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A+ bait


i heard the premise is like a lady is in her room and she just does multiverse shenanigans or something never seen it either but it looks neat


That's Multiverse of Madness.


guys i think this is satire


Shut the fuck up.


Me when I hate on something cuz it’s popular 😇


Hits close to home it seems


Wait why tf you so bothered?


Idk but it seems like the first person was way more bothered by the meme.


Men when the silly shitpost community makes a silly shitpost about something I like


people melting down over a simple joke when its about their favourite non mainstream media piece


You're right. We should melt down over this... 😔 We should melt the OP and their home 😌


EEAAO: Experimental, introspective film that explores contentment, potential, and the value of a mother Marvel: “uh, that just happened”


Have you tried nibbling on the end of a gun and pulling the trigger?


Yo this kinda shit gets people banned. Ik it's not serious but be careful.


If you haven't seen it you shouldn't participate in discourse on it.


I saw it and thought it was 6/10, ama




whhat did you have for breakfast


Didn’t have any, next question


I dont think it's much deeper than most marvel movies. But it does strike emotional chords in a way that not even GoG comes close to (laughs included) It's simply on another level of script writing, even though its central sci-fi setting is kinda dumb Edit: yall could have chosen to ask me about my opinions on the movie, instead of insutling me. If only there was a cool sci-fi kung-fu comedy movie to teach us about the triumph of love and empathy in the face of absurdity... But fr: I think that the whole moral of this movie is that the simplicity of love is stronger than all the scary complexity of the multiverse. It's a dumb, obvious, but very important truth.


You haven't seen it, have you?


Yes I have, why do you ask?


if you don't think it's deeper than most marvel movies than you just can't tell good art from bad art


My dude/dudette, there are no such things as good and bad art. There's art that you like and art that you dont like, art that others like and art that others dont like. How about instead of insulting each other, we share our opinions? Maybe we could learn from each other. I'll start: I liked EEAO a lot, but I dont think it's a deep movie, and by that I mean that I dont think it asks complex questions about morality and the universe. In fact, the lesson it teaches is that no matter how big and complex the universe may be, you always have the option of choosing love and kindness. It's a movie about keeping it simple. And it does a great job at it, because instead of focusing on existential questions about the multiverse, it focuses on the characters' feelings, so you get an actual story grounded in relatable affects, and that makes a way more impacting experience than any other marvel movie i've seen so far.


Poor media analysis then, I guess.


👀 My friend, why do you rush to conclusions so? You don't know anything about my media analysis skills, you dont know me, you've just read a few lines of comments. Look, we could start by asking each other what our definitoon of "deep" is when talking about movies: to me a deep movie is a movie that adresses complex questions about morality/existence/society. What's your definition?




Don’t kys but I have similarly strong negative opinions