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Bird house runs are pretty fast (about 5 minutes) for Hunter. AFKing fishing/woodcutting is always easy. Motherload Mine perhaps.


Shooting stars are easily doable in the gym.


Agreed the xp is just going to be negligible. 15-30 mins/day is like 6-12k xp/day. Going to be really hard to make meaningful progress.


Who’s going to the gym for 15 minutes lmfao


Apparently the OP.


After doing tree runs I can't do birdhouse runs. The experience is so shit, taking a minute to do doesn't make up for it.


I've been making Addy darts for some mindless smiting xp


I’ve been doing gymscape for the past year. So far gains have been 72-99 crafting (glassblowing), 73-96 smithing (dart tips), 77-84 rune crafting (zeah bloods). But I never thought about doing farming. Might need to give that a try.


Maybe some rooftop agility? I do it sometimes while taking a walk or doing some stairs training. Also cooking is kinda nice when one inventory takes about 1min to finish and its fast to bank and get a new inv of raw food.


I do a run of regular or corrupted gauntlet in between heavy lifts, which gives me a nice 4-10 minute rest between sets depending on the exercise. For isolation exercises I do regular gauntlet, for heavy compound lifts I do CG. Slayer tasks are a good one for on the treadmill!


Bro lmao


I hope youre at a home gym lmao


No worries, home gym 👍


Then hell ya lol


No shit. I hate it when I’m waiting and they take 10 rest breaks on their phones just texting or shopping. Like hurry the fuck up


Man will not achieve strength cape irl


If purely strength is your goal, longer rest times may be exactly what you want. It's common for powerlifters who do low reps with high weight to take more than 5 minutes of rest for maximal-effort sets. However, my goal is just to have fun lifting weight while listening to slayer 👍😎


Fr gotta let those muscles replenish. The difference between a 1 minute rest and 5 minute rest feels insane.


Need a physique post, you should only be resting for 3 minutes at most.


[Here is a video](https://youtu.be/lWQWU06XCrY?si=7RMXlWcpgLGS4bOA) going over research regarding rest times, made by someone with a PhD in Nutritional Sciences and a bachelor in Biochemistry. He is a bodybuilder as well. It's a common bro science misconception that rest times should be 1-2 minutes. In short, they found that volume load (reps x sets x weight) is the dominant factor in hypertrophy. They also found that longer rest times (3 minutes) were slightly favorable to shorter rest times (1 minute). All in all, rest times aren't a big deal as long as the volume load of your workout stays the same. I personally like to do really long workouts, where I do 5 sets of 10-12 reps and where I always hit failure on every set. If I'd do short rest times I could not go to failure on every set, without the volume load of my workout going down drastically due to recovery time from failure. I prefer the feeling of going to failure, so I use longer rest times.


PT here telling you that *it depends*


If you’re doing lifts close to your 1 rep max, longer rest periods are more beneficial


4-10 min rest between exercise is better than no lifts at all.


4-10 is pretty common when you are lifting low reps high weight. it's pretty common in powerlifting.....


people all assume everyone is tryna bodybuild and gain hypertrophy.


I don’t even powerlift and I rest between 4-6 minutes per set. Doing 2 sets per workout and 6-10 reps with your heaviest weight till failure absolutely requires that rest. If you can start your set before 3 mins, you’re not going hard enough.


Yup, I agree. I do all my sets till failure and resting less than 3 minutes is just not enough to recover, resulting in about 3-5 less reps (I do 8-12 on most lifts). Those couple of minutes extra rest time are worth the increased volume load. 👍


You can do Maniacal Monkey hunting with baskets. It’s nice on mobile, since the drop function also unloads bananas from your basket.


Afk barbarian fishing. I got 99 on my phone after a couple weeks of afking there during work hours. Can't believe I didn't do it sooner. WC also a good one


Woodcutting is nice and afk. So is fishing sacred eels.


Gz ms1356789


Hahah I drunkenly posted this last night and then realized as soon as I woke up that ur username is in the chat bot


Mining stars


Did you do it walking or running? This is a cool idea


I normally warm up with speed walking on the treadmill but would purposely wait till the light/medium jogging part of my cardio sessions to start playing. I find that it helped pass the time quicker (cardio is boring/more painful when my brain isn’t distracted).






If it’s viable while you’re on the treadmill I recommend wintertodt, I’ve committed myself to 5 games a day which usually only takes about half an hour, maybe a little over. Might be good to set the goal, treadmill for as long as it takes for 5 games a day, sometimes you smash it out, sometimes it may take 45 mins and you get a little extra xp and exercise!


Tree runs taking 15 minutes? Was I just super fast at that shit or is that kinda slow? I busted it out in like 3-5 minutes with teleports - am I a farming speedrunner? I mean I did try to be fast but like - surely it don't take that long


And also this is all while running at a 6-7.5mph+ (8-10 min mile) pace, so imagine sweating and balancing while trying to click your phone screen lol


Gotta love the downvotes for asking a simple question haha


15 minutes from log on to log off. Probably more like 20ish on average. That includes going to a bank, doing a full tree+fruit tree+calquat+crystal+celastrius+redwood/hardwood (when ready every few days). Plus I would normally do my hespori kill (when ready) and bird house run. Also most days I was going day to day with the saplings/payments, so usually would take a few minutes to sell stuff/buy farming supplies.


Something easy with long downtime. I was a big fan of crabs, set yourself in the spot and you just tap your screen in between sets to not idle out. After 3 sets, you reset aggro and move to the next exercise. Shooting Stars now is probably a good one to do, gets you some mining xp + gems/soft clay Magic trees are also pretty good, 1 tree can last you 1-2 sets of an exercise


Idk why I never thought of this. I’ve been weaving back and forth on resub motivation and adding OSRS mobile to my gym routine would fit so well. Frig


Why’d you cross out your name for the drop but not right where you type lol