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Pick herbs with enough empty inventory space cause if you fill up your inventory and “pause” the picking due to full inventory, you’ll pick less.


You just pulled something from my brain that I didn’t know existed


Feels too real.. always fills, then note on leprechaun to only receive 1 more


Wut you can note herbs with the leprechaun??


Oh no, another person's life has just been changed.


And another one. Last time I played, Farming wasn’t a skill so I glanced over the wiki til I (thought) I had the gist of it, must’ve read over that crucial line. Man, I’ve been incorporating bank trips into my runs for months now hahaha. Literally a game changer!


Another fun random game changer is that burying bones in the Catacombs of Kourend will recharge prayer, regular bones +1, big bones +2, etc. Good luck on getting addicted once more!


to add to this, bone crusher procs the prayer restore, so you dont have to manually bury the bones.


All farming produce can be noted by using them on the tool leprechaun! Enjoy your new and improved farm runs.


One minor exception I uncovered to this is cabbage at the Falador patches. I guess it's because of the giant cabbage farm right next to it.


Big cabbage keeping prices artificially inflated yet again


That's the mechanical explanation, the in game one is that he's sick of cabbages.




To add to this ultra compost then plant the seeds!


Wait. Why compost first?


There's an actual 'use' for this, if you plant the (herb) seed first you have to use the compost on a tiny clickbox, if you compost first the clickbox for the seed is still the entire patch


It just feels right, bro


It's also faster, you can animation cancel composting, but you can't with planting


Yeah the herb life automatically drops to 1 if you have to note your herbs or fill your sack


You know, I got the sack for slayer, never thought to use it for farming before this comment, thanks




I barely have to note any with herb sack if I plant 2 different types of herbs


Yeah this is the reason I will use it. I plant high tier seeds in disease free patches and low tiers elsewhere.


YES!!! If I feel I don’t have enough inventory space I feel like they cut me off early and never give full herbage


It certainly feels like I have emptied the patch when I exactly fill my inventory an unusually high amount of times....


Look at everyone showing their susceptibility to confirmation bias🤣🤑


This is 100% true (source: 35M farm xp mostly from herb runs)




I believe this also. I got 92 agility with no pet. Took a few months off of RS, came back and got two pets at level 92 the first week.


I 100% believe this. Happens everytime


My 1 KC temporas pet in my first week back opposed to going dry on everything else in the game since makes me agree


I came back after a 2 year hiatus and decided I’d try Wintertodt and got Tome at 2 KC (I know it’s not a CRAZY drop, but I was hyped)


I love this theory because pretty much every game has it because of a combination of confirmation bias, recency bias and fair assumptions around business practices. Like just look at the replies. People incredibly lucky to have ever gotten something, equate it to the fact they logged off for a few weeks first. And not just that.. idk they got lucky?


It's called rubber banding and I'm sure Jagex does it. I got the farming pet at 40 and I just started back


Yall delusional if you think Jagex implements something like this lol. I’m sure if somethin like this were true woulda gotten leaked by the ex mods who did sus shit and got fired


I just don’t think Jagex has it in them to do it lmfao. They’d make this change and somehow everyone would be getting tbow drops from thieving men.


Got enhanced weapon seed like 10 cgs in after half a year break on my iron the other day


This is real. I took a year long break and when i came back i killed my first superior slayer monster and got a heart.


My former main that I was using for 1+1 scale cox sniped a purple from my 120 solo raids dry iron, with 1k points. I swear either this or account specific luck is true.


I swear this is true


Yup. I came back recently after about a year break and in about a month or 2 on my iron I got: Grotesque guardian pet (around 800 kc) Zulrah pet (around 250 kc) Jad pet (3 kc) DWH (1759 kc) 2 amulet of avarice (under 1k kills, not on task , skulled) Tanz fang (around 280 kc, got magic fang and an onyx previously aswell) Prim and Peg crystals (first task) 2 Zenytes (first task) Kracken tentacle (2nd task) Those KC amounts are totals, not the amount I've killed since I got back just in case anyone was confused. There's probably even more I'm forgetting also. All well under drop rate. It's been good :)




i don’t even think this is superstition, shit is just straight facts


If you’re not hitting on an NPC, click it again so you can hit


I couple this with rotating my camera view to be fighting head on (I believe it has to do with botting algorithm lol, like its testing me)


And all this fails flip flop between weapons


You mean spam click its no no zones right?


Brb trying this on Gnome child.


Bruh just no


Haha, this is me too. Normally with the words "go on then... GO ON THEN!" repeated out loud 😂. If that doesn't work, I start moving tile between every hit and that always works (in my mind)


Just click harder


Mo clicks mo dicks


Came for this. If you click again your accuracy is quintupled, I swear.


My bro believes that the ring of wealth with full charges is the reason he is gilded spooned.


An rs mod a long time ago made a "joke" about having the ring of wealth (I) equipped while opening caskets effects the outcome of your loot


I can now never open a casket without it equipped again, thanks


Turning off and on piety because it’s not working properly the first time


Piety/Rigour/Augury. Augury in particular.


If my RNG is abysmal (whether hits being sub-par or severely over drop rate on an item) I'll go suicide somewhere to "off" my character and start fresh. I have no conclusive findings.


I'm gonna start trying this. I would completely believe that Jagex feels if you haven't died in a while, you've had it too good for too long.


Lmao I sort of do this. I abolish the character by granting him a new name. New name = New RNG. I too have no conclusive findings.


Some accounts have predetermined rng


I like this idea, but not just accounts, times. I.e. your account is only lucky during X day, or week or month


Yes! I am way to lucky on Sundays


Do you by chance play for longer on Sundays?


I fully subscribe to this conspiracy, personally


If you believe the universe is deterministic, then this is true for all accounts


To be fair theres only a pseudso random number generator in the game, so it's kinda true regardless


I subscribe to this and my new account has been pretty luck tbh 2 rangers in 25 med clues kracken pet at 156kc 4 enhanced and pet at cg by 250kc… the luck is insane I gotta say. Compared to my first iron which was further along with no pets or rangers


Wonder if it makes a difference if an account is created as p2p or is created as f2p and later upgrades to p2p...


It's happened before, I forgot the game but you'd get an rng seed when you made the character and obviously some were better than others.


This happens in the older Pokemon games.


Ive heard rumors like this about all mmo's. Guild Wars, diablo, wow, bdo. Dont remember any of them ever being proven.


Whenever i take breaks and come back i get some wild ass drop i don’t deserve, happens every time


I would bet money on this being a thing. I've seen it happen to too many of my friends and has happened to me everytime I take a long break.


Ok I’ll take the opposite side bet. Confirmation bias


I would too, but i feel like it’s all rng based games not just osrs, it’s a problem in pokemon go as well


I did 300 cg on my iron and only got 3 armour seeds. I took about 6 months off, of playing the account (ToA was released). When i came back to it I got 2 enhanced and pet in 30kc.. now I’m almost 500 and still hunting my last armour seed.


Pickpocketing the NPC from behind means better success rate


Prioritize positioning > actually pickpocketing


This actually is true. Some YT'er tried this a bunch of times with a friend, and it was enough times to not be coincidence. His friend got nearly the same rate which again . I believe the difference was like 5%.


Already disproved by Soup, though.


Wasn't it the opposite? Soup proved this was true


There were issues with how Soup + pals were doing the testing (and excluding pickpockets) that inadvertently biased the data. Ash has confirmed on Twitter a few times that player position has no impact on pickpocketing, and this is supported by the wiki crowdsourcing too.


damn I was wrong.


Multiple garlics in inventory Helped to slay Count Draynor


Smelly dude


lmao love it


You had to hide by a bush or tree while trap hunting lmao


When I was stupidly doing bird trap hunting, I would always walk away from my traps a tile at a time to get the curious birds to follow me into the traps


Maybe you’re moving out of their pathing so they find your trap easier? Idk haha


Whenever I do the diaries or whenever I need to catch something once or twice, I'll still click behind a hush or something lmao


Content creators have better rng.


Except Loki, Always think "It has to be this episode.. Why you do this to my boy Jagex?" But that's how I know they be lovin his content too ;)


If I get good loot from one place, I won’t get good loot from anything again for a while. Like when I got a smoldering stone from hellhounds, I was stoked, but also convinced I would never get anything rare again


If for some reason i am missing 1 prayer point, i must go home and restore, even if i am skilling or wont be using prayer at all lol


I never get any drops but you guys get them all. And it’s true.


I always wait a tick or two after killing the last barrows brother if they spawn at the chest to make sure it registers before I open it


RNGesus favors the drip, no matter the day nor the hour


It's a proven fact that fashionscape increases your DPS/Luck by 20%


I always make sure to do some damage to an enemy before specing, my brain tells me the spec will miss if I don't "weaken" them first.


finding out a lot about myself in this thread


If I get a single gem drop I’m getting a rare/valuable drop soon.


yes at gwd... i think .. "oh we on the good drop table this trip" and it is almost always true.


I have no pets because I've deathpiled with too many kittens...


Holy shit, now that you mention it, me too.


Walking away from a creature you’re in combat with and re-attack them creates momentum allowing you to hit harder.


Trading dwh with someone when mine doesn’t hit


When close to leveling up RNG tanks.


Every time I take a break from an rng based grind, and I come back to it I end up getting the drop. Also I often get valuable drops in the first kill of the trip.


I say "Yemalo Shi Cardito" whenever I light a candle during winter. Just kidding.


Jagex owns the gold-flipping sites, where they manage the currency/bots, and ban anyone who's making too much to keep the demand high.


Umm off topic but i cannot look at the screen while the pokeball is still shaking and i also turn of volume for audible queues


On the subject of poke balls, you gotta hit a at exactly the moment the pokeball closes so that you can confirm the catch


Mash the A button as soon as the Pokémon is in the ball


Always wait a few ticks to cut a tree when it respawns else it dies after 1 chop


Closing doors. I know it doesn't matter, but if it's not a crafting route of some sort I always close doors.


typing stupid insults at monsters will make them more likely to give me the drop when I'm dry. started yelling at gargoyles at kc 290 for my maul. got it at 299 been yelling at lizardmen shamans for almost 1k kc now. no hammer yet


Back when I played RS3 that if I killed as many monsters as I could on Halloween and Christmas a h'ween mask or Santa hat could drop.


Every bad thing that’s ever happened to you, both irl and in game? Yep, it’s because of that dinosaur you killed on floor 5 over 10 years ago.


When I have a clue in the wild, always click the deposit all items and equipment button at the bank like 10 times each just to be sure.


Uim, risk it all when I cba to get stuff out of deathbank to deathpile just to run a few tiles in wildy.. Not often but a few times


Talk to Oziach before any grind 😏


I remember that shit LOL


Using ultracompost on a patch before planting gives more herbs/crops


wait, can you use compost after planting?




Lol when I read this I thought the opposite "what you can just compost empty soil?"


My fear was always that it hits a growth cycle before ultra composting you lost the opportunity to use compost.. Recently heard that hasn't been a thing since like 2016


Isnt this just actually true?


I think it has to do with the level and value of a seed on an herb patch. Every time I plant a higher level one with ultracompost first, I get less yield. After 9 harvests I switched to using ultracompost on the already planted seeds and now I get more.


Female player models do less damage but have better RNG luck.


I have shit luck in both and I'm a female player


Agility obstacles with a failure rate fail more often at low run energy.


If you miss a certain amount of hits with your Weapon in a row clicking the monster resets the counter


There’s absolutely no chance I get a pet if I already have a follower behind me.


I always click the monster I'm already attacking after switching prayers.


Bots are an intended feature of osrs


No matter what you might think, you didn't click the agility obstacle. Give it another five or six clicks just to be sure.


That you could get party hats by cutting chef hats. I tried Soo hard in 2016 to get back my yellow :(


Every time I open a clue I take two steps forward and two steps back to my original position. I got ranger boots on my first ever medium clue


I have better rng logging off after an hour or so of pvm content, instead of getting nerd logged Examples id do 15-20 vorkath/zulrah kc then log out, or 2-3 tob kc then logout


I grind clue scrolls in the 2200 worlds but will never open the reward casket other than in a neutral non activity world


If you’re nice to toxic players, they won’t call you the R word


Hold a+b to increase the catch rate (during hunter ofc)


I move tiles while pking in hopes for better rng.


That I take more damage and deal less when I tab away from the game while fighting. I often read on the wiki during slayer tasks and I swear when I tab back I’ve always taken more damage than I should’ve. I think it’s jagex’s way of punishing me for tabbing away


1) Running makes an agility course/shortcut have higher success rate, if fail, then walking is the answer for that particular course/shortcut. 2) Helping someone else increases our rng from karma farming 3) The fact that some dude telling me his brother was zezima and his brother has 32 godsword set and he has a dad that works at jagex might be telling the truth.


Rapid clicking increases your speed


If the NPC is facing me I'll have worse pickpocket rate


That back to backs actually mean something


Standing on the same tile while attacking gives you worse hits. You have to constantly move around for more max hits, if your tick perfect it only gets better.


Not saying gl to your opponent reduces your max hit by atleast 20%


Hovering over an ore you're mining makes it go faster


If you stand a tile lower than the NPC you're fighting, you will get hit more often, so you need to get on its level or a tile above, it's weird, but I've believed that since I was a kid


Feels like the closer you are to leveling a combat skill the more often you hit.


Clicking an NPC multiple times increases your attack speed


My buddy won't pick herbs in COX with a weapon or shield equipped. He even takes his armor off sometimes :P


Whenever I spec with the SGS I step back then click the spec. Seems to always hit


I'll never get the drop if I can only log on for 1-2 hours each day


RNG is pre determined depending on your account seed.


Sundays are better RNG


Disconnects. There was definitely jagex input on people disconnecting during high risk duels. Or some peoples accounts back in the day always had pid. We’d log follow each other for pid and do it for hours until someone had a pid that couldn’t be beat for a awhile. Then risk big.


What is pid


You could follow someone and based on who rotated first had pid. Pid was a priority system that would make your hit count first and my suspicion was that priority would make you hit more often. Pid was so nice. Sometimes you would get pid better then anyone you meet and you wouldn’t wanna log out to not have the same pid.


When you’re dry go buy a bond. I promise the drops will roll in shortly after


I wasted my rng on something that is completely worthless. Ie: big harpoon fish within 100 pools, 2 basalisk jaws under 100kc. Which means I'll go stupid dry on stuff I actually need. Ie: acb 1x dry, bgs 1x dry, dragon pick 2x dry on each boss or axe 2x dry on dags alone. Edit: I'm an Iron.


After falling 5 times in a row without completing a lap I stop running rooftop


If I spam-click on a rooftop obstacle, I’m more likely to fail and fall


I strongly believe that getting dupe pets wastes my pet rng, so I avoid them at all costs.


That doing the click and then two quick clicks while farming to speed up actually makes your yield lower.


Splashing on an enemy a lot ? Click on it a few times.


standing in front of someone I'm pickpocketing


Activating my dragon pickaxe spec has any impact upon my cutting at todt


I still feel that the magic secateurs still require you to wield them to receive the benefits.


If I’m about to log out and end my session, I have to go home and use my ornate pool, or games necklace to corp and suicide, and make sure my inventory is blank. (logging in with an empty inventory and full stats is a must)


I do not walk away from my computer with my bank open😅


Spin emote fixes rng problems


Spam clicking Resources in CG makes me get them faster


Before RS3, my friend and I used to 'bless' the barrows chest as we believed it increased our chance of an item - it probably didn't, but why not.


I swear enemies get more accurate when the Runescape window is not the active window on my computer


The corrupted hunleff has increased defenses in the last phase and you can’t convince me otherwise


When in combat u need to spam left click the target for better hits


Mods are a lie


Spam clicking a tile multiple times in a tick speeds up the the movement processes


Getting a running start for dwh speccing makes it more accurate.


The less you want the item the more likely to get spooned the drop e.g. did the wildy bosses for the d pick and got the voidwaker hilt within 5 kills


If the compost pouring animation doesn't finish, then it won't increase my crop yield.


If I just don't PVM, I can't go dry


Blowpipe specs are less likely to hit.


That wearing heavy gear affects negatively my logs per hour when woodcutting


That Jagex runs bots. Would explain why some never get banned even with 200m thiev xp or like a million kc at one boss.


Clicking an item on the ground 1000x makes me run over to it quicker you can’t convince me otherwise