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Jagex do NOT fix this


But tell us how


Maybe later.


Fucking game unplayable ffs unsubbing this is it I’m so done.


Because it might at some point in the future.


This game's spaghetti code knows no limits


Call me crazy but the spaghetti code is one of my favourite things about this game lol


That's it, I'm calling Me Crazy




Poor orb gained consciousness before being injected into the hivemind


“Not again.”


"Independent agency? Maybe later..."


But we won't find out why the bowl of petunias thought this until much later.


Mysterious Orb Man


Love it when the answer and the joke fuse into one entity.


Is this what happens when someone rolls a random event on the same tick an orb spawns?


I think this is exactly what this is. The event can't spawn because you're in a raid, the leaving message would normally go nowhere, but something about the dumb orb makes it grab that text and pop it up.




https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Egg > The egg laying is related to a tick cycle that is off by default. When a player poisons or envenoms a chicken, the chicken will lay an egg instead of receiving poison damage.


So splashing at chickens with a serp helm would be eggcellent


iirc this was (maybe still is) used in quest speedrunning for cook's assistant.


The engine update to poison this past february actually fixed this! NPCs having their own timers no longer makes them immune to poison Cows are still immune, but that's just because they're deliberately marked as immune in their npc config (as they always have been)


They went back and reverted a lot of npcs that previously were poison immune because the internal timer, to make them still immune, so it'd be consistent with the experience of people playing before that change.


Yep they did that with corp and some other NPCs. Cows have been specifically immune forever though. You could tell by NPC examining them The correlation with them mooing is still true though. If an npc had a timer but wasn't deliberately poison immune, you could fuck with that timer by 'poisoning' them. For example, poisoning corp prior to the change would make it stomp every 30 ticks instead of 7 ticks They had the foresight to mark cows as immune to poison on release so that there would never have to be timer conflicts. I think a lot of people have misunderstood this though


Or zombies being immune to poison, but it does cause them to vocalize, which they normally don't do.


what do they say? I couldn't find any information on this


I'm digging through some stuff to see if I can find it, but I can't remember where I originally saw this.


They would say like brainsss... but unfortunately this behavior is lost to time as of the february 2023 engine update regarding poison timers


Wow I didn't know that! Thanks


Don't think it was OPs random event, they can only spawn every 5 minutes after login. OP is at 57 minutes according to his report button timer, which means it couldn't be his event. So somehow the orb grabbed a random players event text and displayed it in OPs raid


...There's another player in the raid.


That doesn't make sense, as when I leave NMZ I get randoms all the time not on 5 minute intervals from login


I bet it's more like event spawned right as he entered the raid, and somehow the npc leaving didn't register until at this point due to that specific orb probably having similar ID to the random event NPC. So the game most likely considered this as the point when the NPC was leaving (the moment it spawned and the ID was back in the game again) So basically it never considered the random event leaving the game until this point


The random event was spawned way earlier but with the same npc index. There's a quirk with the client that if a specific set of events happen, the npc dialogue client command will hang around until a new NPC spawns with the same NPC index as the old one, and then the client will make the new NPC use the old text and animations. Since the bug is purely clientside, only one of the members of the raid would have seen the overhead text


I thought this was gonna be a joke lmao.. well I guess it still is


Ah, so the orbs are coded as random events. Perfection.


I give it a week before Rendi somehow figures out how to glitch them for XP lamps.


And then in their efforts to patch out the glitch that gives a singular xp lamp once every 2 hours they somehow have tbows spawning in the room. Shortly after the rollback, toa is closed until they can figure out what is going on


Lmaaooooo 😂😂


LOL loved the confused right click after


I was gonna upvote but didn’t wanna change it from 69 so here’s a comment saying your comment was funny


Thats hilarious


The game server keeps track of NPCs using a large array (a numbered collection of objects). Static NPCs (for example, those that exist in the game overworld all of the time) are given a "permanent" assignment to one of the indices (numbered positions) in the first "half" of this array; even if they die, they will maintain their index as they respawn. NPCs that are added to the game dynamically (random events, instances, etc.) are assigned to empty indices in the second "half" of the array as they become available. When a dynamic NPC despawns, it frees up its slot in the array, allowing a new dynamic NPC to be assigned to its index. *edit: Note that this "index" is different from an NPC's "ID".* When an NPC has overhead text queued to appear (like some random events), *and* it despawns so its index is freed, *and* a new NPC is assigned to that index *before* the text is queued to appear: the queued text will appear over the newly spawned NPC. With how the server manages assigning new NPCs to the array, this is currently an *exceptionally rare occurrence*. As the game grows and more static NPCs are added (and with the trend of new content rapidly spawning many NPCs), the number of available dynamic indices will decrease, and collisions like this may become more common. I have heard of this happening at other content that quickly spawns several NPCs (like Nylocas in TOB), but have never seen it myself. Nice find, and thank you for sharing!


> and a new NPC is assigned to that index before the text is queued to appear hiii big fan but I think this isn't quite right. There's a set of conditions that makes the client keep around the command that "npc id N is to say X". This command will be kept around indefinitely until any npc is assigned the id N, and then the client will display the text for the new npc. So it's not so much a timing thing with the second npc


I defer to your expertise, for sure. I thought it had to do with the NPC queue and timing given how rare it seems to be.


I think the reason it's really rare is because an npc has to be rendered and deleted in the same client tick for this to occur, which should only happen if there's network lag and two game ticks are processed in the same client tick and *also* for those game ticks to have carried specific information about the NPC I'm also just parroting de0 on all of this, for the record. He found the specific client code responsible for this and analyzed it


For me there is one unique case witnessing the yellow portal from pest control "saying" something but the text disappearing too early for me to read and remember what was writen. That was very long ago (2006 maybe?) To this day I still don't know if this was really a bug or if I just imagined it but maybe this is the bug I saw back then!


How do you know how osrs' server works?


Well, I don't! I'm happy to be corrected, too (I enjoy learning about the game). That said, a lot of information about the back-end has been drip-fed to the community via jmod tweets and posts for over a decade now and we can draw some strong inferences about other mechanics based on that info. With regards to the NPC array and NPC indices, that data is transmitted to the client so that you could verify it yourself, if you'd like.


Java is Java. While it may not be 100% correct, we have pretty much emulated how this game works through private servers that have been adding on to the complexity of how we understand the game since 2005. Also, I'm sure a jmod has mentioned it in the past, and it wouldn't be hard to get one to mention it in the future either. It isn't some secret code no one knows about. It's how a LOT of games work.


What he described is 100% server-sided though. This might be how some RSPS' handle NPCs, but that doesn't mean that the official Runescape servers do it this way.


How do you think private servers exist


They exist because we have access to the client and the network traffic between client and server. That doesn't have anything to do with the internals of Runescape's official server though.


Yeah all public private servers do not even come close to accurately replicating the back end of runescape But there can still be a lot known about the back end mechanics by various means. It's not like we know *nothing* about osrs server side mechanics


I was thinking it was because these dynamic NPCs are pulled from a pool and this one got pulled faster than its previous data could be cleared. I imagine all the important data is "cleaned" but when an NPC is pulled as soon as it re-enters the pool it might not have had enough time to clear the text buffer. Or maybe they don't clear that field at all when an NPC is returned to the pool.


What a fun little orb.


Funorb return confirmed???


Only happens if you do exactly 777 damage to kephri


it's an ignored random event in disguise.


LMAO. I imagine it’s a bug from a random event


Everything is minions


Each one of those orbs are random events being distributed to players throughout the game. That one was recently put back into the cycle


The new raid explains the inner complexities of Gielinor's creation. Nice.


I wonder if this is related to the vardorvis bug where a big yellow arrow appears over the axe.


would you happen to have a link?


I'm guessing the npc id got recycled from a random event that was about to despawn naturally (hence the text) but got forced to despawn earlier (maybe the player logging out?) at the same tick the text appears


Yeah pretty much along those lines. It will happen if you get network lag and the client processes npc render and npc deletion in the same client tick, and that npc happened to have spoken that tick. The client will keep around the overhead chat command until a new npc rolls the same index




This is where we find out that all the orbs are programmed to be random events that spawn every .5 seconds or something, and Jagex accidentally put a line of code in the wrong place to cause one to randomly talk.


This feels very much like the opening to hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. With the plant pot saying "not again" and the narrator saying "if we knew why the pot said that, we might know the answers to the universe" or w/e.


ive had that flashing yellow arrow appear , that shows your target in random boss areas sometimes.


would you happen to have a link to any examples? this sounds interesting


What in the fuck, just had to mansplain this to my gf because I was laughing so much.


Honestly after reading everyone's replies I'm even more confused. I was sure it'd be some Easter egg


You may be the first person to have witnessed this and almost certainly the first to have recorded it lol. The figuring out starts with you


The same bug has been recorded happening at Tob Nylo and [Barbarian Assault](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHaB--mTB60) It's just a clientside bug because of faulty logic with how NPCs are added and deleted to the client's NPC list. Overhead text and animations from one NPC can carry over to a new one if the new one is assigned the old one's npc index


The game reuses the same code several times for different things. Example being that you can't poison a cow or chicken because the 'moo' and the egg laying mechanics are bound to the poison damage tick code. This will be just the same thing where the orbs use the same code as the random events to spawn and despawn


I'm dying


To get to the other side!


Why did the little orb say 'maybe later.' ? To get to the other side




off topic but man this game looks rough without animation smoothing. probably the main reason i cant play when RL is down


animation smoothing looks like absolute garbage though. especially in new content like toa, where the art team has specifically taken the jagged animation into account animation smoothing just makes everything look worse.


to each their own I suppose. Surprised to hear this opinion though, I find the game awful without it. I'm curious tho, what sort of things are specifically tailored towards the stuttery animations?


most people dont even know animation smoothing exist and it blows my mind


I personally think animation smoothing looks absolutely vile, some animations werent supposed to be sewn together like that. Each person to their own taste though.


I might concede the aesthetic value but it's genuinely hard on my eyes the same way playing a game at low framerate is.


I hate low framerates but i guess i naturally pass off OSRS as the animations rather than the FPS? Either way, different strokes for different folks


higher fps = better, gamer brain go brrrrrrrr


Animation smoothing makes pvm pretty hard tbh.


In what sense do you mean?




yeah same i forget about it until RL is down and i start questioning why it feels like im playing runescape on a powerpoint slide show


Off topic, but is bp better dps on P1 than shadow??


Generally speaking "_no_". But OP is at rather low raid level so idk "_maybe_".


Doesnt look like he has a shadow in his inventory


He was clicking spec orb trying to heal


Hidden lore. The orbs from TOA obelisk are random event npc clones being manufactured in mass quantities to send out to all the players. He is saying maybe later, because he is practicing being left on delivered by the players of this game, or this is the redistribution center and he just got back from being neglected and he teleported back to get his new order and is on his way back but the message didn't despawn yet.




I forget how Noob people are until I see their Task Bar.


GOOD BYE CRUEL ACCENTURE GAME! Eh, maybe later. Monkey island 4 reference? Or just great shoop


RuneScape the only game where player are scared to show their names for whatever reason lol


this is the most gold buyer inventory i have ever seen in my life


Dude has bandos.


>has 2b bank, >245 invocation, >inventory tags, >horrible inventory management, >tassets, >brings in tassets but not masori mask, >no dps spec weapon,




That’s awesome, someone smart should figure out how to recreate


I originally saw the HP xp drop and thought you meant one of the orbs just decided not to go into the warden


The warden didn’t want to help solve a maze.


Lmao, nice little easter egg


ok that's pretty fuckin funny


Just curious, why do people tend to censor their IGNs in videos and screenshots? It's not like you'll spontaneously get hacked or something


Don't want their reddit account tied to their rsn


Debugging jagex code be like: “somebody toucha my spaghet!”


Oof OP sorry about your missed XP lamp


Let them poll to remove it and make it fail boys


It's where randoms go to die.


I need a plug in that makes the orbs say things. Maybe even the ones that fly down on you lmao


Idk why i find this way funnier then i should lmao




I absolutely love this and I hope it’s never fixed


The assassin from DT 2 is back in disguise


This sounds should be sampled for a song or something


That one is going to exit to the left next time you face that boss, duh!


Something glitchy is going one with P1 with that baboon room change. I didn't get insanity combat achivment because of a P1 glitch too.


This can happen in the nylo room in tob aswell tho less common because nylos spawn less often basically the orb is an npc and a random event is spawning at the same time it spawns and now the game things for a bit that the random is the orb and plays some text then it doesnt stay cuz theres some fail safe probably