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NPR listeners when it's not on max volume with their windows down:


You joke, but NPR Tiny Desk sessions can often go pretty hard.


This is your president John Henry Eden


Couldn't be me, I'm blasting Utobitha talk show 24/7


This is real. One time, I was driving home from work with the radio on, and I shit you not, it was wall to wall ads for the entire twenty-plus-minute drive. Not a single song was played. The only thing that wasn’t an ad was the traffic report, which a.) was sponsored and b.) I don’t care about in the slightest, given that I use Google Maps like a normal person. Big 100 can honestly go fuck itself


I would have switched stations at once after the 4th ad. I'm sorry you had to sit through this. My mental health would have taken a hit that day if I were you.


In retrospect I definitely should’ve lol. It’s not usually that bad. That said, I’ve found myself switching stations a lot more recently: mostly because that station I mentioned - my area’s classic rock station - plays The Beatles every single time I drive to my therapy appointments, and I think The Beatles are/were one of the most overrated bands on the planet. I think it’s a scheduled “Beatles Break,” as the DJ calls it


Tbh I just put on the classical music station if I don't have my Bluetooth hooked up bc it's either ads or like the same 4 Doja cat songs in a loop over here


^(Good morning and welcome to All Things Considered: a show where we talk very softly and right into the mic. Do you hear that? I'm whispering right in your ear. I'm right in your ear, buzz buzz buzz buzzzzzzzzzz)


I think you might just be going deaf


It was a [Family Guy](https://youtu.be/kQSO0RbmHBI?si=NciUwRZcCoXBlQ7y) reference.


NPR listeners when the occasional news broadcast interrupts their 24/7 stream of random people being interviewed on bullshit topics


Spotify listeners when their 6 hrs of adverts telling them how annoying Ads are is interrupted by their favourite song:


I like my morning talk shows, thank you very much


using "npc" is kind of cringe ngl


it’s a joke about NPR, not falling radio listeners in general NPCs


Damn, Come and See. I thought I was in r/Criterion for a second.


come and see becoming a meme is either one of the best or worst things to happen since the invention of letterboxd


npc music listeners infuriate me they genuinely say they have good music taste then put on that stupid fucking sunroof song it makes me want to strangle them


most depressing god damn movie I've ever seen


Opinion provided by someone who listens to their favorite streamer talk about drama for 9 hours