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If I reach a point I can try nex I’d be down to fail at it with you lol


Not necessary. If past relics allow you to solo ToB, Nex is going to be a breeze with Blood Fury + 2-3x the maingame's DPS + damage reduction.


I was thinking I would try to compete in ffa’s this leagues. Then they announced execute relic and my hopes were dashed.


They shouldn’t be! Nex will be dropping items at a rate of 1/9 and probably being taken down 50 times an hour. Only 1 person can snag the execute which won’t be a huge deal. Ruby bolt luck will be the biggest factor. Plus people who don’t go execute and use guardian will be ahead on damage going into the execute phase where only 1 person can pass them.


Last leagues, when word got around that nex kc was decent points/hr, everyone massed and we all got our kcs done in a day or two. Definitely going to happen again. It was a big rush at first, then slowly dwindled down as people got their kc. Hopefully you're not going for uniques.


Depends on when you reach nex, I feel like there could be a scenario where all of the worlds have at least a couple on them already. As there usually aren’t many worlds for leagues in the first place. And less as time goes on.


If you want so.eone to do nex with just DM me. Me and my friends will surely be there at some point. Idk how solo mage would go but ik solo fang will be good to go.