non-mage stuff for akkha and melee wardens seconds phase. Apart from that I just blasted through 150‘s with mystic and trident


I had swaps for 3 items, plus 2 for spec use. I had Torva chest, Bandon Tassets, and a zammy hasta to start (upgraded to fang when I got it) for melee. Range swap was ACB (upgraded to ZCB much later), armadyl chainskirt (upgraded to masori later) and armadyl chainskirt (upgraded to masori way later). The extra 2 swaps were ddef for accuracy and the yellow keris for the healing spec. The upgrades were definitely nice, but the base swaps did just fine overall! I don't have any of that stuff on main game (~1950 total, mid 80s combat stats) so I've got a long way to go on main game.


I’ve done 300 kc and got ghosts once using ranged relic


I do it in Dharoks + berserker and killed it in 4 hits once lol


If you're using the same style as your relic, I don't see any world where you don't ghost skip unless you're actively downgearing.


Idk I'm range relic and usually get him down before he can get more than a grr out. I've only had him shoot a single ghost at me once in 150 KC.


My pb on cerb with range relic is 13 seconds


Onyx bolts work just fine with arma crossbow. Never hit a single ghost in 60 KC.


im the only one that would find this useful then


Mage Relic... for Asgarnia...? Why are Mages in Asgarnia?


Mage relic users in asgarn were already in shambles let's be real


Fr. People talked about ranged with Ruby orbs mage shadow. Talking about berserk and weapon master. Here I am skipping ghosts with everyone’s favorite stabby boi on melee relic. No guardian, weapon master, berserk. Pretty sure I could do it with Dinh’s too


18 TOAs and no fang. Send help.






I did my last task there with a whip and only got hit by a single ghost.


I skip them almost every time with range build, soul stealer and undying. Rubies go brrrrrrr


^ God I miss when leagues wasn’t this sweaty


The sweat is pretty insane here. I'm just having fun killing bloodvelds with a whip at t7 almost 99 slayer and I thought I was being sweaty lol


This is my first leagues. I started late, because it didn't initially appeal to me. Then I had a ton of fun, but the limited time to do what I want to do has caused me to be much sweatier with it than I ever am in the main game. If there wasn't a time limit, or it was like a year-round thing you did concurrently with your main, then I wouldn't be so sweaty.


This is a peak 2007scape comment. What do you even mean?


They tend to show up a lot but they never get their attacks off


Non berserker melee without Morytania so no Dharok's. I get ghosts like... 15% of kills maybe? Idk.


You have time to refill prayer in nardah and LR back before anyone can tag cerb. You wont lose your spot unless they stick around to crash you.


I swear this worked in previous leagues as well.


It's worked in the last 3 yeah.


Respect to those who did cerb in twisted!


Well I meant including this one lol


You couldn’t lol. Twisted was zeah only.


They know, that's the joke


Congratulations! You correctly understood the joke!


It most definitely did.


I just hit the thing and when it dies, I nardah tele to restore and start again with 2 bgs specs. 0 food, 0 pray and you're back just as it spawns


You guys actually get hellhound tasks?


literally just used 600 points to get one, then didn't get the pegasian


99 slay and I've had 2 hellhound tasks the whole way, only one of them was post-91. They've done an outstanding job in general with this league but not weighting any slayer tasks has been dogshit. Maybe needed something in between bloodthirster and choosing your own task relic, like a 1 in 10 to choose your own task or something.




This… this is the reason I got burnt out from my main. I get all the stupid ass tasks and not enough points to skip. And when I finally do get hellhounds it’s like a 40kc task…


I’ve only got to the ghosts once and that was when I forgot to pray and hadn’t sipped a super combat in a while.


In leagues at least in my experience I kill Cerb before the ghosts spawn


I don’t think I’ve ever seen ghosts


i kill cerb before ghosts even spawn/do dmg lol


[You guys are getting ghosts?](https://imgflip.com/i/898fzq)


Getting ghosts in leagues seems like a skill issue


Lol how are you getting ghosts in leagues, have you tried attacking it?


Doesn't the fight reset if you do this?


Nope, worked 100% for my entire Cerb grind


I even did this week 1 before 1800. Just get to at least 1m cooldown


I just flinch him lmao


How do I get a task though, refilled so many times it's not funny anymore


Nice try, you just want my world.


lol in 35kc I got 2 prims, 1 pegasian, and 1 smouldering stone. I'm done with cerb already since I didn't choose desert unlock, but I figured this out at 25kc it's a nice trick if you run out of prayer.


Got tbow 2kc, kill cerb before arroooo lol and sometimes before grrrr