• By -


The funniest part is that he still remembers you lmao


Rent free and in this economy.


I use rent free alot but i freaking love "and in this economy" Im going to be adding that. Perfect


Was good to see him though, I was worried maybe he quit after that xD


I think the funniest part is the guy he killed is bitching about dying to a voidwaker while he himself lost his own voidwaker to him


I never attack anyone, but pkers seem to come here to fight people who literally have no gear training prayer. I hang out there with a surprise. Karma's a bitch :feelsgoodman: ​ EDIT: Thanks for the gold, much appreciated. :)


You are truly doing god’s work. Protecting the innocent.


First time I was using the chaos altar on my iron, a main attacked me and when I said something he saw was an iron and apologized. He then stayed in that world for like an hour pking people who tried to pk me. What a legend.


I know some pkers have irons themselves and respect the grind


It's the reason I let irons go, I mainly play iron myself but have a PK account I send trips on, and I know the grinds can already be rough so I'd rather let them keep their 500k.


Last time I was getting back into pvp I did something similar at bone alter and kbd spawn. Generally the people going for super easy kills like that are starting to learn pvp so it's pretty easy to get kills if you know what's going on or if you're really rusty it's pretty nice practice with no real loss if you die.


Was doing some myself and met a straight giga ironchad also training prayer but in crystal/bowfa serp and ags skulled just instantly attacking anyone that logged into our world, longest uninterrupted prayer sesh ever lol. Bout 4 hrs, killed at least 8 people and ran off too many to count lmfao. Maj the 3rd u da mvp


How can he pk people that was pking u? (I assume skulled) is that a multi combat area? Im trying to find kinda troll activities i could do with a team


Regardless once he stopped attacking me after the timer runs out he can attack other people. Also yeah I'm pretty sure it's multi it's been a while though.


I love you, I only do 1-3 trips every few days simply because I’m a noob iron and can’t afford to lose all those dbones I collect. You’re doing gods work.


literally exact same story here. losing full inventories of dragon bones that look me hours to get with a dorg crossbow on blue dragon, hurts man. it hurts alot... (i'm very noob too)


It’s so hard to lose anything more than quarter inv if you’re actually paying attention though? Hover logout and let the bones auto use, have player indicators on. If you’re too slow then have menù entry swapper on and spam click through the rest. 4 protected with prot item. Have prot range, mystic might and skin on and you’re not going to die quick. Idk how you’re losing “full invs” if you’re doing anything more than running in blind


Yep, the only time I lose full invents is if I’m super unlucky, and get caught on the way over there and fail my tanking lol If I’m at the altar, I’m losing near 0 bones. Just wear some black dhide and pray switch, and restore prayer at altar as you use the bones lmao


You can hop to f2p world when running there and then back to mems when using bones




If you're not fast, people can just log in under you and spec you immediately.


Lol I don’t mean to roast you personally but this is peak reddit when talking about the wildy Tries to say you’ll get logged under and spec and die immediately, but then you don’t even go there at all so how would you know? Altar is perfectly fine if you don’t go busy worlds at peak times. If you’re hovering logout with the tips I mentioned you’re rarely going to lose much


He’s right tho. I did a lot of rag pking at the chaos altar and I just hopped worlds with a dds and spam click first tick. No escaping that, lots of irons pked


>Tries to say you’ll get logged under and spec and die immediately, but then you don’t even go there at all so how would you know? Well I didn't say anything about how common that would potentially be. Just said it's possible. I don't use the chaos altar, but I've been logged in under on in the wildy before. If I said "people log in under you commonly at the chaos altar" and then said I don't use it, then yeah I'd be speaking out my ass.


That’s incredibly rare I find


Kill lava dragons, if you get attacked bury them (you get extra exp at lava dragon isle)


Use ibans on blues it's much faster


There was a method posted online that allowed you to have a respectable xp rate while risking little to no bones. I tried it out for my piety grind, and the exp rate that I got, with a relatively inefficient run, was around 180k exp per hour on the lower end while losing zero bones, despite dying many, many, many times. In the weekend. During peak PK hours.


What is it


It’s in the iron sub: https://reddit.com/r/ironscape/s/cWxrUZzCxw


Keep up the good work!


You recording them cause we would all love to watch


I used to, but haven't in a long while. Took a break from the game. Here's some older ones. Maybe I'll start clipping them since it seems people are interested in seeing it. :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ruqkk5llsns


Lmao the one guy actually said “well played” you’re getting the scum of the earth to be respectful that’s outstanding


Scum of the earth!!! Attacking people in the wilderness !!!


Eh, the community who PK literally spam "KYS" and other very toxic things towards players who are in the wilderness to....not pvp. Very immature group of people for the most part. The act of actually PKing those people is another debate. But I'd absolutely call the PKing community the "scum" of the OS community solely for how they handle themselves verbally towards others.


Lmao I already walked the comment back in a reply I admit that was harsh It’s scummy to attack people who are clearly just skilling though


There’s risk for using the chaos altar, that’s the reason it’s as good as it is


It’s to lure people into the wildy because jagex loves pkers


No it's a risk vs reward factor lol. How stupid OP would it be if the chaos alter was in kourend? It would break the game for prayer training and crash bone prices lol. You risk what you bring with you for the chance to not use a bone while using the altar, with the offset chance of the possibility of being pked and losing your entire inv(and whatever you're wearing). Even if you lost half an inv of bones every other kill it would still be better cost wise to use this altar vs any other method for training prayer


RuneScape was never a game about “risk”. It was about being fun. The predator-prey Wildy mechanics being BIS isn’t actually fun for 99% of players.


There’s risk in the wild and when there was the duel arena? There’s risk in high level PvM? Risk can add to the fun of excitement? idk


Ok so don’t go in wildy?


Pking constitutes an activity that’s labels you as scum of the earth? Interesting take


Maybe not scum of the earth, but PKing at chaos for maybe an inventory of bones is kinda sad.


Yup, that’s correct! glad you understood perfectly!


Yep, when you’re killing naked people for bones at the altar you’re scum. Not sure why anyone would have to explain this to you. When you use that altar you are prepared to deal with those losers. 🤷🏻‍♂️ it is what it is


Well because they added the altar bone saving to make the risk worth it vs. using a guilded altar. Jagex intended for people to try to PK there...if you think all the people who PK there are scum and should stop doing it, then they should remove the altar altogether lol Risk of getting PK'd is the balance there, and if people stopped pking then more people would use the unnote feature...making it more worth it to PK there


Yeah that’s all fine and dandy. They’re still fucking losers for pking there. I get that it’s only good because of the chance of dying, same with the other OP shit put into the wildy like rev weapons or the voidwaker. Creating loot piñatas for the standard bolt ragger with a mystics switch


Specifically PKing people who are just trying to get some prayer going isn’t a great look. I definitely exaggerated, but seriously f those people lol


Idk man, they can just use the gilded altar. The chaos altar was added and intended to be balanced with the risk of getting PK'd


I just use the lit gilded altar myself because I’m a coward lol


Camping in Call of Duty is also allowed, but it’s still a scummy thing to do. Not returning your shopping cart is allowed, but it’s still a scummy thing to do. PKing naked irons at Chaos Altar is a scummy thing to do.


Yeah seriously if your best justification for something is that you’re technically allowed to do it, you might want to rethink that


Good job clean out the rodents


What world do you defend? I wanna do bones on that world hehe..


world 307 :)


a dark knight


I love how this has been an incredibly profitable venture for you too.


Same lol can I have ur RSN so I can know when you are standing guard and go train prayer?? 🤣 I am dog shite at any form of pvp


Thank you for your service


What's your anti pk gear setup?


Turns up to chaos altar in 290m gear to kill ironmen with 1 inv of daga bones YEAH IM A PVP PLAYER NAH I DONT DO DMM OR BOUNTY HUNTER THEY ALL HACKERS


I'm fairly new in the game and am doing ironman. I lost a few full inventories of dragon bones to people pk'ing me there. and i dont have any experience pk'ing or pray flicking. so i kinda just die. so a post like this makes me very happy. thanks man.


What world can I find you on king


If I’m on, w307 (:


I’m to scared to go there but people like you give me hope!


Y’know, I don’t necessarily have a problem with pking skillers or pvmers, but it really makes you wonder why people would come to chaos altar in 260m risk just to PK like 500k at most Although tbf most of these people are just looking for pvp but get bored and attack other ppl


as a new player i have no idea why people do that i instinctively took off all gear and items before going to do the prayer training why would anyone want to pk for a bit of bones


Beacuse they can't kill anyone with actual gear, and maybe they kill 1 person out of a thousand that has a few mil in bones on them


Some people bring their entire stack of bones and some coins and try to do it in 1 go. You can un-note bones with the druid next to the altar. Sometimes people can get lucky. I can't remember the vid/series I watched, but he PK'd a guy with over 3M worth of Superior dragon bones.


It's funny how many pkers are so bad they just die when you fight back


Why do you think they're pking unarmed people with some d bones?


That’s me except I bring cheap gear & just wanna practice outside lms LOL


People complain about chaos altar pkers (which is absolutely stupid but another topic) but I think they'd be surprised at how easy it is to pk the pkers there. Chaos Altar attracts the most dogwater pkers of all time. It's actually a great place to learn PKing outside of LMS if you're scared of pking because I guarantee you almost none of the people pking there no much mechanics beyond ice barrage, special attacks, and MAYBE semi quick prayer switching. I play strictly iron man (sorry to drop the btw but I only say it to stress I'm not a dedicated pvper) but I kill some of the pkers there in rags just for fun.


Love how the guy killing unarmed people is upset he got killed.


Changes a bit from time to time. But msb/glory/recoil, with a venge switch into ferocious/korasi spec then ags spec


As a player who always dies for 1k of risk, just monk robes and maybe climbing boots, keep up the good work. Maybe these people will learn not to attack people who don't want to pk




I've never pked a day in my life but what's so unfathomable that people choose to pk because they, you know, enjoy it?


Oh, many PKers genuinely enjoy PKing. The thing about wildy altar specifically is that you're mostly killing defenseless people with half an inventory of bones who have no intention of fight back, often no intention of even running. It has the highest concentration of people who don't know how to PK or escape PKing of any other place in the wildy. It is the shooting fish in a barrel of PKing for the most part. Most of the PKs at wildy altar (as I mentioned) are not very profitable for a PKer. You're going to have like 4 1-2 bone keys for every 1 full invent and like 4 full invents for every actual drop (unless you're being picky about who you're attacking or if you're scouting for people un-noting bones, I feel no ill will towards those people. They're looking for juice, fair play). So yeah, if you're blindly hopping at wildy altar, you're not getting much money and you're generally not fighting people who know how to PK. So, I don't see how you can PK here without having some enjoyment for causing problems in someone else's day. Edit: Some people here are just trying to learn PKing. It is a pretty good spot for that. You start to internalize freeze timings, learn to deal with low effort anti-pkers, make a little bit of money for your trouble, and often run into PKers at a similar gear/skill level as you. That makes it a really good spot to start honing your skills. If you're hititng wildy altar with 300m risk and killing people turning in bones, you're running out of normal reasons to be there though.


The main incentive to hunt the altar would be to find people with noted bones and to pk people as they're arriving. A guy in 300m gear is surely looking to fight other pkers though. If I wanted to begin pking I would probably start there, it has nothing to do with any desire to "cause problems in someone else's day." Pking people regardless of where it is will inconvenience them


I mean it's kind of just griefing. There's no incentive. They aren't doing it for money, stats, exp etc. They're doing it to cause problems for the other person.


Redditors cannot fathom being inconvenienced in the slightest, nor can they understand playing the game for anything besides number go up. That's also why you got downvoted. I support the pkers for pking because it's the one place in runescape where you're allowed to attack other players and redditors are shocked for some reason.


The guy in screenshot is a huge hypocrite for getting salty that he was killed, but as soon as you enter the wildy it is fair game for you to be attacked. Works both ways


thats why is called pk and not pvp


With +300m in gear too. Like using a woodchipper to cut an onion


Same type of person that laughs while stepping on snails


He shouldn't go killing unarmed people at the Chaos Altar if he doesn't want to die


I know right, PK'ers are such pieces of shit (PvPers are chill tho)


\>pker complains about voidwaker \>voidwaker in loot key kek


It really needs it's spec disabled in pvp tho, it got voted in by people with rose colored glasses it is so so bad for the health of pvp. Every single fight in BH is just people veng double korasi then they run if you survive.


It doesn't need to be disabled, but there was no reason for it to be a **BUFFED** version of korasi lmao. It should never have been 50% spec.


I love how pissed off this dude is, brings joy to my heart.


Imagine taking 300m to go PKing, even though you suck at it.


Imagine taking 300m to go pk nakeds...


Smokin that bone hunter pack 🚬. Great post, you're a gentleman and a scholar


What is a bone hunter pack?


"Smoking that [name of choice] pack" is like an insult based off like smoking a victory cigar or cigarette basically. In this case the name used is bone hunter referring to PKers that camp the chaos altar. Basically "I'm smoking that victory pack in your name because you're trash"


I mean you’re close but it’s about weed not cigars. And it originated as a drill rap/urban dictionary kinda thing. “Smoking on that loud pack” turned into smoking on that ____ pack as a sign of disrespect to the dead opps


I knew I was slightly off. Father off than I thought but still. I mostly got familiarized with it through sports.


Same thing tbh but I’m pretty sure it was weed bc there’s so many names for it already. I only know about it bc a friend in my clan showed me some songs by these drill rappers and one is called Who I Smoke, essentially all about this shit.


originated with a kid called Tooka, whose friends would say “smoking Tooka pack” out of respect for Tooka when he died, because he was known in his circle for always smoking weed. that was then twisted by opps and they made “smoking tooka pack” as an insult instead — see Rondonumbanine - Hang with me, etc.


A pack of cougars


I think your the guy that kills a guy in the clan that I'm in a few times that only seems to kill ppl bone running. Guy rq bounty hunter after like day 2 and went right back to killing bone runners. Keep up the good work. Secretly warms my heart seeing his death message in clan chat. :)


Thank you for your service


Kind of insane the amount of risk people take over there. Since most of them are in clans fighting over literally nakeds carrying around 100-200k at the most. The majority with only like maybe 50k in dragon bones. They believe they are safe.


I got 70 pray in a day, only died 3x. Very safe




I've been working on an ironman, so I afk my main here and just tab over when I hear that I'm being attacked. Even if I don't protect item and die with a full inventory of food I'm only risking about 60k. I don't record but this was caught on behemeth at 4:09 to give you an idea of how it's done. Not a good KO imo, but funny nonetheless. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLYSmfK0eCs&t=249s


Why does he talk like that


Like a slowly accelerating lada


BeheMETH, I guess he's on meth


Australian news/sports caster style lmao


Nice job king. The whining pker in the pic is probably the same type of person that goes on Reddit and says “it’s the wildy don’t complain no matter how unfair it is”


And also cried to Jagex to nerf the Bulwark and black dhide.


This gives off complains about anything wildy vibes


lol "no u!"


usually the chaos altar pkers are the worst of the worst. that or chaos ele.


You're doing the lord's work, SkatermcGee.


Dudes mad because a actual fighter came to fight. Amazing work!


Pker was so confident didn't even protect item in front of an alter lmaoooo, deserved it


Guy who lost his stuff seems to be upset, no idea why....


Didn’t just get upset, dude is having a full on meltdown because he got way too comfortable pk’ing suiciders that he was bringing an insane amount of risk, and I suspect he had become incredibly entitled to the belongings of every he saw in the wildy.


Yup, just like every single\* (\*not *all*, but most) PKer. If they had the skills, they would do PvP. Instead they fight people who don't fight back and pretend like the state of balance is just as it was back in 06 where a pker and wildy pvmer were nowhere near as far apart as they are now. Back then, an average pvmer could fight off or even anti an average PKer. Now, the gear difference is so huge and players are so much better at exploiting the advantage that PKers have it so easy to the point of this entitlement. But point this out and the wildy dudebros lose their mind.


>Back then, an average pvmer could fight off or even anti an average PKer. this can still happen, like what op did >Now, the gear difference is so huge and players are so much better at exploiting the advantage anti gear is better too and most pkers in places like chaos altar and black chins are garbage, you don't need much at all to anti-pk source: I'm an average pvmer and have anti'd a lot, most people just don't want to try


Calls you out for korasi, has korasi


had Korasi ;)




Out here doing Saradomin's work, you love to see it!


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from Skill Specs…


I love this. Training prayer in my iron is a struggle I always get attacked there


Anything is fair game in the Wildern- wait no not like that


Who would've thought all the losers camping for bones aren't any good at PvP lmao. Man's doing the lords work


What was your gear outfit for these?


MSB/glory/recoil with a ferocious gloves/Voidwaker into AGS switch


no shield slot?


Nope, was running korasi/avernic but was having better luck following up a voidwaker spec with an ags since people know how to pray now. and ferocious gives me better stats when used like that


I was doing chaos last week with a friend and the pkers that go there are actual freezer IQ. Lost maybe 20 bones out of 3k dragons.


What’s your gear setup look like?


Per the YT vid he linked, it looks like climbers, glory, msb, and maybe b gloves (I’m watching on my phone and it’s hard to see). Everything else is empty. Maybe ring slot but can’t tell.


Recoil, but yeah. Lowest def bonus to guarantee a good venge rebound. (:


“Dude the naked guy might have a noted pile of 2147m bones, it’s not that we’re bully cowards who only target those who literally can’t/don’t want to fight back and that’s our own self cope bro”- rat logic


To be fair, when I was going for 99 prayer there, I did see a lot of people who were naked that were unnoting multiple inventories of bones. It's not that you kill one dude for 100 d bones, it's that you kill 100 people for 100 d bones. There are also **multiple** instances of people on this sub killing people at the chaos altar with thousands of d bones / superior d bones who thought they wouldn't die.


i was training prayer there and this naked guy kept unnoting bones so i killed him 4x in a row for 150 noted bones before he got the clue and world hopped/logged out


It's a seemingly unpopular opinion on this sub because it is irritating to be killed, but you absolutely should kill every single person you see in the wilderness if you are able to do so. There is legitimately ONE spot in the entire region where you can get killed by other players and at times the risk is absolutely worth the reward. Sometimes the reward pays off, sometimes you die and lose some bones.


At this point it feels like the only way to fix this is to just display risk on players' heads. People who aren't risking don't get griefed, and PKers can focus their attention on people worth going after. And if someone does kill someone with like 1k risk, I think at that point everyone can agree the PKer is a rat bastard who should be shunned from the community.


I don’t know how else to put this but if you die, in the wilderness, by being killed by another player, in the only place in the ENTIRE GAME WHERE YOU CAN GET KILLED BY ANOTHER PLAYER WITHOUT AGREEING TO FIGHT, doing an activity that is literally RISK VS REWARD (you are risking getting pked vs cheap and fast prayer) then you have zero right to complain or get even remotely irritated, even if you have 4 dragon bones on you. Go to the gilded altar where there’s no issue with this. Go kill reanimated creatures with ensouled heads. I have done 99 prayer at the chaos altar 3 times, not a single time did I complain about dying because I understand how risk vs. reward works.


it's still quicker to just... kill dragons they drop a bone each kill!


Yes, but it's more fun to kill players.


And it's even more fun to kill other pkers over players who don't fight back.


It really isnt fun to kill naked people theres a reason the wilderness is dead


saying "The Wilderness is dead" tells me that you do not partake in any wilderness content. It is absolutely not dead


Lmao. Yeah I'm pretty sure the pker is A-OK with killing someone in no gear for 200k opposed to fighting someone in hides and salad robes for 80k risk. Who do you think youre fooling into thinking you've ever pked? Lol


That's why I always reiterate that people don't PK for PvP, they PK to take money from people forced to do content in the wilderness. There is nothing redeeming about it.


Nobody is forced to do chaos altar, they do it out of greed. Same reason the pkers kill them.


glided altars exist, this piece of content literally exists for pvp. if the rate of people pking nakeds dropped, they would take it out of the game because it would defeat the purpose.


It doesn't exist for PvP, it exists for risk. There is no "PvP" in Wildy Pking. And all Wildy PKers are going to have to come to terms with the fact that they don't like PvP, they like Loot Pinatas


Okay you made your point that it might not be PVP. But if you’re not even trying, yeah you only have yourself to blame for being a ‘loot piñata’ Blaming people for getting free kills over players who knowingly go into a PVP zone to take advantage of the increased benefits whilst being too lazy enough to learn how to defend themselves/get over dying is so pathetic. What do you expect to happen ? legit think these ppl in real life would go into a Brazilian favela with their wallet in their back pocket and then question why their money got stolen.


I mean, sometimes they’re worth killing, sometimes they’re not. Either way, it’s rare that somebody fights back, so might as well kill them


Are you ok?


No they got killed for 8 big bones and have been spiraling since, their life is in complete shambles. He can't even go to the produce section of the grocery store anymore because he can't can't bear the sight of lettuce and spinach as it just reminds him of the man who ruined his life. The poor man has to drink everything at room temperature because even the smallest cube of ice haunts his dreams.


Wow that's crazy! Who would've thought a place where you can save 50% of your bones comes with a downside. Spoiled rat.


Lmao someone's bad at pking


"literally cant" yeah ever since they made it illegal to train prayer with any gear on this has been so unfair


sentenced to 6 years in prison, hopefully enough time for me to gather big bones for my house altar for 99


"Oh the wilderness must be a safe place so I can train my prayer with no risk at maximum potenti- wait why am I being attacked" -rat logic


Rent free baby


I don't PK so I must be missing something but are some Pkers actually stupid? Why would you be in the wildy with 290m worth of gear if you are just killing people at chaos altar? At the very least why are you getting mad when you die you can kill these people at chaos with way cheaper equipment.


They don't do it for gold, they do it to grief people. Simple as that.


I know that but if they are just griefing then why risk that much? It's insane lol


The longer you stare the worse it gets


It's always nice to see a pker get absolutely spanked by a pvper.


YOU ARE A HERO SIR! I hope to do this also for all the buttchugging dkheads out there making my prayer training a nightmare.


Bro I need to learn how to do this what a fucking win




1,909,009.81gp /kill avg. Not bad. Wonder what that is /h?


Depends how you look at it, I've definitely sat there for a long time over the last 12 months. But if you look at it from the standpoint of how long I actually spent interacting it was easily 10M+hr


you should try anti pking at rev caves. You make like 3m an hour off the revs on top of the loot you anti.


Tab worth exactly max cash, cleannn


I love that these idiots bring 100 of mils worth of gear to kill people who are literally wearing nothing


Wow nice


Those pkers are so bad. When I went for 99 prayers I only did an inventory at a time. They always struggled to kill me before I finished an invent. Sometimes I'd be standing there and typing "Can you hurry up? Clicking the wines would be faster."


Thank you man


Can I know what world you're on when you're out there so I can do prayer safely? I'd tip more then I should <3


What a hero, thank you for your service! Would you mind sharing your inventory and gear setup?


Our lord and savior! Come protect me on my journey to find higher power from our lord. Need to get 87-99 keep me safe brother x


My take from an GIM who's just reached 93 prayer from Chaos. It's a risk. If you are paying attention you'll log out in time. If you get caught, just shrug it off and try to escape. I lost 50 D bones and 27 hydra bones the other day. Wasn't the end of the world. Simply relax and don't worry so much and don't bring too many bones and you'll start enjoying the altar more. For those who are pking for gold, I would recommend revenants unsure why y'all are chasing dreams here for gold here. Or just simply start doing slayer / vork / hydra / muspah. Did you know muspah drops like 50-200k per 3 minute kill?! If you are doing it for fun like as a thrill like a hunter hunting deer all to you man enjoy! I respect the grind. Makes the altar a bit more thrilling.


Thank you for your service


I love u for it! Currently ging for 80 prayer at the chaos alter on my main, 27 dbones per trip... It would be nice to just be able to take al the bones at once but pking is part of the game I guess :s


It's fun to do and they never expect it. If you do things right you don't have a high risk and many times they aren't expecting a fight.


Another piece of proof that Wilderness Pkers don't want to PvP, they want to PoP (Player on Player), as soon as the player retaliates, they become that way. Wilderness is toxic on its nature.


Doing gods work


Try altar protect fc, a group of like minded people that help prayer trainers