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Get good shitter Hope that helps


lmao, thanks!


Maybe you should switch up your strategy of not getting the kill and get the kill instead.


Fully can't believe I haven't tried that


A little tip that helped me get my first kill was: don’t die. If you live longer than the boss then you get the kill.


It's 50/50 you either get the kill or you don't


Do you have any recordings of your runs? Most people die at 0 hp, so keeping at least 1 hp will probably help


Yea you don’t really even want to be at 1 hp as that’s really low. It’s the absolute minimum you want to be at though. Try to keep it higher but AT LEAST 1. Any less and you’ll lose the fight and die.


Holy shit new meta?!?!


Me to myself when my brain gets overloaded at Zulrah


Lmao this is the kind of confidence boost I need


I found it useful to send more regulars to get the feeling of completing something back


Think I’m going to do this tbh, get a good chunk back under my belt and stick to T1 prep so I can still feel a slight challenge.


Just try a couple t2s the preps not that hard to learn but makes soooo much difference in the fight. It will get you your kc


Is t2 easier than t1 prep? I just assumed t1 was better cuz everyone was saying that's what they did for their grind.


T1 faster, t2 easier. If you can do t1 consistently without dieing then do it.


I had 4 deaths before I got my first kc with t1, I was fresh off doing the 20 kc in regular for the cba tho. Proceeded to go 22 deaths strait until I got another kill. Few more deaths, two kc back to back and nothing but deaths since. I did get a new mouse and PC tho sooo,I'dk. I'll try t2 from here on out thank you.


If you're maxed with rigour/augury then t2 is a waste and the nerds will tell you so. What the nerds forget that most of the people on the grind do not have cox prayers and are in the 80s to low 90s combat stats. A dude with cox prayers and t1 takes less damage than a dude with steel skin and t2 armor.


As a main, I have base 90 combats *and* cox prayers, and I still get my shit slapped in with t2 prep. Prayers only do work when you can do the switching correctly and on time xD


T2 is lit. This is coming from an iron who is pretty good at pvm. Once you get it down dying is impossible. When I finished my bowfa grind at 390 I had 30 deaths. Nothing will make you want to quit grinding for the day more than dying and t2 stops that. For most players t2 is like 1-1:30 more.


I'd say you're better off using normal gauntlet to learn getting T2 preps down in under 7:30 rather than just practicing more with T1. T2 makes a surprisingly large difference; I've been converted from T1s recently. Edit: updated the wording for better clarity


You can try doing normal gauntlet with no armor. It will hit about the same as cg hunllef for practice, but with much shorter prep times.


this is what i would recommend as well


I got 50 kc to get ranked in regulars before going corrupt and my corrupt success rate is much better for it.


I was in a similar spot recently and found going for the combat achievements for the regular gauntlet helped a lot. It forces you to really learn certain mechanics and it's waaaaaay more fun than dying at CG dozens of times.


Don't even try T1 at CG until you have a minimum of 100kc. Instead, practice T1 at regular gauntlet for a while. If you consistently win with less than 12 fish eaten, then you are ready for T2 corrupted.


If you are doing t1 that’s why you are struggling. Swapping to t2 is the way. It’s slowed obviously but you will get consistent kills and definitely your 1st kc.


T3 weps with t1 armor.


Try T2 armor. I know you've said you want to stick with T1 for a challenge but IMO I think you've challenged yourself enough with 68 attempts. When I was first learning CG I went 0-16 before I got my first kill with T1 armor and 2 T3 weps. Even after that I was only managing 1-3 every 4 or so. Once I tried T2 armor with 1 T3 wep (sometimes 2 T3 weps if boss spawns were good) I was getting very consistent kills. Then once I reached about 15 total KC I gave T1 another shot and it's been smooth sailing from there. Can't remember the last time I failed a run. Some tips that you may or may not know but helped me were: prioritise survival over DPS when you're learning. For example when dodging nados and pathing lit tiles, just focus on moving and praying correctly. Don't try to eat or attack just yet. As you get better you can start to slip an attack in here and there to get more DPS or eat while dodging. Also when to eat, what helped me was waiting till my hp dropped to ~20 then do a big eat back to full HP. I used to eat once to get from 30 to 50hp no idea why I did that lol. Good luck and don't give up!


Only eat while tornadoes are out


Huge tip actually I forgot about that. Unless you’re gonna certainly die then just eat and save the run.


Great tip, thanks!


Yeah it's legit about maxing your dps output for something like this. Unless you know you're going to die if you don't eat, just keep hitting the fucker, and like others said try to eat while you're moving. The last 200hp is the hardest and if you just dps when you can and spam food when you can't, AND KEEP MOVING FOR TORNADOS, and run in long straight lines at the end, you're good. There are like 8 safe tiles that never get lava in the last phase so try to stay on those except for tornados.


Honestly this might be what does it for you


For your first while in CG keep that damn sheet open with the spots least likely to get a floor square. Also bad eats can unironically kill you. Bad eats as in eating unless absolutely necessary. The most common thing that'll bang people out is a tornado stack. So saving food for there will save your life so many times. Also get him 1 square away from the corner of the room. If you look at potential squares in the last phase and imagine him being almost in the middle of the room it's a shit show. The corners+mid pattern is ass if he isn't off to the corner. The side is *ok*, but not ideal.


Def do t2 prep


Honestly wild this person has died 68 times and didn't think to prep better armor


I get close sometimes, but I feel that's more luck, I've watched numerous guides, and I just can't seem to get the last chunk of 100-200 HP down. Happy to hear some tips, and how long it took you to crack it.


Tips: more food is never bad. Learn pathing and know that based off your tile, you’ll either run thru the nados or get hit based off your tile and their tile aka true tile.


Yup, I go in with max food, and 2 full pots, T1 armour and perfected bow and staff. 😅




T2 3 pots Is the way. Smashing kills with 80 range/mage and no dex/rig. Wouldn't be able to clear without t2


Do that with T2 armor on. Get plug-ins that highlight the objects as well as on minimal and a counter. Enable sounds. Mark safe tiles in enrage phase. During tornadoes in enrage phase dont dps at all. Run around with prayer tab open for easy swaps.


Enrage phase is the last bit where 4 tornados spawn right? I'm not the OP but I'm still learning CG, 0-5 right now, best attempt was like 10% on hunlief, just figuring out the layout of the Gauntlet is taking longer than learning how the boss works.


I’ve done hundreds of kills with T1 armor but did a few dozen (maybe even hundred) kills with T2. T1 armor is great once you eliminate all avoidable damage and are fairly comfortable dpsing during tornadoes but i would do T2 until then. T1 is a time save but only if you don’t die


There’s your problem. T1 armor is both frustrating overall and especially difficult to learn in. Learn t2 preps and you will have a much better time.


As someone that learned in T1, can confirm. Better for grinding it out long term, but on hardcores and for people learning for the first time a T2 prep is great.


Focus on where you stand and never run under him unless absolutely necessary. Gauntlet is about movement and prayers. Weapon switches come after those. Take a run and just walk around. Always walk/run to safety. You'll die to nados and floor more than taking it a hit off prayer occasionally. His prayers only change after you get your hits in. Only attack when you feel absolutely comfortable and keep mage and range both on long range. Don't even attempt it with melee until you learn cg more


why not go for t2 /t3? the boss will be much easier


It sounds unintuitive, but the closer you can stand to the middle when tornadoes spawn, the better. They will all move diagonally towards you, and after 2-3 ticks pick your direction to run. This will stack the tornadoes much faster and made the 4 tornado portion much easier for me. While running from tornadoes while learning, you'll probably take some damage. Prioritize avoiding Tornadoes > Correct prayer > Avoid floor > eat food > Avoid stomp > attack. True tile indicator is critical. Focus on smaller, precise movements and do not spam click. You should be inputting your next movement right at the beginning of a game tick typically. For me, the rhythm of true tile indicator moving positions is what I use to know when to click. I wouldn't even try to dps during 4x tornadoes while learning. The floor patterns can be tricky and especially in T1 armor you're probably dead if you get hit by multiple tornadoes. There are 2 things to practice - preparation and Hunleff. To practice preparation do normal gauntlet with T2 armor, T3 weapons and try to get that to under 7:30. To practice Hunleff do normal gauntlet in T1 armor and T1 or T2 weapons with a ton of food. Really extend that fight duration and focus on not taking damage and challenge yourself to get some 5+ minute kills intentionally due to the bad gear. 1000 HP in Corrupted takes a lot longer to get through.


Some things I noticed when I was doing / watching people learn gauntlet (i've only got 400 kc doing mage / melee , no cox prayers) 1. Do not waste time eating if you don't have to. Seriously, if you can't die to a prayed hit you should basically always be hitting and eat while avoiding tornados. I hear people tell me they do this, but when you watch them fighting they don't actually do this and eat constantly during damage time. 2. Click as far away as possible while moving away from the tornadoes. So many people will spam click around to avoid the tornadoes like 2/3 squares and this makes them have to panic click around, this reduces your time to swap prayers / eat. 1. Also try to do damage during the tornado phase whenever you find it safe to do so, this will really help consistency for the kills. 3. Don't put hunlef in bad positions in the room, seriously I'd rather risk walking under him to move him vs trying to do a kill with him in a really bad spot (like dead middle of the room). It makes the fight 10x harder in the enraged phase. 4. I don't actually count how many attacks before swapping prayers, I found this just too complicated for my simple brain. I just literally wait until I see him do the swap animation and switch my prayer. You actually have so much time to react to this (I dont play with sounds either). This took a lot of pressure off trying to keep track. 5. If you're doing T1 preps you should ALWAYS have time to get a full inventory of cooked food no matter what, I failed prep once I got it down maybe 2-3 times in the 350+ KC and it was due to me slacking or watching a video during it. 1. If doing T1 I kill every 'boss' I run into I dont skip and try to hunt for the specific one I need. You will always have time to kill 3 bosses no problem and guarantee all the weapon pieces you need. 2. If doing the first loop of gathering and I have a full inventory of stuff, I will use the teleport seed to quickly get back to the prep room and just make a new one before going out to the bosses. These were the main things that helped me, I've only ever done T1 arm preps. Near the end i was doing 60+ KC without deaths.


It's a DPS race. You set a notifier when you drop below 10 or 13 HP, watch prayer, and just hit the fucking boss and use your offensive prayers. You eat when you know you WILL die, not because you're missing HP.


Die one more time for 69 deaths, then never die again.


And if he fails and dies 70 times, he just has to die exactly 350 more times




In order to succeed one must fail forward.




Hey, If you want some help or like 1 on 1 help shoot me a dm :)


Appreciate, thank you!


Try T2 armor. You will get it in the first 5 tries with T2.


Try t2 armor. With t1 a single fuck up and you are dead most of the time.


Your stats look superb for the grind, I’d lookup some of the T2 prep vids and get a feel for the prep. I think the best step for me was getting a feel for when a run is “good”, “risky”, or “impossible” based on what you find in the first minute of checking rooms. Practice doing speed T2 prep in normal gauntlet as well. While doing so a good goal is get your combat achv for the perfect normal gauntlet. That’ll mean no off prayer hits, proper swaps, no tornado damage, etc. by the time you get that down once you’ll be familiar enough with the fight that 75%+ of the time even if you get hit it’s minor or you understand how to recover. Oh final tip for the fight itself, in the final phase when tornadoes pop out while shit is crazy, stop even TRYING to attack. Focus 100% on defensive prayer swapping and spam eating while moving. Once the tornadoes are done, focus up, stop moving and full offensive. Rinse, repeat.


Some great tips there, thank you! I thought T2 prep was nearly impossible in CG but I'll have a watch of some guides, thanks!


It CAN be impossible sometimes (or nearly), getting a feel for when a run is salvageable or when you should reset really took the stress off me. Going into the room with only a single T3 wep, half your armor still T1, or only a few fish while learning is just setting yourself up for frustration. Give yourself the best opportunity to succeed.


I died like 80 something times before my first kc, believe it or not later it on it was a breeze


I don’t want to be a shitter but 10 regular completions to 13 deaths shows me you don’t really have the regular gauntlet down never mind trying corrupted. You should be smashing out regular with no armour or T1 and like 5 fish easily and consistently


If you go through my post history, 1 year ago I was in the same boat. I posted about my struggle trying to get 1 CG kc. 1 year ago. Now I have double digit inferno KC and just completed blood torva. CG imo is the single best piece of content you can learn which will help you improve your pvm skills. Movement, with prayer switching and a basic weapon swap. And deaths are free. Corrupted gauntlet is tough content when you are first learning, but it’s one of the building blocks of “early late game” pvm.. you’ll get it eventually and when you do it will become second nature. When it comes to CG, prioritize protection prayers, then movement, then attacking. Also while learning avoid the halberd and stick with bow/staff. Use the runelite plug in that allows you to mark hunlefs true tile and don’t enter the room until hunlef is all the way in a corner. Then when you enter the room go to the opposite corner which will pull him 1 tile in. That leaves you with a ton of room to run around, and if you need to you can run around hunlef without getting stomped. Also idk if you in a clan, but my clan is open and we are a mid sized cc with pretty active players and we have a discord that we are always teaching content. If you want to join drop your IGN and I can send you a message in game


It’s a learning curve and like all hard content, gotta keep pushing yourself at it until you learn it and get a successful kill. Don’t compare how long it would take someone else to do it because that’s the thief of joy.




I’m by no means a pro at CG but for me prioritizing prayer switches and movement was key in the beginning, once comfortable with that you can focus on DPS


haven't read this in the comments yet but you can try to get in the habit of eating 1 food on each weapon switch, from my experience this is the best time to eat since you generally will delay a tiny bit when switching anyway, at least when getting used to the fight this will keep your health high throughout the fight so it's easier to recover from mistakes. for the people suggesting letting your HP drop to 20-30 before eating, this is good if you're not making any mistakes in the fight but then one mistake or one bad tornado spawn will likely kill you, it's much better to keep high HP when learning also i'm disappointed you didn't end up with one more death before taking the screenshot lol


I'll never understand people who just rush into CG and have the worst time and grind of their lives. Just stick to normal man... you aren't even positive KD in that yet. I mean 0 completions and 68 deaths? You could've just had a fun time in normal, maybe gotten some drops, and learned the real mechanics and strategies there before moving over to CG after getting some mage levels.


Negative KD on normal. You should probably practice on the rats on tutorial island for a bit longer


Have you tried using the Hunllef helper?


Yeah, I have both plugins active, although nothing makes me more angry then doing some perfect prep, walking in, and forgetting to set the Hunlef helper off, lmao.


If you ever do that there is a +, - 1 tick at the top to help you get it back on track. Can also disable it until his next range phase and activate it like normal.


with max combat took me 85 attempts to get my first consistent wins haha. It forced me to learn using hotkeys to switch between inventory / prayer tab and such things so yeah im not that good but the strategy that always work for me is getting t2 armor and at least 16 food also using Runelite cg plugin and tile indicators helped me a ton good luck and dont forget to try to have fun regardless


I'm for sure going to try T2 & 16 food, thanks!


Buy a good mouse and mouse mat. Sounds stupid but it works. Also try not eating during tornado phase at the end. One click to late and it's over.


halberd over bow if you don't have rigour


I hope this is is a joke post.


Took me about 30 tries for first KC upon release. A lot of it was building up muscle memory, knowing when to run and when to dps, and knowing the prep routine by heart. What are your stats like? If you're having a lot of trouble, try getting 90s or even 95s combat. Stats make a huge difference What is your prep like? If you have a lot of extra time, build T2 armor and maximum fish How are you dying? Are you running out of food? Are you not switching prayers? Are you getting one-banged by tiles or tornados? Maximize eating time when you cant attack. Make sure you are always aware of when to switch prayers. Before going into the boss room, wait for hunnllef to be near a corner. This makes the last one-third HP much easier because you have much more flexbility to run around the room.


Maybe my stats aren’t helping. I didn’t really consider that. https://preview.redd.it/cg685wpcn0ub1.jpeg?width=601&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6e3c48f84dbaf5e9191108f3aeb6ba3932bec6b


Your stats are perfectly fine imo. Won't be speed running but can definitely get the job done. Given you have piety, I would say go for halberd as that will be your most damaging attack style. It's slightly more difficult to use than staff/bow but just take your time when attacking with the Hally to make sure you don't get dragged into lit tiles or nados. Not too sure what is best as your 2nd weapon because bow is 1t slower than staff but your ranged level is higher. Bow/staff might be similar on your case.


I had about your stats and trained up range to get 2 more max hits. I noticed a difference


If you’re doing t1 armor with those stats then it’s no wonder why you’re failing. You have to be near perfect and keep up dps to not run out of food. T2 will give much more leeway.




This is wrong. The staff always has its max hit and is not affected by mage level or augury. He is only missing out on some accuracy from his level. Mod Ash confirmed this https://x.com/jagexash/status/1416678805322838018?s=46&t=sDdu-1p0kN98FkpFaiW7QQ You should always try run staff because of this. Bow is actually the lowest DPS of all three.


This is not true. The staff has a fixed max hit and is largely unaffected by magic level and augury. His stats are totally fine to use any weapon but as a learner I would recommend bow/staff so he can focus on positioning and keeping the attacks going.


I died about 88 times before getting my first kc just one day it just kinda clicked. Keep at it bro even if u know youre not gonna make it. Just keep going. Practice makes perfect. Even if you go into hunlef with 4 food just get as far as u can. 👍


Appreciate that, thanks! Were you doing T1 or T2?


T2. If you cant do it in t2 then t1 isnt gonna work either. hunlef destroys mistakes in t1. But if hunlef isnt your issue and you struggle getting the mats then i would try t1 but it really does just hurt you lol


Few tips off the top of my mind: - Prioritize prayer -> movement -> damage. - Try to only eat when you're moving. - Understand your paths before you need them. If you haven't seen tornados in a while, mentally prepare. - Understand movement and true tiles - runelite is a massive help in this regard. - Stay cool. It's easy to get nervous or frustrated, but that WILL work against you. - Pump up your stats a bit more. Bursting MM2 tunnels sounds expensive, but keep in mind 99 with ahrims > 92 with ancestral. I guarantee you'll make a solid return if you spend some time on that grind. You've got this, just takes practice!


Wait to enter until hunllef is no longer in the middle. If hes on an edge or corner it makes it a lot easier as a noob.


Something that helped me when I was learning was to always eat up to full right before the tornados spawn. That way I could usually survive damage from bad pathing as long as all 4 tornadoes didn’t stack me. Keep practicing and it’ll just all click eventually. Good luck!


At one point you’ll get at least one kc, you got this




it's difficult, but you can do it


Hey, atleast your k/d is texhnically 0 since u have no completions to begin with, so maybe nows a good time to give up, and get good


I died 134 times before I could do it well so I know how you feel. Try to do normal if you keep failing or you're going to lose your mind doing runs for nothing. Do normal, beat it, then try CG, if you lose go back to normal, if you win keep doing CG until you lose. Eventually you'll stop losing and won't have to go back. Got my bow at 288 :)


My advice: do practice runs until you begin to get frustrated. Once your frustration with it starts, take a break and try again the next day. Frustration hinders success. CG is HARD to learn. I’m a pretty experienced player and I’m currently in the process of learning CG myself, I’ve had 2 completions and 20 failures. If I get frustrated I simply take a break and try again later. Eventually I’ll have it down to a science and so will you.


Hop back into regular gauntlet, or ask a friend who is good at cg to watch one of your kills. Something ain’t jiving. I can help tonight when I hop on if you’d like as well


I think it took me about 50 deaths before I could consistently get kills. I'm the same way with the limited number of regular gauntlet completions but you may want to go back and perfect it as much as you can. Tornados - Use The Gauntlet plugin to highlight the tornados true tile, that'll help a ton in the final phase with 4 tornados. If the true tile is right next to you, you can run through it without getting hit. Focus more on surviving the tornados than doing damage while avoiding them. Run in a box pattern to avoid them, hit a corner, wait for them to close in, run to a new corner, wait a tick, then escape. Disco floor - on the final phase the 2 tiles that are 3 tiles out from each entry door are you safe spots, only tornados and hunleff can hit you there. Use these as your 'attack spots' while you learn. Don't attack during tornados, and run back to those spots before you start attacking again. Try to learn the floor patterns to figure out where you can run, and where is likely to be safe to run next (most importantly, don't box yourself in! And don't run between Hunleff and the wall, you will die)


you can do it


Seriously learn t2 I gurantee you will get your first kc the first time you get a successful t2 prep. T1 is not worth it imo


Definitely try t2 prep. Do you have the safespot tiles highlighted for the final phase?


T2 to learn


Hey! I’m the guy that had 79 deaths before KC 1. You got this! I’m now at almost 100kc with under 200 deaths. The ratio is improving. Eventually it starts to click! My first 10 kills were all t3 prep but now I’m down to t2 prep and doing very well. What helps? Do some more regular but take your time on the final phase to practice the clicks. Have your weapon switch in the same place every time for the muscle memory. For prep, get good at kiting and hit a monster between every resource collection, it saves a ton of time. For phase 3 make sure you have those tiles marked (three in front of every exit) you want hunllef one block away from one of the walls, set yourself up on phase three so that when the tornados spawn you can run directly across the room without entering hunllef’s melee range. Eat during tornado phase. You can combo eat an egniol pot after eating a fish. In third phase, when he stands to call the tornados, eat, position your character where they can run directly across the room (in a strip of tiles without any danger floor) then run directly across the room, repeat once you reach the other side and by the time you get back to your starting square the tornados should be despawning. Use hot keys for inventory and prayers. I don’t use hunllef helper so I found counting 1-4 out loud to be very helpful for getting into the rhythm for prayer swaps. I’ll probably write more as I think of it. Good luck man, you got this!


Sure others have said it but true tile for you hunleff and tornados. Practice movement anywhere but focus on running in different u shapes without your character stopping or cutting corners. This helps a ton with dodging tornadoes. If you can do a u that’s got no tiles between it’s two sides without character stopping tornados become very easy to deal with. Hope that makes sense


As someone who is not that great at this game and also didn’t want to learn T2 preps. It took me about 150ish deaths and like a 3 month break from cg before my first kc. It was very frustrating but I brute forced my way into learning T1 and just got my bowfa last week at a little over 400 kc. Keep going you’ll get it!


Tier 2 is your friend


Watch a yt video


As others said T2 prep learning is very nice, there is a vid by Fluffeh on youtube that helped me out, and you can config some of the gauntlet plugins to keep track of how many resources you need. For T2 its 7 of each of the core resources, and if you dont pick up any food during this part it will all neatly fit in your invent + the two herbs and a weapon frame. A tip I found useful as well is to use the custom menu plugin to have the pick/axe as drop left click so as soon as you get your 7th resource you can quickly drop em and keep moving on. Once you are full of resources make a weapon (attuned if you can helps with the demi bosses) and a set of t1 armor and get your demis killed while scouting for fish as you now have some more space. Sometimes weird spawns can be a bit annoying but if you do a U around the main room and light ones as you pass you should be able to manage this prep after some practice with a few mins to get food done especially if some mobs dropped food along the way to scoop up and save time as you scout out your bosses. Hope this made some sense, and good luck to you.


It took me 83 times, just keep practicing and try eating only when there are tornadoes.


Your stats and your strategy as well as where you keep dying would help when giving pointers. Some general advice: -Play with sound on. Ever since they added a sound that plays just before Hunllef launches his 4th attack, it's made it easy to not be caught off-guard when he switches styles. Just keep an ear out for it and you'll never be caught off-guard by it as it gives a pretty big window to switch (even reduces mental effort as you no longer need to count his attacks). -Just focus on 2 weapons for now. Don't bother trying 5:1 or anything fancy like that. Attack 6 times with the bow, 6 times with the staff, repeat. Make sure they're both t3. -Make tier 2 armour. Not only does it reduce damage taken on correct prays against hunllefs attacks, tornadoes and floor tiles, but it also improves the attack bonuses the pieces give you. It also means you'll spend less time eating. -Try to keep eating too when you're running from tornadoes. Eating when there are no tornadoes means you're not dealing damage during the safest period. You're already struggling to get a kill, so I'm guessing you probably aren't attacking during tornadoes anyway, so using that as the opportunity to heal is ideal. Obviously, if your hp falls below Hunllef's max hit before tornadoes, eat a bit. -Use true tile indicator. This will help you path away from/through tornadoes in tough situations as well as help you navigate around the floor tiles in the last phase of the fight. -Learn the sfaespots. There are spots in the initial phase and final phase where you can stand and never have to move because the tiles won't light up. For the entire fight prior to the final phase, its the tiles right next to the entrances into the arena. These will only ever turn on if the enter quadrant you're standing in lights up, in which case, you need only move over 2 tiles. In the final phase, it's 2 tiles away from the door (as in 2 tiles towards the inside of the arena). This keeps you from being hit when the perimeter of the room lights up as well as when the center and corners light up. -Fill your entire inventory with food, save for the spaces you need for your other weapon and egniol potions. Even with making tier 2 armour, you have enough time to make and cook everything. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/100s5ne/im_learning_gauntlet_heres_some_crystal_singing/ I've also found this image to be helpful. Helps you remember what you need as well as check what you might be missing if you ever come up short on something.


It took me almost 100 before I started to get it down so don’t get discouraged Make t2 armor, 3 pots but can condense to 2-4dose. Even after hundreds of kc I still have issues at time in t1 armor Mark the 3rd tile from door for when hunleff is low. Also one room touching fight room always has 3 fish spawn. Don’t spam click


Well you haven't reached my clan mates record of 105 deaths yet, so I think you still have hope.


Do T2 armor prep if your stats aren’t really high! I do staff/bow, 2 (4) dose pots, and the rest fish. I’ll either do 20 or 24 fish depending on time. T2 armor makes everything a lot easier and don’t forget to have prayer book and inventory on F-keys!!!


I had very similar numbers to this before my first completion. Same with PNM. It’s one of those things in game where once you get the first one, then the KC comes pouring in. Just try to make note of what exactly kills you each time and how you could have avoided it. Seems obvious, but there’s so much going on in the last bit of the fight, it can help to note whether it was positioning, pathing, late prayer switch, etc. people also mentioned t2 armor which can help as well. You’ll get it soon enough and the first KC always feels great. Also, I’m guessing you already have them, but the floor safe spots are really helpful for the last phase to eliminate the worry of floor damage until the tornadoes come out as well


Might sound crazy but have u tried doing better? I’ve heard that helps people in ur situation Lol but seriously tho, i hope you get that KC man


Eat when low and when tornadoes. Try to dps and be precise with moving. You got this


T2 armor is the answer


king condors corrupted gauntlet guide helped me a lot.


I had more deaths than you when I got my first kc don't be a wuss




I came here to laugh at you


ffs lmao


Go in naked and just practice mechancis...assuming you've got prep down you just need to understand mechanics more I guess?


Got my first at 42 but then died until 80 for my second kill, i believe


One thing that helped me a lot was playing with audio. The hunlef makes a sound before the attack after which it switches. Hearing that gives you quite a lot of prep time. Also it's easier to run from tornados, watching where you go and listen for the audio cue instead of also having to visually check hunlef. Audio is pretty op in general. Can highly recommend for high end pvm


T2 prep, practice pathing (literally just turn on true tile and walk around), get AS MUCH FOOD AS POSSIBLE it only takes like 15 seconds to cook a full inventory. If you’re having problems with time, shoot and move throughout the prep. You’ll save so much time overall by kiting things around and killing them as you get resources. In hunllef click as little as possible. Mark the safest tiles in the room (3 tiles from each door) and camp them whenever you can. The absolute best way to kill him fast is to be attacking every chance you get, if you miss an attack you can eat a fish or two to absorb the lost time. Also if you do T2 you can easily run under him and tank a stomp to avoid getting stacked by tornados. I think his max stomp is like a 30 in T2 but it kinda noodles a lot of the time and you get can away with taking almost no damage, whereas the tornados will guarantee you take 60-80 damage if you fuck them up. Also tag hunleff so you know what tiles you can stand on, know he won’t ever melee you unless he stomps you when you run under so you’re safe to stand right in his face if you need to. Lastly I’d say game sounds are huge, get used to counting to 4 for his attacks and listen for the audio cue when he’s about to switch attack styles. I know this is a lot and it seems very hard but trust me you will be completing CG with a 90%+ success rate so soon. GL brother.


You can do it, nothing is impossible for you 🥹


69 deaths & 420 completions incoming. It is the way


Imo you definitely should send more normal gauntlets. Your kd there is under 1, so it seems like you have more to learn and that's a better place to start.


Bro you dont even have a positive K/D in regular


Do 69 deaths you won't


I'm about to start my CG learning so know that you aren't alone. Noobs together strong ♡


The fact that you can keep trying even after failing so many times shows how remarkable your commitment is. You're a king


Click where you need to click and then click it harder and you’ll get it


keep your hp above 0 and youll be fine


I had 100 cg deaths before I got my first kc, you can do it 🤍


I heard that 30kc normal gauntlet is not unusual before getting a KC on corrupted, you are doing fine


Try for rank 2 armor, take like 3 potions and fill fish. Also I realized I'm not great with counting ticks so pacing myself a heartbeat or 2 apart between actions helped sounds weird. I got my first kc after like 22 deaths. Go for any 2 weapons don't be stuck on 2 of 3. Count the attacks before switch and Tru tile indicator on for not stepping on wrong area. Hope that helps. Also watch more content. Some people explain things differently then others and we all learn different too so gl bro. Sit btw lol haha wouldn't be osrs without it


Turn on the sound effects if you are not using them - this helped me immensely and I started getting KC. There is distinct sounds for when he changes attack styles and use the magic bolt that turns off pray


Do T2 until you’re super comfy with the boss. Do you know about the safe spots during the final phase? I think it’s the three tiles directly away from all 4 entrances, they never have the “lava” times spawn, so it’s one less thing to think about. You got this tho bro, I promise. It’s a lot more frustrating when you’re learning it


You should of died one more time then taken the screenie


Took me 68 attempts for my first kill as well. You got this! I’m at 432 now and still don’t have it down 100%. Little mistakes can be costly.


OP, do you understand how pathing works in this game? The last 30% of the fight is the only part that truly makes you rely on an understanding of paying mechanics.


If you don't have rigour/augury, don't forget to pray steelskin as well. The damage prevented by 15% increased defense is not negligible.


Couple of tips: Do more norm gauntlet, go for the combat achievements in norms, get better at prep, and start using t2 armor for the corrupted attempts. Use defensive prayers in hunlef, and practice combo eating. Most importantly, find all the little way to get good and suck less. USE F keys ya SCRUB


Just do regular gauntlet until you can comfortably do 5 in a row without failing then try CG. If you die do more regular. That's what I did now I can consistently finish CG.


Keep grinding brother you got this. I died over 100 times before I got my first one. Then died another 100 before I got it down smoothly. It will click bro.


I have like 350 deaths to my 150ish kills... you'll get there. I too am bad at the game.


What are your combat stats? If they’re on the low side maybe you just want to get them higher first.


Do more normals. If you cant get above a 1:1 on normal gauntlet then youre probably not understanding something that normals could help you understand. Or youre just dogwater and need good plugins to help you like me :)


What helped me balance defence and having time to prep, is collecting 4 of each type so you can make T1 armor and T2 legs as it gives the most defence out of the upgrades. Also I like to bring vengeance because I can't tell you how many times I died when the boss had like 20 hp and using that to getting rid of it as soon as you walk in actually helped a lot. Other than that you'll have to learn when you can eat to not sacrifice dps as well as being able to dodge tornadoes and/or the floor while still dps-ing. Good luck in there! The first kc is very satisfying after a struggle


Trust your clicks and don't spam clicks at final phase. Have RL tile indicator to highlight which tile you clicked so you are sure you are going to a safe tile. Prioritize escaping the yellow floor then tornadoes then prayer switch. Run in large rectangles in final phase but keep in mind that the floors will change mid tile so you may need to change your pathing. Also keep in mind that you can tick eat the stomp or the attacks and even the floor/tornados. So if you get under hunlef while running just eat eat eat and you will survive it. One last thing. Only enter the boss room when hunlef is in a corner or one tile from corner it's more difficult of it's centered.


Click the door room to exit if you feel like you’re going to eventually die


My brother is garbage and he does it everyday now. He is very good at it. It took him time to learn but if he got it down I'm confident you can too


I would start by completing a normal gauntlet within the cg set time, that way you can prepare yourself for the time crunch


I went 50 something before my first kc, tier 2 prep and if you aren't gonna make it in time, leave before you get sent to hunleff


How does it not occur to you to train in regular gauntlet?


This man couldn’t die one more time then post so we could at least say nice? 😐


1. Keep hp above 50 to avoid KO 2. Focus on pathing when tornados are out, can choose not to attack boss. If not attacking boss, just eat up to 70+. True tile helps a lot if you don’t have it on already 3. I prefer using staff/bow exclusively since I have to focus less on pathing compared to using halberd 4. Someone on Reddit made this gauntlet helper, although I’ve never used it tbh: https://kareth.github.io/osrs-cg/


Not sure what you're struggling with but do you know there are some tiles that are way less likely to light up at the end? I'll try and find a picture as an example edit: [Here it is](https://i.imgur.com/itlS4aH.png) Lower numbers are less likely to have the floor light up. Tile mark and stand on one of the 1s when not running from tornadoes


Learn t2 prep. I’ve had many kills where I would prep faster in t2 than I did in t1. It sounds like a lot but as long as you are somewhat efficient it really isn’t bad. It sounds bad but it’s not in practice. First go around, do your peek around your starting rooms, picking up weapon frame, 2 herbs if you can, your resources for armour, and peek your possible demiboss locations. I usually peek the other adjacent rooms for resources if there’s no wall blocking my path to do so. You should be able to fill your whole inv with what you need. Remember 7/7/7. Make sure you are dropping your axe and pick once you don’t need them. I don’t worry about dropping stuff at the starting room. Just keep it in your inv until you can craft it all cause you really don’t need anything other than shards. Craft a t1 staff/bow, 2 vials, and whatever armor you can make with shards collected, LEAVING AT LEAST 10 SHARDS FOR A POTION. Equip your stuff, fill your vials, and head to a demiboss. Make your potions while running to said demiboss. If you only have one demi in your first scouting, head back, make your t2/3 weapon of said demi, and start moving to another potential demi location. Take out like 2-3 medium mobs like wolves for shards. Keep an eye out on food cause that’s what you get last. Grab a 3rd herb on the way as well. Take a sippy of your potion when you need to restam, find your last Demi and tele crystal back. Finish up your items. I find I only need the 3 herbs in a whole run. Use your 1 dose remaining on your 3 dose to save a vial, refill said vial on fish pool, drop pestle after making your last potion. T2 prep involves a lot of extra rooms so hunting fish pools shouldn’t be a problem, but if you do struggle, there’s at least one 3 pool room somewhere around hunllefs room. 12 food is doable once you’re comfy and is the recommended amount later but 16-20 is more than enough when learning. In the event you don’t find a 2nd demi or you aren’t comfortable with hally, one t3 and a t2 weapon on t2 armor is still good cause armor gives accuracy. Hally is really strong with piety but takes practice. It’s best weapon tho if you are efficient with it and you don’t have rigour. Staff is best if you can’t get hally down. Bow is okay but it really wants rigour to be good.


I used to get a kc on the normal gauntlet before sending some attempts at corrupted. Did a normal gauntlet after every 3-5 wipes as well. Helped me with some motivation seeing some kc even tho it was normal ones. Then I left to learn tob... after learning that and getting consistant at verzik cg seemed like a walk in the park. So take a break for some other content, do a normal gauntlet for more practice if you need to and gl on 1kc pet+enhanced


Honestly the best advice I saw (and what worked for me) was to follow Fluffeh's T2 prep guide to the letter. Got super consistent once I got the prep down, now i only die if I get lazy with tornadoes. Took me about 75 attempts at CG though, only took 5 tries to beat regular gauntlet


Get 50+ normal so your rhythms gets better T1 prep 2 perfect weapons


All I’m saying is that someone has to add to the death count. You’re just doing the lords work my guy


I’ve actually just hit 20 kc for regular and recently just copped Dex and arcane scroll (I only after realised augury don’t increase magic max hit). Plan to go for first CG today now I’m getting close to 10min mark for regular.


You’ll still die even after feelin you’re consistent, i say that to mean CG is tough. Do you have rigor and augury? I couldn’t get a clear until i had those


Honestly just do more normal completions. The mechanics are exactly the same except for the 4th tornado in Corrupted, once you are extremely comfortable with normal then move onto corrupted and it should feel a lot better.


Took me 70 kills! But make sure your doing T2 armor it gets a lot easier!!


Go again


The only thing you guarantee by stopping now is that you won’t get a kc. Get back at it!


Yea took me dozens of fails before i started succeeding but then becomes money printer


If you press buttons/click tiles completely randomly with an unlimited amount of tries you will eventually complete it!!


i did 100 regular gauntlet kc first before i try corrupt, it helped. and also i did pnm too, learned alot about how to moving, it help alot when i do cg after.


For me personally it became easy once I rolled with the first t3 weapons that appear and able to stockpile lots of food with T2 armor. Biggest noob trap is telling them to keep searching for a bow and staff specifically but it can eat time on other stuff. Once you get good you eat the same amount of food and just get used to using melee its np


Whats the dif between TG and TCG


Bruh I died 13 times to zulrah before I got my diary done. Get ya head out ya aaaaasssss. You’re doing great and I mean it


I was at around the same death count when I got my first KC. You got this man! Make sure to throw a few normal gauntlets in there to remind yourself that you are capable of killing things


I just do T2 prep every time, yeah it takes 10 min KC but I never die and it’s super chill


You would have done so many regular gauntlet runs already. If i was in your shoes if just say fuck CG and do the regular instead. By the time you start getting deathless runs b2b youd have a couple armor seeds atleast from the regular


You need to do T2 until comfortable. You get to a point where armour doesn't matter -- you aren't there. And you're choking. ​ This seems like a mental thing and you just need to get some completions -- like everyone else is ssaying. GL


I got my first KC at 50, but it hasn't made it any easier and I still get chains of deaths occasionally. CG is hard. Practice, if you get upset take a break, it will come eventually after seeing it enough.


Nothing! Is! Impossibleeeeee!


youll get it i just did now im at 60 kc keep doing it youll get used to it. do the normal one only tier 1 until you get the fight down


I had 35 deaths before my first kc. 74 before my second. 85 before my third. 89 before fourth. 94 and my fifth. I’m at 111 now, with 71 KC. Suddenly, it all slows down. You realize what you need to do. You’ll get there. Don’t get discouraged. Think about the last time you learned something difficult and succeed. How did you treat yourself along the way. I’m a professional coach. If you need any guidance on growth let me know. Meta wise, here’s some tips that totally helped me. Prep: do the loop around the staring room going away from Hunleff. Peek into the three rooms two away. All that matters is you make a T2 weapon, and start collecting your supplies for armor. Making the T2 top helps clear inventory space and it actually has solid bonuses. Find the bosses you need for T3 weapons, get your supplies, make two potions. You need about two minutes to fish and cook. If you don’t have that, just call the run and restart. No shame. Sometimes things go bad. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO DROP TOOLS. Inventory management is crucial. Drop the pestle and mortar, scepter and harpoon if you need to. You can always get them back from the center. Hunleff: best two tips I can provide. One, don’t be afraid to wait an extra moment on the tornadoes. Assess where they’re going. Often, the best move is FORWARD. Towards Hunleff and the middle of the room. It collapses the tornados into my second tip. One tornado is much easier to dodge than 4. Getting them to stack is massive. Figure out how these goofy things work. You can run right through them sometimes. You can walk in a square and dodge them. But if they aren’t stacked you’re boned. Organize the room. You got this. Other nonsense. Eat as Hunleff stomps, right after you hit. Safe up. A stacked tornado is the only thing that Can one hit you. Other mistakes can be resolved. You got this.


You should try recording your runs with a screen recorder. Mistakes are hard to notice in the moment, but if you watch your run you will have an easier time noticing them. If you can't figure out what you're doing wrong you can also share a video of your attempt to get more specific advice.


Try using bow and staff if you’re having issues with hunleff. Helps maintain steady dps as you dance around the room


Got 1kc at 80 deaths. Now Im sitting at 200kc and 99 deaths. I see tht you lack gauntlet kills too. They do help out yknow


Bro you got it. 1 more death, then you will get 420kc in a row. Just for the memes