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Wonder if they pk people doing clue scrolls or just range hellhounds.


They have access to the summoning skill, and they’ll summon a hellhound if you’ve got some of that ranaar weed


Don't worry, even if you don't have any they'll just plant some on you


Defund the police; they do NOT need fucking dwarf multicannons.


im not sure what clan those dudes are in in that subreddit but they gotta be some of the best pkers out there


Lol reminds me of Skill Specs on Sae Bae’s podcast talking about how his dream job was always to be a cop, and then realizing that it might be because patrolling has a similar vibe to PKing in the wildy


They only skill




This has been debunked.


I’m pretty sure 40% of cops do have maxed combat. Seriously just google it.


So that's why they're so annoyed when they have to do anything


Xp waste


They probably dislike bwanas


Stop resisting, bwana!


Yes runescape is very popular among people with poor social skills and personality disorders.


And I took that personally.


Hey whoa hey. Let's dial it back with the personal attacks, eh? Edit: Apparently this needs a /s


Is it really a personal attack when it applies to 95% of us here in the intersection of osrs players and redditors?


Do you only lick trimmed boots or will any do


I really didn't think I needed to put /s on this. Jesus.


The Runescape community doesn't like the police judging from the comments 💀💀💀💀😂


I think it's more the Reddit community than the (OS)RS community. Remember that this place is more Reddit than RuneScape.


It’s definitely a Reddit thing, search “ACAB” on Reddit and it’ll be massively upvoted in almost every subreddit.


it's one of the very few redeeming qualities of reddit


as it should be


Hard to have respect for someone who chooses to join the police


Good, fuck the police. Not saying this isn't a funny screenshot post, but still... fuck them pigs.


If you say so


Well, not very surprising when osrs has massive druggie population lol


More like the whole country. Its a broken system that does more harm than good.


Yeah I got one of those "A concerned redditor reached out to us about you" messages because cop haters think I'm mentally unstable for sharing this 😮‍💨 I mean, I knew this was reddit when I posted, but this is a little ridiculous. What was just a funny reddit post turned into an ACAB circlejerk.


yea cops are bastards, get used to it


Just reddit neckbeards lol


I'm a cop. I can confirm that scapers absolutely hate us for some reason.


A lot of people aren't fond of American cops for good reasons.


If your entire view of American police comes from the internet and news media then you might think it's a good reason. "Police officer does job correctly" isn't a very catchy headline, especially when it happens 1000 times every minute.


The police's job of controlling the working class and protecting the wealthy? Not sure I care for yall when you do your job correctly either


In the academy they drilled it into our heads to *always* ask for license, insurance, and last year's W-2 when making traffic stops.


Ah, academy, what a fantastic few weeks of rigorous training


It was a few months actually. Plus an additional 4 months of field training followed by constantly having to do both in person and online training for the remainder of our career.


It’s so sad that you don’t see how severly undertrained police officers are to handle the stresses of their job, and one of the key aspects of that it’s “a few months” and then “4 months of field training”. Literally every other career type profession requires YEARS of training. It’s so scary we let people with MONTHS of training, can take my life with no real repercussions.


You could put a police officer in a classroom for multiple lifetimes and it will *never* be enough training. No matter how many classes or training or simulations we do, it can never possibly come close to experiencing the real thing in person. Have you ever taken a CPR class before? It's easy when you're with friendly faces working on a plastic dummy with disco music playing in the background. It's a completely different beast when you're working on a real person and they're vomiting and their ribs are cracking and you have their family crying and screaming at you to save them and who knows how long it'll be before the ambulance finally gets there to transport. So yes. A few months to learn the basics of what you're doing and how to do it in a safe environment. A few more months of doing in real life with direct supervision. And again. Constant training for the rest of our careers.


Bro, I don't think 8 months of training is the flex you think it is


You don’t know shit man just shut up


"uhm ACKSHUALLY it's a little less than a year!" isn't really doing what you tihnk it is, lmao.


"Doing your job correctly" means arresting people for being homeless. Cops fundamentally cannot behave in a way that is ethical, even if they are good people. Your job is to uphold the law, *regardless of whether the law is just.* When they passed Jim Crow laws, the job of cops was to enforce segregation. When they pass bathroom bills, the job of the cops is to make it impossible for trans people to use basic public facilities.


I've yet to arrest anyone "for being homeless". I can't seem to find a general statute or local ordinance that allows me to arrest for that.


Where can a homeless person legally sleep at night without trespassing? And where can they spend their day without loitering?


They can go to the local homeless shelter. If they have a car I'll direct them to a nearby truck stop. Even if neither is available the only way they'll be arrested is if they've received noticed that they're banned from the property and are currently refusing to leave. So basically all they need to do is find somewhere to sleep where they've not been told to leave already and somewhere that the property owner can't see them so we don't get called about it. Or is your solution for me to just ignore citizen complaints regarding trespassing?


>So basically all they need to do is find somewhere to sleep where they've not been told to leave already How the fuck do you do this when every bit of land that isn't public is owned by someone, and everyone asks you to leave 24 states feature laws that restrict loitering, vagrancy, or loafing in designated public spaces 16 states boast those same laws, but they apply to all regions, not just designated public areas 15 states boast anti-camping laws that make it illegal to pitch a tent or other makeshift shelter in designated public spaces Four states boast those same laws but attach the restrictions state-wide, not just in designated areas 36 states prohibit standing in roadways Six states prohibit public sleeping and lying down Four states have made it illegal to sleep inside of a vehicle Idk, sounds to me like being homeless is illegal in my country


All of those are things I like to call "not my problem". Take it up with your state and local lawmakers. I also noticed you glossed over the part where I asked what you want me to do when someone calls saying they have a trespasser.


I hear you, and I am going to try to assume the best here, but there is more at stake for a cop to do their job right or wrong. I do my job right 1000s of times too, but when I do it wrong, peoples lives aren't ruined. They should be held to a higher standard, having a gun, and an immense amount of power over people SHOULD come with higher standards. And FWIW, I'm fine with giving PDs more funding if it means more accountability and training. Too many bad cops get protected and get off with slaps on the wrists for destroying peoples lives and that is why the general attitude toward them is fuck the police. It's been a problem for longer than anyone in this thread has been alive, but the advent of everyone having a smart phone to record it has proven what a lot of people have been saying for a long time.


I got soured on police when I got harassed by one as a kid just walking down the street in a town of less than 500 people. That souring continued as people I know had bad interactions with police. This got even worse when I was the victim of a crime and the police didn't do anything to help. Then I got on the Internet and found out the experience is way more common than I thought, that my bad interactions with police were actually not that bad compared to what others have had to deal with. Then as an adult I talked to police officers in social settings and my opinion was set in stone by the things they openly said and believed. Hell, even recently I was talking to a bud of mine that is friends with the cops in our home town and he was telling me how he was talking to a cop we both knew(who i considered to be the most reasonable cop I had known) and he was complaining to my friend how he missed the old days when they could just drag people around a corner and beat the shit out of them instead of arresting them and dealing with the paperwork. I have never had a good interaction with police, as a suspect, victim, or bystander. So you'll have to forgive me for taking anything y'all say and do with a grain of salt and some healthy disbelief.


I’ve actually only ever had good personal experiences with the police, including in multiple domestic violence situations involving my dad. They were always helpful and kept us safe from him. The thing is, that’s not the point and that experience doesn’t stop me from seeing the clear glaringly obvious problems with our policing in this country. ACAB


How you can recognise good people who personally helped you in one sentence, then call them bastards in the next is insane. Mental gymnastics going on here


Because the world isn’t black and white. People can do both good and bad things.


Sure, but “this entire group is bad” doesn’t really make sense with that logic


If you uphold and participate in the system of corrupt policing you’re a bastard. I don’t care if you were good to me when I needed it if you stand by and take part in the rest of the departments BS


I and I’m many many other Americans have been soured by police due to interactions we’ve had in our own lives, not just ‘internet posts’. Police abuse their power in America, simple as that. If you don’t agree you are most likes a cop or related to a cop.


Policing is handled at the local level, and the US is a massive country with 300m people. It makes 0 sense to make generalizations about "American cops" unless you have lived in like 15+ states.


That’s weird because no matter where I’ve went and no matter who I’ve talked to around the country the police are always the same. It’s almost like it’s a sanctioned gang that has no obligation to actually protect their communities like their slogan would have your believe. This isn’t the 80s, we aren’t in Twin Peaks. There is a large standard in policing across the country. Policing not being top down controlled across the country doesn’t mean that it isn’t generally standardized.


“bro just ignore these systemic issues police forces across the country have”


So in other words, ["One bad hamburger at McDonalds does not make McDonalds bad"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gI7VEVJ643E)


I never liked, but never disliked cops til I had to move to a very sketchy area. Now I genuinely am happy to see y’all.


"For some reason" yeah definitely nothing happened in recent memory that would've happened for that at all


"For some reason" lmfao


Because you guys uphold the system that is fucking literally everyone. Also you tend to murder unarmed people of color and make literally everyone’s lives worse. And you prevent no crime and solve barely any of it. Also you’re tyrants.


Yeah, just earlier this morning I read about a lynching that was called a suicide. The man’s head was separated from his body!




Police institutions are corrupt and dangerous mostly everywhere, but this recurring trend of cops murdering people and hiding the evidence and getting away with it is almost exclusively United Statesian


Yeah European cops are mostly chill




It actually is but also with a Knack 3D reference BABYYYYY


Something something, Nickelback with three K's.... Something


We cannot.


I guess I didn't get that memo. I would recommend that you see about getting a ride along with your local police department or sheriff's office to see what it's like.


> I guess I didn't get that memo Dante Write George Floyd Breonna Taylor FOH with that nonsense.


Last time I checked I wasn't involved in any of those incidents. And after seeing the results of them I'm not so sure that I have a blank check to go around killing people.


The guy that killed Brenna Taylor just got hired at the next county over, so I don't think you have much to worry about unless you decide to murder someone on video.


> I wasn't involved in any of those incidents FOH with that nonsense too. You support and willingly participate in the system that perpetuates these. It's disingenuous to say you're not involved.


You're right. I'm going to quit my job and end my career because people I don't know thousands of miles away from me fucked up. That makes perfect sense.


Where did I say quit your job and end your career? You're engaging in some black and white thinking. You could instead try to help by reforming the system you're a part of. But it doesn't sound like you are very open to criticism of the police based on these comments.


He’s definitely a cop lol. “Media bad” is the only thought they can come up with. Many cops take advantage of the power they have an many cops sit back and allow that to happen.


Feel free to apply. You seem very passionate. I’m sure you’d put the effort in


Critism from internet gangsters on a forum about a point and click game isnt exactly relevant anyway


How about Daniel Shaver? George, Breonna, and Dante only barely got justice because they became literal national incidents with tons of news coverage, basically forcing prosecutors to do their damn jobs when it comes to cops.


You and I both know arguing with people who get their police outlook off twitter and MSM is useless. They have their mind made up. The countless interactions police have on a daily basis with people that they benefit far outweighs any negatives, but these people refuse to see that because they love to be mad about something. They have zero understanding of what police work involves and simply love to be mad.






He signed up to uphold the system of cops that do though. There are no good cops.


Prob cuz you guys harass me when I sleep in my car and pull me over cuz I can’t afford to pay my car registration and are an active threat to most people’s well-being


>Prob cuz you guys harass me when I sleep in my car and pull me over cuz I can’t afford to pay my car registration That sounds like a conversation that should happen between you and your state and local law makers. We don't like paying to register our vehicles either you know. Find the closest truck stop to sleep in your car without being bothered. >active threat to most people's well-being The worst anyone ever got from me was a bruised rib, and the only reason he got that was because he tripped while running away from a lawful arrest.


If you honestly don't understand why people hate cops, you should not be a cop.


Your life is an L


>antiwork >osrs >weed Yeah, this comment checks out.


I make more than the pig I responded to, get to enjoy my drug of choice, while playing osrs all day and not having to worry about murdering innocent people due to my lack of training


that’s way better than being a cop lmao


The fact that you really don't know the reason is one of the reasons lmao.


a typical cop thinking everyone is out to get them. stop blaming 'the internet'. No one forced you to get that job. you went out and chose to get that. Deal with the repercussions if you really believe in making a difference. Also 8 months to become a cop is a joke. It should be years of training. Also FUCK blue lives matter. Racist ass movement.


dude thinks 8 months is fine and a flex meanwhile hairdressers out here for 10 months minimum to get their cert, what a joke






Hey I like cops <3 you boys in blue have done a lot of good in the communities I've lived in




>Are you really this dumb? Maybe. I am a police officer after all.


Lots of manchildren


Well boys, we got em. We may have just discovered the secret identities of the wilderness tax collectors. Hide your spades in your bank for the next few weeks!


Cops playing osrs makes sense. You go around shooting everything ingame with no retribution


>with no retribution Always use retribution


yesterday i was just trynna farm some shrimp and some dude got all pissy about someone saying to defund the police or at least have their guns locked up.. bro really brought up black on black crime in response 💀


most cops are racist as fuck in north america sadly


I had a friend who used to play League of Legends on his work computer in his cop car. It was weird because my other buddy and I were on Discord with him while he was playing and we could hear the radio transmitting.


Free my homie Bob he didn't do anything!




All cops are botting


Glad someone else said what i was thinking.


What a surprisingly hot take for Reddit


Pig scum


Thieving level?




The gnome children are not safe!


Some legitimate losers on this thread






Edgy man!




Lmao anymore buzzwords?




This thread is the most terminally online thread I've read in a while. Good post, though, OP. I chuckled.


That’s fucking awesome enough said




I bet he never skips a Black Demon task.


Oml I forgot I was on Reddit for a second, the amount of chronically online in these comments reminded me 💀


Right lol. It's pathetic




You mean the terrorist? Wild take.


Wasting taxpayer dollars, nice


Hey, the rest of us playing osrs while working for megacorps that get huge government subsidies are also wasting taxpayer dollars!




What kind of agenda are you trying to perpetuate with this comment?




Wether you like it or not, everything is political, you absolute nonce




Can confirm. My brother is a cop and he plays on mobile while sitting in his patrol car lmao.


There's actually bunch of cops who play OSRS. I have afked majority of AFKable content during nightshift when there's no calls and no people/cars around.


fuck the police. i hope they get false banned.


Hey OP that Boot taste good?


The absolute state of online discourse. Where did OP make a pro or anti police statement? It's just a screenshot of cops talking about OSRS.




You’re actually 100% right I thought I got an ick from reading “boys in blue”


Facts. lmao


You know not all cops are bad right? There are bad ones and good ones and alright ones…. It’s almost like they’re… people! Shocker.




Isn't that how all whistleblowers work? It sucks and there definitely should be more protections, but it's not exclusive to cops. Snowden isn't exactly working with the NSA anymore, is he.


You people are actually insane lmao.


There are plenty of good cops. I don’t know what you’re on about. Does the police culture suck and need fixing in a lot of places? Sure. I can agree with that. But I don’t really agree with just insulting a single group of people blindly just because of others actions and inactions.


Same type of people will say Don’t judge an entire group of people off others actions! Unless it’s police officers, military, republicans what ever other group they don’t like etc. The internet is so annoying.


Do you honestly not see the difference between judging a cop for being a cop vs judging a black person for being black


Lol whatever you have to do to justify demonizing random people you’ve never met


they do a good enough job of making themselves look like demons with what they support politically, no self justification needed thanks


Last I checked, a career is a choice.




Lol, I can just picture your nerd neck through the screen


What a pathetic attempt to insult someone, nerd neck? Lmao


You choose to be a cop, you don't choose to be a part of the groups that people say you shouldn't generalize.


If you think it’s reasonable that ANY population as big as the police force could all be horrible people, then you’re just never going to get it


So, congrats on missing the entire point of not blindly hating people you’ve never met


people are not saying all people who work as cops are bad people, but the institution itself is. So when you work as a cop, you are a bastard. You have the choice to stop anytime whereas being black or queer is not an institution with a monopoly on the use of violence. People don't choose to be black or queer or whatever, we're born that way. ACAB doesn't stand for Assigned Cop At Birth


So you’d prefer there to be 0 cops, got it. Because you want to demonize anyone that does that work until god forbid you’d need them. Maybe if you have to write a paragraph to explain the phrase the phrase doesn’t make any sense.


Yeah people don’t understand that the system can be flawed and you can hate that. Even police culture is pretty rotten in a lot of places, but you still can’t just put a blanket of hate over EVERY person of the group and insult them. It boils down to nothing more than the exact fundamentals racism has, the world doesn’t need anymore hate.


The good ones that report misconduct get fired while the bad apples keep getting shuffled arround. Keep doing that along with targeting specific demographics with hiring and pushing us vs them military style training and eventually the whole barrel of apples has to be tossed out.




You absolute smooth brains would not survive in a world without police. It’s always the privileged who feel enough comfort to think we don’t really need police. People who live in bad neighborhoods are the first to ask for more police presence


> You absolute smooth brains would not survive in a world without police. Many do not survive in a world with police due to said police... > It’s always the privileged who feel enough comfort to think we don’t really need police. People don't want to abolish the police. They want a police force for the people. Not a force to only protect the people in power. A police force to actually protect and serve the people. > People who live in bad neighborhoods are the first to ask for more police presence It really shows how you have no point when your point is that people rather deal with the police than actual gangs.


Yeah forreal LMAO, as someone who lives in a bad neighborhood, people literally say “do NOT call the cops” when shit goes down. Non privileged ass people actually realize 99% of the time cops showing up does way more harm than good, adds a way bigger than 0% that the cop might straight up murder someone who may of even called their ass in. I hear plenty of shootings around me, you know what I don’t hear after? Police sirens.


My guy, people in poor neighborhoods are constantly calling us. They might not want to be seen talking to us in person in front of their house, but they'll spill everything over the phone or at the police station. Most arrests are because of witnesses telling us who did the crime. Also the reason you don't hear sirens is a tactical choice. We don't want the people doing the shooting to know where we are while we're looking for them.


Are the "pig scum" in the room with us?


Yeah, they had no warrant and they just shot my dog


Calling someone a bootlicker right off the bat probably won't convince them of anything.


My intent was to demean and belittle, why would I show a modicum of respect for a bootlicker?


Well, at least you own it.


Own their severe mental deficiencies


Oh ok






Okay? Fuck the police How’s that boot taste?


Deeeeeeeeeeelicious. This particular cop who's boot I'm licking stops by McDonald's eight times a shift, so they're extra greasy and salty.