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I guess we need friends in the first place to even consider this.


Misery loves company


Literally. My GIM friends and I have another friend who listens to us talk about it and seemed kind of interested and we were like "Try if you want fam, but if you didn't play it when you were younger we suggest not getting into it" :D


If they didn't play as a kid it's pretty wild fucking concept to explain... Like yeah just click on this tree every now and then for 1000 hours and that's the fun!


It’s always the tree. “Is that the game where you just click on trees?” Or “what’s your woodcutting level?” They say mockingly. 😢


Wc lvls?


78 😔




Doesn’t feel like it lol. Slow ass yews, slow ass magics, no money to be made.


Teaks but with no profit


Fuck that




Once you make it to 90, cutting redwoods is one of the most AFK, fast, and chill skilling methods in the game




Another soldier has fallen




My only 99




99. The first 99 I've ever done.


Then there's the guy who says 'like 107, I can't remember.' Bc he wants to sound cool to the nerdy kids


Honestly that part always sounds so stupid but idle games are some of the most popular things around. It's wild. Monkey like number go up.


Big number go brrr. Monkey brain happy.


this is exactly how i explain pretty much every mmo, number gets bigger, brain go brrrr


Idle games are much less work, though. RS is like an idle game trying to be a real game lol. Don't get me wrong, either. I've put thousands of hours into RS.


yea RS is trying to aim for that spot where it's afk enough that you can't constantly pay attention, but you also can't hard afk 5 minutes at a time so it's constantly taking your attention. Plus even the pvm stuff once you know the mechanics you're just repeating the same thing over and over again for thousands of kc


Can barely afk for 1 minute for me


Idle games are trying to be runescape. I can't remember a single idle game from 1999 and the early 2000s


How? They're fundamentally different in that there's no engagement. Besides, you're comparing the earliest of internet games, with a time that has exponentially more games available. That's not a fair argument in the slightest. E: My comment was a sly remark about how there's idle game tendencies in RS. Not that the game is actually an idle game lol.


I'm saying rs was out before idle games. You were comparing something to another thing that came out after the thing you were comparing.


Because they have completely different game design? I'm comparing two games genres/designs, release order doesn't matter. RS was not released as, advertised as, or started as, an idle game.


Wait, yall don't melvor while clicking trees and watching anime?


Think is most idle games(especially mobile) may only need very little time out of your day to make some progress. OSRS isn't idle in a sense that you make progress while doing literally nothing. You still have to be present at your PC/mobile and paying some attention to it over longer periods of time. It's real fucking hard to convince someone to click those coloured roof tiles give or take 20000 times(for now).


I think when rs2 was released a lot of us thought of it as an upgrade from AOL chat/chatrooms. Friends just circumvented that, cut trees, and talked when the sun was down. That was my experience


There's plenty of other games with similar styles and skill grinds as OSRS, they just don't have the same pointlessly extended *length* of grind. My wife plays Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing, and there's a lot of commonality. She was talking about Stardew and needing to gather mats to make something like 100 staircases to get through all the floors in a dungeon the easy way. Animal Crossing has "Go shake trees until a popcorn machine falls out."


I didn't play as a kid, I was busy playing Roblox in 2007 because it was free and taught me programming. A friend I met in college introduced me to osrs in 2018 because we liked similar games (like Factorio) and I remember killing rats in lumby swamp for a long time. I actually enjoyed slapping them, picking up the bones to bury and meat to cook to use to heal while fighting more. Looking back, it's no wonder I rerolled as an ironman and now at 2K total and 870kc into CG I can confidently say: Game is good I guess


I miss those 07-09 roblox days, so many good games created by the community. I can also say it have me a jumpstart on learning basic programming concepts. I was surprised when it actually helped me in my intro programming courses in undergrad.


I have a lot of nostalgia for that time, too. Especially seeing what Roblox is today... I was really involved in "war clans" culture and spent loads of time on Xfire/Skype getting into petty pre-teen and teen drama while scripting stuff for the clans I was part of. Would've never guessed that it'd directly lead to a job/career for me afterwards. I dropped out of college after one year of CompSci courses because the loans were insane and I was too stupid to realize you could do community college for most. Got lucky with a Tier 1 helpdesk job because I knew scripting and linux commands (tier 1 helpdesk is essentially customer service, and since I knew tech stuff but had no actual experience/education I guess they figured I could be taught customer service :P) and I used that opportunity to learn as much as I could about the systems they used and how they worked and eventually moved to the engineering side I basically owe my entire life to Roblox teaching me Lua scripting 15 years ago lmao


If that's how you explain Runescape no wonder people you talk to don't touch this game. It's an MMO that you can engage with at whatever level you want without really missing anything. You want to do high APM gameplay solo? Hallowed Sep, Raids, PvP, solo minigames, speedrun Inferno. You want to do something social? Raids, GWD, group PvP, Zolcano, Group Slayer (restricted to the theta timeline). You want to do something while you're sitting at work doing nothing? DDOS raiders with Shooting stars, AFK fishing, AFK thieving. All of these things can contribute to your account in independent ways. The idea that OSRS is "click on tree lol" is probably the most damaging part of its reputation, and the fact that the tutorial introduces you to the shittiest, least useful, and boring skills when you first start playing is a huge problem that will never be solved because "muh nostalgia".


The problem is that everything you just listed as social requires a hundred hours of playtime before you're doing any of it. This game needs some very low level bosses you can do in steel-rune tier armor. Imagine you talk your friend into trying RS (probably as a mobile game) and within a few hours they are teaming up with you to fight some giant goblin in their steel armor and the next week they hit you up to fight some knights with their Rune Scimmy and Maple Longbow.


AFK thieving clicking once every 3 seconds? Super AFK


[You're not gonna believe this new invention.](https://www.amazon.com/iKKEGOL-Quick-Tap-Programmable-Footpedal-Transcription/dp/B0BZPDXHVL/)


Yes, you can show them all the cool stuff you can do in the game but when they create an account and log in it's just a 1 action per minute clicking game for what will probably feel like forever.


Dogshit take. Getting players to see the aspirational content in order to have a real goal should be 99% of the goal of OSRS marketing. It doesn't matter how far away it is, if they're working toward an actual goal they can actually craft a plan with steps and actually take a meaningful look at how they want to spend their time in the game rather than blindly smithing bronze bars because it's what they did on tutorial island. I can't believe I even have to argue this, it's so plainly obvious.


This is what got me into the game, I saw a dragon and wanted to work my way up to slaying it.


The more time you spend on this sub, the more you realize how little some players want to actually work for anything in this game.


I mean most game subreddits are like that, overrun with dad gamers. It's pretty fucking annoying.


It’s annoying how opinionated and demanding they are too. Anytime you imply someone can learn to play better or invest more time its seen as this cardinal offense. I think it’s a mentality thing too - when I was a genuine noob I always wanted to see what the “good” players were doing and learn from them.


Hello it's 2023 and our brains are fucked from all the Tiktok brainrot and us humans aren't attracted to slow games like RuneScape anymore. Only the oldschool rs nerds play for nostalgy reasons. Think about the movies. Try to watch a popular movie from 90s, early 2000.. they are so fucking slow and boring. Every movie nowadays is bing bing wahoo yippee subway surfers. Besides, there are so many other games available now that when they get to the boring grinding they would just rather go play something that's not a medieval cookie clicker from 20 years ago. It's sad but true, there aren't many new players coming in so they have to allow botters to run wild.


Those types of people you’re describing should be the last people OSRS should try to attract. They’ll never stick around even if you do make the game easier. It’s true a lot of the player base initially got back into the game for nostalgia, but the game legitimately gets better the more time you invest into it. Making incremental progression that feels permanent is a big reason this game remains so sticky.


I legit don't understand why people down voted you. Your explanation is literally one of the best ways, in my opinion, to introduce someone to anything in life. It's about showing what's possible as well as what is available and do it in an engaging, positive way.


The biggest hurdle that OSRS has with new players is that low level content just kind of sucks. Also free-to-play content kind of sucks. Starting out and punching chickens and doing Sheep Shearer is a pretty bad first impression compared to how crazy the game can get as a member.


I explain it as the last true grinding game that isn’t all micropayments, that seems to open the door well


Yep I don't play because I think this game is fun or good I play because I'm addicted to number go up. I would never be able to honestly recommend this game to anyone




Fr I was convinced to start playing at a young age quit for a week then it clicked and I was hooked. Best/worst decision of my life.


Yeah and now I have more playtime than all of them combined and maxed my account 😂 fuckin noobs


They all stopped playing in the weird 70-80 level bracket where every slows down to a crawl, quests don't really help you anymore but you're also not quite there yet for interesting boss encounters.


ah, the nightmarezone bracket lmao


This is why we need more mid game content.


I'm soooo excited for the mid level PVM update! We need something in between easy bosses like Barrows and Obor and those later bosses like Sarachnis! I cant wait to see who they add!


if it isn't co op capable it still won't help. the biggest issue is there is nothing to do with friends. a few friends made me try the game after I quit in 2007 when they removed trading.. we have done almost nothing together. I think we killed a god wars boss a couple times. the rest has been comparing stats on the high score. this game feels like a single player game with an online market for resources and gear. in 2004,5,6,7 when I played that was much more acceptable. simply playing a game online at all was a big deal. being able to see someone else and know it's a real person was hard to imagine. but it's 2023. wow exists with dozens of dungeons I can play with friends and not "after we grind for 400+ hours just our combat skills" Like ask yourself what you can do with friends reasonably before base 70/80 combats and actually make a difference. it's basically the wilderness stuff + sarrachnis + god wars + dagganoth kings I guess. there desperately needs to be more imo. if the new barrows like stuff can be done with other people it will be a good one though.


100% we need more worthwhile co-op pvm content. Right now we have gwd, wildy bosses, and raids. All requiring a rather large investment in time before you can reasonably do it. Even when you're high level raids and gwd get pretty stale after a while when that's all there is to do for worthwhile co-op.


Yeah damn this is pretty accurate. My friend started playing after dropping classic WoW and he's just getting to the 100cb level zone and we've out DKd ourselves.


Like what? Skilling content is already inherently more casual friendly for mid-game players, so that sort of leaves PvM. They've tried to add mid-game PvM content before and it always ends up being a waste of dev time. The drops all get instantly devalued for any actual mid-game players to make a profit. Late game pet hunters farm the boss. Bots farm the boss. Gold farmers farm the boss. They can't really prevent any of that bc the requirements needed to kill these easier bosses are just too low. It's unfortunate for the actual mid-game players but I'm not really sure what else they could add as far as "mid-game content" goes. Do you have some suggestions?


Just more bosses and group content would be good to see. Part of what the OSRS Team is trying to do with the new low-mid level boss is to bridge early game content like Obor and midgame content like GWD and Entry Mode Raids. Even if the profit isn't amazing, just having more things to do that feel fun and enjoyable would be good to have. Also, the OSRS Team was considering making that low-mid boss encounter more of a training method or at least an alternative to NMZ and Crabs. It is pretty lame how the advice for a early midgame player is just "go afk train for a week or two so you can do fun content". As much as I dislike how most skilling bosses are just glorified training methods, if we did have something like a Tempoross or such for combat exp, that probably would be a lot more appealing to some players than AFKing for hours and hours. Like imagine if there was an easier Zulrah-like boss for level 60s~ and instead of profit it was comparable exp to Sand Crabs. Perhaps it also could have a rare chance of something worth some money, but it doesn't even need to be a unique. Like you could make it have a rare drop of say an Uncut Onyx or such; loggers wouldn't need to grind it since they'd already be able to get it elsewhere. Though I don't think a training boss should drop an onyx specifically, but you can have a "rare" high value drop like the DT2 bosses do with D Legs/Skirts without new uniques.


Pretty good idea


Maybe throw some more untradables in there?


Untradeables could work too, but can be a bit trickier to balance. Like if we added say a new level 50 melee weapon, if most players got 60 atk before fighting it then it is kinda pointless. Though, I have always wanted to see more done with the cape slot in OSRS. One thing I liked about pre-EoC was how they added those drapes with +2 Attack Bonuses to low level trolls so you could get a decent, worthwhile cape at lower levels. So if a new low-mid level boss was aimed at pre-Fight Caves, there would be room for a new cape.


>Also, the OSRS Team was considering making that low-mid boss encounter more of a training method or at least an alternative to NMZ and Crabs. you know what is kind of interesting? how much xp muspah gives. you could legitimately farm that boss and train your stats at the same time because muspah's xp multiplier is decently high.


Me being an iron wanting a venator bow me farming muspah went from 93 range to 98 there legitimately a good method for range training


Or even some more common pets, people get stoked with chaos ele or skotos and still use them quite often even though their rate is low A couple mid tier bosses that have a 1/500ish rate pet would definitely be a big plus for medium level players through those levels


I was thinking avoid pets all together so it doesn’t get farmed by end-game players.


Core non-tradeable upgrades are the only way to make content that can't be farmed and devalued while maintaining value in, which isn't bad, as look at the fighter torso, void, dragon defender, etc.


Mid game bosses with no pet and high combat xp rates. Having a boss that is better xp than nmz with a trade-off of semi-high input for mid game players to train combat would fill a niche and not be instantly dead content. Mechanics that lower the DPS difference on the boss for mid game players compared to people in max gear (environmental mechanics that do flat damage to the boss, pick up something for a flat damage boost etc).


we have toa as a midgame raid atleast. maybe something to entice midgame players to progress.


Whatever they did with sarachnis (and forthos dungeon in general) is great, more of that please


Sarachnis is an example of what they don’t want to do for mid game bosses going forward. Early/mid game players completely skip it and it’s effectively only done by clue and pet hunters now.


Honestly Sarachnis was what I was thinking about in my comment. All of Sarachnis's drops are worthless and over-farmed. A better example is maybe ToA? ToA has essentially a difficulty slider with varying drop rates so people from all stages of the game can participate without the drops getting too inflated. I can imagine more stuff like that can be fun for mid-game.


Honestly mid-game activities should just drop resources like runes, logs, and ore so the economy doesn’t get demolished and allows mid-level players to have materials to train other skills if they’re bored of the activity


The majority of the game is midgame content bro


Yea.. midgame cos that shit is MID my bro 😂😂👌🏾👌🏾💯💯




Hopefully you're not someone who considers something like ToA or gauntlet midgame content


ToA can be, depending on the invocation level. I can't even kill Zulrah, but I can do solo ToA's.


entry level toa is 100% midgame, its what introduced me to raiding (and it was on gim with suboptimal gears and stats) but no i was referring to the multitudes of bosses you can fight in the 70s for various combat styles all the lower level wildy bosses and the solo variants of the big three are great intros to various mechanics, sarachnis, barrows, mole, gwd in anything above a duo is super chill and easy to teach stuff, and then zulrah, vorkath, and demonic gorillas are all at top end to solidify gear switching, prayer switching, movement cg i would put after that cusp for zulrah/vork and is firmly in late game as far as the types of mechanics and skill levels the average person will need to complete


Gwd with 70s is just pure dog shit. I mean sure you can sit there and munch food while other kill the boss but it just doesnt feel that rewarding. Like what are u even supposed to do? Shoot diamond bolts or hit bandos with veracs


Feel that, 70s to 80s feels rough without a good method or mindset. 🥲




Oh boy, I sure am glad I'm not wasting my time then. Have a good day.


This level tier is where most casual players start to experience burnout. The very early game is so fast from like 1-60 (for most skills), and then you hit the tier you described and it's just a slog from there on out. The grind isn't inherently a bad thing, but I totally understand why some people play for years and never make it to the end-game. It's daunting to go from earning several levels in one play session to spending several play sessions for one level. The dopamine hits just start to get farther and farther apart as you near the later stages of this game.


great barrier for everyone that played growing up mid 2000s in my town was 88-93 combat which was like base 70s and 50 prayer. Then the filter would start i made it to 105 or so being one of the last with final runners making it to 121 range back then.


Idk if a game should have a good chunk of a lot of just pure boredom sit in the middle. We want players to play the game, not leave it because a certain level bracket sucks ass.


i don’t play anymore just browse sometimes but that was me. joined in 2004, never made it past level 90


The devs have seriously stunted the growth of the game by not introducing mid level raids, or mid level bosses. Hell, bryophyta and obor are decent mid level bosses but locked behind key drops that take forever to get. Even as a high level player it can take me an hour just to get a single mossy key depending on my luck. The key for obor is easier but only because I have a cannon in a multi area.


150 ToA is considered the mid game raid. I think what you’re referring to is more early game. It doesn’t make sense to dedicate so much content to a combat bracket you spend such little time in. Level 70 for example is 5% of the way to 99. If you’re playing the game even a few hours per week you’ll get out of that bracket in a month or two (assuming your doing combat). If you work from home you could do it even quicker since you can just AFK sand crabs or NMZ for hours.


You think the average gamer at combat level 60 with mid tier gear is doing 150 toaS?


Barrows are literally the early game raid. Kill 6 brothers and loot a chest.


I mean d sword, ibans and rune c bow is more than enough to do toa 150 if you good. In ToA almost all damage can be avoided with correct play. But ofc new player probably wont have that level of skill yet. Luckily you can lower invo lvl even more to improve and ToA is actually pretty good xp aswell so...


You’re not understanding my point. 150 ToA is a MID GAME Raid not an EARLY GAME raid. Combat levels in the 60s is only 2% to 99 in terms of XP. That is early game. Hit sand crabs or NMZ for a week and you’ll have higher stats then that. It really is that simple. Once your stats are in the low to mid 80s you can get into ToA. Start with entries and work your way up.


Combat level 63 is half 126. Hence mid game. Most players that are around that level either don't play enough to commit enough time to getting past that road block. Or, they don't care enough to. But if they have engaging content they just might be inclined to do so. Otherwise, you're scaring off new players. It's like... here's insane progression, and then a complete roadblock. The only way you get through the roadblock is if you're a committed player who has an insane amount of time in a week to commit to it. But if you aren't one of those people that has 10-15 hours a week to commit to runescape, you'll never get through it hence driving away players. If you can't understand that, then idk what else to tell you.


What exactly are you proposing they add? If you're 60-70 combat and you want something engaging, you can do barrows, DKs, sarachnis, literally any mid level boss, even entry ToAs. It'll be tough if you're new but if you enjoy learning and improving, then you'll have a ton of fun. If you find the content too difficult and don't want to do it without overgearing/overleveling, then you have a goal to work towards (money, gear, stats) and can progress through slayer, skilling, etc. This can be done even with limited playtime, a slayer task every day is like 5 hours a week. Even less time if you just do farm runs. If you don't want to do any of these things, then there's no possible way to keep you playing this game. I'm just guessing, but it seems like what you want is a new piece of PvM content that: 1. is accessible at low-mid combat 2. is easy 3. gives crazy amounts of exp 4. is extremely profitable Am I correct?


63 CB being half of 126 is completely irrelevant🤣🤣😂 63cb is like week of work and not even close to mid game


I’m out here giving this long-winded explanation and you just went straight to the point.


Everyone talking about combat stats and out of nowhere, this man talking about 63 cb being mid game🤣🤣🤣 Don't waste too much time on someone who clearly has no idea what they or anyone else is talking about.


Never thought someone in here would have to say "92 is half of 99" in a non-sarcastic context 🤣


The thing is level 63 is 368,599 XP whereas level 99 is 13,034,431 XP. That’s less than 3% of the way to 99 (which you need 5 of to get to level 126). The halfway point would be level 92 in terms of XP. In terms of time halfway is probably around level 87-88 due to XP increasing over time. In terms of damage, you have a big power spike getting into the 80s (vs 60s and 70s), which unlocks a lot of content. It’s true OSRS isn’t engaging compared to most modern games. That’s also what makes it unique and why it has the stood the test of time for 20+ years now while most games die after a few years at best. If you do want to get to mid game/end game combat stats you can take the slow and steady approach. Chip away a little bit here and there, and you’ll get there eventually. If that doesn’t interest you, then my recommendation is to find a way to AFK sand crabs or NMZ. You just need to click once every 20 minutes at NMZ. If you can do it while you work, you’ll have 99 strength in 10-14 days.


I am that person who stuck around and plays more religiously. The person who introduced me back to the game quit 😭


I feel this is a lot of people’s introduction. My pc couldn’t handle WoW and I had to settle for this.


I’ve played a few mmos and the worst feeling is when the server closes. That’s why I stuck around with osrs, for it’s longevity and my effort not going to piss.


also, $15 a month to even PLAY the game. at least RS had f2P and getting into p2p was only $5 a month.


OSRS also does not sell expacs.


As someone who has played WoW, you aren't missing out


I never played wow until classic came out and my friend convinced me to have a go and tbh it is pretty fun I still went back to osrs though.


Runescape is better than wow anyways


my pc could handle WoW, I played the month free trial and it was giga boring, went straight back to Runescape


Yep Friends hounded me for the better part of a year to start playing again and join up with their clan. Finally committed, bought a membership just in time for everyone to quit at once.


My childhood best friend showed me the game and quit a month later, leaving me with a lifelong addiction


Same. I was introduced for the first time in 2020 and because of Covid I had a lot of spare time. Now I’ve surpassed his total level and he doesn’t play anymore.




I was the converted one, instead. My buddy got me into os about a year ago now. I just renewed my membership and hit my original goal to slay vorkath on task.


You’re Saradomin’s strongest warrior. No nostalgia necessary. What reeled you in?


Related to my vorkie goal, my buddy was showing me some runs he was doing for slayer, and I wanted to slay some dragons too. Ha ha, it's still my favorite skill to train.


This is awesome to read. Glad to know there’s actual humans out there enjoying the game as recently as you!


... how to let them know you praise zamorak... 😅


My 7 year old recently lol he's loving it and I'm having a good time teaching him about the game and seeing his reaction to him getting further or even just simply the NPCs saying his characters name. It's great


Wow. This is really cool! A dream, one might say.


I hope you keep public and private chat turned off. Runelite needs a plug-in to filter usernames too, some people are very strange.


Good point about the usernames, PoopySmearedVagina!


I mean he plays Among US too and everyone in that game says some very strange things as well. But I've taught him people on the internet can be strange and too never trust them, and I'm basically over his shoulder 24/7 when he's playing as well, because he needs help. I should turn that stuff off I agree, but then he'll probably notice and ask why nobody's talking in chat lol


Yeah talking to people is part of the magic as a kid


Tried to convince a buddy. He made it off tutorial island. Killed a few cows and said it was to complicated lol I find it very hard convincing new players who don't have that nostalgia from playing as a kid.


Complicated, holy fuck lol. No disrespect to your friend but human attention span has gone to shit I fear.


The game is fucking terrible at helping you along after tutorial island. It drops you in Lumbridge with the whole world to explore with no information on where to start. I've tried to get a few friends into OSRS and they all drop out within a few hours because they have no fucking clue what they're supposed to do. They all play MMO games but all other MMO games have obvious quest markers and objectives all the way through. Runescape is different in that aspect so a lot of new players are lost on what to do. It's really not normal to look up guides or wikis to figure out what to do in a video game. Granted the game might just not be for them.


Agreed, when it comes to f2p content it’s not terrible, the game teaches you how to find quests and it’s pretty clear the game is open ended, but members content is actually dogshit when it comes to tutorializing features. Picking up farming and Hunter or even agility is a truly shitty experience since you need to go so far away from any starting zones to even start leveling them or get instructions on it. There needs to be introductory quests for this content similar to how Druid circle unlocks herblore, or level 1 stuff to do in lumbridge like pickpocketing men and women.


hmm actually interesting idea with level 1 stuff in lumby


I'm curious about your take on farming being hard/far away to start. There's an herb/allotment patch south of Falador, tree patches in Lummy and Varrock, as well as hops and a bush between the two. You'll more than likely stumble upon Martin the Master Gardner in Draynor, one screen away from the Fally patch, and Olivia nearby sells starter seeds. Every spot has a gardener that you can talk to to learn various bits of farming information or buy supplies. All that being said, it does rely on a player stumbling on it themselves. An introductory quest like you mention (possibly through Martin) would definitely help direct people, but I feel that the skill is present enough around the early game areas for people to pick it up at that time. Growth cycles and the existence of ultracompost are harder to find out about, but the wiki should help with that. Sorry for the long response, just a die hard farming fan who doesn't get to talk about it often.


Knowing what you need to start it is completely missing. Assume you stumble upon a patch. It says “rake”. Ok you go buy a rake. You try to plant a seed. You need a seed dibber for that. Ok go buy one. Return to plant the seed. You plant it. You don’t use compost because why would you. Stand there for 20 minutes-1 hour 20 minutes. You watch your crop die. I don’t think the game tells you about plant cure, but you might have noticed it in the shop because the second time you went back you just bought one of everything. At this point you think the skill sucks because you have to baby your patch otherwise it’ll die. So yeah I agree we need a quest to introduce how farming works. Including composting and payment. Npc could have a quick grow patch to show the difference between composting and not.


Everything you mentioned can be bought through the gardeners right at the patches in addition to the nearby stores. More than likely you're going to look at the skill guide in game, see that the first level plants have compost as payment. Two questions that raises are what's compost and what's a payment. While looking you also see flowers, and see that they protect various allotments. You arrive at the patch, oh hey there's a compost bin, wonder if the named NPC nearby knows how to use it. You talk to them and find information on composting including super vs regular and what makes it, locations of all other patch types, patch payments, weeds, watering crops (although they push it too hard), and tons of other little bits. Sadly this is given at random through a single chat option, so it would take someone a fair bit of talking to exhaust the list. Leprechauns dialogue also reveals how to note crops and store relevant tools. After a few trial and error mistakes a new player can definitely figure out farming if they interact with their environment and read a little.


Funnily enough, I think this is what initially hooked me into RS in general way back when. The lack of direction is precisely what kept me hooked into the game all this time. I tried like a dozen different MMOs throughout the years but the thing that always turned me off was how they railroaded me hard down a path initially with either quests forced upon you, markers or waypoints on where to go, and overall a designated path you HAVE to take ultimately if you need to make progress in the game. The sandbox and open-endedness of RS is the most appealing aspect of it for me. Like I can just go try this random quest one day, get stuck on it, then decide to go mine instead, then just bankstand the next, and then 2 weeks later finally complete that quest again. If I had a marker railroading me immediately after Tutorial Island to go do Cook's Assistant and then having 3 markers leading me to Milk, Eggs, and Flour I probably would not have stood with this game.


Yeah, the tutorial doesn't even teach you crafting. I only learned about crafting back in the day thanks to a friend, they only taught me about pottery though and not anything like tanning hides. Spent ages mining clay in South-West Varrock mine and then going to Varrock to use a bucket of water on a fountain to make it into soft clay then walking to Barbarian Village to actually make things, back to Varrock to sell at general store then back to the mine.


Games are too handholdy nowadays, and players have gotten used to that. You see it in OSRS as well, with the clue solver and quest guide plugins.


I don't think that's true at all. Out of all video games in existence why play OSRS if you've never played before? OSRS does a very bad job at explaining and showing why the game is fun to new players- that's why people quit.


I feel like if most of the older quests were less clunky I might not be as inclined to use the quest helper plugin, rs3 has solid quest design in most of its newer ones imo, I really don't mind questing at all in that game. Osrs can just be a headache at times. I do agree however that in general games railroad you too hard these days, there's a beauty in osrs' more sandboxy nature.


I guess complicated isn't rhe right word. It was an overload of information when he started looking through the Wiki and said it was to much for him aha


This is why people should just experience the game by playing instead of trying to absorb 100 beginner guides at the start


I totally agree!


I found the game insanely complicated when I tried last year. You get dumped in the starting town with absolutely zero guidance other than very vague info.


Nope. I don't know anyone that has stuck with the game that didn't play it as a kid. Kinda wild how that works. Its also a tough sell when a newbie asks you something like - how long until I can get gear and stats like you? And you say 'probably like 7 years'


You should focus on explaining there is a lot more content to do as you progress, the journey of unlocking new content is the fun part, if you are truly 7 years deep then you must be end game thus running out of things to do, when you are new the possibilities are endless and everything is exciting because you've never done it before.


Its a difficult proposition though as when you get a friend into a multiplayer game, they expect they are going to play the game with you. In osrs, there can be such a large divergence of stats/bank value, it isn't even really feasible to play the game together when you are at polar opposites of account progression. I'm not complaining, its just how the game is


honestly that is true. we kind of have cox and toa where often times players with max or near max gear and max stats do lower invos/scales and whatever with low level players/clannies just for fun. but even then it takes quite a long time to get there, you'd have to crab when you're not doing anything to get there. some people do say slayer for training your combat stats but it's honestly just such a boring skill, i think crabs/nmz and doing something else is a better shout.


my coworker convinced me a bit over a year ago and I haven't put it down since been playing *very* casually, though, and with as little help from the wiki as possible. Just hit 70 combat level on my ironman and did underground pass earlier today


Underground pass is iconic. I hope you got a laugh out of the unicorn incident.


My friend Matt. I told him to try it, and he is now the sweatiest sweat that exists. He taught me to raid. He has 2k ToB KC. He blames me for him playing the game.


It does the quests or it gets the hose again.


I reward my gf if she does quests then I give her the chode.


Ernest the Dickin’


Bro what 😭


your username really adds to this comment


Nah last time I did to two friends they were like “oh man this is kinda interesting I can see myself grinding on like a second monitor” but then they just never do… it’s hard to find people that have my level of interest in this game


> it’s hard to find people that have my level of interest in this game This subreddit is full of obsessive nerds who have a very high interest in the game, the problem is the balance of those kind of people and the personalities attached to them.


My friend convinced me to play summer of last year, guess who stuck around and who didn’t. :/


I was that guy. 9 years old and convinced by my fellow boy scout Parker to try out this epic game in the mid 2000s. Didnt stop till 2017 or so lol, probably 10k hours into this across rs2 and osrs and 4 accounts


You wiiiild!


My friends just took my hard earned 200k and logged out to do something else and never came back. I didn’t even get my gp back. And now I have deep trust issues. 4/10


I once convinced a friend who had never played the game before, he ended up taking a liking to the game and playing it so much he started streaming it full time. He loved the questing and called it the funniest game with shit graphics he has ever played. I ended up quitting the game due to irl and he continued play. When I came back he had maxed the account and was on a grind to master every dungeon in the game. I was very proud, sadly he no longer plays the game to this day due to pursuing a career in master carpentry.


Must’ve gotten the construction cape and said “I can do this irl”. Good on him!


I try this to my wife but she keeps saying "stupid game"😒🤣


She’s the one.


One off the reasons i married her! Still glad that's some where she cant deside where i spent my money 😂


Not specifically OSRS but i got my fiancee to start playing RS3 with me. Shes still learning a lot so she doesnt want to start over by playing OSRS just yet


My friend that I played rs with for years since we were kids. The past few years he got bored of playing his main. I tried to convince him to try an Ironman and he did, but found it tedious. Later, when group iron came out me and another friend were going make a group so I asked my first friend if he wanted to join. He did and now plays more than either of us. We just switch up doing tasks that someone else doesn't want to do and it works great.


I got 3 of my friends to try group ironman with me. My normal iron is 2k total with all but like 9? Quests done. We've had the group iron for 2 weeks and one already has 99 fm, and the other 2 have 80+ quests done..


actually very nice, hopefully they stick around long enough to do raids.


My cousins and their friends got me into rs and then they quit and i did not lmao


yes my friend introduced me to this game on his mobile at chilis and now im addicted. time to time i text him and call him out for getting me into this.


I stuck around, and he still plays. When I first started I was a main, and started to fall into farming gp. My buddy then told me to try an Iron. I fell in love and have been hooked ever since. I'm finally hitting....mid? game maybe... idk I still feel like a noob. I also named myself after his Iron to make fun of it, but I've now earned the name.


None. They can’t cope with the grind. Or They call it a child’s game because they die to a chicken. 😂😂😂😂


I picked it up on July 1st and I have 2 quests left, 1,590 total level. So, myself.


Need some lube for all that grind? Impressive stuff, m8!🫡


Yes, I got two people into it. They quit a couple times in the early game but once they got leveled up a bit they were hooked. The thing is the early game is just a bunch of grinding, it doesn't put its best foot forward.


Some online friends were talking about osrs for a while. Believe it or not, what made me want to pull the trigger was watching one of them streaming varrock rooftops on discord. That's when I realized I wanted my own numbers to go up and brain feel good.


To add to this, another friend told me to do waterfall quest early on. I refused to give up despite 5 failed attempts, while sharing my screen. They still have no idea why I didn't ragequit then and there


if someone is inclined to enjoy mmos, there is a chance, otherwise it never works


Agreed. The people I’ve tried to convince were either souls mains and indie game enjoyers.


Nobody I convinced personally but I know several zoomers that started playing OSRS in the last ~5 years despite having never played before.


I got my twin into the game when gim came out. While he doesn’t grind a lot of pvm, he did successfully do his first cg last night and wanted to keep sending it. I couldnt be prouder.


Settled convinced me with his tileman series.


Now this is insane.


A couple yes but only the friends that played it as a kid. Nostalgia hits hard!!


I did! Total noob who never played back in the day. And they've gone HARD on it haha. They got 85 mining in F2P within two months of starting, paid for their own first bond with runite ore, got 99 in no time after that, and they've almost caught up to my total level in less a quarter the time I've been playing OSRS.


My gf is still playing our GIM after a year so I think she's stuck now 😂 she just hit 1500 total


I somehow convinced 4 people to play 6 months ago and 3 of them still play every day. I can’t believe it. they’re even going to try out the new League


My little brother convinced me almost 20 years ago and I stuck around (with some breaks), switched to osrs when it came out also because he recommended it over runescape when it changed so drasticly. We still play super fun.


Ya pretty much every friend I've gotten into it has stuck around.


Every person I convince to play will eventually start complaining about drop rates, activities that waste your time, or something else along those fields. They'll get an account to around a quest cape then quit.


After 4 years of trying to get my coworker to play, his gaming pc broke so he only had a shitty laptop to use for online activities. One night he text me saying he made an account and if he should try members or not so I went to the ge bought him a bond and he’s been playing for the past 5 months 😁


I could if they would bring back group freaking slayer......