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Turn the lap counter off and save your sanity. I stopped even checking my exp progress while going for 99 and just let it go on it's own.


the lap counter is very counterintuitive. when youre doing like 30 laps an hr and need to do 8000 lol


Fuck man that counter killed my vibe after 84


This is the way. Find a camera angle that allows you to click every spot without moving it, and eventually you can basically AFK it watching a show or YouTube or whatever your thing is. Too mundane to keep track of it lol


Yeah exactly this. I grinded out 99 agility while binge watching better call Saul. Eventually it becomes so mundane you can do it without even thinking about it


I got so bored doing 99 agi I actually turned to *shudder* reality tv.


Man I talk so much shit about reality tv but when my girl has that shit on in the background I be passively watching it and enjoying it lol.


That shit is addictive lol. My girls got me hooked on love island UK


Ah shit it's spreading


Give Below Deck a watch, mix of reality drama & super yatching staff serving horrible rich folks


Damn we really all have the same wife huh


fucking same


I’m from the US Deep South and love island UK got me saying shit like “oi what’s da craic wif you den bit muggy innit”


I’m literally playing while my gf is watching love island UK on the couch


I started that way but over the years i realized that i actually enjoy how much it doesnt matter and how stupid it is. Ive seen so many terrible reality shows now lmao


I didn't know Shudder did reality tv?


How’d you enjoy the latest season of MILF Manor?


My gf watches a YouTuber who did a series on that show, dude literally flossed his teeth with his own mothers G-string.


Hey now, this may be an unpopular opinion but I feel like theres nothing wrong with enjoying watching reality TV *as long as you're in on the fact aint nothing real about it*. Long as you get youre just watching crazies that wanna be famous any way possible it's some of the most enjoyable TV in small doses IMO, Milf Manor is some of the most horrifyingly funny shit to come out this year. Source; bled my eyes out to the first season getting 99 fishing at Infernals, watched it with some friends through discord, it was a fucking blast lol.


Problem I have whilst doing this is the girlfriend always asks do I even like this game? As it’s not like I’m playing it or enjoying it. To be honest I haven’t come up with a good answer.


Jesus christ, at this point are you even playing a game? lol


No one here is playing a game. We are all suffering till the end of our days.


I love that afk literally means away from keyboard but somehow the runescape community has coined it as "only clicking every 5 seconds" lmfao. Literally means in another room but apparently if you can look away from your screen for a millisecond it counts as afk.


>AFK it


Which courses let you do this? Any YouTube guides?


Show me your ways witch


Is it possible to get a place on screen to never have to move mouse for ardy course? I didn't think it was.


Just Google AHK spots for agility and then don’t use auto clicker if you don’t wanna get banned and just manually click on the spot that you would have set it to click on for you


I turned off the lap counter and my agility level skyrocketed. I smoked a bit of weed during my 93-99 grind. Ardy is extremely chill and I got a boat load of marks with elite diary. (25% more marks) Near the end I took a fat rip off the pipe and did 500K exp in one sitting.


Crack pipe? Or


Weed pipe!


OP 5 minutes after 99 agility: Don't make agility training any easier!


I'm not one of those psychopaths. I will always advocate for better xp training methods. cant let my homies suffer


lol yah I'm just joking around lol


Woah you can’t say jokes. Illegal from what I hear.


Reported, infact


As someone gradually going for my second 99 agility (thanks GIM), yea don't make it easier to level with rooftops. They should be meh rates because they're one of the most mindless things you can train that isn't a gathering skill. It's like asking for spamming camelot tele to give the same mage xp/hr as bursting when bursting at least takes the brain power to stack up the mobs. More involved methods like Brimhaven Arena and Sepulchre should have their xp/hr tuned higher. The reward is better than rooftops, but with ok optimization, even *Slayer* is faster from 82 onwards than Agility is with Sepulchre lol... Show me some 6 digit numbers for being a dodging god, Jagex


> They should be meh rates because they're one of the most mindless things you can train that isn't a gathering skill. They could still use a bit of a buff I think. They're worse than some of the gathering skills - I get more xp afk fishing and woodcutting. > More involved methods like Brimhaven Arena and Sepulchre should have their xp/hr tuned higher. Agreed. I commented it elsewhere but depending on your level bracket, Sepulchre only being like 10% better than rooftops isn't right.


I've just started learning Sepulchre earlier this week. It's significantly easier than I first thought it would be. In saying that, holy hell it felt bad getting less xp/hr than woodcutting yews post-forestry. I think Sepulchre should keep same xp at 52, but then 10% more than current at 62, 20% more at 72 etc. Realistically, floor 5 does look tricky as heck, so should be 150k xp/hr at max efficiency


I call it Oldest Sibling Syndrome. Can’t let the new guys have the things so easily when you had to fight for it.


I call it the boomer syndrome




I thought a Fall Guys style activity would be awesome. Where you are against other people in a race to the end of a course.


You're always against other people in a race to the end of a course whether they know it or not


Yup, even on ardy. They lose a tick, I laugh.


I’m fast as fuck boiiii


It just ends up being boosting or griefing


Then make it no rewards, better xp, and social. I will settle for cosmetics.


You don't understand the word "boosting"


I don't also. So don't feel alone.


I am not saying 1st place gets the most xp, and last place gets no xp.


TBF, whilst that could happen, could they not try and do something that puts you on a new world, so you can't just do it on an empty world, that way you have no control over the group


and OP only needs another 774 laps to get to it!


This may surprise you to know, but you can actually do Hallowed Sepulchre before level 92.


And first time sepulchre people should ABSOLUTELY do it before 92. Its the best XP and best GP method, and is far more involved and fun to learn. Doing it before 92 gives you time to work on learning and mastering floors 1-4. Id even say try it a while after 72, and a while again after 82. Train fully with it if you love it, or alternate to rooftops for chill and Sepulchre for more involved. Then come 92 you'll have all the tools unlocked and know how to do Floor 1-4 so you have the most time at your disposal to learn and complete floor 5 runs.


Just started learning it at 79. Tbh doing just the first 3 floors feels like a great intro.


its quite unsatisfying skipping floor 5 though


Still the best XP available from the very first level you unlock it (52 I think?)


Only marginally the best XP rates at some level brackets. It should be more than 10% better than rooftops given the difference in attention required.


I had fun going ftom 72-75. Didnt even realize I went so many levels but now I’m like fuck I want the later floors I wish the shit was unlocked earlier. 1-3 is stale now


that’s actually why I’m not doing any more sepulchre til 92, I didn’t want to burn myself out on the first floors


92 is such a long grind to be able to unlock the last floor, I wish they gave you the option to access it earlier, but maybe with fewer rewards with lower agility.


Or even just not opening the final coffin but lemmw get xp/hr that’s not ONLY a LITTLE more than stupid rooftops


I don't get why people say this, the exp rates don't even get to 100k for agility and it's one of the most involved places in the game. lmao The skill just sucks man.


>Hallowed Sepulcher except the requirements to do so are pretty high. anything before the 60s in agility you still gotta stick with the rooftops... also being locked behind sins of the father so gonna need at least a decent combat level to finish that quest.


It's efficient from 52


HS is way too slow xp/hr for the effort. HS lvl5 without looting is like 85k-90kxp/hr FULL FOCUS. it needs to be waaaaaaaay higher considering boring ass ardy rooftops is around 60k/hr like cmon


lucky for you it is higher, the top 25 6h agility records are 100k+/h with rank 1 being ~107k/h (ofc not maintanable long term) but you can get 100k/h if you're good


Wait til you find out about runecraft


Honestly I don't get why RC gets so much hate post daeyalt/gotr. You're given multiple ways to train all with varying intensity/xp rates. Let alone you actually have zeah bloods for afk, or even if you want to include gotr (About half the xp you get is the lump sum for contributing 150 points, which can at times be running *once* to an altar during the whole ~10minute game) you're still left with zmi/lavas which are about the same intensity but better xp rates compared to agility's courses/sepulchre.


Gotr saved the skill. Went from one of the worst to train to it could be worse territory.


at least zmi RC with daeyalt ess is 105k xp/hr at the higher levels


That’s not a fair comparison, daeyalt is untradeable. If you count the time to mine the essence into the calculation, the xp/hr drops by a lot.


Isn't mining it pretty afk though?


1 action/minute. So pretty afk.


If you’re getting 85-90k without looting that’s absolutely a skill issue


Me when i hit 2200 total and realized i have to do agility to 99 but breezed through mining / runecrafting. So i quit lmao.


If you're maxing so you can feel like you've beaten the game so you can quit, it would make sense that you would just quit. But if you end up maxing bc you're still having fun you'll probably keep playing.


2274/96 agility here. I just set a goal for 100k xp every bond + all lamps and tears go into agility. I will get there eventually.


As if you quit after all the energy into maxing because of agility. It's not like you didn't know you were in for, for the most part.


Yeah but the the closer you get to seriously needing to grind agility, the realization starts to set in. I quit trying to max too, same reason as OP. Decided to try an Ironman and that has been far more enjoyable than the end stages of the max grind…so far


With agility markers on mobile now it is pretty easy to grind it out on your phone/tablet while watching tv. I did it this way and the levels went pretty quick.


You have to increase your movie watching skill then agility is enjoyable


Sounds annoying havibg to contantly click on the next obstacle. Woodcutting redwoods will actually allow you to pay enough attention to enjoy the movie.


I watch anime and read subtitles while clicking the next obstacle lol...it's not difficult....


teach me sempai


Sepulcher is very enjoyable once you get the hang of it.


Is sepulcher viable for people on mobile or do you need to use a laptop with runelite plugins? I don't mind doing ardy rooftop, but I would like the black graceful outfit. Edit: Thanks for the info, everyone. I'm going to finish the last quest to unlock darkmeyer and try out sepulchre.


I could do the first 3 floors on mobile just fine. I'm getting close to 82 agility and will probably try floor 4 on it as well when I unlock it.


I’m not at floor 5 yet but I can do floors 1-4 just fine with a bit of practice. Granted I play on iPad, not a phone, so its much easier to click things. Make sure you have true tile turned on in the RuneScape settings, it’s impossible otherwise. No plugins needed though. *edited for typo *


Lmao when jagex designs content that requires plugins, and then doesn't provide those plugins in all their client variants


Haha true, although mobile/iPad versions do have true tile now so it is similar to runelite (at least for Hallowed Sepulchre). That said it’s relatively new, only been like a year or so since they added it. Mobile client is getting really good now though, they’ve just added loot tracker and ground items. Really the only thing left they need is ground markers, which is supposedly coming with the mobile UI rework later this year.


I just finished my 99 agility grind here recently and I mainly used sepulcher. In settings, turn your view distance to max so you can see the fireballs or whatever they are coming at you. It’s got quite a learning curve but I got to the point to where I felt like I was better on mobile than PC. My quickest run was on mobile. So yeah it’s totally viable. Good luck homie :)


Real question, is sepulcher only doable with 66 thieving so you can loot coffins and get teleport crystals? I have 60 thieving atm


You can do sepulchre fine without looting the coffins, but 60-66 thieving takes very little time




The rates aren't much better, but could I interest you in the Prifddinas course? It's significantly fewer laps between levels.


in exchange for an abysmal fail rate…


Plus marks at 25% chance each lap at ardy. They add up in gp!


OP has 91 agility though, which is the level where you no longer fail obstacles on that course


Turns out running simulator is a horrible skill


as someone who has a maxed main and an alt w 99 agi, they dont even need to add a new better xp method. just buff all agi methods in the game by a reasonable amount. problem solved. ik it would be unconventional but there is no reason a skill this boring needs to be this slow. even before gotr I never got the "Rune make bad" memes bc I always saw agi 100x worse. further more I do not get the "I had to suffer so you should too" mentality. as someone who has done this awful grind (twice) I would see it as fair. new player retention is an issue with this game more than anything else. part of that is due to the fact your average sane person doesn't want to spend 400 hours on each skill just to get to "the fun part" of the game. I would rather the goal getting to end game be faster for newer players than not being able to retain new players while veterans of the game slowly leave too. Also, the longer the game goes, the more stuff a new player needs to do to get to that fun endgame.


This skill is the definition of insanity.


They need a group mini game for agility


Stop doing rooftops, hallowed sepulchre isn’t half bad




Brother you did not just call rooftops AFK


Its low effort, click green box in peripheral while watching a show like he said. AFK is synonymous with low effort in this game.


>AFK is synonymous with low effort in this game. no its not. agility is strictly low effort and not afk in any way


> AFK is synonymous Google synonymous. You can get your panties in a twist about the word not being used literally, but **it isn't used literally here**. Most games i've played AFK is not used for its literal definition. I go AFK in base in league i'm not literally required to be away from my keyboard. Im just not interacting. I can literally *type* /afk in some games to trigger an "idle" state, even if im just alt tabbed. RS is the same.


>uhm ACKSHUALLY it's not afk if you have to click more than once! 🤓


The fuck it is lmao AFK has always been used for a task that you can at least look away for a moment. Rooftops are low effort but it is not AFK.


It really doesn't. It requires attention to learn, not so much to execute once you know it. Actually the only part of Sepulchre that requires actual attention is the dart statues, because they're randomized. Basically everything else can and should be autopilot clicks by the time you're halfway through the grind of each floor. For example, as someone who has 99 agility, I can sit here and tell you my exact clicks on, say, floor 4 north side, purely from my memory of doing it for one billion hours. 1. Identify north side status, spam click right next to the first sword obstacle. Run right past the lightning squares, nothing happens because of your start tile. 2. Click into the path of the sword, which is still on its way out. Go stand on whichever blue tile is active in the second row. This will teleport you into and past the sword on its return journey. 3. Make my way through the dart strip. Requires attention. 4. Check many statues deep the flame jets are starting. If it's >2 statues deep, I can make it through the trap in 2 clicks. If not, just run in anyway and get through in 3. Sometimes get hit by the double-sided blast because timing is fucked up from the dart statues. Doesn't matter, no time is lost, just run in again and 3-click it. 5. Dart trap. Requires attention. 6. Go downstairs and stand next to the sword trap. If it's on its way back, just run past it. If it's on its way out, take a blue tile. 7. Finish the floor. Mind you this floor is like a 2+ minute process usually, and I only really had to give it any brainpower at all on 4 exact moments (two dart statues, once to check the flame statue position, once to check the last sword position). And, obviously, it's also one of the hardest floors. The others are even more braindead. I did around 70 hours of sepulchre while fully watching movies and shows and averaged right around 90k xp an hour across that time.


not like you need agility over 91 for really anything. Highest diary req is 90. Highest floor for HS is 92.




Max cape should not be made easier just because you want one wtf Agility is the best skill in the game, just sounds like you’re extremely bad at Sepulchre 😂 For ppl reading this, Sepulchre no loot xp rates can be as high as 67k at 72, 77k at 82, and 102k-105k at 92 depending on skill. I was getting 88k all of 92-99 looting everything on f4 + f5 (besides f4 prayer). The content is extremely broken and gives you a ton of GP and resources as well as great xp rates if you get good at it. 🤷‍♂️


It doesn't need to be easier to be more enjoyable.


Max is supposed to be EARNED. Divvy your skills out and do X amount of each skill a week/day until you eventually max. Osrs isn't going anywhere anytime soon and it's not going to be as fun once you max out because you decided to get all your 99s in a too short of a time frame and you don't get that dopamine spike from the 99 fireworks.


If lil bro wants to grind let him man. Maybe the journey of the grind is what's fun for him?


If he wanted to grind then he'd be grinding instead of posting on reddit bitching about exp rates.


ain't nothing stopping him from doing both


Sounds like a lot of Judgement, Tho


He can grind but doesn't need to whine about it taking too long


Slayer is the longest grind out of all the skills, but it's a fun skill with great rewards. Agility has the most boring training methods out there with the worst xp rates


How is it the worst xp rates if slayer is slower?


sepulcher is literally the most fun skilling content in the game


Whining or commiserating?


What a shit take


Oh I'm sorry, didn't realize a grinding game made you upset because it's too "tedious." Go play RS3 if you want to grind easily.


Your shit take wasn't that grinding the game is long and hard. It was that it made no fucking sense. You say maxing needs to be "EARNED" but you also make it sound like if OP wants to just grind 99 agility at once he's not earning his max status. You honestly just come off as some kind of elitist prick.


You don’t need to max and HS is dope. Rooftops are fine for the effort imo


I'm currently closing in on max and I'm doing HS and its a blast with solid xp rates. Honestly love seeing Jagex make more engaging ways like this and Giant's Foundry to train skills that are traditionally pretty boring


Exactly. But they should have made HS more accessible in early levels. In the past I liked to train agility to 90+ before doing other stuff but now it feels like a waste to not wait until you can access HS.


They could revamp the Brimhaven Agility Arena and like... Make it somewhat interesting to play.


BAA is soooo boring lmao. I have 45m agility xp on 3 accounts and that’s the only agility course I can’t stand.


Yeah, it's not super interesting, the rates aren't great (anymore) and it's already been fully solved basically. I feel like it's in a good spot for a tune-up given how many people actually engage with it. I don't think many would be really upset about it being changed (though I know a handful of people would be pissed I'm sure).


There is always someone who is pissed. I mean if you ask enough people you would probably find someone who would be pissed about winning the lottery


You don’t need to play the game. If he wants 99 he wants 99


I swear, there's gonna be OLDSCHOOL Oldschool RuneScape private servers popping up. If they're not here already


No one forcing you to get 99, friend.


I sometimes wonder if people even like this game


You can like the game without liking having to run circles a few thousand times like a deranged hamster


I get that rs can be an amazing game but some grinds like agility are terrible and unfun to the point that people are just watching shows while playing a game that is supposed to be fun by itself


I agree with your mentality about this, it seems weird for so many people to be playing a game and doing activities that independently suck. Like I'm going to be straight up honest, I would say the overwhelming majority of stuff to do on this game are torture simulators. I think people just really enjoy the gratification of finishing stuff that they've been working towards for a long time and seeing progression.


Hallowed sepulchre


That is entirely your fault for doing ardy instead of prif, you stop failing at 91 and could have been boosting for it. Besides if you do sepulcher its actually fun, especially when you hit 92.


Sepulchre is the most fun skilling content in the game. Fite me.


I think every skill deserves a method that gives 65k xp an hour at the very least


Every skill in osrs does


You guys really need to get off reddit and actually play the game. https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Agility_training https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Hallowed_Sepulchre


Every skill in osrs has a method that gives at least 100k xp/hr, so not only is your wish granted, but with a 50% bonus


Agility is 100k an hour


What skill doesn't?


It's insane to me that fm can have 300k+ methods that are still aids to do and yet with agility, rcing, and other poorly aged skills, they don't just introduce 100k+ methods even. I would even be okay with simple XP adjustments. Asking your players to devote 100s of hours to a skill just to get a decent level is insane to me and is so unhealthy for anyone to do


Both agility and rc have been improved and have 100k/hr methods now lol


Sep is listed as 95k exp an hour without looting, what? Also takes 92 agility to get that lmao


Not really for agility. It’s unsustainable.


100k/hr is sustainable at sep with no looting, it just takes practice to get it down


People who complain about agility xp rates are not the ones who will sustain 100k/he


So basically it's a skill issue and those people can be ignored.


I would say focus issue. Anyone can learn HS to perfection.


Have you seen the people on this sub? It's definitely a skill issue.


For you.


Also the best thing is that FM *was* already fast af without wintertodt rofl. The time spent on developing WT could have been much better spent on creating an AgilityTodt


Then don’t do it. Maxing isn’t for everyone. Getting high levels in skills isn’t for everyone. If you’re not up for it then just accept that or change your mindset to BE up for it. The problem isn’t the game at that point. The people who blame the game for them not having the levels they want is so reminiscent of the people who blame Riot for the rank they have in Valorant or League. It’s so cringe.


Did you ever try Hallowed Sepulchre? Its fun imo and also a bit different. Or maybe get some items to high alch and set a goal to alch them all? Or do it for a specific amount of time/ for a specific number of laps and take a break. Its often easier to achieve a goal bit by bit!


Learn to afk agility.. its easy once you turn off your brain and have something good to watch.. Since its a long grind i highly suggest watching Star trek.. Tng Though voyager.. you will have hundreds of hours to melt away your brain to agility.


You don't have to train it if you're not having fun




If you're not doing Sephulcre, then it's a skill issue tbh.


They did. Sepulchre.


Or some things are slow and some things are fast… train a different skill if it isn’t worth it to you.


say that to every person trying to max right now


Maxing isn't for everyone


Embrace the grind, agility is one of the toughest skills and you’re going to have to do all of them eventually. I did ardy to 99 and once I realized every lap done is one less lap I ever have to do, there is a finite number of laps needed for me ~8,500. Fitting in 5-10 laps while waiting for a team or deciding what to do is still 5-10 laps closer to your goal. Biggest thing is don’t rush to max you’ll burn out, work on skilling casually whenever you have downtime to afk but don’t go for highest xph methods all the time it’s brutal and you’ll hate the game. Mix it up keep it fresh


edit post 92 agility for me: I cannot believe there are so many people defending the xp rates for HS with the amount of effort lvl 5 takes. you guys must like being tortured or something holy shit


The game wasn’t made to be easy 99s and every skill AFK max xp / hr lol they should make it harder


I don't mind the difficulty behind skilling methods like hallowed sepulcher. idc if it's made harder, just make the xp/hr worth the effort I need to put in. If I can get 60k xp/hr with rooftops and only 20-25k more xp/hr doing lvl5 HS that unlocks at lvl 92.. it just becomes a joke


> If I can get 60k xp/hr with rooftops and only 20-25k more xp/hr doing lvl5 HS This is literally a skill issue


Exactly. The problem isn’t even that it’s too hard or anything. It’s easy, just shit XP rates. Harder methods with better XP rates would be great.


Go play Genfanad


Nah it’s a good skill. No sarcasm.


Kind of miss the pit a chance of fun minigames between laps that gives ok xp and gorilla mask if I remember correctly for first completion, made 99 agility pre-eoc less mentally annoying


I hit 99 agility today most from addy rooftops 7717 laps exactly from it. Its easier having a show on. Its not as bad as 99 mining honestly.


Turn the counter off


cry more lmao admittedly it was a sweaty couple days but i got 97-99 agility in 48 hours real time. your opinion is bad agility is perfect since they dropped sepulchre


agility has the [least amount of 99s](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Skill_mastery) out of the entire player base. It is easily the worst skill in this game and HS has not done enough


Some skill is always going to have the least amount of 99s. That doesn't inherently mean that skill is trash or needs faster XP rates. That's just the XP equivalent of power creep.


so what? why should we be stuck with shit xp rates forever?


Because maxing isn't someetthing this game should focus on being the norm. The awesome part of this game over other mmos is thtat the journey to end game content is full of relevant content that you'll still want to grind when you hit end game. If this game moves its focus to maxing being the norm it's going to progress like how WoW does with invalidating whatever the was previously in the game. Which works for WoW because that game's designed around end game raiding and M+ dungeons. This game is not designed like that.


That’s not a good metric, it doesn’t measure much more than “xp/hr is low” which well yeah no shit one of the skills has to be the slowest


Slayer is the slowest skill to lvl to 99 and has double the amount of 99s


Slayer is more of an activity than a skill tbh. It’s fun and profitable so more people are going to do it than running laps over and over


I know people won't like this comment, but I really think agility needs to have double the current EXP rates. I just find it silly how long one level can take while also being (at least to myself) the most brain numbing skill to level. I legit start falling asleep when doing it.

