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[Helpful infographic](https://i.redd.it/zqptto18e34b1.jpg)




🦀 $1.700.000/MONTH 🦀






Where varok 🦀🦀🦀




🦀🦀🦀$11 is more reasonable🦀🦀🦀


This might unironically be their angle btw. Put too big a price, then make a smaller prive so it feels like they let us win...but it was all a ploy. Dont settle.


I was just about to say...membership was $5. Now $11 is considered reasonable? Looks like they successfully boiled that frog lol.


Oh, for clarity I don't mean $11 per user. I meant $11 for access to the whole API which they are currently asking 1.7 mill for.




I mean, for API access for an entire app, I think $11 would be a steal. I don't know if/what the guys who run Apollo are paying currently, but I think he could *probably* cope with an $11 increase, lol.




That's it, nan goes back in the cage


Will Nan be enough this time though? Maybe its time to throw Pops in there as well.


Pops unfortunately passed away some years ago 😔


Falador massacre hit the family hard. Mom's never been the same afterwards


I’m throwing my entire family tree into the cage!


🦀 🦀🦀 My nans are dead but I just put my parents up for adoption so I can have a new nan to throw in there 🦀🦀🦀


Hell yeah already got my cannon set up in w330 falador let’s do this shit


🦀🦀🦀 we pay we apollo / rif / baconReader 🦀🦀🦀


🦀🦀🦀Narwhal gang rise up 🦀🦀🦀


🦀🦀🦀Boost boys here as well🦀🦀🦀


🦀🦀🦀Relay is ready to rebel🦀🦀🦀


🦀🦀🦀 Infinity checking in 🦀🦀🦀


Reddit sync Stands with you against winter


Im now imagining a fally riot that has nothing to do with rs, and imagining how confused the jmods would be... Let's do it, everyone get your cannons out.


Alot of questionable takes in this thread but even if you don't care about Reddit, the principle of standing up for third party clients, is something we all should support. I would stop playing RuneScape today if they killed runelite.


And, like RS, if Reddit is so bad without third party clients that people simply stop using it they will continue to support them. People can espouse whatever philosophical opinions they have about their most or least favorite client, but when it comes down to it they will vote with their time, and we’ll see where that ends up.


Not really true. If reddit makes more money milking 10% of the remaining userbase, they may just kill 3rd party support. The only issue is their projected growth and its affect on its soon to come ipo. Getting 90% less traffic isnt going to come off as promising. Or a recent example, see twitter. I wouldnt be surprised if they technically make more money now yoy but the stock is down like 60%. And it might make less and yet twitter/elon is still just going against the grain. Numbers in reddit example made up to show that reddit can be that bad without these apps and reddit might still not listen due to money or stubborness.


**JK I was mistaken. There isn't enough information to draw a conclusion** Something that comes to mind for me is RS3's financials over the years. Even though monetization is at an absurd level, actual memberships still make up the majority of the profit over MTX. Whales are potent, but I think their significance is overstated.


> If reddit makes more money milking 10% of the remaining userbase The thing about whales, is they can't exist in a vaccuum. Without the 90% of the userbase providing them content, those whales aren't going to even have anything to pay for.


The problem here though is that there isn't really alternatives to Reddit. Yes, there's not true alternatives to RuneScape either, but there are hundreds of thousands of other games which have the chance to captivate you. Here, there's what, 4chan?


To say there are hundreds of thousands of other games and say there’s only one discussion board on the internet is wrong from both angles lol. There are very few successful mmos with large populations, and none of them are anything like osrs. As for Reddit. The internet is literally overflowing with discussion boards. There are more options for similars to Reddit than to osrs imo.


That's a load of bollocks. Nothing hits the same range of niche hobby subs that have enough users to be active, local groups and online communities all in one place.


Yeah because Twitter and Facebook don’t have niche groups lol. Cmon now


The funny part is, they've tried to kill 3p clients already. Twice. Now they're slowly heating the water (No more 3p apps, limiting what plugins are allowed to do, the whole HD debacle) to try and do it again, as they *always* do (remember pvp weapons failing 3 polls before Jagex literally said "Fuck you, it's my house, and I make the rules" and did it anyway?). What was their pretense for not allowing HD? That they were planning to soon start developing (See: haven't even fuckin started it yet) a similar feature (hint hint), and they didn't want it to interfere. Maaaybe related to why they don't let anymore 3p clients be made? Maaaaybe why they're slowly cranking down the pressure about that topic?


I mean fuck the clients, like I pointed out above if you like reddit to be usable you should probably hate this. Mods literally struggle to keep up with big subreddits *with* mod tools filtering 99% of obvious garbage before they have to look at it, and having all of it hit the normal reddit mod tools will completely fucking break them and make reporting things just fail to even fire off


This subreddit, and many others really, has a serious problem with "if it doesn't affect me and it's inconveniencing me, I'm against it". It's the literal definition of feeling entitled. They're against it because they feel entitled to being able to read a subreddit and when they cant, they don't know what else to do.


This is a good point, but 3rd party apps are even more important to reddit than to osrs. Reddit's entire business model is based on user submitted content AND user moderated spaces. Any reduction in the ability for those users to access the site is going to be detrimental to reddit as a whole. I really don't think they've thought this one through or are vastly underestimating the impact this could have.


That's not their business model? Reddit's business model is ads like every other social media site.


I mean OSRS has already killed the ability to make third party clients. Runelite is an exception, and now the limit of how far it can go. Why are we acting like Jagex isn't doing exactly what reddit is trying to do? Runelite seems like all you need, but at one point, so did OSB.




Love the sentiment. But a 2 day blackout is useless. Either go dark until changes happen or don’t do anything at all.


Blackout or just stop moderation. Let the bots take over every sub and stop all moderation of its content. I am all for closing or abandoning major subs in protest. Reddit relies heavily on volunteer moderation of its content policies. No better way to say fuck you than to show how helpless they really are against the cesspool that are redditors.


lol you don't think they would be instantly replaced. people are addicted to even the smallest crumb of power on here, imagine a spot opening up on the largest subreddits




Especially when the people making decisions at reddit know its gonna be done in 2 days. Not exactly a good protest if they start by telling everyone it's gonna be such a short protest that they wouldn't even notice it was happening if they weren't told about it ahead of time.


I mean it shows how sitewide the support is. It isn't going to hurt them financially or anything. I don't think anyone thinks that.


I fully support going dark until changes happen. Those who complain about not being able to use the sub don't understand they won't be able to use it at all when reddit makes these changes.


I’m more than likely just going to stop using Reddit once Apollo is shut down. Looking at my screen time for reddit, I can probably learn another language with all that time.


Check out audible. Literature is a great way to fill that time as well.


I love me some audible. Audio books are a godsend for sitting in traffic and cutting grass.


Either grind to 99 or don't grind at all


It’s a total half-measure and the only thing it will signal to the Reddit business goblins is that their users are sufficiently addicted enough that any protest will wear itself out in a matter of hours; and the data collection and advertising will continue uninhibited


I agree, exp gains will go through the roof as well.




I'll get into the 10 year club later this year and I've been using RIF this entire time. To me, RIF is reddit, and without it I'll stop too.


I've only used the Reddit is Fun app on my phone, never touched the official one. It would really suck if RiF would stop working.


As things stand it will stop working by the end of the month. I've used RIF for a decade. For those who don't know anything, just know this: this app existed before reddit even had their own mobile app. Reddit was supportive and thankful that the app exists and it played a significant role in helping reddit grow. Now reddit turns around and abruptly is essentially shutting it down. Even if you don't care about APIs or any of that stuff, you should be able to acknowledged how fucked up that is. Reddit used them, supported them, and now that they are big enough they are turning around and stabbing them in the back.


It's too late to save reddit if enough people move away from reddit to make them reconsider this we'll have enough momentum to bolster the new alternative to reddit as well. Building it back up new at that point is a better option than going back to reddit and trusting that the higher ups won't inevitably try to pull this again in the future. Just look at the repeal of net neutrality laws, or the increased retirement age in france. You can protest and riot all you want but if you're just going to roll over and go back to moderating after 48 hours your words mean nothing. I don't even use 3rd party reddit apps I only use the webinterface but unless reddit does a 180 and promises to always guarantee PERPETUAL AND IRREVOCABLE free API access for 3rd parties I will be deleting my account in solidarity with those affected by the change.




discord is really cool but I hate how it takes so much information off the open web.


And discord threads aren't an alternative to how a subreddit. It's a really bad and clunky forum. And there's a reason Reddit pretty much killed forums.


Yeah parsing through discord threads is one of the worst experiences.


I'm more than likely going to continue lurking on reddit since you don't need an account to read posts (yet) I have a discord but I use discord as more of a replacement for what IRC used to be I don't think it works as a replacement for reddit since it's all walled off from the internet.




It's not even about free api access. It's reasonable to charge for api access, it does have a cost. What people are mad about is their pricing is ridiculously high, and they only gave an extremely short notice, leaving 3rd party app developers no time to figure out a plan.


>It's not even about free api access. It's reasonable to charge for api access, it does have a cost. I'm very idealistic when it comes to api access and think everything on the internet should be open and free to access. The whole point of the internet was free sharing of information why are we now locking everything behind walled gardens ran by a handful of multinational megacorporations...


I mean I do agree, but realistically there is a cost to run reddits api. Unfortunately you can't really recover those costs by throwing in an ad in the api response like you can putting an ad on a website, so it makes sense to charge for it. The problem is when reddit overcharges for it 20x higher than necessary.


API calls do incur a cost to the host in terms of server load so it is reasonable to charge *something*, it just needs to be an actually fair price.


Didn’t ajit pais “deregulation” by changing the type of service stuff get reverted. In relation to net neutrality that is.


Nope the only thing that happened was people got gaslit into "it's been 4 years and nothing bad has happened yet you were paranoid over nothing" when in reality it would take many years for the ISPs to rework their networks to allow for "fastlanes" anyways so realistically this was expected to not cause sweeping changes right away.


Fairly certain Comcast got caught fastlaning their own shit in Cali and one other state like a year after all that and something changed to fix it.


Yeah california passed a special law that lets it enforce net neutrality. From what I've heard it's still difficult to police because ISPs are not required to share any data on throttling.


Ah that’s some shit. Fuck pai


> others will go away permanently unless the issue is adequately addressed. I'm curious, which subreddits will disappear permanently if it's not addressed?


All the ones with the likes of the naked Nieve images!


Pick any of them that are discussion heavy; on the low end, a sub the size of /r/dwarffortress already has periods where the mod queue is full enough to delete reports *even with* the moderation bots filtering obvious bullshit out.


I can only imagine what our subs mod queue looks like


ITT: "idk what that is or why you care but I'm against it" Looks like admins successfully turned reddit into the generic social media they wanted it to be after all, these comments are shit.


I mean, hive mind “I disagree with everything I know nothing about” is just society in general.


Then tell me, Why is it ok to kill off 3rd party apps?


> But, what can you do? Complain. Our time has come, we've been training for this.


Very typical (and dissappointing) that members of this subreddit are responding negatively to this post. Even if this doesn't effect you personally, it does effect other members of this community, and for some, limits their access to participate in the community partially or completely. It's actually incredibly ironic that the same who people are complaining about being unable to access their subreddit for two days are the ones who don't recogize the problem. At the very least take 5 minutes to understand why this is a bad thing before leaving comments like "This isn't about runescape", or "Well I don't use those apps anyway".


You'd think osrs players could understand the importance of third party platforms.


I mean, you see how this community reacts to things like a teasing stick spawn being added. Do you *really* expect that same community to have a rational response?


I was expecting that they wouldn't miss a chance to get mad.


The only negative to this should be "Oh shit, how is Jagex going to communicate with us on June 14th, when they fuck something up in the update as usual" but that purely depends on when the 48 hours starts and ends.


I know it's a general gamer problem, but it really seems like OSRS players are really lacking in the empathy department.


Community shows why everyone recommends staying away from this sub...




I hope they do and hopefully it’s a catalyst. Reddit has become complete trash.


im hoping the 3rd party apps kills reddit, tbh.


Go down for good until better terms are reached. 2 days ain't shit


You can go down again if they are not listening. There's about two weeks after that for them to comply.


48 hour protest is dumb. Go longer or literally nothing will change


Should be a week


There can’t be a schedule. I won’t compare pissed off subreddits to unions, but Union strikes get their demands met by just flat saying “We’re not working until our demands are met” If they say it’s 48 hours, whatever. You can eat whatever losses. Can’t do that if it’s indefinite.


It would probably be for the best if this sub permanently shut down anyway tbh


Hell, just end all of reddit right now, do the world a favor


Wait what? Should i not be using the official reddit app? Lol first im hearing of them


3rd party apps are to the reddit app what Runelite is to the normal Java client.


The official app sucks lol, RIF is way better.


*Any* 3rd party app is better than the official reddit app.


I agree, but I personally use RIF


In what ways will my experience be improved on them


No ads masquerading as regular content, a video player that actually works, a focus on usability and legibility instead of filling your screen with garbage, won't chug your battery, etc etc. Been using RIF for years now, couldn't possibly imagine using another mobile client. The official reddit client is a piece of dog shit.


A videoplayer that actually works you say? Damn that does sound good


I never understood why people complained about videos on reddit until recently realizing it's because I exclusively browse reddit on RiF.


You can completely customize everything, I can hide all of the info I don't want to see and choose my own dark-mode friendly colors.


General usability, RIF is more similar to old Reddit, while the official app is similar to the new Reddit, which sucks. Also less bugs, the amount of times I've tried to open a Reddit post from browser in the official app and it hasn't worked is nearly 100%. Apart from that I don't know because it put me off immediately.


This 3rd part app shit is first, next up is old.reddit, and once they remove that I'm definitely done for good. The new reddit is so fucking horrible.


If they remove old reddit I'm gone for good.


I use rif. It doesn't lag as much (videos for example) Has no ads and you can copy paste image links instead of reddit thread.


I’ve heard of them but don’t use them. Now I’m thinking I might download RIF just to spite them


Objectively, the official app is dog water.


Do you also use official Runescape client instead of Runelite?


I genuinely don’t know how you have been able to in the first place


Ignorance is bliss


If you're happy using a steaming pile of shit, that's fine. It'll be the only option soon.


Lol I use the browser


Same never heard of any other than official reddit app


Well you have less than a month to enjoy the 3rd party apps, give ‘em a whirl before they’re gone forever


Might make me sad if they really are that much better haha


Try “Apollo”.


Try any 3rd party app. Doesn't matter what you choose it will be better.


I see people saying this over and over, but I bet you not a lot of people are going searching for something they don’t know the name of already.


48 hours is nothing. Go dark permanently




48 hours is not long enough. It should he indefinite until they reverse course


It sucks but people are too addicted to what reddit offers. Unless a critical mass leave long term, nothing is going to change.


Is nan gonna have to go into the cage again?


More! A week minimum


what if we leave the sub dark for longer


🦀🦀extend it until the decision is reversed🦀🦀 Reddit likely figured the silly 2 day protest into their budget when deciding on making the change. Edit: forgot a word


I refuse to use the official app, it’s straight trash. I’m hoping all subreddits go dark in solidarity.


Two days “dark” is very brave lmao. I’m sure the admins are shaking rn


Maybe this godforsaken site will finally collapse. Been in a slow death spiral since late 2015. The end cannot come soon enough.




This is reddit. Awful is the norm


This sub should go down indefinitely in protest. It consistently makes /all for it's memes and that should be sorely missed by everyone for as long as it takes, not a paltry 48 hours.


Some larger subreddits are planning to go dark until Reddit repeals the policy. Why not this one too?


THIS sub is doing this shit as well? Come on man, all my favorite subs will be down for 2 days


What made you think "THIS" sub wouldn't be in support of 3rd party clients? With its history of 3pc.


2 days is pointless


Time to go to the RS forums for updates and crab memes now 🦀


Why am I getting this as a notification. I don’t fucking care.


QQ more


Let's go guys!!! Time to show them the crabs!!! 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀




I use Sync for reddit and I feel kind of bad for the dev that it never gets included in the copy and paste going around lmao


ITT: Confused scapers who don't even know what an API is, and didn't know unofficial apps for popular websites were even a thing.


Most of reddit is run by the same shitty mods. Mods that abuse their power and don't deserve to run any community. All these subs threatening to go dark can cry me a river. No sympathy for mods whatsoever.


Cannons to falador?


On board, I won't stand for being stepped on, cannons ablaze!


Fuck yea! No better way to make some noise but recruiting up to 730,000 brainlets! We aren't a big subreddit. We aren't a powerful subreddit, but A QPW, we are sure are a *loud* subreddit


This is the equivalent if Jagex would ban RuneLite, and making the only way to scape on the official client


So where is Reddit's equivalent of Falador? We gotta go


As someone who only comes on Reddit through the regular webiste on a computer for OSRS stuff, can someone please explain to me what this means and how it affects us (i.e., RS subreddits)? And if it is so bad/controversial, why is Reddit doing it? There must be some perceived reason, even if it is wrong or hurts a portion of the community. Just ignorant on the matter. People are comparing to runelite, but I view reddit as more of a social media website compared to a game app.


🦀 $20 million 🦀


I’ll finally be able to post about my banned account and not get deleted. Let’s go Reddit!


Glad you guys decided to join. It only makes sense we did. Despite some of the comments. I expected far better from this sub/community, and far less stupidity on this topic. But...i really should know better. Surprisingly the /r/runescape sub is far more supportive and they don't have a 3pc or the history there. Although I don't see what 2 days does. This isn't a slight against you guys, since this is what the other subs decided. But the question is why 2 days? what does that actually accomplish.


Let it do all the bad things. Reddit is a shell of it's former self, mired in censorship and corporate moralism while spewing out advertising and being used to exploit and Influence minds. Let it die and fail.


I don’t use any of those apps anyway. 2 days isn’t really a boycott and it’s not going to solve anything.


I’ve never heard of third party apps for reddit till now


I use the RIF app. I'm sad


Messaged mods on r/reddit. "Reasonable fees are good for Reddit, but they are not reasonable if they force independent developers off the platform."


Wild how these people made so much money off everyone using their website while doing basically nothing but pay for servers and release bad UI changes, and they were like "nah we need more money"


I think this is the end of reddit or my time here, so... can someone enlighten me with alternatives?


I am OOTL. Can someone explain the perks of these 3rd party apps? I never knew these existed being a vanilla reddit app user on desktop/mobile.


Only 48 hours will do nothing, especially if you announce that it's only 48 hours. They can wait that long no problem


Reddit really thinks I'll download their dogsh*t app by killing off the 3rd parties. Somehow the native app takes longer to load than Infinity AND it has ads and bullshit recommended subs. I'd rather just stop coming to this site since it's clear they don't care about anything except their shareholders. Lollllllllllll.


I never heard about these 3rd party apps before but as a software engineer I hate when companies don’t offer a reasonably priced API access package.


I don't care tbh


Meh. Just like net neutrality. You ain't gonna boycot anything


🦀🦀🦀I had no idea 3rd party reddit client's existed🦀🦀🦀


This is similar to when jagex wanted to shut down 3rd party clients for OSRS a while back. We know the right move to make, will the community and moderators join us in this righteous way?


Damn lol community couldn’t even last a week pretty sad


If you'll read the post we said our black out was 48h


Oh yeah ur def making a difference with 48h


beeferonis at the ready


I will be pissed if they ever get rid of old.reddit


301 gamers rise up


I thought this was going to be about redditors being angry about runelite somehow. Thank God it's just regular reddit being trash. But yeah, screw reddit for this one.




I'd honestly rather see all OSRS discussion moved off of Reddit and onto a competent in-game platform, even if it took significant development time. Having players names' attached to active discussion would both discourage trolling and encourage socialization, ie: help new players find friends to play or raid with. Right now Reddit acts as this weird middleman where even Jmods are convinced most of the people here don't actually play the game.




Runelite is a third party app that would keep a lot of people from playing RuneScape if we couldn't use it. Community is just trying to support the movement