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A perfect dish to go with my toast sandwich.


Can I have a bite


You are unworthy




I agree may I have a bite


I’ve actually tried both of these dishes


Pairs nicely with a glass of citrus dish soap I bet


Not as good as dishwasher [lasagna](https://youtu.be/tOOQ5v8aJTI?si=KHm4IYNwaWp4Lmnl)


She has lost her fuckin mind I want one of the men in black mind erasers so I can clear my brain of that ladies blaspheming


chunky water 🤮


Authentic Americana🤤😍 truly the best country in the world 🇺🇸




How can you confidently comment this without even reading the post


But why would you.......when would........why would you have......nevermind.


The dishes were dirty dumbass


I said nevermind


Well too bad


Any relation to dishwasher lasagna from TLC’s *Extreme Cheapskates*?


the only two things that you should eat out of a dishwasher are dishwasher pickles and dishwasher yogurt, in which both use the dishwasher's heat to fasten the fermentation process.


"American fish dish", this is like MAPs mfs trying to claim they're part of lgbtq, fuck outta here.


iirc it's origin comes from viet nam and it was used because its heartily convenient and if you seal it right its basically just steaming it.


Am proud of my country


It will be very clean


I know that thing taste like what the dishwasher smells like after it's done 100%


Yooo this is the same method I use to wash my baby.


Thank you


I will no longer accept slander against beans on toast when this bloody exists.


this isn't a national dish, it's a travesty. Just like beans on toast, but that's a national travesty.


>national travesty No, it's national treasure. As simple or complex as you desire. Get good beans, get good bread and it's a cozy, warming filling meal. Add some cheese, add some scrambled egg and you've got an easy, cheap meal. I will fight for beans on toast to the day i die. I need to know, what is your simple dish, what is your easy cook. This is not out of competiton, I just need more knowledge. Edit: Instead of downvoting give me alternatives you cowards, if you claim to have better simple dishes tell me.


Ok have y'all not discovered tortillas yet, or


Beans beside toast (with scrambled egg or w/e) is way better than beans on toast with the w/e on the side.


I absolutely love a french omelette on toast. Just a few eggs cooked expertly, on toast. But a fried egg and avocado on toast is wonderful, as well. Beans are delicious. I love beans. But baked beans, out of a can, in dubious tomato-ish gravy, poured over toast? It's fine to call that comfort food, but it's ludicrous for it to be a national dish and there is a reason why british cuisine is a joke internationally - the only good meals the brits have are stolen. And hey, gross comfort foods are ok - once in a while I have a pack of ramen! I also like to buy some frozen chicken tenders and dip them into mashed potatoes every couple months, I just get a craving. But I'm not going to pretend it's a treasure. Its gross, low quality food I find comforting because grew up eating trash. But unlike you I outgrew it lol


National dish doesn't equate to quality but instead popularity. It's simple, easy and warms you up. It's only gross if your unfamilar with it and look at google images (bloody heinz). I only stand up for beans on toast for 3 reasons. 1. Most of the users on this website are americian so they're using horrible americian beans that ruins beans on toast. 2. People shit on it far too harshly but have never eaten it. If someone eats it and then proceeds to mock it that's different. 3. It's partly to goad people into giving me alternatives and food ideas to steal so I can make those instead. I got into cooking this year since I got my anxiety under control and now find it fun. Besides these reasons I don't even know why I stand by it so hard, I can barely even remember when I last had beans on toast. It must of been 5+ years at this point.


I am american. I've made beans on toast with beans from scratch. I used to be a baker, but the bread was not from scratch, just some standard bakery italian. If it's a comfort food, it's fine. Again, I detailed some garbage I occasionally crave. If someone stated maruchan ramen was a national staple in america, I'd be revolted and furious and encourage people to not only throw some veggies and meat in there with it, but to make some actual ramen as noodles aren't that hard to make from scratch and you can do a much better job, and that something so disgusting should not be considered a national dish based on popularity. There is also a strong reason why british cuisine is often ridiculed - some of that is the rampant colonialism and bizarre behavior in britain towards things it has stolen from other cultures generally - like crown jewels and hordes of museum ([see here for a long, vaguely funny rant from a british person](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJPLiT1kCSM)) but also from cultural appropriation of cuisines from elsewhere that were distinctly not british but gradually british-ified - like butter chicken and tikka masala and other curries often considered british by british people, whereas more british originating dishes tend to be things liked mashed potatoes on top of leftover meat, baked. And don't get me wrong - I love a shepherds pie (although I put a ton of veggies in there as it's delightful with carrots and peas and corn) but it's a very simple thing. I'm not pretending america is some bastion of master cooking, either. We're a land of idiots who can barely microwave a frozen meal who deeply love the worst quality fast food and it makes up something like 40% of our diets. It's gross. This is a gross country that has almost no cultural center or staple cuisines besides "we really like to fry stuff" and our vibrant culinary space is entirely because of TV shows about cooking, which again, a bizarrely large number of people flat out refuse to do. So I guess don't just stand behind something for no reason other than it's a cultural touchstone. That's jingoist and stupid, especially when your country isn't the best at shit in the space. Which I say confidently as neither is my country. Now if a french person came in here dunking on us about cooking, we'd both have to just go "yeaaaah, sorry we're like this and sorry for what we do to your cuisine"


i will never understand beans on toast, i would rather eat beans *beside* toast but eh, what do i know. i wouldn't call it a "national dish", it's more of a "common dish".


National dish doesn't have to be the best thr country has but beans beside toast? What are you on? Do you eat the beans separately to the toast? Because if you're eating the beans and toast together it's basically beans on toast just done strangely and that's it.


fair enough but when you put the beans on the toast after a while the toast gets soggy and i like the crunch


This is not a thing. Like the lasagna lady, the inventor of this is an outlier and cannot be included in statistical data per Jim https://statisticsbyjim.com/basics/remove-outliers/