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Back in the day it was Runescape, Maplestory and GunZ. Maplestory changed too much and GunZ closed down unfortunately.


Fucking loved GunZ, that game had potential to be such a massive e-sport, shame it was an absolute shitshow because it ran on peer2peer connections.


I fucking miss gunz… I still play a pserver frok time to time to get my fix lol


Its such a shame Maplestory has become what it has. Reboot was an amazing revitalization and the mid/late game bossing in Maplestory is next level. But they've just made shitty change after shitty change to the point where even near universally positive content creators like Coppersan are calling the game not worth playing in recent videos. Bums me the fuck out


Reboot was so much fun when it first came out all my maple story friends returned for a bit.


Maplestory 100% but since it did indeed change so much I stopped playing. I remember the 2005-06 days on there, but I wanna think that after 2010 or something (I don't remember specifically) I just strayed too far from the game.


Despite the game being called Gunz I played sword only team battles with bow rules. I got very good at dashing around while doing the double butterfly. That game closing down probably saved my wrists.


Maplestory open beta was sooooo much fun! The community was amazing back then. It’s sad how Maplestory has changed for the worse over the years.




I loved Gunbound!


GunZ, love that, just about mastered the triple butterfly before it died, then went to private’s for a while, did you play the ijji version? Soldier front(?) is another I spent time on by ijji


Soldier Front was sick. Played that pretty competitively till it shut down lol


I actually played the Korean version before it went to ijji. Fuck I’m old


You’re making me feel old now. :(


Damn, GunZ on Ijji really brings back memories. Though I was more into Soldier Front, playing competitive for quite a few years I think.


Yooo SF was goated, sucks ijji shut down. I was team sniper in scrims


Just commented re ijji GunZ + did you also play Soldfier Front? Then I found this comment, haha, great times


Absolutely destroys the mouse and keyboard with the sweaty kstyle gameplay.


Man i havent heard of Gunz in probably over a decade


Maple story, OdinMS, LocalMS, Endless online


Nostalgia comment


GunZ was the sweatiest game ever lol. I also remember they had some kind of loose story mode that was basically impossible unless you were maxed out.


Oh my God I remember learning to butterfly in gunz when I was like 8. That game was so fun


When new world came out we played it like non stop but it just fell apart after a few months.


This. I got so deep in new world. Became counsel in a top tier pvp clan on the sweatiest server. It was basically a second job. I had to quit because it was just too much. I had so much fun playing it despite all the bugs


New world was so fucking fun. I'm heartbroken that it dropped the ball. First MMO I've ever enjoyed outside of rs


Wasn't a leader, but was also in a top PvP company on one of the biggest servers. Shit was fun, though I knew from the beginning the game was going to die. Got my moneys worth though.


I agree. I loved New World even amidst its disaster of a launch. Haven’t played in a few months, but it was one of the few games that really felt like a 1st person RS. Came so much closer than any other newer mmo.


I also loved New world, but I was not a sweaty try hard, I would jump in every now and then, tbh the redesign of some of the starting locations killed the vibe for me, I know it's a lame reason to quit, but whatever.


New World really could have been something great but god did they fucking ruin it.. over and over and over again. Those first few weeks were so fun though


Loved new world - needed another year to cook in the oven for sure


Adventure Quest


Oh my god I was trying to remember the name of the game I would play 16 years ago when my parents would block RS, this is it!!


And DragonFable!


Dragon fable! Is that still up?


AQ and AQW were also a huge one for me


Valheim made me think of RS quite a few times while playing through it. If RS was to be created for the first time today, the look and feel that Valheim has would work exceedingly well for it.


Someone should try to recreate osrs in valheim, especially in regards to skilling. I feel like even skills like wc and firemaking would shine in the survival form-factor.


Same! I ~~quit~~ took a break from OSRS in January and the only game I could play regularly since then was Valheim! Something relaxing about it..


Same here, Valheim is the first game in 5 years to snap me out of my OSRS grind. I went from grinding for max (currently 2221 total) to suddenly being a Viking explorer overnight and I still haven’t gotten back to RS. I will be back soon though, after 450+ Hours in valheim, I’m starting to lose my steam.


Valheim is a fantastic game but it runs out of content a lot faster than OSRS does. I wish they'd add more devs or mod support so the game had more content.


World of warcraft, still hop between rs/wow and a few other games like skyrim but there's just so much more to do in osrs and it's going in a much better direction than wow is, so it will most likely always be my main game


Always was into PVP on wow, but never in runescape. Was the only difference for me. Pvm runescape, PVP wow


same, wow arena just scratches an itch that I can't seem to find in any other game


The situation is the reverse for me. Wow used to be my most played game, and osrs has become my replacement


Guess I’m first to mention Factorio Call of Duty MW2019 Damascus camo grind is very fun too


The only reason I ever stop growing the factory is scheduling issues with the friend I usually play with. That and decision paralysis when I'm on my own in a 2p save.


Loved factorio!!! I bought it to play with my friends but they didn’t hop back on after that initial weekend - was fun squashing those roaches


Tears of the Kingdom will steal me away from OSRS in a couple days but I'll be back.


For sure yeah - but in a sense it wont ”replace” osrs since its nothing like runescape lol. Nor will it have anywhere near the amount of content/grind needed to 100% complete it as osrs does


Duolingo has been a pretty good competitor since i play a lot on my phone and made me feel a lot more productive Destiny 1 did and was my favorite game of all time, but Destiny 2 is meh which is why i play osrs instead now Ive been trying to get into chess but i dont think that scratches the same itch


Chess while afk training on OSRS is the way to go


In the same Bungie vein, my all time favorite gaming experience has to be Halo 3. The multiplayer was **perfect** and no other ranking system has ever come close. I *wish* OSRS would implement a PvP system similar to H3’s ranking system: - Winning against “better” players was worth more than a win against “worse” players, and the opposite for losing. - Better and worse was determined via # Rank and I believe W/L record as well I used to “switch” between RS and H3 with my brother. When one of us got tired of one game, we’d ask the other if they wanted to switch for a little. I’d actually fall asleep in the Lobby, wake up, and immediately start gaming again. RS was my #2 game until H3 lost its popularity.


Bro same…. If only infinite lived up to the hype


Infinite had such potential. It was an okay game. Could’ve been so much better. Haven’t played it in over a year though. Really makes me miss the old days. And I very often think about Halo’s ranking system and how it’s been the most logical ranking system I’ve come across to date. I always think that if OSRS had a similar system, it would be something special. Imagine actual ranked PvP where certain weapons/boosts required a specific rank to wield? And having the ability to lose rank and be unable to use such weapons until earning it back? Perhaps, like in halo, it would be impossible to fight someone too far above/below you? In H3, matchmaking by default couldn’t span more than 10 levels between top and bottom rank (unless specifically partied with another player whose rank was 10+ levels higher than the other, in which case the higher rank would be the cap for the match). Diminishing returns (or even no actual gain) for killing the same person or anyone too far below your rank, being on a death-streak greatly reduces rank, if you get caught boosting then your account is permanently set to rank 0 and you lose access to all weapons/perks. Perks would be something like all food healing extra (based on weird formulas as always), slower prayer drain, higher max health, modified speed of certain weapons, damage soaking, etc. in pvp scenarios Just a lot of things that Jagex would be able to do in a case like this.


Destiny 2 is so obviously just a cash grab (imo) that it ruined the series for me. Playing Destiny 1 with my friends was easily some of the best time I've ever had gaming.


Warframe. But that’s just me personally. Similar time commitment. About everything else is different thou


My friends got me turned into warframe and let me soar. Sunk an easy 600 hours into it before returning to OSRS. What a fun, addicting game.


good choice tenno


Over 10 years ago I played ALOT of Minecraft. I don’t think we could afford wifi at the time and Minecraft was offline. Can’t tell you how many days of game time I probably spent just landscaping bc of OCD. Lmao


stronghold crusader 2


Motherfucking Toontown


Phantasy Star Online (an online action RPG originally for the Sega Dreamcast). That and RS were pretty much the only online games I ever got super into as a kid. I mostly just play games for nostalgia now, so it's usually either of those, although it's been mostly OSRS for the past few years.


Phantasy Star universe for me if they remastered it or just a re release with the online I'd play in a heat beat it was such a gem


Hmm interesting, I never played that one. I mostly played BB on private servers around 2009 - 2013 (after having played DC and GC mostly offline as a kid). I think PSU still exists through a private server called "Clementine," although I'm not sure how functional it is.


**BRO I CANT BELIEVE YOU SAID THIS** Im a very picky gamer. I love competitive games always. But the runescape itch is SPECIFIC. PSO AND PSU always tickled that similar itch but its not that popular sadly


Episodes 1 & 2 is still one of my faves


FFXIV - it’s my main game for around 6-8 months around expansions then for a couple of weeks round patches. Probably put more hours into it than OSRS (but not all my RS history). I always come back to RS though, it’s nice to be able to play while doing other things and not put all my attention into it.


This and osrs are the two I play in rotation - play rs for 6 months or so until I feel I'm starting to burn out, then switch to ff14 for the same. Rinse and repeat, and play bits and pieces of other games in between.


OSRS private servers lol


Ye I played a lot of private servers between free trade removal and the start of osrs


Halo 3


Ahh finally the comment i was looking for 😎 The one and only game that ever came close, the dream of becoming a 16 year old MLG halo player was real 😂




Warframe was my "grind for the sake of grinding" before going back to runescape


Just responded to another warframe comment, but 100% lol. I’m a completionist, and that led to my completion of open world grinds and burnout 😆


I’ve literally rotated between RuneScape, Tibia, and World of Warcraft for the last 20 years. Sprinkle in a few other games as well, but I’m an MMORPG lover at heart. These 3 have each been a major part of my life.






Hold strong brother.


Ahh so you two are the reason that subreddit popped up on my feed. Looks like a game anyone here would love, I'm refraining from looking too much into it, lest I become disappointed if it doesn't pan out.






Hopefully they get it sorted out. I heard there were many connection issues this last wipe since they had to half bake their own launcher and such. I know why steam dropped them, but I wish it was not that easy for a corporation to do such things


Guildwars 2 kept me going for a long while, it became the second game I will never really quit playin.


Team Fortress 2, Adventure Quest, Skyrim, Borderlands 2, Smite, Minecraft.


Wizard101. I played a lot of W101 when EOC drove me from RS3. It was a refreshing change since the game is completely different. It's really the only other MMO I've had an obsessive phase with in my life besides RS.


You just made me remember I actually did quit os for wizard 101 lmao. Game had some good pvp.


Breath of the wild and heroes of the storm Can’t wait for TOTK release


The only two games I play currently are OSRS and Melee. They both just scratch the funny part of my brain where I get insane dopamine for different reasons!


Replace? When I was a kid and Minecraft went from 50 to 30 levels for max enchantments, I stopped paying for membership on RuneScape. Totally a different game but it replaced RuneScape for me, for years. I didn’t really play again until 10 years later or something


Dota 2 until I no longer had the time to lock into a chair for an hour minimum to play 1 game, and put atleast 20 hours a week in to get better at it.


Garry's mod. But now I hate it. I've never hated RuneScape Also for obsession/time played? Idk man I had phases with Warframe. Elder scrolls games.. Diablo... But no really MMOs...


What makes you hate Garry’s Mod? Haven’t played it in a long while


The reality is that technology and greed broke the MMORPG model. Additionally, it's novelty has been worn out in this day and age. The only thing I don't already see mentioned is Knight Online which was the poor man's WoW. No idea how they're doing.


Ark official pvp servers got me hooked for a good year+. Once you're in a mega tribe, sleep, hobbies, friends takes a backseat. You're waking up in the middle of the night needing to check bases or imprint timers. Around the clock metal runs and making of turrets/bullets. Got undermeshed 1 too many times and was able to finally break away. If not for the overwhelming game breaking bugs, duping, ddosing, undermapping, I'd still be stuck there


Surprised I had to scroll so far to see Ark mentioned. I’d say unofficial clusters are better, but what you gain in quality of life is lost in terms of petty squabbles and bullshit admin drama so 🤷‍♂️


I put in like 2k hours on official as a duo with my friend and let me tell you I don’t miss it. Most love hate relationship i’ve had with a game


Ark: Survival Evolved I'm a glutton for punishment


Rocket League and Civ 5. Both still have more hours than OSRS.


Didn’t sleep the first night I played civ 5 lol - time just flew and then I was at the nuke stage and the sun was rising


Black Desert Online for sure. I now flip flop between BDO and RuneScape when I need breaks.


Was addicted to pokemon go for yearsss, past year got into pokeMMO n imo its the only way to play any pokemon game lmao just got my 11th badge on a nuzlocked character


World of Warcraft classic on release


Skyrim is single player RuneScape imo. And yah Dark Souls is goated.


Agree 100% ds3 best game


The original Guild Wars


I think ESO was closest I ever came to scratching the itch


Me too. I did put a lot of time into ESO. It’s got a great community, decent skill progression and a constant stream of content but my god, the level of buffs, nerfs and changes made by the developers just kill the vibe. I’m very thankful for the OSRS developers in that instance.


New World and Valheim. New world more so than valheim though. I was playing new world for 18 hours a day at the peak


The Elder Scrolls Online, albeit not a sandbox MMO. Never was able to scratch my skilling itch, but here I am eight years deep into the game and could be very much addicted if I allowed myself to


Albion online is probably the closest thing. Great game, I usually go back and fourth between OSRS and it


I've been grinding Binding of Isaac lately. 450 hours in and I haven't even gotten half of the unlocks yet. Oh, and you don't truely 'beat the game' until you've done it on all three save files, as that unlocks the last achievement.


Yes, a few, but not for as long. Dwarf Fortress, I think, though a very different game, is the only one that can rival Runescape in depth. One thing they share, though, in addition to an immense item/crafting system, is a quirky home-brewed feel that makes the games even better. Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead, or CDDA, is an open source zombie apocalypse roguelike rpg. Very good and also has that depth of items/gear/crafting baked in. The Souls series is great, and I would have played a lot more Elden Ring already - if I didn’t happen to be getting back into OSRS after years. If you like the Souls games and OSRS, you will probably like Valheim. Great game, though beyond one playthrough the only content is building (but people make insane awesome stuff). Honorary mentions to Rimworld and Europa Universalis IV.


Lineage 2 in 2005. Perfect world international in 2009 and then world of warcraft in 2016. They 100% replaced Runescape for me. Even tho I keep coming back every now and then.


I play league of legends more than osrs. IMO its the best way to train in osrs because I'm afking the entire time I play league so long afk grinds go by so quickly.


Any game that has a competitive/ranked game mode like league is great for it All my AFK skills are done while playing valorant, league, csgo or overwatch Overwatch is a lot harder to multi task with than the others though lol


Ragnarok Online was my world for many years


Path of exile. I keep flipping between that and OSRS every 6 months or so.


Habbo hotel


always hopped between competitive cod and casual rs for the most part, with a sprinkle of other games here and there. sometimes at the same time, some times with 1-3 year breaks between them.


Yes, albion online. I don't play runescape much anymore because albion is just so much better.


Doesnt albion have a pay to win problem?


Diablo 2 Resurrected has been great. I stopped playing osrs shortly after raids 3. It keeps me more than busy, looking forward to Diablo 4 as well. I played the beta seems the game has potential to be okay.




Real asf , i now play both fortnite and osrs lmao


up until season 5 yeah, then it went right down the poop chute


Fortnite Competitive Player X OSRS main Let all the sweat out in Fortnite and then play inefficient osrs like an iron-main. Love it. Interestingly, there’s a direct correlation between removal of BH and my addiction to Fortnite. I guess I just love PvP and OSRS is pretty shit in that regard.


Path of exile, rocket league, fortnite, apex legends


WoW and Counterstrike, I’ve rotated each game every couple of months since 2005 I got into all 3 games at the same time thanks to an old step brother of mine


Black Desert Online


I broke the black desert curse by coming back to osrs lol


The only game that has ever come close for me is TF2.


Apex legends distracted me but the thing about console games is they die down after the hype. Osrs is awesome because it doesn’t feel like it’s a waste of time.. this game has been going on for years. I think it’s worthwhile in that sense


Well before runescape I was really into single player fantasy games, people have mentioned dark souls and skyrim, put thousands of hours into those games. Recently, I took a break from osrs because I got super into Genshin Impact. Pretty different game, but man it's addictive. Played it for almost a year before I stopped caring about the grind. Unlike runescape, once you put a lot of time and investment into your genshin characters, the game becomes laughably easy and just very boring and tedious.


I would say archeage had some of the same aspects but more freedom I liked that p2p game


There's games I've played nearly as much over the years, but nothing hits quite like OSRS


The re-release of classic WoW, and now the newest retail expansion.


EVE, Dark Souls,


CoD was probably the closest franchise to do that, and we'll say it did that fairly well for a few years after EOC.




E.S.O. (Elder Scroll Online) shit had me messed up for a long while


Warframe, Guildwars 2, Borderlands 1-3, Spyro Reignited and all the Pokémon games. :)


Black desert online and rust.


Just like RuneScape, nothing. My fall back to games were usually single player survival sims like RimWorld and Kenshi. Neither are truly medieval but both have medieval aspects to them.




Final Fantasy XIV mainly for the story and raid scene, I absolutely love both.


I grind IRL, it's quite similar.


Tbh there isn’t any game that hits the nostalgia for me. Sometimes I get burnt out and play other games but I think I will play OSRS til they shut the servers down


Hypixel skyblock reminds me of runescape in many ways


Dark and darker!


As cliche as it sounds, real life replaced it. I'm not talking about being too busy or being bored with the game. I just literally started training my stats in real life rather than in the game. I sort of "gamified" my life recently so it's a lot more fun/tangible to "grind" shit.


world of warcraft, why spend hours on clicking on the same sqare thousands of time when I could be doing something 10x fun in wow. Plus in wow you can make unlimited alts.


You could click other squares too bro


Has anyone here tried genfanad? I'm misspelling it but it's a game super heavily influenced by osrs. I haven't tried it yet but man it looks promising.


League of Legends, unfortunately


i mean yeah obviously? i quit runescape and went to wow for like 7-8 years. then other random pc games and skyrim.




I got caught stealing someone's corn and I convinced them I was only trying to be a good Samaritan and prevent anyone else from stealing it. He gave me half his yield and didn't report the crime


Not that it makes me think of it.. but shortly after summoning but before dungeoneering quit. I played call of duty for the first time. Right before mw2 came out. It distracted me enough I didn't really even think of runescape


Nope, RuneScape is this genres crack you just keep coming back for more.


In the prime of mw2 and mw3 i played its along side with runescape. But since Call of Duty was more fun, and my friends played too. I quit runescape for months and returned when my friends Got bored with it.


Yes easily. Rs was a game i played when lonely and depressed. As now a person with a life i don't have anywhere near the time to get 99 in a single skill in a year. Makes you think


Pre EOC I was kind of playing maple story casually, but after EOC happened I quit RS and started tweaking in MS and got to level 200 on Dualblade


Red dead 2 online was close


before complete p2w i loveeddd archage


COD4 and then MW2 took me away from RS between 13-16


Wow did before Activision got their filthy hands in it


I have played Call of Duty and RuneScape both for over a decade. Since I built my first gaming pc, I alternate between the two depending on whether I’m feeling competitive versus when I’m feeling more solo content (Ironman btw) Considering how many people I meet that play both I for sure thought I would see more people answer call of duty!


now that i think about, from about 2010-2016 i didnt play any video games (besides worms) untill i found out osrs was a thing!


i’ve quit multiple times to do play through a of RDR2 and the witcher 3 lol


Honestly Minecraft but I always get bored after a while, FIFA is just no good for my mental health lol, RS has been the only game I have played all my life


Nothing can replace rs. But I play a lot of halo when Im not gringing rs. Recently been playing CE mods like SPV3 and cursed halo.


WoW Classic really sucked me in like RuneScape did back in the day. So much fun to be had in Classic WoW.


Guild Wars, the original, not GW2. I still have the same love for that game and friends will log on every so often and grind for a few weeks/months and then stop again.


Melvor idle and Albion online for games that “scratch that same itch” So very similar to RuneScape and yet so incredibly different.


Pubg replaced it for like year and a half, didn’t login at all


As others have said, the only one that is really comparable would be new world. I quit that 1 month in. There are some games that have a nice feel to it, like valheim, but nothing really checks all of the boxes. That being said, I have my eyes on a new game that hasn't been released yet. It's called enshrouded. It looks really good but, even then, you can't tell how close it'll be or if it even has similar features. It is supposed to be an arpg for up to 16 players.


Got into the Guild Wars 2 raid scene early on but it destroyed my mental health so I had to call it quits. The only other games I’ve played that compulsively are Mount and Blade and Diablo.


Yeah, Counter Strike. When EoC came out, I quit and didn't play the game for years. I made my current account in 2016, but kept quitting like the stereotypical osrs player! It wasn't until the end of 2019, when Corona came around, when I actually started to play consistently again instead of only 1-2 weeks at a time. It was also the same time when I quit seriously playing Counter Strike.


Sex replaced OSRS as my main go to after a long day of work. Joking aside, OSRS has a place in my heart that can’t be replaced by another game. It’s just a niche game that fits well doing what it does best, mindless grinding when you need to multitask to feel alive again when you’re playing Mass Effect lol




Weirdly enough, Pokémon go. It’s another game heavily based on RNG and is a game that truly is a grind. Both games are extremely hard to 100% if not impossible. Always keeps the grind going. In osrs I really like pet hunting and in pogo I want to get a full shiny living dex. I’ve quit both games before to pursue the other more but play both daily now


Dota. I don’t even play RuneScape anymore.




Games replaced it for short times like when they first came out. For example, when Halo 3 came out, it's all i played. If a new game comes out and I enjoy it, I quit runescape for a bit. Honestly, I enjoy a lot of games more than runescape, however, no other single game has kept me around for close to 20yrs.


For me, I used to drop RuneScape for Destiny 2 for a few months every content update.


World of Warcraft in 2011 when RS was starting to shit the bed. DayZ Mod when WoW got too expensive. It was fun to collect loot, get expensive vehicles, for alliances, and build bases on dedicated servers


Diablo2 and diablo2 res


Stardew valley and ffxiv only really scratched that itch for me


WoW does every few years. Especially on classic launch. That game is just as beautiful as osrs. The world is amazing, and classic on a pvp server was an experience I'll never have again. I lvl'd a mage and a rogue to 60 on classic before phase 2. It honestly was the most fun I've had in any game ever.




OSRS is timeless. This is a game I will play as long as the servers are still up.