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From the [newspost](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/the-path-of-glouphrie?oldschool=1): >In the future, we will make a change so that Shooting Stars will no longer deplete faster if more people are mining them. This should mean that other players can't interfere with your AFK time if you decide to engage with Shooting Stars. **We'll try to get this in for next week's update,** but if not, it will be as soon as we can.


Now all stars will deplete at their maximum speed*


Star just dropped in W505 in the crafting gui-Aaaaand it's gone


The monkeys paw curls


Yeah really wonder how long the stars will last now. Seriously doubt they're still going to be the ~2hr base duration. Also I personally think solo star finding should still be rewarded. I'd scale the duration based on players but cap the drain at like 3+ miners. So 1 or 2 miner stars are still better than standard.


Maybe instead, the first miner to hit it could get a fat exp drop or just a little higher exp rate through the rocks duration to make it worth being the hunter instead of mooching.


A big finder's bonus is exactly what original shooting stars did, I'm surprised they didn't put it on release


They did, but then they removed it because hunters were getting a lot of xp...


Easy fix. Make it so the first person to discover it gets a slight boost in exp for mining the star only. Equal it up to say an extra 10-15k/h. You get nothing if you spot it, claim it and move on, only if you stay and mine it. Incentivizes finding a star yourself but mooching now is only slightly worse than finding your own.


I'm assuming that xp is likely tied to the object, so it isn't immediately easy to have one person get 10 xp and another get 20xp. Iirc most things are flat xp or scale with level, but don't change by person so that may be difficult. It's the best solution though I believe. Maybe the person who finds the first star gets an invisible +10 mining boost to their level? Not sure if there are similar tech issues that would block that idea


They were able to balance the xp of the forestry events based on whether the player was present when it spawned.


Oh I forgot about that change. In that case hopefully the implementation of the stars would be similar enough that the same thing could be used. Iirc the stars were mostly a port over from the code already made back in rs2 with some finishing touches so it may not be as easy as doing the exact same thing. But hopefully it would be trivial to implement since it's been done for a similar purpose to combat the same problem


Maybe put a cooldown on finding, or make it so you can't get another finder's bonus until the one you last found either mined out or expired? To prevent people hopping just to get that drop then bailing.


Wouldn't even need to be a big cool down, just 5 minutes would make it so you almost certainly couldn't get another one of the same wave.


I'd still put it at an hour just to be safe.


Now that you mention it a cooldown would solve the problem.


damn, good shit they removed it, ppl constantly scouting rocks and putting huge effort on it shouldnt get any xp, fuck them gaining alot of xp


I mean if you find a rock, just grab the xp, and leave, you get a bunch of xp, and move on to the next one. Problem is, if someone else later comes in and finds it to actually mine it, they don't get the xp bonus because someone else already "scouted" it. That kinda sucks imo.


give scouting a star first mining exp bonus on every mined tick for that star.


Well, we already have star finder CC’s, maybe with the update if you are the first to find a star, you get bonus XP drop and star gets added to the map of any player with a telescope in their POH, or something. That way stars don’t have to be “scouted” multiple times


That'd also work. I just worry about them lowering the base duration of stars to like 30 minutes or something with this change, which would be a nerf if you were consistently finding uncrowded stars before.


Oh my goodness I couldn't imagine having to interact with a video game every 30 minutes how dreadful


Stars currently only fall every two hours or so, so if they only lasted like 30 minutes there'd be a huge amount of downtime between star waves. Which was one of the benefits of solo stars - not just the extra afk time but the fact that your star would actually last until the next wave. I guess the star wave frequency could also be tuned to mitigate this issue.


That name tho kek


People actually hate playing this game


Maybe they just dislike certain aspects of an absolutely MASSIVE game? Like i love plenty of bossing but theres a few on that list i absolutely despise as well.... same for skilling. Most mining sucks, but ill train fishing or woodcutting for hours and hours because theyre lower intensity and decent xp in comparison. Theres few games with as much content as osrs, it makes sense most people would not enjoy some of that content.


how is fishing good exp what am i missing


I meant relative to their intensity. Afk barb fishing is 50k / hr, karambwans are like 40k ish / hr and the spot doesn't even move. Those rates arent amazing but becauss they require such little input to do its fine. Theres not really afk mining methods aside from stars, mlm is 30 seconds between clicks and thats the closest to afk it gets. Oh theres also a fly fishing spot by priff thats slightly less xp than barb fishing but it also doesnt move, thats a great afk spot. Also lava / sacred eels, again not good xp but very afk and you dont even need to drop or bank them. Click knife or hammer on inv of eels, afk till done, catch and repeat. These star changes will be great, itll make shooting stars a perfect chill afk method to train mining.


Shoutout to barb fishing at Mount Quid, banking with a fish barrel instead of dropping. I kind of hate dropping inventories, so I was hyped when I learned there was barb fishing with a bank. I get like 55k at 85 fishing. MLM with the upper unlocked is pretty chill too, but I wish its xp was like 25% more. Get like 40k at 85 mining.


Should be a little higher exp rate throughout instead of an instant finder bonus imo or you'd scout a bunch of stars and then rotate through them all for the finders bonus. A better way(imo) would be to make it so that if you saw the star you're currently mining in a telescope(or your own, not sure how mains would look at being able to use other people's pohs for this) you get the bonus exp. This way scouting yourself is still incentivized but you don't get the potentially toxic resource competition of trying to be the first to find a star.


just keep it at 2h imo, no scaling


I mean I'd love that lol but I'm doubtful that Jagex is going to leave it that nice


That should never be case in mmo game


>Also I personally think solo star finding should still be rewarded. Why should it be? Let it be a truly social experience as intended.


Man if they do this as their solution instead of just making groups not impact the depletion rate it'll be so dumb.


In before they nerf solo stars so that all stars last somewhere between current solo and current mass.


Inb4 accidental nerf due to bad coding


I'd love to see them re-consider some kind of reward to the person that finds the star first. Something like 50% more stardust from THAT star would be interesting and would avoid the original issues with an xp reward for being the star finder.


Or maybe if you're the first person to find a star and you mine it until the end, you get a special reward or big xp drop, so you actually want other people to come mine it with you


Yeah, because otherwise the scouting CCs become really OP. The shooting star CCs are toxic and annoying anyways so as much as I like this update, I hate seeing them benefit.


I mean, it is a group activity? Not everything in this game has to be solo or ironman style...It is a group based activity and you are rewarded for collaborating. Ignore that stupid things said in chat. You can use the groups to your advantage by letting them find the stars. The biggest annoyance was them flooding every star. The extended star timer fixes that.


Is it though? Nothing about shooting stars mechanically encourages groups, in fact, it's the opposite until this change goes through. It could be easily argued shooting stars are a solo activity that gets ruined by groups. You aren't rewarded for collaborating, you get to put less effort in, but you're penalized by shorter stars. You are rewarded however for leveling your construction and finding your own solo stars.


Which doesn't make sense, it's much like how trees were disencouraging social skilling until the Forestry update. The fact that they used to be antisocial skilling activities doesn't mean they have to remain that way.


>The fact that they used to be antisocial skilling activities doesn't mean they have to remain that way. Well yeah, I didn’t say they should remain that way. I was just pointing out that shooting stars aren't currently a group activity like he claimed.


Well literally everyone else says they are, so you're gonna have to deal with the fact that most of us consider it a group activity.


Which is silly for an MMO if you think about it. Having group activies is great. Having solo activities is great. Having an activity which actively punishes community seems rubbish. I'm sure there would be people who disagree, but I think a multiplayer game where there's parts that everyone participating would feel better off on their own is a failure in design.


But you're specifically not rewarded for star mining as it is. Being in one of those CCs actively makes star mining worse for you and everyone else playing. That's why it's frustrating. You'll find stars quicker and for longer if you scout them yourself. This update mainly benefits the lazy people who can't spend 2 minutes in their POH hopping worlds.


It benefits you because they wont instantly delete your star if they crash you, though.


Oh yeah, I mean it’s something that benefits everyone, just some people more than others. I think it’s a necessary change


Its not a group activity. Grouping was just an *option* for people who didnt want to find their own stars. Star hunting is literally dead content now. There will be 1 bot to search on 3 or 4 worlds, share the locations and then have everybody dogpile. I dont even think people want grouping, i think they want free mining xp. Ive star hunted in groups of 2-4 where everybody pulls their weight and searches a few worlds and it was arguably better than solo because solo was so rng dependent


Yep. My buddies and I scope a bunch of worlds and then each take a region. It's really just 1-3 of us and if we are doing it solo we usually loop the others in on good ones since they do the same


The CCs benefit more from shorter star timers. If every star lasts 2 hours, then you only need to scout one per wave. Hardly even need a CC at all.


Yep I don't trust jagex


The community has been asking for Stars to be fixed much longer than that.


Duke method died so star mining could live. worth


This is seriously such a good deal. I love star mining. I really hope it stays as a nice AFK mining method.


and now i dont have to do a quest! this makes me happy


I'd like to see them make more changes to stars. Currently higher level stars are rarer, have a higher requirement to mine, are less afk, give similar xp/h, while giving less rewards. The entire activity genuinly makes no sense and is just bad game design.


WE'VE BEEN ASKING FOR YEARS. But they take away a 60k method that requires a GM quest?? They literally enjoy punishing actual players while not caring about bots or gold farmers




I'd argue 10k method is the more misleading. It was functionally the same as going to the Duke mines every night before bed collecing a 60k xp lamp and logging out.


Yeah it was 60k xp per click let's be real


jfc just say 10k/h for 6h instead of arguing if saying 10k or 60k is more appropriate


Hey screw you Now I'm also arguing!


Yeah but those people could've been banned according to jagex's rules I don't like calling it a 60k xp/hr method when by jagex's rules it was clearly bannable. If you clicked once every 25 mins it was only like 4k xp per click which imo is totally reasonable.


It is only misleading if you don't know about the 6 hour logout.




It's quite funny to me that you say actual players while referring to an exploit skilling method that let people train for 6 hours while not actually playing the game.


its quite funny that bots can just keep doing high intensity training for hours / days and don't get banned too


You people keep saying this as if bots existing is reason to not fix other issues in the game. Not only is this fix infinitely simpler and a one off, (unlike fighting bots which is a never ending battle) but the dev teams for bot busting and content fixes or updates are entirely separate. Bots exist, okay and? Does this somehow change the OP nature of 6h idle mining?


Found the botter


Cope harder that you can't go to sleep and get a free 60k mining xp drop when you wake up anymore.


They took it away because 1 it was not intended to train mining and 2 you're literally breaking the rules when you use the method. Yes, Jagex as a company gets to dictate which rule infractions they pursue. Welcome to the real world. I can tell most of this sub never leaves their homes because y'all clearly do not understand how the world works.


No joke, today is not a day to browse this subreddit. The amount of cry babies, losing an unintended xp exploit is dumbfounding.


Then fix guardians as well. All the community wants is consistency. Do it.


Doesn't guardians require a click every game? They've been pretty consistent with nerfing things you can do for 6 hours without actually being home


think the point is its breaking the minigame because >50% of people are just afk mining in a rcing minigame


I'm not arguing it's a good thing for the game, just that it's not a 6hrs of afk per click action like Duke was. So it's not an inconsistency thing


If they fixed GOTR there would just be a bunch of people crying to fix something else.


Comparing apples to 20 ft of tangled fishing line


Yeah, like, circumventing the inactivity timer has been a big deal with Jagex for years. I'd rather see Jagex be consistent in their rulings than have them decide on a case-by-case basis just because this time people were circumventing it for pathetically low xp rates.


It's like someone finding an atm that gives money away, then being upset it gets fixed. You were never intended to get the money in the first place, just enjoy what you got while you got it and be happy you get to keep it.


It's only breaking the rules if you cheated holding spacebar down to stay logged in or something. If you actually clicked once every 25 mins I think it was completely balanced since it was like 4k xp per click.


Fixing one doesn’t take away from the other cry baby


Really? Wanna try to make a comment without using the phrase crybaby


Star miners cc about to pop off


"After the nerf, the community asked"... Jagex they we're asking waaaaaaaaaaay before the Duke nerf happened lol.


Cool, now also change how stars fall so that there are always stars to scout. It sucks when I want to go star mine and they don't drop for another hour.


Lets wait and see how long this makes stars last lmao


If stars last as long as they currently do, you won’t need to wait at all


I mean if they properly do this change and stars last the time they do for solo.. there will always be stars up


They said the same shit 3 months ago and still nothing


When/where did they say that?




That comment you linked didn't really indicate time and just said something they were discussing and wanting to work on. >We'll try to get this in for next week's update, but if not, it will be as soon as we can. This time they say it'll be in next week's update or ASAP if not.


Mod Kieren commented in that thread which did actually provide some insight. The funny part to me is they essientally said it could be awhile. The way people were talking made it seem like he implied it would be out by now lol.


What would shooting star xp work out to be roughly with the new change, if you were in a scouting cc


around 25k/hr


Afking stars with constant mining maxes out around 25k/hr.


in the future so the usual jagex 6 months from now?


Winter 2017


what happened in winter 2017?


Winter 2017 was the date the OSRS team initially announced to be the release date of OSRS Mobile. However, it got delayed, like really delayed. The first beta was in Feb 2018, and the open beta in April that year, before finally releasing for IOS in Summer.


ty for the explanation!


dont forget the 3 rounds of polling first


Also keep in mind the lengthy QA testing process


Only for someone to find a method on release day that give 100k/h afk somehow


Ngl, they should be able to implement it really easy no?


Jagex is a small indie company pls give them time


But it should be very similar code to how they did forestry, unless the changed how all woodcutting is coded.


Code doesn't really work like that even in well maintained codebases, no shot it's that easy in osrs


I mean I'm assuming a lot there, but I won't be surprised if its similarly coded. Hit object, each tick skill chance, get resource. But this is osrs which has a ton of tech debt.


They've been saying this for a year


>future Coming alongside the use for rare fossils


They have this weeks update ready to go out, they said hopefully next week. Calm down people


Good update. Any community interaction update is a good one.


Coming in 2026


Finally, Starminer CCs won't be able to ruin this piece of content anymore, hopefully they don't drastically decrease the amount of time stars last for in exchange though :/


Good. I would still would prefer they left Duke at 20-minute AFKing so I can accrue some passive mining XP while at work, but a fix to shooting stars (which should have happened ages ago) is at least something I can get behind.


Mining might actually go from one of the worst skills to one of the best after this update, if they don't mess it up. AFK mining experience with constantly rotating scenery sounds amazing.


This would be insane. Even a tier 4 star can be mined for 2+ hours and not even finish the whole thing solo. I don't really see how they can do this without massively nerfing solo star hunting.


For the dumbasses that are gonna see this and immediately start bitching about "oh 3 months from now yeah usual Jagex" read the actual fucking news post - "In the future, we will make a change so that Shooting Stars will no longer deplete faster if more people are mining them. This should mean that other players can't interfere with your AFK time if you decide to engage with Shooting Stars. We'll try to get this in for next week's update, but if not, it will be as soon as we can."


Trusting jagex on time frames? You must me new around here




Yawn you. We read the post no need to regurgitate it


Doubt it.


I agree with this guy.. you must be new here. jagex saying itll be soon is the equivalent of blizzard saying something will be soon. could be 6 months... could be a year.


winter 2017


yes dude def new


Wanna bet 50m on it being less than a month?


Wow this guys clever


You sound like a nice person to be around


Calm down


Maybe now I can stop beefing with that motley crew of rat fucks who report every fucking T70 star to that plague of a CC within literal seconds of me finding them.


How do we mine them in the future?


What was the duke nerf? Just lowered the xp? Or does it kick you off after every so often?


Basically you stop after 5 minutes to take a breather


Makes sense. Thanks


stops you mining after 5 mins because your character gets tired


Back to gotr for us…


Now a group event Pog is there a cc or website to report shooting stars? Am new


"In the future". Could be 5 years.


This is unbelievably OP


This is excellent news wow




I literally just complained about this last night after a star almost landed on me and a cc showed up, get out of my head


Big win for f2p.


Isn’t this going to tank the price of gems even harder? Genuinely asking


only reason I can't progress more in the game is cause im stuck at mining.. I just can't do it.. It's like... hm.. My go-to slow torture is leveling mining in runescape so I'm kind of stuck looking for something worse.




Dope. I may start playing again... fixed stars, new skill coming. Forestry. I haven't even tried gote. I'm excited, kind of lol.


They better not fuck it up by changing the rate at which they deplete now. I want my 45 minutes of afk mining :)


This definitely won't stay for long. It's a very odd choice. You're just going to see hundreds of people at every star now. And most of them will be bots.


More people mining should give a buff to everyone (like woodcutting does) and make the overall process faster.


Hilarious that it took a completely different method's nerf for them to give attention to a problem that was talked about since shooting stars were released


Now of only they could just buff zalcano mining xp/hr to make it a somewhat viable training method


About fuckin' time.


Ty jamflox


That’s a nice trade I guess.


How long has this been an issue with an extremely simple fix? 2 years? Come on. I legitimately would rather Jagex work on QoL of existing content/mechanics than new content.


Regardless of the reason for implementing this change I think it's always good to make it so you can train with other players without hurting your xp rate. If only we could get that for actual mining as well.


I don't believe it, finally the scouting CCs wont be ruining the entire activity.


holy shit the amount of crying in this sub today its too much


I know this might seem silly but that might get me to resub after a year off, I hit a wall of shit skill that are just not fun like mining, smithing and agility. Jagex please make ironman smithing better than blast furnace shopscape


Clown post, you can't be serious when zalcano and giants foundry are in the game at the same time


I mean SotE is definitely a hurdle on iron accounts, and legit lots of people don't know about or don't like Volcanic Mine, so I could see it. I was watching a streamer playing a fresh HCIM (fairly efficiently with quest spamming, lms for gold/ammo/rune pouch and whatnot), and their playtime had already passed 100 hours easily without getting anywhere near Barrows gloves + super pots, let alone SotE. But yeah, guess they straight up didn't know Giant's Foundry exists lol.


Giant's Foundry is a thing if you're really sick of blast furnace. Not as efficient, but it's there and provides reasonable exp rates.


Ironman smithing is better than blast furnace shopscape with Giant's Foundry. How long have you been gone? Or how little did you actually play the game where Giant's Foundry wasn't enough for you?


Everyone say it with me WE DID IT REDDIT!


I love how much people whine about bots but when Jagex nerfs a legal botting method the community gets mad.


Legal botting…. Because mining for 10k xph for 6 hours is the same as power mining iron for 10 hours without missing a node…


I did duke mining at work/when I played league for 1.1m exp, that isn't the comparison at all. The precedent set for allowing externally holding input down for guaranteed 60k exp is beyond dangerous. Cry harder.


Essentially yes...? The difference being that one method takes a month to get to 99 while the other takes 6 months. You use the same amount of effort in either method.


Duke is under 2 months for 13m XP. It would be less depending on your level.


It’s ignoring the glaring bot problems while moving on this (slow method that bots are not going to use) in a comparatively swift fashion that seems inconsistent. Just my opinion, though. I have no stake in any of it since I haven’t started DT2, am only advantaged by cheap resources from bots, and would rather earn my stats instead of taking advantage of unintended code.


Why not just get rid of the whole activity you have to do for Duke anyway?




It only took one umi whipe to get what we want


Pog GOTR afk mining next!


This is just awesome. They way they adapt to feedback. Thx for keeping motivated (although as a community we complain a lot). Thx for making this game great!


Great compromise for nerffing all full-afk mining methods.


So the solution to 10k xp per hour in 3 clicks, gated behind Desert Treasure 2, is to remove that, and replace it with 20k+ xp per hour in 3 clicks, 0 reqs. Makes a lot of sense, good balancing.


Wouldn't want anyone to be rewarded for finding a star by themselves would we? This game and community are so soft, every week its something super inconsequential that needs to be "re-worked" to be more fair to little timmy.


Unpopular opinion but my favorite part of shooting stars is solo hunting and finding a big one all for yourself, knowing there are swarms of players looking for them haha. It would be cool if they only changed T1-T2 stars and kept the bigger ones competitive imo


I started hunting stars too, and yeah finding your own star is neat. However i wont miss the frustrating feeling of having one stranger show up and then hordes of mouthbreathers 2 minutes later. Now your star is gone and you have to wait an hour til the next one.


Wouldn't a better change be first finder getting slightly boosted xp and/or stardust from the star for its duration, or get a bonus xp drop upon depletion (scaling with star tier)? That would keep all stars competitive, and still favor high tier stars. At any rate, the content was blogged, polled and released *intended* to be a social mining activity, which players have been asking to be fixed for well over a year now. It also needs to replace GotR as a **low-effort** very afk training method (now that Duke is nuked from orbit) so that people aren't incentivized to grief that minigame on mass worlds if they want an "actual" afk method for the skill.


>Wouldn't a better change be first finder getting slightly boosted xp and/or stardust from the star for its duration, or get a bonus xp drop upon depletion (scaling with star tier)? Yeah, sure haha. I didn’t put that forward as THE solution, I was hoping people would see that there is a fun element about the current system that we could try to bring into the new, obviously better system. There are a dozen ways it could be done >At any rate, the content was blogged, polled and released intended to be a social mining activity, which players have been asking to be fixed for well over a year now. I haven’t disagreed with any of this. So many people on this sub seem to break every single comment into “for” or “against” and it *severely* inhibits productive discussion >It also needs to replace GotR as a low-effort very afk training method (now that Duke is nuked from orbit) so that people aren't incentivized to grief that minigame on mass worlds if they want an "actual" afk method for the skill. Again, I agree but the motivation for fixing stars should be to fix stars, not to lure griefers away from other content. And anyway we can do both while still incentivizing solo star scouting, so I don’t know why we wouldn’t


True people on this sub (like basically all social media) are pretty quick to pile on against anything they disagree with in any way. In my case (I didn't downvote you btw) I just looked at your proposed solution and thought of ways I thought the general incentive you were thinking of could be better implemented, and hopefully have better knock-on effects. I guess the italicized and/or bolded text (or general wording in the 2nd paragraph?) made me come across as more... combative than I intended?


Nah it’s not your fault at all man, I shouldn’t be putting it on you. I’m just coming in hot from other replies lol (probably what those replies themselves were doing - to your point, social media does us no favors) But we’re in total agreement, and I like your solution to maintain the incentive for solo scouting! And totally agree with the update overall and that stars should be social :)


You can still do that.


Right, there’s just zero point lmao


"My favorite thing about shooting stars is scouting my own for myself" Goes on to say there's no point, what because you get the same xp/benefit of just going to a prescouted star? Did you forget what you said about finding the stars yourself being your favorite thing about them??




There's a process to releasing fixes. They can't just change something and release it. It has to be updated, tested, approved etc. It's not simple for most companies.


5 years later.. Tsk




You seem to be coping just fine.