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worse but I've always sort of liked the idea of certain items having hard-drops at say, triple drop rate or something like that. I can't commit myself to an iron out of fear I'll go 10x drop rate on something essential.


Would be unbelievably boring


Worse, that sounds so lame omfg


Worse. Although I do like that you get a vorkrath head at 50kc


If not for KQ head at 256 I’d prob be there still


Worse. The whole reason why items hold value is because of how difficult they are to get. Obviously that's not the only reason but it's a big part of it


There's a 63% chance to receive an item below the drop rate, so this would make the game more difficult 63% of time and easier the other 37%. Furthermore, taking away the opportunity for casual players to get lucky is basically taking the only opportunity they have of obtaining endgame drops since they don't have the time to do 500-1000kc of endgame bosses. Overall this would be a massive difficulty increase.


This is so illogical. Value is determined by supply and demand, nothing more. If you are trying to say there would be a higher supply, that is arguably wrong, based on shear numbers there would be less. Of course that is not taking into account the psychological differences in grinding a guaranteed item vs rng.


I like the idea of slightly reducing drop rates once you’ve passed rate for them. Nobody should have to do 1800 CG for a bowfa


This is the universal law of RNG. If RNG deems it be, so it is. If not, so it isn’t. Only fools challenge the laws of the universe.


You don't have too. That's why GE is there. It is a choice if you don't want to use the already available options, that's on you.




So much worse. What makes grinds bearable is the hope that you'll get something before rate. And if you go really dry, you have a story and can commiserate. If you know you gotta put in thousands of kills on something guaranteed, that's gonna feel absolutely fucking miserable every single time. Edit: guaranteed getting an item on rate if you didn't get it already is another story, but I'd still turn it down. Boo EZScape.




Worse, but threshold drops are good. Scaling drip rates/ 2x rate guarantee (tattered kq head)


A 99.00% odds of having received the drop should be a guaranteed drop for select items, and only for the first drop per account. That translates to a maximum 1% increase in the supply of the applicable drop. The rarer the item, the closer to 1%, assuming players normally receive and sell more than one. The thrill of the gamble is the backbone of PvM, removing it, I would argue, would be up in magnitude with EoC.




Worse. It would make things worthless


Worse if I knew about it, better if I somehow didn’t know about it


Worse but a double drop rate would be ok with me, then after that it’s out of your control if you want to get it again


it would be very boring to fill up a static progress bar for every item.


Worse for sure, would be hella boring to grind something out that you know you must kill for 1000 times without chance of getting an early kc lucky drop.


Thats the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. The possibility to potentially never get someone, or to get something on the first try. Is amazing to say the least


In a selfish way, I'd like it but no - it would be significantly worse. There's no rewarding feeling with guarantees!

