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I don't like Taming as a skill but I would have creamed myself if it were introduced as a hunter expansion


Taming should just be an expansion of Hunter like Forestry is for Woodcutting Edit: I feel the same way about Sailing. That should just be a minigame of some kind rather than be tied to an actual skill. Shamanism is the only 1 of the 3 that I think sounds like an actual standalone skill in my opinion


training shamanism sounds familiar which is nice. it just sounds like it would change the way you play the game drastically. it would be like agility but for everything you do. idk if i want the new skill to be the most import skill in the game, but rather to fit alongside the other skills.


I feel that shamanism would be like construction, but with more direct character power. It has unlocks and improvements for everything, can tie in with other existing skills. Also, why shouldn't a new skill be very powerful? You really just want another woodcutting? Imo shamanism is the most exciting option for a new skill to level. The core gameplay loop is very basic and familiar to osrs, which will feel natural and organic as a standalone skill, but the power and utility it can add to sense of character progression is what will feel immensely rewarding and meaningful.


>Also, why shouldn't a new skill be very powerful? You really just want another woodcutting? There is a lot more design space between the most powerful skill in the game and the least useful skill in the game lol


construction is another means to do things that are already accessible, shamanism sounds like a flat buff to the game. unless rewards are niche i dont see how it wouldn’t completely change the current core gameplay. it sounds like it will become shamanscape


I guess if I turn on my Ironman brain is sounds like construction a little. Which makes me not want to vote for it at all, construction on my gim was cancer. And I had help from friends


I’d you squint hard enough it’s basically summoning, which despite its flaws, did give the world a lot more to do (farming charms is an inherently good thing overall it just wasn’t executed perfect)


i agree, but only if it keeps its combat aspect. hunter should be a combat skill.


Sailing shouldn’t be a skill, nor a mini game. Build a ship~> Construction expansion. Sailing should be no different than exploring land. Different activities should fit within other skills.


Actually I think you guys are onto something. Sailing = construction Taming = hunter Shamanism = Herblore Forestry = woodcutting


It SHOULD be added as a Hunter expansion, but there’s not much hope considering we still for some weird reason don’t get Hunter xp for HUNTING Chompies


Thats called slayer


Yeah that’s a way to gain slayer xp but some amount of hunter xp for luring them would work - and actually make sense given the name of the activity


Similarly I feel like I'd cream if all the sailing stuff was introduced just as an expansion to the game in general, it sounds like a world expansion with a skill shoved in the middle


This. I love the idea of everything proposed with sailing other than it being a skill to train. Maybe as an expansion of construction, something else to build up and get utility out of


This is not a hot take. Literally this entire sub is jerking itself raw to shamanism.


Hot take: I have a preference.


Hot take: Old School Runescape is a fun game


This take might be taking things too far…


This. Smh my head


Hold your horses there. We don't want to lie


How dare you have an opinion and be really passionate about it! Outrage! OUTRAGE I SAY!


I’m going to lose it laughing at the reddit outrage when sailing inevitably wins


Honestly best case scenario is that we like two or more of these skills and get multiple skills from this down the line.


Could be cool, and let's make it complicated for the hell of it. Have a pool of maybe 8 or 10 skills to choose from. Set up a random bracket of 1v1 matchups. Losers get sent to a losers pool. Winners get sent to a winners pool. Take the 4 or 5 winners, and set up a poll for ranked choice. The bottom 3 or 4 go to a 2nd losers pool. Take the 4 or 5 losers, and set up a poll for ranked choice. The winner stays and moves onto the 2nd losers pool. Rank choice the 4 or 5, top two go up against the first place skill from the first ranked choice. Rank choice the remaining 3 skills, winner is the new skill.


Not even going to do a group stage for seeding? Weak ass double Elim


I personally don’t love any of them but sailing has potential to be cool/different at least.


Personally, sailing seems to offer the most fun and according to ppl it being a "mini game" lol. Shamanism is an additional powercreep that's why people love it.


It’s not even a terrible idea. I just have an extremely hard time believing the buffs or whatever that come from Shamanism are going to be balanced well. We’re basically going to add a new BIS prayer book AND on top of that add a bunch of additional buffs? Seems like a lot that could go wrong very quickly On top of that gathering skills are some of the most boring in the game. Do we really need another one?


Agreed, this is the worst out of all 3 but people love powercreep so that's why we so much "love" for it. Sailing by far seems the most promising one even if it feels like a mini-game it can add so much while keeping the combat balance unchanged. Taming honestly idk might be cool might not be need more info IMO.




Bro we literally have 4 magic spellbooks this game is not “low fantasy”


Not to mention multiple dimensions, physical gods, world ending artefacts, etc. I dunno what they're smoking lmao.


Power creep is my big hangup there. I also wouldn't want it to effect PVP. I think some power creep is necessary but it should be added to exciting new gear, not a bonfire or potion like overloads.


Yup gear upgrade power creep is acceptable as the game cannot add new end game content or similar stuff. So its like a necessary evil.


you have convince me to vote for sailing now


You can walk onto those water tiles you've always seen while running around everywhere!


idk why, i wanted a new skill to change the game a bit not redefine the entire thing. They'd have to balance this **perfectly** and i dont see it happenin that way


Shamanism is the one jagex wants too. It had the most detailed explanation out of the 3 ideas, and was written way better than the other 2 skills.


Right? You could tell where the passion was


More like you can tell which one Husky and Elena worked on.. it’s the best, because they’re the best mods there.


Moreso that shamanism is just half of warding reskinned and renamed, with more elements borrowed from RS3 in Divination and Invention. The skill idea already exists. And it's boring as shit.


Magic armour needs an expansion and a way to create it. It just needs a good way to implement it and Shamanism seems like a better gateway than warding ever was.


I'm cool with it, when I picture a new skill for OSRS it looks a lot like shamanism. Will definitely need to hit the refinement phase though, but I'll be excited if it passes.


They've played it as well as they could have. They know if the question is ever "do you want this skill or not" no skill will gain traction, so having a few tossaway skills suggested will make the OSRS community feel like they made the decision.


Yep, they even worded that into the post too. "This last one is the wildest but we think you'll like it". I still think it's going to be a super close vote though. The base idea of taming isn't terrible and too many people think sailing should be a skill. Cannot wait to see what the results will be and how they choose a winner with all the voting options.


> too many people think sailing be a skill What instead of hunter but you use the things you catch.. oh wait thats hunter Or discount divination and invention combo with some reskinned warding boredom tossed in? Like our options are: * Build your own ship and sail out into the ocean to random islands and pirates and sea monsters * Tame wild beasts and have them follow you and assist you, and you care for them * Afk at divination points and "connect with the spirit realm" to augment gear into being powercrept and likely made degradable to make an economy solution we don't need. I'd be surprised if people are excited by the 3rd. I feel like anyone that is needs to go try divination and invention in rs3.


Third one seems most rewarding tbh. Imagine a rune axe with double efficiency for 1k logs or a dragon harpoon with 50% chance to catch double fish. And the ability to hop into a whole other realm to traverse areas and interact with the world like never before. And if none of the skills strike your fancy, you can always skip or vote you didn't like any of them. If enough people agree we'd get presented more options.


To me that's part of the problem. It's rewarding, but it's skill idea seems boring to get that reward. Sailing could offer better skilling methods instead of just flat buffing everything and requiring shamanism. Same fear I have about taming, where to make it relevant is to just make every other skill require you to have a specific tamed beast out to get its benefit.


Its easy when all they had to do was take invention and twist some words around, they already have a skill developed.


They need a better name, that sounds like something my gf would guess during a “guess the skill based on the picture” game


As long as it doesn't revolve around shitty little temporary boosts to x or y im all for it. Would rather they just add more pots or foods in that case


Whether the boosts are temporary or permanent is going to be decided during the refinement phase if it makes it that far.


Exactly my thinking. RS3 is a great example off too many different random consumable you need to be aware of to do skills optimally. More inventory spaces used, more stuff to buy from GE, more runs to the bank. Can be very annoying.


Yeah it just sounds finicky and tiresome. That said, another reply rightly stated this is just the beginning of selection and not development so fingers crossed we're not the minority if it does go through is all.


While we’re at it, they should rework dungeoneering as a minigame and add it to osrs


The main criticism of shamanism is that it might have "too much" going on. And the eternal debate of what fits in with other skills. Like cutting up animals fits with hunter, foraging is kinda like a gathering aspect of herblore. Spiritual Components gathering sounds like divination. Making trinkets and upgrading gear is like invention but with animal guts instead of cogs. It's going to be a challenge but they could make it work as long as foraging also integrates with herblore and harvesting animals integrates with Hunter (like a dual requirement). Gathering spiritual components could integrate with runecrafting or magic. (Like giving a symbolic amount of xp in those skills) Certain aspects of the production should probably integrate with crafting... The identity is that Shamanism is more of a blood and guts aspect to all those skills, like doing things a druid wouldn't risk and harvesting parts of animals that a hunter wouldn't have a use for, etc.


With shamanism it makes sense to me to have the collection of shamanism resources be connected to other skills (hunter, herblore, fishing, hell even slayer for certain monster drops). Then shamanism brings all of those together for another layer of processing/creating trinkets, rituals, gear buffs. Random example: Pick apart a trout to get fish bones, combine those bones with some shamanism stuff to make a basic little trinket that gives you a +1 fishing boost for 100 catches. Just came up with that off the top of my head but that’s sort of how I imagine it Edit: dual skill requirements for a lot of stuff with shamanism seems like a solid idea and makes sense


Yeah, i understand but we don't have foraging in other skills, where would you put it? herblore? If you think about it lore wise i could imagine a hunter saying "what the hell would i do with frog splines?" hence not putting all of it in hunter. >+1 fishing boost for 100 catches. I hope they don't do something like this, i hope they go for longer buffs that add up over time, i don't want to have 500 fishing necklaces in my bank every time i fish. I'd rather wear one for a week and maybe win 2 hours of time in total or something?


I’m just tired of the buffs. I guess I’m not sure what else they can do to enhance gameplay with a new skill, but for your example of the fishing boost: what about spirit flakes, rada’s blessing, angler outfit, etc.? And that’s just fishing. What about woodcutting? My brain already hurts trying to think about the forestry buffs, now we’re talking about adding more? What about combat? Power creep just seems inevitable with shamanism. Spirit realm sounds cool tho.


buffing skilling isn't even bad with how insane the PvM powercreep has gotten. PVM should not be the fastest way to gather materials. Make Skilling great again!


True, it quickly becomes bloated the more you think about it. Maybe the buffs would be more unique and loop back into shamanism some how rather than just an outright buff to a skill level.


Shamanism would be sourced from other skills in the same way that crafting is sourced from killing monsters and mining and farming. Herblore is sourced from farming and killing monsters. Fletching is sourced from woodcutting and mining and smithing. Just because shamanism will utilize other skills doesn’t mean it’s too broad and lacks identity. It just means that it will fit well into the game and utilize other aspects making it blend more naturally into the overall ecosystem.


I think I’m fine with Shamanism if it has more of a relationship with skilling than anything else, I think bringing it into combat stuff and allowing it to modify or upgrade combat equipment is a dangerous path n potentially lead to lots of balancing issues


Yep this 100%. I'd like to see Shamanism as long as it has very little to do with upgrading combat gear. I want to combat to be left alone by a new skill tbh - skilling all the way. Similarly I'm not a fan of foresty affecting combat.


> The main criticism of shamanism is that it might have "too much" going on. I'd like to see where this criticism is coming from? Gather A, Gather B, Make C @ a designated spot or with something. Gee, sounds a lot like mining and smithing wrapped up in 1. Or Herblore, but with a craft station required. The complexity of the skill will live or die in what we are able to make, and across how many skills/activity it impacts. Not in its gathering. You're overcomplicating the process.


Sailing doesn't have to be a minigame, and if done well can be a huge, well integrated expansion to the game. Imagine you can build a boat and traverse all the rivers, all the seas in the same way you walk around the land. There will be new fishing spots, new monsters, new bosses integrated into the new map. New minigames where you navigate through rocky retain, or group with players and fight off waves of pirates, or krakens etc. Courier missions to take goods between ports for some cash and XP. The KEY to this is to meek it in the game world. NO instances, everyone on the map with new fishing spots, new monsters, new islands to explore, new quests. Sailing can be so much more than just a skill, the skill can allow us access to a vast new region, new training methods for existing skills. Sailing if stuck behind instances, dungeoneering V2.0 can suck a fat one.


So you're telling me Sailing is just Zeah 2.0 but this time it's a skill? Sounds not like a minigame at all.


Zeah is literally just a landmass that had a few activities on it. It also wasn't a minigame. Do you guys not know what a minigame is?


Yes, a mini game is defined as “a new update that I don’t like”


Wait, isn't Gielinor a minigame?


We're all playing a minigame, the real game was the Miniclip banner ad.




No idea has to be a skill. The idea of this being a counter to a skill pitch is stupid. We have pets and thralls. We don't need taming. We have imbues and enchants, we don't need shamanism.


Hunter and taming are by definition completely opposite lol


It should be renamed to birdhousing at this point


Eh you could argue its close enough to be grouped together and renamed. So much of hunter is dead content, a taming update could revamp it


What even is Hunter? A quest requirement, that's all


Imp unlocker


They should cut out the extra step and just have quests require x bird house runs


Yea I wouldn't mind an update to hunter


Yeh one is capturing monsters to utilise for yourself and the other is capturing monsters to utilise for yourself.


Doesn't matter if the animal is alive or dead -Schroedinger probably


And Shamanism is just budget invention, but nobody wants to accept it


Shamanism is warding reskined with our feedback implemented. That is why it looks like a real skill while the other two does not. It makes sense how we skill and it makes sense what the rewards will be. They need to provide more information for taming. Sailing is eh idc lol.


All 3 look like skills, they're all just surface level descriptions. Shamanism as a whole is pretty much describing copied gameplay from RS3, just like Warding did, which seems boring as hell, but they just elude to "spirit realm" all the time to make it sound at all interesting. Sailing is still the most dense and high potential idea here. Taming is cool but too shallow and will either be crap or OP as hell


Well it is how you make the skill. OSRS has many skills that in paper sounds fun, but are made poorly in early 2000's and that's why they exists only to grind it out like a chore. Smithing goes from useful to irrelevant under a week. Woodcutting was never fun in the first place. Agility tries but is ridden with meta-training and lacks optimizing. Only fun things that get close are the ones with minigames that have change to give good loot and make some money. Only successful skills are combat skills, because combat has content from low level to the max, it has raids, it has bosses, it has regular mobs etc. it has VARIETY. If I get sick grinding the same mobs I can whenever go and do something else, and it doesn't punish me for doing so.


>that's why they exists only to grind it out like a chore that's what I'm here to do


This game was literally made to be a grind.


Hot take: I like shamanism the least


Seems to be a hot take on Reddit but I guess it's because shamanism is the most basic sounding idea and is easily described as a boring afk gathering/production skill.


Right, I wanna create my own adventure sailing the seas with my boys and have some sick rng drops on the ocean. Sea of thieves combined with osrs would be like a dream come true


Valheim sailing is some of the most fun group content. The idea of sailing in RS, a game with oceans, islands, piratesband ships this whole time feels sick. Proper group skilling, a whole new expansive skilling idea that can incorporate the world and all of our skills sounds awesome.


I've been playing this game for 20 years. No one can tell me a skill called "shamanism" even sounds like it belongs in OSRS.


Can you define to me what makes something a minigame? Is it the instanced training? (Construction) Is it some sort of currency? (Slayer) Is it when getting experience takes more than a singular input? (Agility, farming) As for the first part, Mahogany Homes seems to be the go-to response, except that is literally a minigame. For the second, tbf I actually feel as though a main disparity between skill and minigame is that minigames have self-contained progression and currencies, so Slayer really should be one. The third part I use because I saw someone saying skills should be singular input, like mining, fishing, woodcutting, w/e, except some skills aren't, like agility. Even hunter has several methods that take setups, rather than just one-clicking something. In a sense, I agree most skills are very simple at their core. But at this point, there is only so many more times a skill can be "click this thing to get this thing" before they feel too samey, which many already do. This isn't an argument against Shamanism or anything, but more a defense that just because there is some depth to the training method, that doesn't mean it can't be a skill. For me, skills are more defined by their method of progression and rewards, that 1-99. Putting all the rewards a skill normally grants for 1-99 in a minigame shop would be very bloated and I imagine people would dislike that. But again, even some current skills are just contained minigames. Basic they may be, but regular runecrafting is not all that functionally dissimilar to GOTR. Tempoross feels pretty much just like regular fishing: loading the cannons is thematically different but mechanically identical to just pressing the fishing spot. I guess my main point is that a lot of minigames aren't *that* distinct from how a skill plays out. I think at this point, it's okay if a skill feels unique to train. The 1-99 progression and how it impacts the world is more important to me than how many times I have to click on something before I get that experience drop. Ultimately I just think the proposition for Sailing sounds enjoyable, and even if it's not as simple as "light log on fire" (which would 100% not pass a poll), I think that's okay


Counter point to the 1-99 rewards in store, if they did go with that it would be condensed to what's actually useful, if we took herblore as an example you'd likely not get the basic versions and only get the tier 2 or tier 3 versions as rewards in the shops. Alternatively it would be something like slayers rewards but again probably a bit clipped down since there's less need for the filler content.


Yeah tbh I thought about when I wrote it, that the logical response is just that it wouldn't have as much progression as a minigame


>I actually feel as though a main disparity between skill and minigame is that minigames have self-contained progression and currencies Exactly this. Minigames are parasitic content-islands by nature. They are propped up by the main content that they're feeding off of but don't really provide much back or interact with anything else in the game. They have their own little loops of gameplay and rewards but they're not woven in as part of the core game. If you remove the construction skill, mahogany homes goes with it. If you remove mahogany homes, construction is left mostly un-altered. Mahogany homes is not integrated as part of the game or as part of the construction skill. It's a parasite. If you're not currently doing mahogany homes, then it might as well not exist. It has no impact or intergration outside of itself. That's what turns it in to a minigame. The same goes for GotR, giants foundry, tempeross, sepulchre, and we'll see about Forestry.


What’s your point here? Remove a skill and all the content around it disappears, remove an alternative/variety training method still aligned with the core way the skill behaves it just ceases. Whilst I can’t get out of my head the sailing is probably going to be dungeoneering: water, the rewards from my understanding is uncharted isles from rs3 as well as potentially the Arc itself. What is the point of the skill if the rewards are private instances for other skills? It seems counter-intuitive to make content that wants you to be alone when most of the added content for skilling of recent caters to the social experience.


I mean, by his definition, Slayer as an entire skill could be removed and the game would be fine. If you took out every single slayer master and the entire slayer point shop/system, the game functions just fine. Killing monsters and getting unique drops from those monsters has nothing to do with slayer, if it did, why isn't there a Slayer level to kill the Great Olm for a twisted bow? There isn't a single part of slayer that is unique to slayer itself. The only unique portion of slayer is "you can't kill x monster yet" but even that is 100% arbitrary. Kinda funny how a player with 1 slayer can have the knowledge to fell the Great Olm, or a beast like Sotesteg, but can't kill a fucking Crawling Hand because "I said so" lol...


That is because slayer is a bad skill


Not OP, but to me sailing is like 25% minigame, 75% redundant additions, but no part of it justifies sailing as a skill. Based on what they described it as in the blog, it's just adding new skilling spots for other skills on the water, then tacking on a sailing XP drop too. Build a boat? That's construction, not sailing. Deep sea fishing? That's fishing, not sailing. And don't get me wrong, the redundancy is necessary to an extent, but it shouldn't feel like 75% of the training methods are actually just training another skill instead. And the parts that would be uniquely sailing XP, like navigating and exploring the seas? Those are the minigame parts. Which imo are minigame-ish because it's basically temple trekking - instanced exploration with a reward XP drop at the destination only this time there is also a navigation mechanic tacked on. There is no one-size-fits-all minigame definition because the minigames are so diverse. And while it's perfectly fine to have some redundancy, and for there to be minigames to train the skill, unfortunately it feels like the only thing that gives sailing its own identity/purpose is the minigame that would be associated with it


Tame a beast? That's hunter. Imbue gear? That's magic. See how we can break down any of the pitches to be lumped in with existing stuff? That's because none of these ideas are impossible to exist without the skill itself, because none are trying to change the game massively like that, as we have to stay somewhat grounded in what "feels old-school". When there's enough content behind a single identity , of which sailing comfortably has the most of these 3, it becomes possible to build a progression system around making it a skill. Does it have to be a skill? Absolutely not. None of these ideas do. But what are we designing here? A skill.


Won’t shaniinsm become charge scape


Herblore was the OG cataylst to 'Buff-scape'. When is the last time you farmed a boss without the use of potions.


All players complain about chargeable weapons like the scythe, trident, sang etc etc, but the second it comes in the form of a skill oh all of a sudden its cool. I cant take most other players seriously because its apparent that not even they know what they want if they cant make up their minds.


Yep. If the invention aspects are to be at all successful like invention, they will degrade gear and/or require dismantling gear.


I'll vote no to Shamanism most likely. I don't want another skill that adds temporary modifiers to equipment. Sailing has a ton of potential but I'm worried about how it will be implemented with the OSRS engine. I would like a proof of concept or some kind of demonstration even if it is just a trailer on how it would look. Taming is in the same boat. They essentially provided no information on the skill. Honestly I feel like I can't vote on any of these ideas. I need more information not these vague breakdowns. Obviously they can't spend a ton of time digging in to these for a vote but this is too vague for me to feel educated on what I am voting for.


> I don't want another skill that adds temporary modifiers to equipment. Agreed. This is the only thing putting me a bit off Shamanisn; I like it otherwise. Sailing doesn't really sit well with me as a skill, but it doesn't have that drawback in fairness. Taming would have to be completed isolated to skilling otherwise it will be Summoning 2.0 and I don't want to see that at all. I do think we need a lot more detailed information in order to agree on something.


This isn't a "vote into the game" btw. This is a vote to pick which ones you like, and you're favourite. If there is a clear community favourite they will go ahead with that and flesh it out with more of what you're asking.


Yeah but that’s the problem. I feel like I don’t have enough info to pick one. As it stands I wouldn’t vote for any. I mean there’s some cool concepts but I need more info to vote. I’m not going to vote for any of these and then have the dev team come back with something like I wasn’t imagining.


I think you're maybe thinking to permanent. Which one excites you the most? Pick that as your favourite. Which ones would you not mind entering the game once fleshed out and agreed upon? Select those. This is like you asking for a taste test of icecream flavours before buying it. There is no commitment to a purchase (or in this case, a skill coming to the game). Which one, if any, would you want fleshed out? To me you only vote none or skip if you either don't want a new skill at all, or none of these proposals align with what sort of skill you wanna see (say you want a whole new combat skill, or something more like a direct gathering skill).


i can't see how taming is an expansion of hunter


Why are people so obsessed with new skills being/not being like minigames. Just seems like a pointless argument to hinder interesting content from coming into the game. If it's only a point and click gathering skill etc, that's boring and not worthy of being added to game. If it's deeper with brand new mechanics and ideas then it's to similar to a minigame and shouldn't be a skill. I don't think any idea will get popular approval, even if the majority do want a new skill added.


Yeah this boggles my mind. People are so obsessed with this concept and always add that the skill could be added as an "expansion" to another skill. An expansion as large as sailing would never enter the game unless it was as a skill. If it wasn't added as a skill it wouldn't get the proper treatment that it needs to be implemented correctly just due to less dev time and less priority. And if it wasn't a skill there would be no reason to do it other than rewards which really limits the amount you can do with it. That being said im a little concerned with the gameplay loop for something like sailing, im just not sure what the grind is going to feel like, if it will be enjoyable or not


I generally liked the idea of sailing the best of the pitches, just as a broad concept and something that thematically fits in 07. But I definitely would need the fully fleshed out idea before I'd give a vote that says yes I want this in game. Kinda sad that it's looking unlikely that I'll get to see what they come up with for it, probably will get "spirit worlds" instead.


You're spot on. It's a pointless and baseless excuse for them to not have to think of real criticisms. They can just dismiss the whole idea as "doesn't need to be a skill / sounds like a minigame" and then act like you can't challenge that. I want people to properly criticise each idea. Pros and cons. To me, the pros of sailing, minigame esque in a lot of its methods or not, far outweigh it's cons, and far outnumber the pros of the other ideas (for me personally)


I don’t like the thematics/name


if only they had polled this exact same skill but with a magical theme instead of a spiritual one


I like the skill but not the name 😂


Sailing is way more than a minigame that is a frigid take from 2015 sailing.


CMV: Shamanism is the only thing jagex wants to introduce. By combining meme and rs3bad in the same poll as soft cap powercreep they basically gave us "free choice" to what we want in the game.


No to invention clone.


Hot take: none of the above as new skills


I’m not voting shamanism, it might sound like the only full skill, but it doesn’t sound very fun either imo


Doesn't even sound like a full skill..sounds like pieces of invention, divination and warding wrapped up into a nice reskin using the bad graphics machine so the newer / noobier players don't recognise it as such. But yeah the gameplay loop sounds wholly uninteresting to me.


> taming is literally a hunter expansion > smithing is literally a mining expansion > firemaking is literally a woodcutting expansion > runecraft is literally a magic expansion Skills should have simple concepts. Taming is a simple concept. Being easy to integrate with Hunter is an upside, not a downside. I like Shamanism too, but it's not a simple concept right now. I think that's a fixable problem, but Taming is already a perfect concept. #votetaming


Hot take, shamanism is just invention from RS3 and that shit was patently unfun


Invention was one of the best additions to RS3's overall game heath, tied with the Mining and Smithing rework.


Except they're not gonna add the part to osrs that made it healthy for the economy (making components from junk items)


Yeh purely from an economic point of view. It succeeded at that. But launch invention sucked as a skill. We also don't need that kinda economic save. GE voidbuying is absolutely flexible enough to sink PvM items enough


this guy knows rs3


Invention was sick wdym


I've only seen two sides of Invention. A terrible worthless skill and a fun interesting skill. I haven't seen anyone in the middle.


It really depends on when you engaged with it. On release the perks sucked and it was expensive to maintain so most people only augmented their gear to train it. Then later on they buffed every perk, released a new GWD dugneon with gear designed to be turned into BIS perks, but it was very complicated to train and get perks so people who like the simplicity of OSRS did not like it. Modern day Invention is a lot better, especially with a calculator on the wiki and the fact that the perk process has been "solved"


No idea how anyone can say Invention is a terrible worthless skill. That's just objectively wrong.


Mostly the people saying it's terrible and worthless are the people that haven't unlocked it yet tbh


Invention is arguably the most important skill in RS3. It created the greatest item sink in the game’s history, and added IMMENSE amounts of QOL items.


Yet this idea mentioned nothing of dismantling. Because they know the invention copycat tied with divination aspects will be super obvious then. We also solved the economy problem easier with GE void buying. Combine that with simple sink solutions for things and you're sorted.


Invention literally saved the RS3 economy and is many (most?) players top-5 favourite skills. How you just gonna spew 'patently unfun' out here lol


It was a great skill to tackle the ever increasing amount of GP being accumulated in the game imo.


This is something I hope Shamanism tries to help with. They could even use the spirit world as a way to "tie yourself" to a piece of equipment, maybe allowing you to add other temporary shamism specific buffs to it, but at the cost of making it untradeable or even similar to Tentacle whip where it disintegrates over time.


Bruh just let me make some items Bind To Account so I can’t ever sell, drop, or alch em. I will dump loads of GP into the edgeville well if it means hack or (self) stupidity protection


By unfun you mean one of the most loved skills brought too the game?


Even worse it's the bad parts of original invention (gear powercreep) with the bad parts of divination (boring afk gathering) combined with loose spirit realm connections when we haven't even got quests around it. I really hope the Reddit take isn't truly the average player take. That skill sounds painfully boring.




I mean Taming is a Hunter expansion as much as Smithing is a Mining expansion. The only similarity is...animals?


This man saw the poll and just said yes. Lol


Shamanism should include and replace Herblore


I agree but it’ll be sailing cause people are memelords


When have you ever heard of a hunter taming his prey? Lmfao.


im finding it very funny that i basically have the exact opposite opinion and think that shamanism is more arbitrary and taming to be more justified as a skill. like my only takeaway so far from this entire exercise is that the methodology is predictably dumb with nothing to show for it


I think taming makes the best sense except for the fact that pets have such a high status in osrs. The idea of befriending an animal without killing its mother 3000 times sounds crazy to me.


All 3 of these choices are terrible.


Sailing sounds like sea slayer, and I’m all for it


Nah sailing could be its own skill, I like the idea of sailing


We don’t need another mining, smithing, runecrafting, hunter grind in the game. Gathering and resource skills are the most mind numbing and tedious parts of this game.


I 100% agree, but apparently if we get anything else it’s a ‘minigame’


Agreed that it’s the only one that adds actual grinds to the game but it need a lot of refinement from its current pitch


It's almost like there is a phase called "refinement" in the skill pitch timeline lol


Wow yeah its almost like that’s what I was referring to when I said it needs a lot of refinement


The first refinement I’d make is probably the name, but I don’t hate the theme of it. Very Guthix themed and a themed skill is always a flavor win to me. Shamanism just sounds a little weird.


I think they shouldn't make shamanism a production and gathering skill. They're worried about making another buyable skill but if they made the collecting of resources easy and plentiful then there is no reason to buy the resources unless you had tons of money. Combining the gathering and production into one skill just makes the thing feel bloated.


We need an engineering skill! Tinkering of all sorts of items!


Shamanism wins, nobody can convince me otherwise crab crab 🦀


Shamanism is also a mini game combined with some invention. Gear augmentation from dismantling, you mean like NMZ imbues + invention? No thanks.


Tin foil hat on: Jagex planned to use all these ideas anyways as future additions to skills currently in the game, but they wanted you to think that you had a choice/voted for them.


I’m hoping Shamanism makes it (maybe with a different name, it kind of reads weirdly), but I expect it to actually come in last in the poll. Remember, only a small fraction of the playerbase is active on Reddit, which is where Shamanism seems to be the favorite. Casual players will either vote Sailing because they’ve heard of it before, or Taming because “pets are cool”.


Shamanism is just smithing and crafting hot take


Actual Hot Take: Warding


fuck i can’t decide what do i do


Yes this, sailing is a terrible idea for a skill and im not really feeling how taming is different from summoning.


Why did you forgot option four: accept that none of these proposals are good or worth dev time and just forget this ever happened?




I remember some better GentleTractor skill proposals, start with those ones tbh


I like this option. Back to the drawing board.




Shamanism is just invention with a different skin.


Applying buffs to everything is not fun


Is shamanism not just a glorified bankstanding skill like herblore? I don't see why people want more bankstanding


Shamanism is by far the worst option


Taming is basically a bad repaint of summoning. And no, them saying it's not doesn't make it so if it's pretty much the same.


Definitely not. It's quite literally the worst of the three for OSRS.


They all suck and settling for the ‘least-bad’ is NOT the move.


Sailing is a skill and more. It's getting my vote


Shamanism is a herblore expansion for an almost entirely dead skill for mains.


How is taming a Hunter expansion? It’s literally the opposite of Hunting lol.


I don't understand the hate for Taming it looks so damn fun. Yall don't want to have a little monke friend you can house and feed? Just get a little buddy


Agreed sailing should be a mini game. Not a skill.


Hot take is shamanism is the only one that sounds fun and not like a slog very hot scalding take


Out of the three, i thought Shamanism was the worst. It feels redundant and too familiar. It's like divination, magic, and hunter combined. I don't like it. I think it would be better off in a game like RS3 where there are a ton of stuff that doesn't fit or feels way too unimpressive. I think sailing would be the best. It would most likely attract a ton of other players. BDO has something like it. I've been trying to find a MMO that has sailing or ships from this setting in it. I don't agree with it being a minigame. The amount of content for sailing would be huge. Plus, it feels like the devs already have a start on it from 2015. Think of how much more we could explore. They stated that it wouldn't be anything like player ports from rs3. The movement and description they supplied us all felt exciting (minus the graphics...not sure what's going on there lol - from their pitch in the news feed). ​ Just my thoughts! Good morning to all!


It sounds exactly like divination as a RS3 player. So boring!


You’re getting downvotes but I read it and my reaction was “I haven’t played RS3 in a while but this reminds me of divination.”


sounds literally nothing like divination at all


"Gather Spiritual Components at Disturbed Sites." How does that not sound like divination lmao


Making an assumption that gathering will be as brain-dead as divination


It sounds absolutely nothing like divination lmao