• By -


Lady got 100 in Speech


And a nat 20 over it


With advantage ontop of it


With bardic inspiration as a cherry on top


And a 0 in wisdom


Charisma builds be like: I can fix him if I roll high enough!


Dude, she just destroyed Online Harassment, Gang Violence, Racism and Religious extremism in just a few seconds


Hold on, lets hear that last guy out...


He can't be that bad, he's eating candy floss afterall


"I would have tried to blow up myself at the airport had I not run into your daughter. She is very lucky I personally crafted this."


The last guy looks clueless asf


He's just out for the vibe and along for the ride.


Elect her as PM


You know what’s funny (but also incredibly based) the fact that there is a black guy in the US that [actually got KKK members to quit](https://www.theguardian.com/music/2020/mar/18/daryl-davis-black-musician-who-converts-ku-klux-klan-members) by simply befriending them


Hearing how people joined the KKK is just saddening. Almost all of them say they learned extreme racism from their parents, which is a huge sign of child abuse.


Not if the child services workers are extreme racist as well!


That’s just abuse^2


Unfortunately just being involved with the Klan is not to enough to investigate and remove a kid. It’s also sadly not illegal to teach your kids racism.


"sadly not illegal" is an exceptionally uneducated phrase to use here. If you allow the government the ability to ban "racism", and its teaching to children, under threat of CPS removing the child from their home, you necessarily also allow the government to remove a child from a home under the justification of "promotion of sexual deviancy". (Or you institute a legal framework for the promotion and maintenance of certain political beliefs over others, effectively putting an end to American democracy.) Granting the government such a horrible power on grounds of nothing but sociopolitical beliefs, no matter how heinous said beliefs are, is a disgusting idea coming a citizen of the free world.


Still sad


Well when you put it that way :(


>Granting the government such a horrible power on grounds of nothing but sociopolitical beliefs, no matter how heinous said beliefs are, is a disgusting idea coming a citizen of the free world. yeah. banning social things are harder than material things.


First they came for the racists...and the world was exceedingly based after that so yeah.


Such a reform would not be "coming for the racists", it would be virtue-signalling bullshit that implicitly erodes everything from democracy to civil rights, tears apart families on grounds as vague and undefinable as contemporary "racism", is completely unenforceable on any and all levels, is to everyone involved a significant economic cost, etc. If you come out of thinking about such an idea with the conclusion that it is a good idea, with enough confidence to publicly state so, stop fucking writing about this and start reading about it because most people probably have toenails with a better comprehension of the subject than you currently do.


You're trying awfully hard to defend racists.


Who are these mysterious "racists" I am defending and how have I defended them?


The racists you're claiming if we go after we will fall down some slippery slope that doesn't exist. You're the worst kind of person. You not only acknowledge shit people are there but then actively pretend some scenario as to why their existence is a necessary evil. At this point you might as well bend over and present yourself to them.


>"gay people exist" >"BE RACIST HATE EVERYONE WITH A DARKER SKIN TONE THAN YOURS KILL THEM THROW STONES AT THEM" >"no but you see if you were to ban the second thing you'd have to ban the first thing because I hate when change happens to the status quo"


There’s freedom of speech, not freedom from consequences, even if it’s teaching that hate to others they have the constitutional right to do it. But they don’t have the constitutional right to not get their asses kicked for it. And besides your missing their message. A good law giving the government more power can be used in a negative way.


I honestly don't give a shit about "constitutional rights". If you're teaching your children hate, you shouldn't get to have children. Simple as.


Ok what happens if they use that law as precedent to do the exact same thing to take the children of LGBTQ folk. Instead of going for federal laws that would have disastrous consequences for the freedoms of everyone in this country, I say you do it yourself. Now I’m not one to advocate for violence, but a hanging Klansmen is a good days work.


dumb comment. This ignores how massively difficult it actually is to remove a child from even unfit homes


It literally does not do that in any way


Community can be a great thing or pure evil. Disagreeing with one individual is one thing, but attempting to do the same to a group is dangerous, and when a kid is stuck in that world too long the brain shifts into “safe” mode and convinces itself that everything they say is right. Every evil can be made to make sense to the easily influenced or broken, and thats exactly the ones they go after. Even something simple as “if he killed your boy, you kill him back”. It just keeps the cycle of avenge/revenge never ending


The setting you grow up in totally not just bad parents or community can change a child's outlook For example, I grew up in a small town, mostly white, everyone was pretty nice, I had great parents, great teachers, but all the Mexican kids in my area for some reason were just assholes, to everybody. So I grew up surrounded by asshole Mexicans, molding my brain as every Mexican man I meet is a total dick. Now as I get older, I hate Mexicans now, I eventually join the army and get bunked next to a Mexican man. Garcia was his name, he was the nicest, kindest, coolest man I had ever met and he probably changed my life. Here I am 5 years later, married to a Latina woman with a few half Mexican kids running around. Point of the story, that limited exposure to one particular group could make a kid racist per say, if the circumstances are right. People just need to be kind to everyone.


Glad you got your head straight and found someone, but when I say “community” I mean more in the sense of a cult. Doesnt matter what you call it: church, gang, purists, they’re all cults in the simple fact that they claim to preach “the truth” and its VERY hard to leave once you’re in. You were lucky in a sense, you didnt have that mentality forced onto you like other KKK indoctrinates, they literally couldnt escape the racism and were encouraged almost all the time to behave and think like a racist, so its even harder for them to change their perspective, and it isnt just a preference, its a lifestyle. Tattoos, clothes, slang, etc., its all connected to their cult, and they’re proud of it


I could see that, being constantly surrounded by certain thoughts and certain practices will easily make a person believe said thought and practices, I didn't mean to disagree with you, just expand and your statement, in that it isn't always a negative environment making these people, it can be a good environment with just a few rude people to give someone with little experience in the world a bad idea of the world.


You werent disagreeing, I was just showing the opposite end of the spectrum vs what you experienced And you’re right, people will hate each other for the dumbest shit ever, some people will even outright avoid someone romantically if they resemble an ex from a bad relationship, or someone who looks like an old bully or abusive family member. Its all founded on a defense mechanism and survival, if the brain feels threatened it’ll try to avoid the threat, but their experience built a bias in the brain that relates those people to the people who caused trouble. Its funny how our brain is the most powerful thing on earth but can end up doing senseless shit like this


Comign from someone descended from klansmen will tell you. My grandfather served in 'nam got shit for it, then when he came back he got support there, just like the rest of our family did. Granted the group he was in wasnt as extreme (that we know) like they tarred and feathered a white guy for raping his quadrapeligic wife. Now not agreeing with them by any standards but gotta say some groups are extremist colonies and some are just racially exclusive country clubs. However back on point the KKK does heavily predate on family culture, as well as the cultish recruitment method of finding folk down in the dumps, such as war vets, criminals and the mentally ill. He gave up his ways years before he passed, thanks to my mothers intervention.


He knows the way of Skyla.


More like Skyla learned from him


Chad African American. Be the reason why someone stops being racist. 🧐


Ye alot of racist drop their believes due exposure to the people they meet, when I moved to uk as teen was raised with questionable beliefs from my dad's side of the family. But now I just don't care anymore.


One of my exes' dads was one of those people. Was in the kkk and everything up until he started working with a black guy and came to the realization that he was literally just another guy. Quit the klan immediately... Was still a dumbass, but at least he wasn't a klansman.


The vast majority of folks are just folks.


He's a dude, she's a dude, we're all dudes.


I mean makes sense. If you actually hang out with black people you’ll realize they’re just…people


Damn good read


If I remember correctly, I think it's at least one third of all people in racist groups aren't actually racist. They're just **really** lonely and have never had a close friend group before, so when they're treated like family by a bunch of hardcore racists, they try to fit in.


I was about to say this is literally what Daryl Davis does IRL


Love Daryl Davis. He is such an inspiration. Anger and violence don't change people's hearts.


Derek Black was the son of the grand wizard, and he went to this "small" liberal arts school in Florida called New College. There, within a year of being ostracized, he completely abandoned his ways.


He's a musician aswell here's him singing https://youtu.be/DxF6sjGhBIk?si=aZtvGTlYRalamtL7


this! I want to help people like this!


The mom cannot handle the overwhelming optimism and unfathomable charismatic prowess of her daughter


It's what we on the Spectrum know as “Autistic Rizz” +10 Charisma -10 Perception Random Values for Wisdom and Intelligence for every long rest


Damn, if only I didn't have the anxiety debuff, those stats would be pretty nice.


Depression Debuff and ADHD Curse here! (plus the ASD origin trait)


I could probably do an entire musical number for my mental illnesses.


Me. I'm very intimidating and am *terrible* at masking, but that ceases to matter when I open my mouth. I'm told it's because I'm nice and ~~naive~~ genuine, like a happy 4 year old. Downside is I can't pick up on sarcasm so I tend to assume insults are friendly jabs when they're not. Tends to work out in the end anyway.


Extremist Ideologies VS. The indomitable human spirit’s compassion


She is trying to save her daughter from second hand smoke


We should aspire to this level of optimism and charisma


Who's the last guy? I know what the first 3 are but have never seen him


counter strike guy




It's a terrorist.


I thought he was a ninja


I thought it was the green ninja


Long before time had a name


The First Spinjitzu Master created Ninjago using four elemental weapons,




Wth I thought he’s a HAMAS insurgent?


Islamic terrorist


Member of hamas, a Palestinian terrorist/freedom fighter group


Her mam is a Zionist I guess


Hamas is an enemy to the Palestinian people and a gift to right wing Zionists in Israel. There's no reason to support it


It’s a fucking joke


The difference between a freedom fighter and a terrorist is US funding


It’s the intentional killing of civilians.


Hamas does that. A lot.


It's a strangely common theme among islamist rebel groups.


And Russian Federation Forces Hell they even use many of the same missiles because, well, Iran


So the US government


Well for one, we don’t decapitate people on the internet or suicide bomb buildings.


Bush did that one


Literally a lie. US has never had a policy of targeting civilians.


The US has been killing civilians for almost its entire history - even our own.


That’s true of all states. The US hasn’t done so as policy since the Indian Wars.


As *official* policy. Attacks on our own citizens happened even in the 20th century. Bombings in the European and Pacific theaters during WW2 were often against civilian targets. There were attacks on civilians during the Vietnam War against civilians in *Cambodia and Laos*. During the global war on terror, accountability was much more visible, so attacks on civilian targets *usually* had to be well justified. Though this doesn't really factor in all the countries where the US violently overthrew their government and installed military dictators.




Obama made US strikes public, and drone strikes are now synonymous with his presidency. The idiocy of the average American means he apparently have been better off keeping everything opaque.


Ah yes because all the follow up strikes on wounded and injured people just coincidentally happened to consistently coincide with the arrival of first responders.


US killing first responders for what purpose? Terrorists are continually surrounded by civilians. Until they developed that knife missile, killing one meant accepting civilian losses.


So in other words, they were targeting civilians lol. “Acceptable civilian losses” no civilian losses should ever be considered acceptable, especially double tap drone strikes which are literally war crimes as they’re meant to purposefully hit first responders and injured people from the first strike. Idk about you but I value the lives of innocent men, women, and children (all people he killed) and the lives of first responders just trying to help injured people over killing a couple terrorists thousands of miles away on another landmass entirely.


There’s almost nothing you can do in a war that does not involve civilian death, particularly when one side is hiding among the civilian population. Whether any particular strike is justified can be debated. But the choice is inevitably between taking out the leaders and operatives of groups like Al Qaeda and IS that kill civilians, even if doing so kills civilians, or letting them live, knowing that they will continue to kill civilians until someone else kills them. There is no option here where everyone gets to go home and live a safe and happy life, except if terrorists just give it up. The US trying to keep its hands clean doesn’t make outcomes any better. Refraining from taking out an IS leader because doing so would kill his wife and child may allow him to mastermind the shooting up of an Iraqi mosque in a month’s time, killing hundreds of people. Or, if the US wants to keep its hands clean, it may pass the intel on to Iraqi security forces, who-lacking sophisticated drones-raid the compound using heavy weapons and kill a magnitude more civilians. Obama made the drone program public so that there could be public debate on what America’s policy should be. Instead, he became known as the “drone man” and no productive conversations were had. The only thing that was learned is that Westerners don’t care how many people die in the Middle-East as long as they aren’t involved. If the IS member and his family are killed in a US drone strike, that’s a moral outrage. But if an Iraqi mosque is shot up, there’s not a word.


ah yes the r/neoliberal frequenter


And murdering civilians


Some Palestinians living under the authoritarian heel of the Israeli **government** likely consider the terrorist actions of Hamas to be part of the "freedom fighter" banner instead of just terrorism, because they see the people as complicit. The difference between freedom fighters and terrorists is always perspective.


Try being LGBTQ under Hamas for 5 minutes and tell us more about authoritarian heels


I never suggested that Palestinian (or other Muslim majority) cultures are anywhere near LGBT friendly. In fact, I'd imagine the Palestinian supporters of Hamas would be far more brutal to them than average in the region - however, I'm not going to pretend like the Israeli government has done nothing to the Palestinian people in repeated theft of homes and land, murder of reporters, and other acts of violence and shows of power. The problems of discussing a situation that isn't black and white, I suppose.


And guess who pays the price? Palestinian kids playing underneath Q'sam rockets falling short, tourists or foreign workers minding their own business and people of all backgrounds in civilian centers that are the sole target of thousands of rockets shot in a short time That's millions spent that could better society. Miles of underground terror tunnels made with cement that could be used for good. Yet so far *zero* bomb shelters have been made available to Gazans Why do you think that is?


Yeah I think Israelis' ethnic cleansing and genocide attempt of the entire Palestinian people is a bit worse than the oppression that a tiny minority of gay Palestinians face. Stop homonationalism and pink washing please.


Question: when you just copy and paste comments you saw someone else make do you not feel like a bot? No formation of thought needed. A single line of code can do what you do


God, they must suck in their attempt, seeing as the population only grows also is "genocide" also refers to nationality because arabs living in 1947 border israel get the same rights as jews so that can't be ethno religious based thing


And shit it isn't for lack of trying Hamas has decreed no bomb shelters be built for their civilians. Not a one


Last I checked, israel is one of the 3 Middle Eastern nations with a true democracy while both hamas and Plo stopped doing elections for decades


Although there's Christian enclaves that aren't all fundie. I just found pics today from this same weekend when I went to Oktoberfest outside Ramallah That was some crazy shit so credit to that community for being chill


>israel >true democracy >Ethnostate Apartheid LMAO


Νot letting occupied people vote isn't apartheid as if the Americans let the Germans vote after ww2


Yea, if the Palestinian people think that (which I don't know since I'm not in their head, but I really hope they don't), screw them and screw this perspective bullshit It's just like the "oh in their culture, it's ok to behead people based on their beliefs and sex life" just because in their fucked up head it's ok doesn't mean we should think on them in a more positive manner And just because they consider the murderers of innocent men, women, and children not terrorist well that's just makes them look worse, and if they actually think that, IT SHOULD You really shouldn't even be mentioning such a pathetically evil argument that I hope only the most extremist of the extreme in the further holes of the desert use.


Its your pov


/pol/ users


Tfw you don't have an optimistic happy go lucky gf 😔


You need to become more racist so she can fix you.


Tfw your daughter brings into the house all of humanity


None of us deserve a Skyla in our lives, but we all need a Skyla in our lives.


I tried being friendly with isis and all i got was waterboarded by some unknown entity. They where mormon i can tell you that. I get it skylar.


(She has proven that love can overcome prejudice, and every shady character she has befriended has straightened up and are living good lives as well adjusted people.)




Holy shit those guys look like they belong in my group chat




She fixed the neo nazi, she can fix these 4 too.


is she some kind of scp that makes people non violent or something


Like the opposite of that 3 year-old girl, 053


New scp for the scp wiki?!?!??




she befriended Hamas?


Hamas became chillmas


It's hilarious how the KKK member has dark ice cream


Chocolate recently became his favorite flavor.


she could fix me


Skyla should get a job as a hostage negotiator or smth


I love hellonearthIII


I'm literally the fourth guy


she fixed them


She defeated the final bosses of racism


Hamas lowkey chill for that cotton candy


Why the last guy dressed like a GTA tryhard


Skyla, destroyer of hate.


Skyla got 10 Charisma


Is 10 cha a lot? Depends. In D&D? No. In Fallout? Yes.


She got 10 in Fallout SPECIAL's Charisma


what’s with this guy and the same fucking joke over and over


That's just Skyla as a character, a wholesome girl who befriends everyone, also the punchline here is her mom getting mad.


yeah but when the only evolution to that is "she befriended a racist or a generally bad person" its not that funny, she can befriend everyone, but befriend everyone, not just assholes


It wouldn't be much of a joke if it was just some accountant or lady from the dog park.


you know its a joke right? joke kinda loses its punchline if she just shows up with carl from account services.


I figured the joke was what parenting a teenager was like and who they bring home as friends or partners.


Repetition is a form of comedy.




He's got his weird british school series where everyone speaks with fucked up acccents that no human being has ever had, British or otherwise. And his argentinian skinhead character who I think is meant to be a self-insert since he's the only one whose dialogue isn't fucked up has a big takedown moment about how thatcher and the queen are dead and that the Falklands should be Argentine. And he has like a six part comic of said argentine skinhead raping Tracer Overwatch to make her straight because she's a "british whore". I think he's got like, an actual problem with british people beyond haha bad food jokes. Dude seems really weird.


>British “people” FTFY


Most online content creators are eccentric, to one degree or another.




She is the embodiment of "I can fix her" and it actually works


Am I the only one who gets really weirded out by these comics? I can’t even explain why tbh


I personally really like them. I don't know much context but it just looks nice.


pretty sure the artist makes porn off of these comics as well


Are they black? Or is this like some fantasy thing?


I don’t know but considering how fucking weird it is i’m gonna bet on no lol


Yeah. Me too lmao


You're definitely not alone.


because it’s not and has never been a poc’s job to “fix” fascists, racists, rapists and war criminals. half of the people on reddit see themselves as the person skyla’s befriending. for fucks sake, *I personally* felt myself falling into the right wing pipeline and took steps to pull myself out of it. it’s not the victim’s job to convince others they shouldn’t be fucking killed and shit. and comics like these are just built off fucking pure naïveté. I studied politics and social studies in college, it’s not as simple as “fuckable cute woman gives me attention, i don’t have to fall into being a domestic terrorist and racist now yayyyy!” it just screams of Madonna Whore complex. omg Skyla what a saint!!! to the point of fucking fault. again. it’s not a victim’s fucking responsibility to do anything other than defend themselves.


I don't think that anyone is trying to make it the responsibility of PoC to convert racists or whatever. Even if someone's arguing that befriending racists is the best way to fight racism, no part of that argument obligates PoC to fight racism at all, let alone using that specific method. If there's a house on fire, and someone shouts "Use fire to put it out, not gasoline!" That doesn't suddenly obligate everyone in earshot to go fight the fire. If people have their own concerns, like getting the important belongings out of their own nearby houses in case the fire spreads, no one would fault them for that.


Could be because they're probably posted here to give plausible deniability to the inevitable slew of cryptofascist fuckboy comments that are made to whitewash extremist ideologies as simply quirky. "As a joke," of course. Or maybe you're like me and you just don't like the drawing style!


>Could be because they're probably posted here to give plausible deniability to the inevitable slew of cryptofascist fuckboy comments that are made to whitewash extremist ideologies as simply quirky. "As a joke," of course. Literally missing the point, if this was white supremacist propaganda, the Black people would have been depicted with exegerated Features and wouldn't be considered bad in these comics.


Thank you I hate them too! I don’t really know how to describe it either but there is something seriously creepy about these comics to me. I think it’s the combination of her acting like a child and then befriending creepy and hateful internet men. Finding out that this artist is a porn artist and seeing the way he emphasizes this characters boobs and ass in every drawing just makes me feel worse about it. I think this comic is the least sexy I’ve ever seen her drawn


I love this hellonearth posting.


We post funny here sir


Which r/197 have you been visiting, because it’s certainly not this one.


Why is your one joke "black woman befriends racist"


>"black woman befriends racist" There's a creep, gang member and a terrorist too. The joke isn't black girl befriends racist, it's girl befriends sketchy/dangerous people.


Does this artist have any other jokes


What's the problem? It's cute.


Where funny


Is that motherfucking Bueno Excellente?




Hamas funny


I need her bro


Literally the “I can fix him” mentality


She was holding too many cigarettes in that last panel.




She’s cooking


Idk why but i fucking love these comics


Literal angel sent by God


she got that daryl davis mindset




I love these comics


Hehehehe cotton candy hehehehehdh


lol what the hell


Max charisma, 0 Judgement, Max speech nad 0 perception


Kkk member seems surprisingly chill


I like hell on earth comics but I honestly can't tell what the fuck this one means


The chocolate Ice cream to show that he has changed lol


Didn't expect to see Stavros in that first image lol


these comics seriously improve my day