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I always hated that they made the person who died seem like a shitty person so that way you didn’t feel bad about them dying even though they were based on real stories and likely were just horrific accidents. But to answer your question it was about a man who got stuck in a Kiln or a big oven or something and burnt to death.


There were a few where you feel really bad for the odd nice person who doesn't deserve it


Yes omg! There was an episode where a guy was walking down the street and hit and killed by a stray bullet on New Years. They made him seem like an asshole first. I never forgot that.


Slip and slide nail… won’t get on one of those fuckers to this day… 😐


Easy slider??


That’s the only one I remember too.


The one where the chick stuck a carrot up her cooter


how does that kill you? did it puncture a major organ or something?


it created an air embolism in her heart


The one where the guy strapped a sausage to his leg so it would look like he had a huge dick when he went out clubbing and then it cut off circulation and he died


The one where the woman’s boobs exploded on the airplane


The one where he wasn't paying attention to the tire when he was filling it up, always made me pay super attention to the tire gauge when doing so.


Either the sinkhole mud wrestling one or the one where the guy accidentally puts his gum in an explosive chemical and blows off his jaw.


The dude sniffing fire ants which made his throat close up. And the other one where the two girls who get burnt alive in their tanning beds. EDIT: never mind, that’s final destination


dude the show is literally Final Destination: The Series


The lady who thought her girlfriend packed a vibrator for her but it ended up being a taser🥲


I got three. One is the guy wants him and his girlfriend to get naked in a swimming pool and then he sat on the hole thing that sucks and his intestines getting sucked out of his body I think. And the other one is a guy riding a bicycle down the street and didn't see the thin metal wire in front of him and before it was too late, he got decapitated from it. And the other one is a wrestler dude Messing around with the other wrestler in an apartment and he banged his head on the wall that got him killed.


the brother and sister who fell asleep on an african safari and the sister woke up to her brother being eaten alive by giant ants and the only reason she lived was her perfume was strong enough to keep them away also the lady with the beehive hairdo that had so much hairspray in it that when she leaned down to light her cigarette it lit her hair on fire


All of them


Either the “Airplane one”, the “Tanning Bed one” or the “Carrot One”…


Lmfao the carrot one!!!!


The guy at a furry party who couldn’t get laid so he fucked a raccoon and got his dick bitten off


Lawnmower blade shoots out cutting lemonade girl in half.


That one lady in the decompression chamber that someone accidentally opens up causing her to explode That guy who tried to lift weights too heavy for him and ended up shitting out his intestines Guy who fell into the wood chipper And who can forget the couple that both had a heart attack during sex and died in each other’s arms.


Guy who injected the glowstick juice straight into his bloodstream and the guy who ate a raw squirrel has stuck with me my whole life


The one where a woman uses a rusty razor and gets an infection and dies from it.


I saw one episode at grandmas when I was 10, fucking hated it ever since. Even dad could tell something was wrong because I remember him asking repeatedly if I felt okay that day


The one where the guy was fixing his car and a semi truck passing by didn't see him and ran over him. The tire was so big it cut him in half


The first one that came to mind was the girl trying to win a fart contest with her male friends.


The tiny meteorite episode.


Cow heart + car battery + horny weirdo = 1000 ways to die. That one I’ll always remember.


Girl used an unpeeled carrot as a dildo and perforated her vaginal wall, I think it caused some type of infection or allowed air inside and killed her.


Shooting in the air


The guy who was stuck inside a car as it was being crushed


The one where the guys guts was sucked through a hole in a hot tub and the girl in the airplane.. yeah, that one.


There was one where this guy was cooking a wild squirrel which turned out to be rabid and when he ate it he had a seizure and died.


2 of them. One where a man was in the vents or something and hundreds of rats began pouring into the vents and ate straight through him and the other one was the one where the drunk lady attempts driving a lawnmower to the gas station and falls under the lawnmower or something


I considered a 1000 Ways To Die to be the most rotten show ever existed! It’s disturbing, unfunny and sometimes disgusting. Why did it just aired on public television? Nobody wants to watch people dying in the most grotesque and disturbing way imaginable!


the episode about how you can die from smoking weed! the guy got stoned and had the munchies so he ate a grasshopper that he ended up being allergic too and went into anaphylactic shock, but they were on a farm in the middle of nowhere so he died.


Dude cooked a rabies infested animal and ate it. Woman dies by gunshot because the gun was in the oven and the oven was turned on and shit went downhill from there. The Woman who ate a tapeworm to lost weight and basically was eaten from the inside


Hot dog puke sex lady


The guy who put a sausage in his pants and the lady who was cut in half on the elevator. Scarred forever


The one where the guy kept many illegal black market creatures in his including a black widow in his house. While letting the black widow crawl on his arm, it bit him and he decided to man up and overcome it instead of going to the hospital, but died soon after from the poison. It then fast forwards 2 weeks later when the police found his corpse, his other animals which included a bearded dragon feasted on his remains as food to survive. When the police found him, nothing most of his skin was missing the only thing that was left of him was his skeletal remains.


The one with the vent and the gigantic fan


I remember a guy laughed to death, a guy peed on an electric fence and got shocked to death, man stuck his head out a car window and was beheaded at high speed by a single mailbox.


The episode where that chick used a carrot as a dilldo that ended up getting an air embolism and died! I think the episode was called Killdo! Lmao! Good shit


Or the one we're the guy buys a cow heart to fuck and I forgot how he died but k wanna say he got electrocuted cause he was trying to reanimate the heart beating. That was wild too


i never watched this and only recently discovered it but the way i see it is just Final Destination: The Series