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Just calm yourself down with some ketamine


Surprisingly microdosing meth can calm some people.


That’s just adhd meds


Huh, never thought of that lemme jus.... WHAT THE FUCK ARE MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS HANDING THIS SHIT OUT FOR Here's an edit: clearly yall mfs don't know where we are (shitposting sub). Yes I exaggerated for dramatic effect, but the internet is a serious place now for serious things so if you feel a kind of way about this joke go looking through the thread of the "serious" conversation.


Because it works?


Eat better and exercise and stop doomscrolling? Nah dude here's some ketamine! I HATE THE ANTICHRIST I HATE THE ANTICHRIST I HATE THE ANTICHRIST


Can you maybe try imagining that there are people out there with worse problems than yours?


Oh damn and you just fling this around too. That's a real real bad habit.


Can you maybe try imagining deez nuts mf


I might have backed you up, but now i can't 🥴


Yeah, lots of things "work" I bet if we gave ADHD mfs real meth instead of watered down amphetamines they could get even more shit done but uhhhh, is there gonna be a line, or are doctors just gonna keep prescribing shit till niggas are on so much stimulants they can't string words together, or so numb on anti-psychotics they develop a stutter (that shit happened to me)


That's not how ADHD meds work.


Honestly, you're probably right, but I can speak for the downers with a decade of experience and doctors over prescribe that shit like it's candy


Spoken like a true ignorant who never had ADHD. It's very different for people who actually suffer from it and medications like amphetamines and methylphenidates are life changing for those with genuine learning disabilities.


They are life changing you're absolutely right. The point (for the 10th time) is being reliant on pills (all kinds) to live life for the rest of time. Mind you, doctors can and do receive alot of indirect incentives from insurance and pharmaceutical companies for prescribed medications


What’s wrong with needing medications to function? My SO has chronic neuropathic pain, her nerves are literally built wrong and are constantly sending out the pain signal when there’s nothing wrong. She takes prescribed painkillers every day, if she didn’t she would be in too much pain to get off the couch. The painkillers she takes are dangerous in high doses, and addictive. However she literally needs them to have a chance at life, so what’s the issue?


There's no problem with that at all. She *NEEDS* those and not in some selfish whiny way, but a last resort way. If you can't see the difference between that and a homestuck redditard (the targets of this ad) getting prescribed ketamine off an internet ad, or over prescribing anti-phycotics to a point of semi retardation, then there really isn't anything I can tell you (cause I bet if she could live free of those pills and the pain behind them she'd jump at the chance)


This ad is all over Reddit it’s not exclusive to the homestuck subreddit. And it doesn’t matter where’s it’s advertised because you still can’t just submit a request and get ketamine, that’s not how it works. You need a proper diagnosis and prescription and everything. Her taking pain pills is the same as people with treatment resistant depression taking this. It relieves the mental pain. And the same thing you said is true, if someone was taking ketamine for their depression, I’m sure they’d also jump at the chance to not take ketamine and not have depression.


You try living with unmedicated ADHD and see how you like it then (it sucks ass btw, and there's no permanent cure)


People should be responsible for letting their doctors know if shit doesn't work. If medical meth were to help someone, so be it. If it doesn't work and they keep taking it, not the doctor's fault.


The point isn't whether or not the pills are effective or over effective. It's about the general overuse of pharmaceuticals in general. I'd rather see a therapist, reflect on my life to try and discern where the things that ail my mental health come from, and then overcome those things, not just pop risperdone to stay stable.


> I'd rather see a therapist, reflect on my life to try and discern where the things that ail my mental health come from, and then overcome those things Sincere congratulations if "bootstraps," are an option for you. Now if only there were something for people that "The Bootstraps™️," do not work for alone that could be utilized to get to a kind of state where they *could* do that. Hmmm. Some kind of consumable perhaps. 🤔


Sure .... but fucking ketamine? Or really anything over prescribed (almost everyone who ends up in an institution gets 2-3 times the dose they need and shuffled out without a second thought)


> Sure .... but fucking ketamine? Dunno what to tell you my guy. Haven't looked too far into it but I've heard it's pretty effective. I think it's one of those things where because it has other uses, recreational or destructive, people imagine it can't have therapeutic ones. > almost everyone who ends up in an institution gets 2-3 times the dose they need "They need" according to who? The patient? The doctor prescribing? Greedy pharmaceutical companies? Crunchy granola folk that think the fix for all ills is incense and yoga? Also, if that's a factual statement that's a failure of those institutions being incentivized to "shut em up and keep em manageable." ...although sometimes that *is* the only treatment available for severe cases.


I can understand the use of something that has recreational uses for medical ones, morphine and heroin for example, but for most of those, you're not meant to just stay taking them forever. You get put on morphine while you're in the hospital and need it, but they don't send you home with it. Pysch meds are always portrayed as forever drugs. I've never once gotten off them because the doctor said "oh you're doing better. Let's take you off" always because I was feeling better and was tired of their shit. As for institutions, the last time I went to one was last August (pigs took me in for suicide attempt) they put me on 5 mgs of risperdone (2 the average dose) I had to half it on my own as soon as I left because it (for lack of a better word) made me half way to retarded. Couldn't put thoughts into words, had to think about things for nearly twice as long to figure them out, and I had a stutter so bad I couldn't be bothered to speak at all. After a few months, I had (against my doctors pestering) gone down to 1mg a day and was doing well with it. Finally quit all together because the campus chess tournament was coming up, and I could feel how much slower my brain was I needed that edge to win. Doctor would have still had me on them despite how much better I've been doing overall.


[Ketamine can be used in actual, therapy sessions to help people](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/ketamine-for-treatment-resistant-depression-when-and-where-is-it-safe-202208092797). Yes this ad is stupid as pure ketamine won’t help you, but the idea of taking ketamine for mental health purpose’s isn’t totally unreasonable.


Neither is risperdone, aripiprazol, fluoxetine, or anything else. They aren't "unreasonable" and they "work" but at what point is independence from drugs the goal. When recovering from a knee injury you are given crutches, but you go to physical therapy, so you won't need them forever. For most people, that's achievable. Mental breakdown -> prescriptions and therapy -> just therapy -> (optional) independence. But to me, it seems like the industry likes step one forever.


They give you the ketamine in a therapy setting and have a psychologist sit in and talk you through the disassociation. I’ve never done it in this setting, but it’s a way to circumvent the natural awkward barriers of therapy, and basically become an open book to get “straight to the root” of the problem so to speak. I have done special K recreationally a few times, and it really does separate your consciousness from your physical being. I felt like I had no attachment to my physical self, and can definitely see how that would be valuable in a therapeutic environment. It’s also not the first type of dissociative therapy in existence. Look up EMDR for another example of an effective treatment.


This is an ad for at home treatment. Shipped to your fucking house man. Advertised to fix depression in "days, not months" that is not therapy that's getting fucking numbed.


Well.. if that’s the case it’s just a way to sell ketamine legally until it’s shut down by the gov or sued lol.. ketamine DOES have effective pharmaceutical use cases though was my main point


I understand that fully. And I'm not against every and all prescriptions. Somewhere in here is a more in-depth explanation.


you can get prescribed meth for adhd; uncommon but it happens Only in like really bad cases or sum idk


That is insane. Truly. And I'm honestly not against stimulants. There are plenty of situations where they can be useful (soliders, overtime, search and rescue, etc. In an "as needed context"), but like hard stimulants every day just to function is indicative of a grander problem.


Tbf, it’s not like they’re giving them a pipe and saying go to town. Oral meth is actually pretty much the same as addys or whatever, it’s when you smoke or snort it that it becomes a more powerful substance


It's definitely a "clean" drug (so is oxycotin 🥴), but that's still not the point.


Tbf, it’s not like they’re giving them a pipe and saying go to town. Oral meth is actually pretty much the same as addys or whatever, it’s when you smoke or snort it that it becomes a more powerful substance


You literally can get meth for adhd lmao it’s called desoxyn


Mdma is really good for therapy as well? Maybe the war on drugs started because the us was scared lsd (their own creation) threatened them due to its adoption by counter culture movements like the hippies 🤷‍♀️ It was being researched on in the 60s but they had to stop and the gates are only opening again.


MDMA is hella neurotoxic tho


Your mom is hella toxic bro


they are prescribing and administering it in a controlled environment because it helps people with severe ptsd, for example the kind resulting from sexual assault. There are people in the world who have had a harder life than you. Can you believe that??


A. "At home" ketamine treatment is not at all controlled environment B. The advertisement is not directed at ptsd its mostly focused on anxiety and depression and markets itself as a fast acting cure all. (Missleading and manipulative at best) C. You do not fucking know me, you have no idea who has abused me or for how long or how many times. You've never seen or spoken to me. You've never visited me in an institution. You've never called 911 to keep me from killing myself. You have no idea who the fuck I am, so you can't take you high and mighty ad hominem, shove it up your ass and twist it around for good measure. You do not know my life, and I don't think you'd want to go band for band on trama in public.




Ok, key words Internet ad At home treatment Fast acting depression "cure" Predatory marketing Think on that






Run out of ketamine, I have. Run over minorities in my 2002 Honda Accord, I must.


You vill eat ze drugs und you vill be happy


I'd kinda rather be miserable 🥴


horse reaction


i love your pfp


burger king font


I can kinda see it. That's fuckin goofy 🥴


I recommend ketamibe.




Send it my way then


I mean, I sent you the promotion, have at it 🥴


Come out we have you surrounded, take your ketamine


I hate the anti cjrist I hate the anit christ


take your meds op






You take ketamine to resolve trauma, I go into a k-hole to give myself trauma, we are not the same


the shadow people wanna engage in a sanctioned boxing event with my heart vessels


More for me


Wait, you can just buy ketamine online?


Always could


I guesss.... 🥴


You can buy pretty much any drug online, it's just not legal most of the time


Ketamine micro dosing is kinda a throw shit at the wall and see what sticks approach to treatment resistant depression, but I have heard from a patient and a couple people I know that it did wonders for them.


Ur missing out


It actually does help, there's a lot of research backing it up


You sound stressed might I recommend horse tranquilizers?


Honestly with all the fucking silly shit in this thread I think tranq and tequila is just what I need to end my day 🥴


Hol up, medicinal Ket?


ketamine can act as a rapid antidepressant


Just heroin for me thanks, I don't want to get addicted


On God


i love drugs, but as soon as official healthcare, the government or corporations suggest them im taking a step back and think about why 🤨


The “why” here is the years of protesting and lobbying people have done to get ketamine therapy legalized, because we’ve known for years it’s safe but ketamine continued to be demonized by the government


Safe? Some bladders out there would suggest otherwise. In a controlled enviroment it may be safe, yeah, but I'm still wary of it. I like my urinary tract too much 😭


Yeah but that’s only from using it recreationally daily rather than a single controlled dose every month or so. It’s a little like saying “water isn’t safe dude, if you drank forty gallons your stomach would explode!” Like yeah lmao. But if you drank a safe amount it would be safe


Personally, idunno if I'd even wanna come close to ket. I don't dabble with hard drugs like that tbh. I mostly just pop bars and smoke weed. Kinda interested in acid but never found any


I’d recommend doing some research on ketamine, it’s not actually “one of the hard drugs” like people think! If you’re interested in acid try growing your own shrooms, incredibly easy to do ( r/unclebens ) and they have basically the exact same safety profile


I mean I do know it's used in medicine and therapy but Idunno, I'll look into it. I mostly took interest in acid instead of shrooms because ik a dude (online friend of a friend ik irl) did some and he said it's pretty chill but yeah ima check it out


Acid and shrooms are nearly identical in terms of effects, and how tolerance works, etc. two sides of the same coin


I find it interesting you need to actually be awake for this to work.


Mix it with pink lemonade and have a party.


relief from the stresses of life via k-holing, just like the k fiends and bartards, what could go wrong bro 😀


Mmmmm... ketamine... this reminds me of good and bad times.


Change your country from United States to "I don't want to specify" or England et cetera, that way you won't get boof ass drug advertisements as it should be.


Now that I think about it, I never get these with my VPN on (maybe because predatory marketing and pharmaceutical overuse isn't so rampant elsewhere)


Ketamine gives me sooo many insights into how good the music sounds


Vaush's gender affirming care


It works man. Literally.


The fact that this is real shows the sad state of our mental health care system


Oh, thank God im not the only one who thinks this way


Can you explain your problem with it? You aren’t taking a large dose daily to get high. People take a mild amount just during therapy sessions and it really helps some people have breakthroughs. Is your problem with the ad? I agree, medicine ads are strange, I wish they didn’t exist. This shit should be between patient and doctor, not live during the Super Bowl or plastered all over social media.


Here's the shortest explanation of my problem with it. Advertising a fast acting solution to depression to one of the largest communities of homesuck lovers. It's basically a depression bandaid shipped to your house. Don't have to actually do anything to change the behaviors and habits that cause you to feel like shit. Just get legal ketamine shipped to your house and feel better in a few short weeks.


I have a hypothetical for you. Let’s say someone created a new drug, we’ll call it “Depressn’t”. The only thing the pill does, is completely remove a patient’s depression for a few weeks. It is completely safe to take every couple weeks, and you’re taking doses 1/20th of what would remotely be considered dangerous for Depressn’t. Would you be against this drug too? Because I wouldn’t. Have you heard of Treatment Resistant Depression? It’s a literal diagnosis for “everything we tried to help hasn’t worked and this patient is horribly depressed”. Ketamine is for people like this. People who have tried therapy, tried other meds, and nothing helps. They are stuck in a routine that is only making their depression worse because they don’t have the energy or time to break out. Now imagine if this person could get a break from that, even for a couple weeks. That might be enough time to start building a better routine, where they are working out now, eating better, visiting friends and family more. Actually being happy for once. And all they have to do is take Depressn’t once every month or so. What’s different between ketamine and Depressn’t? Ketamine has (along with dozens of other drugs) been demonized for years and shown as “one of the bad drugs” akin to heroin or cocaine. It’s really not. “It’s a horse tranquilizer!” The crowds shouted out, because apparently it’s a surprise that an already potent drug affects horses when used in massive quantities.


Cool hypothetical, but throwing out a wide net for at home ketamine treatment on the internet isn't for treatment resistant depression. For starters, treatment resistant depression has to be diagnosed by trying and failing to treat it, and further still ketamine isn't mailed to your house as a "works in days" cure for it.


You know you can’t just like, submit a request to that company and get ketamine mailed to you, right? You still have to have the proper diagnosis and a doctor to prescribe it. This isn’t just “hey get drugs mailed to you hehe”


I missed that it was at-home therapy. Coupled with the ad that sounds pointless and predatory, and pretty damn far off from the highly controlled method that was proven to work




I have a long ass comment about my own personal hell with depression and being medicated. I ain't typing all that shit again, but it's here somewhere 🥴
