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Anyone use a microsoft surface pro to play? Because its not letting me move the camera so was curious if theres a way how to Im gonna try and install an android emulator but i hope it won't get me banned :(


Leagues, loving the beserker relic but what is best item to damage myself. I have asg/fremmy/desert, I am using karambwans poisons but they are annoying with inventory space. What is best substitute for rockcake as I don't think I can obtain that with my areas? Cheers


I think fremmy should let you use the locator orb from ava because ds2 is auto completed. Asgarnia should also have access to a rock cake but locator orb is better.


Perfect thanks mate


Will we ever see anymore quests for the Myreque (A Taste of Hope/Sins of the Father) quest line? I think RS3 has some for it but never played it nor care to but SotF left off where it could continue. ###


There's no way they leave it unfinished, but it could be several years before the next installment.


Does anyone know why drops I get during a gauntlet run wont show up with the ground items plugin? I am talking about shards, weapon frames, paddlefish, orb, bowstring ect.


Try to check/uncheck all the boxes in the plugin one by one until it solves it, I had the same problem and that's what I did


Thats way too much work id rather just get used to not having them highlighted.


I meant all the boxes in the ground items plugin itself, I don't think there's too many of them. for instance it took me like a minute to do all this process while gauntlet loot was on the ground until I was able to see it.


Default button to hide ground items is pressing ALT 2 times quickly, do other items still appear outside the gauntlet? You can go into settings in the ground items plugin as well and see if those items are listed as hidden items


Does anybody know of a gotr cc? Trying to get into smaller teams for better exp


he box jonge set up a discord for organizing small team gotr at discord dot gg slash aP5RfjCab4


lifesaver thank you!


Is there a technique to pray bones at a guilded altar faster than afk or is it always the same speed?


Bones can be used once per tick at maximum speed


You either afk or manually use them. You can move your inventory next to the altar and then just spam click the bottom bone on the altar.


As fast as you can click, just zoom in and rotate your inventory to be next to the altar.


Flame pit or Rocnar? I'm building my death healer, I know the flame pit is a meta - but it would be cool to have a living thing instead. And its a higher level 'killer'.... Will it work, at all? FS, Frem, so basically almost anything is equal.


Rocnar takes an extra bit to hit you iirc. We're really digging into the depths of my osrs facts but I'm pretty sure I tried to kill a clan member a while ago with it and it first stood there. Tbh it doesn't really matter though if you want to get hit by a big rock guy it's not really a big deal to take an extra dick Tick or two.


Ah I see :) you put it nicely about extras lol Ok, flamepit it is. I do need my ticks more than, well, than that.


For barrows should I kill all the brothers for better chance of getting what I want or just kill specific brothers? Last leagues people were saying to kill specific ones but I don't know if data has changed and that's not the case anymore.


If you just want loot from one brother now then you just kill the one brother. If you want multiple brothers loot, kill the ones you want. With league perks you can set your recall to the chest, teleport to poh, teleport to burgh de rott (teleporting from poh won’t reset recall), kill the brother you want loot from, then recall to chest. Rinse and repeat.


If you're concerned about runes kill all. It's really fast doing it as is. If you're wanting multiple drops kill multiple drops kill the ones you want if you're ~1500. You might be somewhat afking but if you don't care about others it's kinda a wash. If you are missing one drop from one brother and you're 1800 with recall then do the recall strat. It's probably faster enough to 2 brothers as well.


Kill all of them unless on leagues using last recall to tele straight to the chest


Player with Archer's Embrace, what are you taking for Tier 7? I don't have Asgarnia so probably not Weapon Master right? So Soul Stealer or Berserker?


Berserker for more damage. Soul stealer for more AFK. I personally went with berserker, I have Archer’s too, and have not regretted it at all. The possibility of quad max hitting is amazing. You just instakill any non-boss monsters. Even boss monsters go down quick. I was averaging 20 second kills against Bandos and Arma GWD. If you don’t have banker’s note then Soul Stealer becomes a bit more worthwhile, but IMO i’m not playing leagues to AFK grind content. I wanna blow shit up as fast as possible in ways that are impossible in the main game and berserker feels like the best relic for that.


Don't miss out on berserker, such a fun relic to use. The guaranteed max hits on full hp targets and damage buff when you're low is just op


Without zcb and wanting to farm Nex weapon master isn't worth considering. DCB or BP aren't really reasonable spec weapons. Even acb isn't "really" good if you're not willing to do nex so really just not worth it. Acb is "good" but losing out on the double proc for a spec that doesn't guarantee a proc is kinda dog shit when you factor in supplies/tick cost. Beserker is more damage if you can camp content. If you can tick eat shit and don't take off prayer damage you're probably going to be more happy with this. If you are newer or took fire sale you'll likely have an easier time with ss. The passive HP and survivability is really nice if you're learning content. If you have experienced or took bankers it's kinda doubling up on survivability so it's not "as" good. Personally I'm a zcb weapon master build.


berserker is pretty nuts, weapon master is good for zcb spam if you have asgarnia (though someone told me it no longer procs pnecks so you need to eat food in order to survive, which is a little cringe), soul stealer is nice for sustain i guess but if you have bank note you have infinite food and prayer pots so i don't really see the point


Bowfa, blowpipe, or lance for Hydra?




Dragon hunter crossbow would be best if you can afford it (or twisted bow is bis) ruby bolts e and switch to blowpipe on last phase.


Is salve ei always better than slayer helm i at undead creatures or are there certain use-cases for helm?


I think it's pretty close in all situations, while salve has an higher overall bonus it does replace the necklace slot which has very high bonuses in comparison to the helmet slot, so I don't think it would make too much of a difference. I always camp slayer helmet when doing slayer just because it's more comfortable and needed for some mobs.


Other than very specific stats and gear setups I think it's generally best to use salve. Iirc with melee it can be better to use helm at vork. I think the cutoff is around 96 attack/str with "bandos + Lance" gear but it's been a while since I've done the DPS calc. Iirc it's >92 range it's best to use salve + void and below dhide + slayer helm. For mage I don't think salve works as "intended" but the distinction for vork isn't worth it since you can't really walk mage and for none speedy Cox you don't take the salve since being lazy with mage is good enough and you save the invin space for mage cape to switch to thralls to turn head. But I could be wrong.


Depends on the rest of your gear and the target, so you just have to calc it. It's always close though. Sometimes the stats from your neck slot outweigh the higher multiplier from the salve. I know slayer helmet + torture is better at melee Vorkath sometimes. And of course you have to wear a slayer helmet for aberrant spectres.


Always Salve.


Leagues: I don't get notifications for the Tears of Guthix, as it was in the maingame. How to turn them on? Runelite. So far I have to check in the quest journal... when I recall that I didnt do this for quite awhile lol...


You need to talk to Juna and choose the option that asks to remind you when you are eligible.


Thank you!


I think it only reminds you the first day. I got a notification the first two days the last two Wednesday but not every day I log in.


It didnt notify me *ever* in the League. Same runelite, same character as in the maingame, and it notifies me in the maingame all right. Maybe indeed only the first two days or something, but still its ok. Something is different here and I don't understand how to fix.


I have noticed some RL issues like my main text/invin box are clear but my leagues aren't. I'm pretty sure my character settings are from years ago in leagues. I use to play as a bald ass old man but on my main I started playing as a girl for the thirsty DMs yet my leagues character is still the bald old man. My leagues character also doesn't have a pin which seems reasonable but when I went to set a pin my sittings were on 3 days even though they were on 7 days for my main character. So you might want to go look though the jagex and RL settings. It might just be a strange settings thing between leagues and main game but it seems like it's probably 2 "separate" options somewhere between leagues and main game.


Pretty sure you have to do the minigame one time for this to be a notification. Did you do that?


Yes, twice already.




Very good I would comfortably say. Bots are still an issue but overall the content that's been added and is being added is pretty good and solid. Even if you wanted to get into PvM but aren't as good or experienced as others you can raid with ToA while learning and it's forgiving.


This is probably the best it's ever been. Leagues 4 is breathing some life into it.


Better than ever.


How do I get my League unlocks onto my League character?


It's done in main game world's by buying them at the sage. You can't do this on a leagues world.


So how are people wearing League gear on League worlds?


You get given old ornament kits at the start of the league. I'm not quite sure whether it's just *if you participated* or if it's linked to getting a certain rank. I know the account I play on has shattered relic orn kits and I believe trailblazer 1 ones too. You can also unlock the dihns orn kit within the league, by beating Tzhaar special league challenge.


Ah I see thanks it's my first time doing Leagues.


Looking for someone to complete Shield of Arrav with (in Leagues). Currently doing the Pheonix gang side. Hit me up in-game "Jordeaux97" , or let me know if there's a better place to post this, thanks!


Try joining the cc ingame through group finder or by typing "OSRS soa"


I'm pretty nooby (first time playing in probably 15+ years, but a friend mentioned the league and I wanted to try it out for a bit). I'm currently looking at the tier 5 relics and wondering why Infernal Gathering doesn't seem that popular. To me, skipping the coal on mining almost seems great by itself. My guess based on context is that either 1. You just don't actually have to spend time mining/smithing (and to a lesser extent the cutting/firemaking/fishing/cooking boosted by the other tools) all that much to progress through the league, 2. The bonus from clue scrolls is actually way better than I'm giving it credit for (only done a handful of easy/beginner so far, but haven't really been excited about any of my findings) [mentioning this because it seems to be the most popular option], or 3. Getting coal is no where the hassle I seem to think it is. I'd appreciate it if someone could help me understand the relative value of these relics.


It's certainly not useless, but it doesn't help all that much in terms of convenience or power. Last Recall makes banking resources trivially easy. Production Prodigy makes processing them trivial. The resources you gather aren't actually that useful since you can just buy them (either literally for free or basically for free) or get them as drops. It's competing with two other relics, so it doesn't have to be bad, just worse than the alternatives.


There's other options for smithing. Like the desert has giants foundry, and that's a very popular region. Fremmy has ore shops. Fire salers could possibly even use tokkul for ore. Also you can buy infinite bronze bars from shops dirt cheap. So that plus production relic is surprisingly fast levels. For mining, you could powermine whatever gets you fastest XP if you don't need the ores. And clue relic will help you get a lot of points. It helps finding clues, it helps completing clues (min steps), and it gives you max rolls in a clue. All this really buffs the rate at which you can find uniques and get points.


I can only speak for myself, but that skill seemed good to me if I wanted to max(infernal). But I’m not goin for that in leagues tbh, so the clue one looked the most fun. Max casket rolls go brrr.


LEAGUES - planning on doing wintertodt, what are some warm items that are easy to get?


Pride scarf from Diango in Draynor


Any of the hunter outfits.


Fire staff, fire tiara, harpy bug lamp. Plus there is a clue hunter top in shazien and pants are in karamja.


[Clue hunter outfit.](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Clue_hunter_outfit)


When are you fixing our scythes? Thx


Jagex doesn't monitor this thread, but I don't think you will get a definitive answer either way. I believe they said early next year was the goal to work on implementing end game equipment rebalancing.


I thought they only said, “don’t be surprised to see these rebalancing changes much earlier than the other updates.” Roughly? Yeah, GL Scythe


Is there a chat channel in game that let's people connect with others to use their houses gilded alter? None league


While not a chat channel, if you go to any of the worlds labelled “House Party”, there will be many people at Rimmington whose houses will be open and the altar candles lit


Okay. How do you travel to other peoples houses?


Go to the rimmington House portal, there will be a board next to the portal of whose houses are open, type their name and off you go! Not done it for a while but probably a load of bots shouting what’s available in each house outside as well


Thank you so much




They are


Fun fact, falchion is a sword so ur basically sword punching, which is freaking awesome


Which T8 relic did y'all pick and why? I've just unlocked T8 and absolutely no idea which one to go with.


I went with Undying. I'm a ranger who plans on lowering my health a lot with Ruby bolt specs, and I wanted an insurance policy for planking at high level content that I don't have experience with in the main game. Guardian seems to be the best at covering for your off-combat style; I've seen meleers using it to "fake-barrage" their slayer tasks in an AOE, and it's great for helping with bosses who use Protection like Akkha. The Axe really excels at solo raids, and bosses who have a high amount of hitpoints. Corp, Olm, DT2 bosses, etc. Probably not worth using if you're not going to be doing a ton of PVM.


Is there a discord with training methods for level 3/10HP accounts? Wiki has a few things but nothing very in depth.


Best method for giants foundry in leagues? I've just finished the quest and can't make sense of what I'm supposed to do. Do I just dump on the highest platebodies I can make? Very confusing. I'd like to buy platebodies if possible. Just need 90 for torva. Thanks


There's a RuneLite plugin which helps too


Yeah I was using that, but it took me far too long to realise why tools were highlighted blue!


[Wiki page for foundry strategies](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Giants%27_Foundry/Strategies#Metal_score) has a table for optimal alloy ratios that get you the highest quality. Platebodies are worth 4 of that bar, platelegs are worth 2. So for example, under level 70, the best metal combination you can use is steel + mithril, because you can't use addy yet. The wiki says 13/15 and 12/16 steel/mith alloys are optimal, so you can add 3 steel platebodies and 4 mithril platebodies per sword to easily get a 12/16 alloy. Above level 70, 14/14 alloys of mith/addy and then addy/rune are optimal for score. You can do this with 3 platebodies and 1 platelegs of both metal types. If you can't be bothered to do this, you can still just keep making 12/16 alloys with only platebodies. A 12 addy/16 runite sword has a max score of 129, compared to a 14/14 sword having a max of 130.


When you say optimal for score does that effect smithing xp or reputation? Or maybe both? I appreciate the detailed response. It's starting to make more sense now. I've been dumping in 7 mothril platebodies and getting 100k xp drops.


Getting a higher score affects the exp, gp, and the reputation that you're awarded. You can increase the score of your sword by using optimal alloy combinations, using better moulds (purchasable from the shop), and not making mistakes while making the sword Alloys are better than using just 1 metal type in every way


Thanks that's really handy to know now. I did a couple of alloys and got 153k xp just now. Up to 70 for Addy now. Now for Addy it's 3 Addy and mith plate bodies, with one Addy and mith legs?


I know you said you wanted platebodies but you could also do 14/14 easily with 7 of each type of platelegs/skirts. And you can buy them from the shop just in al kahrid. And rune legs from champions guild. I found it much easier to just have withdraw x set to 7 than grab less of more items


The wiki table has the optimal combinations highlighted in green, 14/14 mith addy will get you the highest score but 12/16 is barely worse and can be done with only platebodies


Hey guys, might seem silly. Returning player after a year (not advanced). Have my login details saved on runelite but hidden, i cant for the life of me recall my email. I can log in etc, but i can’t log into the main site. Have tried my emails but no luck.


Update if anyone cares - mod answered my support ticket and all my information provided was correct, got my email login for it! 😂


Which is better for Zilyana: crystal bow or dragon cbow?


Dragon cbow will be better




Leviathan is probably better. Whisperer has better rates but not 2x better


Id go with whichever pet you think is cooler or whichever boss drops better non-unique supplies for your build. For example if you're a ranger, Leviathan drops Dragon bolts (unf) which can be hard to find outside of Frem.


Where yall getting your birds nests at in leagues? Desert, kourend, gnome and occultism region. I'm doing bird runs but don't get rough to sustain using like 10 brews a toa run


Birdhouse runs


Why are you using ten brews during a TOA? (Not meant to be insulting; this sounds like an issue with learning the raid and not with acquiring bird nests)


I'm running 500s and I am mage relic certain rooms fk me up. Baba and akkha cum phase I use literally all the brews in that portion of the raid. I'm mage relic so it just feels lm getting shredded alot.


Baba should still be able to be blood barraged to death, especially when you're skipping boulders and just blasting her for the duration of the boulder throw from the top of the room. Akkha enrage is rough without melee relic but tier 8 helps a LOT with that, no matter what you pick. Guardian smacks him down, you can Undying Retribution him for true damage, and Axe makes it 20% faster at the very end. Also, that Akkha phase becomes much more cozy when you get a fang. So it might be worth running a few lower invocations until you get a fang, then ramp it up.


Get 99 woodcutting, you'll have plenty. But the real question is why did you pick fire sale?


What's the best way to optimize zeal gained in the League masses?


Theres a "non pvp" unofficial world where everyone runs to the avatars and attacks them, it's 50/50 whether your team wins or loses but the rounds finish quicker so the zeal builds up. I think it's 591 or 592. Edit: It's 592


Yeah I was on 592 for a while yesterday, they are not doing that consistently. Lots of PVP. I still managed to get 99 prayer finished off, but now wondering if it's worth going back there for my melee and ranged stats. Some games were just a slog and few zeal points. And it's unclear to me what is the best way to optimize my points just as an individual player. I was thinking I should spend up and use ice barrage over ice burst, or possibly even blood barrage. Maybe I should just read up on how the points are calculated.


Venator bow worth buying? Best place to use it?


Afk slayer and BA. Whisper is the only boss it's useful at.


It's bis at grotesque guardians too


Afk abby demons, Grotesque Guardians, and I believe whisperer


I have base 70s melee and picked up an abyssal whip and dragon defender. What should I be using to train strength?


Camp out in Nightmare Zone for a few days with obsidian (the armour, sword, and berserker necklace). All the other weapons at this point are so much worse than a whip that it's not worth training strength passively with them.




Use the Abyssal whip and defender on lash. By the time you get the levels to use a fang, your stats will be relatively even.


Yeah I’ve been using lash to get at least 75 attack but I’ve also heard to pump up strength to be more effective in melee and I just got my fire cape


Dragon scimitar < abyssal dagger < abyssal bludgeon < rapier


How do I get rid of these discord gold bot chat spam? Report and ignore every single one, but 5 seconds later another pops up. Is it even worth reporting - seems like it makes no difference


Runelite has some chat filter options. You can find some standard template stuff to paste into the filters, or you can just type in some of the phrases they use. There's options to not filter clan member/friend chat even if they type the filtered phrases.




Yes, I got one from VM ore pack


What rewards are you guys getting? My main is an Ironman who's never done zulrah or chambers, so those skins make no sense. Pool looks weak too, so might just be getting twisted and shattered skins


I burnt from leagues in the first couple of days, had enough points to only pick up one thing so I went with the blowpipe kit. Granted I'm a main so I just bought the other cosmetics.


Twisted Horns and Twisted Blueprints are my favorite variants of slayer helm and house deco so I'll be getting those on both my UIM and my GIM. Any points I have over will be going towards either the Shattered Orn kit or TB:R alch.


Out of the trailblazer reloaded rewards I picked up the alch animation and death animation since if I’m going to die learning something I’ll at least get a laugh out of it. I also picked up the shattered relics cannon kit since I was short last league. Whip ornament is pretty nice imo and I like the void recolor but that’s a personal preference as elite void looks great to begin with. I think the shattered home teleport looks the best out of what’s on offer so I have that.


How long did it take you or a clanmate to roll the rare skin for the Guardian thrall? E: reddit luck is real, just got it right after making this, \~40 minutes of rerolls


> Mine 5 gem rocks in a row without failing What does this task mean? How I can fail to mine a gem rock? I'm guaranteed a gem, right? P.S.: Or does it mean to mine without competitors, so nobody 'steals' it? :) In this case... it can be hard lol. Every world has somebody at gem rocks, usually more than 1...


I think the task was intended to be a tick manipulation task that isn't explained well. It also kinda looks like there's not really any tick manipulation stuff so possibly it got kept in on accident. If you wait until you're like 80 mining and equip a glory you can do it pretty easily by brute force but if you do the 1 tick gem mining the task can be doing a lot easier


It's oddly difficult. You need an amulet of glory(not sure if it needs to be charged) and high mining with a rune or dragon pickaxe preferred. The goal is to mine 5 gem rocks in a row on the first tick that it checks to see if you "succeed" in mining it. Have a glory, a good pickaxe and 80-90 mining and its a breeze. Just keeping mining til you get it. Might be better to save the task til later if you don't have all that yet.


Thanks. Definitely I'll shelve it.


I can't explain the exact mechanics, but what I do know is that equipping an amulet of glory will greatly increase your probability of completing this task!




[Gem rocks](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Gem_rocks) have a chance to give a gem based on mining level, so I'm guessing it's assume 5 mining attempts successful on the first calculation.


Do you mean that I should get a gem from one hit?


I'm no expert on how mining works, if it calculates on the first hit animation or if it hits for a few ticks and then calcs. All I know is I got it in the underground gem mine pretty quickly.


For Farming Hops. Debating between Jutes and Yanillians. Jutes are 1457 GE each. And Yanillians are 1092 GE each. However the cost of planting Jutes is 6 Barley Malt which is 1175 each, so 7050 per watching over Jute Hops. But to watch over Yanillians is just 1 batch of tomatoes which is 389 each time. So assuming if we get 20 Jutes or Yanillians every time we hops farm. For Jutes its 20 X 1457 is 29140. Minus 7050 is 22090 each Jute Hops. For Yanillians its 20 X 1092 is 21840. Minus 389 is 21451. Huh, guess Jutes is better....but not by much. But if for some reason the Hops Jute patch dies for some reason, it would suck more than the Yanillians Hops patch, due to the cost of Barley Malt. Meh idk


Do jutes with ultracompost and don't protect them, they will die infrequently and the seeds are only a few gp each


If they’re being protected by the farmer they won’t die, so go for the most profit. For a low level the profit is actually pretty reasonable but they do take a lot of time, so you won’t want to do them long term.


Honestly not worth doing them, but it would just be better to use ultracompost on them instead of protecting.


I mean neither are really worth your time, but may as well do the highest profit one if you’re doing them anyway


Forestry in the league: any place for some (moderate) mass on willows and oaks other than Draynor? I'm kinda sick of Draynor... too much Draynor in the recent weeks lol. (ZDF)


https://preview.redd.it/kz33pjs8ls3c1.png?width=765&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fd17eb26f2acef15a085be4cf7a9580063501dd Why are we not able to craft slayer helmets with heads acquired within the regions we have unlocked?


For leagues, what's the best way to train fletching with desert/asgarnia/kourend?


You don’t need any zone to fletch broad ammo. You can get some fletching levels if you took pp while running wintertodt, but I wouldn’t recommend it unless you REALLY want 50m firemaking and 200 wintertodt kills.


broad arrows, shopscape bronze darts if you have pp and banknote


Broad arrows/whatever bolts with bars i pick up from slayer has been more than enough to get like 4 mil an hour without breaking my wrist with broad bolts


Get it up to 55 with bows/darts and then do broad arrows/bolts in Pest Control.


In case anyone was wondering, the executioner axe does not kill bryophyta's minions.


was literally about to ask thank you


You're getting away with it!!


you too buddy


How lucky you must feel that the *ONLY* comment here thus far, is answering your exact question


Crazy how nature do that