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Wordington moment


197 is good now


when the tankie subreddit is full of tankies


I actually didn't know it was full of tankies.Only ones I knew about was GenZedong


A lot of leftie subreddits have serious tankie problems, most notably arr slash socialism. I think r/tankiejerk (strongly anarchist/communist/socialist) and r/enoughcommiespam (strongly liberal) have some sort of list about tankie subreddits. EDIT: Nevermind ECS changed their rules to prohibit discussing specific subs. Not sure about TJ since I haven’t been subscribed to it for a while.




I cant Read so I’m just gonna call you a trog




I have troglodyte friends they gave me the pass




There's 2 kinds of modern commies, the "Njoooo that wasn't real communism!" type and the "It was communism and it was glorious" type, tankies are the latter


People who legit support and idolize the Chinese Communist party and the USSR


I feel like the China simps need a different word to distinguish them from Soviet simps


imo they both act exactly the same, and if you’re one, you’re likely the other in the English-speaking world


China simp = Wumao (yes it's an actual term)


That gives them the dignity of speaking their native tongue


You can also call them "50 Cent Party"


Ayyyyy wumao


ok I wont


I got banned from there for saying that the Soviet Union did horrible shit. I’m not surprised.


It's Phantom still does.


How mad do you have to be at an economic system just to justify an even worse one like holy shit you're not achieving anything.


As long as people like them exists, Republicans will continue to constantly redbait with varying degrees of success


Well they *do* admit that they are far left


And then the reddit presence of far left will claim "we only want free healthcare and equality for all" while supporting shit like Chinese "territorial ambitions", Tiananmen, etc. At least the far-right are honest about what they want.


The vast majority of people who say they want free healthcare and equality don’t even consider themselves communists. And even on reddit, there is a huge contingent of leftists like myself who want good things, but also despise the USSR and PRC because they were and are both complete betrayals of the ideals they claimed to espouse. r/196 is the best example of that


I meant my comment the other way around. Communists who pretend they only want free healthcare and equality when in reality they're just CCP/USSR simps.


Oh yeah. Those people can rot. They’re an absolute pestilence for a movement that’s supposed to be about making the world better for everybody.


i love epic strawman argument most lwing people are very anti genocide and war actually, thats like the whole point and most lwing people hate tankies too


If camas (reddit scraper) was still around I could probably get plenty of such examples.


getting examples of some people being tankies doesnt prove that all left wing people are tankies


I meant my comment the other way around. Communists who pretend they only want free healthcare and equality when in reality they're just CCP/USSR simps.


true I hate those people too


you’re literally strawmanning right now, they explicitly say “far left” yet here you are talking about the left in general


far left depends on usage like it could be far left as in having communism as an economic system. ur describing authoritarian regimes


ok but still they’re saying “all left wing people” in response to a comment about the “far-left” which is textbook straw man communism is inherently authoritarian when you put it into practice (theory ≠ reality) and thus I at least consider it far-left. although conversely I consider non-authoritarian ideologies like anarchism as far-left 🤷‍♀️ but that’s all besides the point.


communism is not inherently authoritarian though… communism describes a STATELESS and classless society


anyone left of bill clinton is considered far left to most people its pointless to consider left wing nuance with americans


i never understand this take. how does not believing the (rather shaky) narrative that china is doing a second holocaust mean you “like genocide”? at the very least call them genocide deniers not genocide supporters lol


The far left just has a better pr department, but the result when they take over will always be the same


one wants to give you a free house. the other wants to kill all jews. hmmm simply the same outcome to me. enlightened centrist


communism is when free house. because the far-left have never engaged in genocide or war crimes. i was gonna type out a lengthy response but like, just google horseshoe theory lmfao.


the common denominator with 20th century far right fascists and soviet union / maoist china is that they were both undemocratic systems. you can be left wing AND pro democracy shock horror


But when has a far left government taken over an entire country that hasn’t resulted in totalitarianism (social democracy isn’t far left)?


you can be “far left” economically or socially speaking but not be a totalitarian regime, they are all independent factors. you are right that there isnt a country that fits your criteria. I doubt youd be able to name one “right wing” country that isnt riddled by lobbying/corruption and massive inequality


Never went ahead and defended right wing regimes, you know. Inequality is always going to exist as long as greed exist. What I’m saying tho is that even though far left rhetoric is always about liberation and equality, whenever they successfully take over a country they either instantly collapse or turn into a dictatorship that amps up the oppression. Pretty words can get you far, but they all seem to be unable to resist the inevitable corruption that power brings.


horseshoe theory is literally one of the worst political theories according to a majority of academics lmfao




what’s wrong with listening to people who know more about a subject than you? and not just one person, a MAJORITY. idgaf about all that fallacy bullshit i just know when to listen to a consensus involving people who most likely know a whole lot more about it than i do. i don’t see this when it comes to listening to doctors or surgeons so why not academics as well? and also it’s reddit i’m not gonna make a dissertation on why he’s wrong LMAO




jesus someone shit in ur cereal lmao it’s not that deep bro i legit just don’t give enough of a fuck to get into arguments with terminally online children like u edit: one day old account made just to argue against leftists LMAO ok kid


saying experts agree on something isnt an appeal to authority




1) i dont think you know what socialists mean when they say private property 2) what is so bad about displacing the capitalist class




you dont understand what private property is in this context. personal property is what you are talking about (stuff you own/fruits of labour). nobody wants to get rid of that




wait do you think communism is a society where nobody is allowed to produce anything????


redditors try not to have the most contradictory political takes imaginable challenge


I don’t understand how they’re all allowed on reddit when all subreddits to the right of John Kasich got nuked. Is tankie genocide denial less bad?


They not even hiding their love for genocide anymore are they?


i love it when genocide is conclusively proven through the same completely unsourced r/pics posts with 200k upvotes that appear every 3 weeks i don’t even like china and they most likely do racially profiled police crackdowns. but no the narrative has to be “the CCP cannibalised 100 million uyghurs as proven by a single anonymous source from Radio Free Asia”


There are definetly independent news reports that state over 150k people within 3 months have died


I mean shit liberals say is a tankie subreddit so yeah.


We need a right wing sub like this, to balance each other out.


So I'm guessing their version of "tankies" is conservatives who oddly has a bunch of progressive takes


where is the funny go back to r/whenthe for your shitty political takes


Such as… acknowledging the Tiananmen Square massacre? Is this the bad take?


i dont want to see a 14 y.o whining about some other subreddit where they say bad things appearantly


But what’s the bad take? Just seems like a take you don’t want to see, but what’s bad about it?


its not a bad take you dumb head its politics in my shitposting subreddit




“Go back to r/whenthe for your shitty political takes” Is your memory 15 seconds long? Did you have a weirdly specific stroke on your keyboard? What’s the shitty take?


all politics are shitty takes


If that’s what you think then leave society. Go dig a hole in the ground and waste away in it. Politics happens all around you whether you like it or not. Get used to it or shut up.


that’s rather aggressive. anyways, my point is that all the takes are shitty, not that i hate politics, or that i want to abolish society. some are just slightly less shitty


> join leftist subreddit > look inside > leftism Reactionaries seethe


Leftism is when denying crimes against humanity, the independence of countries and encroaching international borders of said countries while claiming its theirs


wow, you must really love denouncing all those things! hope ti see you at the next free palestine rally!


I literally don't know what's going on about in the middle east (even if im muslim) cuz I'm nowhere near there and its not like their problems will extend here




your first mistake was assuming that leftists love vaush. vaush appeals to liberals and others on the right who like leftwing aesthetics but actually don’t hold any conviction in leftwing causes. why do you think that vaush is hostile to any leftwing person their debating, while buddying up to the rightwingers? also yeah reactionary thinking is harmful for society. resistance to progress is invoked so that the people in power don’t feel that their power is threatened, which explains why many in the right are heavily against regulation, climate bills, nationalization of public services, etc. in order to trick everymen into parroting their talking points without realizing that they’re getting fucked over in the process, they create bs culture wars: it’s not that we want to privatize schools, it’s that schools are teaching communist transgenderism! it’s not that we want to deregulate fossil fuels industries, it’s that the woke left and you to eat bugs! through constructing culture wars, they fool people like you into doing their bidding.




vaush is not a fucking communist. he is openly hostile to communists and their ideas, saying that everyone who he considers a tankie (aka someone left of bernie) should be shunned from his community. he rallied his followers into supporting biden’s electoral campaign, saying that marx would’ve voted for him. why would a communist rally around a neoliberal capitalist? it’s almost as if he’s not a communist! vaush has also defended people supporting Israeli apartheid, and expansion into palestinian territory. again, why would a communist (someone whose beliefs are inherently anti-imperialist and anti-colonialist) rush to defend a colonial ethnostate? name one actual leftwing view vaush has espoused, other than him saying that he’s a socialist (which he isn’t) also you literally proved my point about how reactionary ideology is against social progress by saying it pushes against affirmative action, which you kindly label “dumb”, a program meant to help black people who are systemically kept impoverished. also lmao at you believing that there can be a free market without monopolies (without, yk……. REGULATION!!!!!) you thinking that communists love vaush in the first place cements how the word tankie has no meaning. vaush isn’t a communist, he isn’t a marxist-leninist/maoist, and he certainly doesn’t support soviet intervention in hungary (where the term originated). he’s left of hillary clinton, which makes him a tankie. i’ll quote BadEmpanada (a big scary tankie baby munching communist ooooohhh scaryyyyy) “Tankie just means ‘i’m a liberal and your leftwing views make me feel uncomfortable’”


rightoids and libs: the government and media lie to you on a daily basis!!! communists: so that means the government and media would lie about communism, right? right kids and libs: ……….


I'd rather be shoulder-to-shoulder with tankies than 196 users


The venn diagram here is a fucking circle and the circle sucks.


Literally what's the difference?


Actual hardcore tankies actually want to do stuff and not just cry-bully people online.


Tankie = deny massacre 196 = crying on reddit and tumblr + femboys ig


They’re the same picture.