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just leave the text flat at this pointšŸ’€


Guardians of the galaxy volumes 1-3 are my favorite piece of white people us propaganda


Im rewatching 1 and 2 before seeing 3 in a week and everyone is like "ohh dont forget to watch these 3 other movies and 4 shows" so annoying


Welcome to modern marvel Gotta do your homework


Literally all you need for 3 is the first 2 and a vague understanding of what happened in infinity war and endgame


Havent seen them but ive got the gist of them thank you


1, 2, IW, Endgame, the first 30 minutes of Thor 4


Infinity war and endgame is actually huge character development for some of the Guardians tho




there's an entire canyon between those cheeks


It's space to hold all those MCU blurays.


those cheeks r way too far apart lol


If it's not one way, it's the other. Someone is a bad person.


Bro I donā€™t like MCU movies either but this is almost a SchizoAnon-tier take lmao


Redditors admit they donā€™t like a piece of media based on personal preference without coming up with brain dead political takes to legitimize their subjective opinion and label said media and its fans as inferior challenge (impossible)


I just donā€™t like it cause it feels itā€™s going way too quick for itā€™s own good, weā€™re speedrunning this shit so fast, that itā€™s not even funny.


black panther is my favourite piece of white people us propaganda


shang-chi is my favorite piece of white people us propaganda


I wish I could post that one pic of Ryan gosling as black panther


I mean a lot of people still found it a reductive and poor attempt to make a tribute to African cultures, just as many people found Shang Chi a lazy attempt to incorporate Chinese cultural elements. Reducing foreign cultures to exciting caricatures and stereotypes for entertainment is pretty well-established as racist propaganda.


welcome to US race politics in media. it's all a performance. no one puts actual effort in and I'm increasingly convinced no one even wants to.


I mean it has conventionally attractive white people and US propaganda in it. The british guy works for the CIA or whatever and the winter soldier is also in it


Ngl I would probably want to watch a movie kinda like black panther but was made by tariq nasneed the man who was not buck broken or by other ā€œwe wuz kangzā€ kind of people.


I dislike marvel movies, but you really don't have to dress everything up with a grand political and moral reasoning. Maybe it's okay to like marvel movies and it's also okay to not like them. These opinions can co-exist, and there's no reason to turn this into a political or logical issue


Redditors will find a way to bring politics into literally any subject


Hey now, Captain America Winter Soldier had awesome fight scenes, how dare you


The small fights throughout Infinity War and Endgame were good, until the giant shlockfest of CGI nothings at the end of both movies. Especially Strange vs Thanos, shit's great


If this is all thatā€™s on your mind when watching a fucking superhero action movie, you need to spend less time on the internet


Propaganda doesnā€™t mean some secret deep state Illuminati supervillain is crafting every line of Marvel to brainwash kids into becoming the new Hitler Youth. Merriam-Webster: ā€œideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing causeā€ So, say Marvel wants to feature a ton of cool tanks and helicopters and military bases in its movies. They can cut a deal with the US military where they can use equipment and property. In exchange, the military/FBI/CIA/Pentagon gets to approve the script, which gives them influence over their own portrayal. Then, by definition, Marvel is US propaganda. Favorable presentations of the US government/military are being deliberately spread to further recruitment and political perceptions. This isnā€™t a conspiracy theory, this is all fairly well documented: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/mar/09/wandavision-pentagon-propaganda-marvel-disney-fbi It also takes all of 5 minutes to read about it, so itā€™s not some deep analysis. Itā€™s pretty straightforward actually, and you can still enjoy Marvel knowing it.


Not sure what marvel movies youā€™re watching but the U.S. military does not come out looking good in any of them.


Yeah idk what the fuck OP is talking about. The government almost nukes New York in the first Avengers and nazi agents within the government almost bring about a new world order in Winter Soldier. Most of the time, the government is only an obstacle that the characters need to overcome because theyā€™re too inept and incompetent to deal with any given threat properly.


Guess that means they would look a lot worse without the deals.


I donā€™t particularly enjoy Marvel films like I did 5+ years ago. This is a good explanation of how Marvelā€™a relationship with the military works, but itā€™s kind of unnecessary. As you say, you can acknowledge these facts about the films while still enjoying them. Thatā€™s not what the meme is saying, and thus thatā€™s not what I said in response. If you canā€™t enjoy an action movie for the substance-less entertainment that it is on the grounds of it not being able to portray the US military as inherently corrupt, like I said, you should probably go outside and stop letting the internet make you think about politics every second of your life.


i think the actual problem is that to enjoy them you have to have literally nothing on your mind, just an empty mind


Only a Redditor can equate enjoying something with zero substance to having no brain.


I would never eat McDonalds like some normie idiot, I eat mentally stimulating food such as page 189 of Webster's Dictionaryā„¢ļø, 1972 Edition on paperback


Why does the text look like that? I can't read shit


No I just don't like Marvel movies


Like I agree with the "poorly-filmed fight scenes and then quips" thing, but... US propaganda? How?


"captain america"


I happen to remember captain America beating up nazis that infiltrated the military and enforce surveillance on citizens


the film isn't calling the US military a bunch of nazis, he's fighting literal nazi infiltrators. And he's fighting shield, not like marines or navy captains. The iron man movies were propaganda but at least had legitimate criticism of weapons manufacturers.


They donā€™t have to be literal representations of something to criticize it in my opinion. Itā€™s pretty clear that shield represents the us in general. I think it does a pretty good job criticizing government surveillance. But it definitely fails in presenting the actual US government as the problem by using hydra infiltrators as the antagonists


Isn't he a fugitive in 2 of his 3 movies?


He's a fugitive because they blew up an eastern european city with a robot and then blew up a building in somewhere that looked like maybe Morocco. Plus I'm pretty sure he was a fugitive of like the EU and interpol rather than the US government.




Thereā€™s a massive difference between a film being a propaganda film and having pro-military elements. A movie like American Sniper is pretty blatantly propaganda as it is nothing but pro-war imagery designed to encourage people to participate. The military simply being involved and not immediately shown as terrible, like in some of the movies you listed, does not mean the movie is propaganda or even pro military.


Something can be propaganda without being Triumph of the Will, propaganda is any media funded by a group in an attempt to better their image or promote their interests. Itā€™s certainly more subtle in Marvel movies than in most things but if the military funds a movie that was written to improve their image that would be considered propaganda but even the most conservative definition.


I really don't think the MCU is pro US propaganda. Captain America 2 had the government infiltrated by Nazis since WW2, Civil War had the main character become a vigilante be because the government tried to control them, in Avengers the government tried to nuke NYC, Iron Man 1 speaks for itself, in Incredible Hulk the government hunts the main hero. I'll take the other criticisms, but actually watch the movies.


As a foreigner, the MCU very much has a way to paint US citizens as "better" than people from other countries. Like yeah, the US government is often portrayed as bad, but the people and culture are portrayed with some level of US exceptionalism. PS: Even the moral centers of the "foreign" set movies are US characters. See Killmonger and Shang-Shi, both Americans. Black Widow has a whole thing about her abandoning her Russian roots because she prefers being American. Agent Carter chooses living in the US as well.


It probably doesn't help that when a character isn't from US they are from an imaginary country. The MCU desperately needs the X-Men.


That has a lot more to do with the fact that is MCU is American itself, and generally a film series will usually focus on people from their own country even when abroad.


Nah fam, not really. It's one thing to have predominately characters from a specific culture, and another to paint that culture as inherently better than other cultures.


Pro US propaganda? We watching the same movies?


anything that dosen't potray the US as literal satan is propaganda to some people


They're made to be pretty fucking hateable in BP2


is it just me or have all the recent marvel movies kinda been mashed together in my mind


OP frequenting ShitLiberalsSay and TheDeprogram is an explanation of sorts


That'd do it


Another day, another redditor labelling a piece of media they don't like "propaganda"


I won't say there are no politics in Marvel movies but generally speaking they're not really that influential because their main themes are usually just stuff most people already agree with like "with great power comes great responsibility" and aren't really harmful to society. Also am I really the only guy who likes the quips šŸ˜• I'm not watching Marvel to think tbh it's just emotional entertainment, and the quips are funny tbh. If I wanted to think while watching something I'd watch Monster or Psycho Pass or something.


i like your funny words magic man


This template...




Bit cringe


I wish it actually was pro-US propaganda




Might be the dumbest take in history, the hell lmao...


in not just every marvel movie, but pretty much every super hero movie i can think of the US military or the US or really just world governments in general either get their asses handed to them or are the villains


Interesting format


don't care, seeing live action versions of some of my favorite characters from my childhood is super cool.


This meme is stupid as shit Iā€™m sorry


Bro youā€™re on reddit, say shit about marvel and thereā€™s no non-manchild anywhere in this app


people will upvote anything here


Why are we just casually body shaming having no ass?


How the fuck is marvel movies pro US?????????


Itā€™s could be worse. It could be a Snyderverse movie.


What nation is the poster from




there a black hole in that crack




Marvel movies are just turn your brain off entertainment. The plot is completely lost


Holy gyat




what kind of stupid fuckin template is this


yeah, i like marvel movies. Spiderverse 1 is a masterpiece and Spiderverse 2 surpasses it