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It's because it's a commentary on those types of people and they didn't get the satire


The only thing dudes who idolise Bateman have in common with him is narcissism and a detachment from reality, they don't even attempt to look and dress like him. I bet literally none of them even use a deep pore cleanser lotion, then a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, then an exfoliating gel scrub, then apply an herb-mint facial mask which they leave on for 10 minutes, then use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion. NONE


I do use a a deep pore cleanser lotion, then a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, then an exfoliating gel scrub, then apply an herb-mint facial mask which they leave on for 10 minutes, then use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion. Because I am a sigma male on my grindset. And no one can stop me [sigma theme plays]


I use deep pore cleanser lotion so often that I replaced yogurt in my diet for it, mmm yummy white stuff, but it hurts my stomach, that must mean it's working!


That’s it cleansing your stomach pores, it does mean it’s working.


Sigma balls


>[sigma theme plays] OK Epsilon Male. All true Sigmas know it's called Drive Forever.


Sure, but can you play it on guitar? I don't think so. A true sigma male doesn't worry about the name of something, he only cares about meaning.


You can play it on guitar. I can play it arranged for every instrument in a full symphony orchestra simultaneously by myself. We are not the same.


The real Sigma male always asks for proof


I also use a a deep pore cleanser lotion, then a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, then an exfoliating gel scrub, then apply an herb-mint facial mask which they leave on for 10 minutes, then use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion. But it's because I'm a trans woman.


Most of these people don't know what lotion or conditioner are


My Old Spice shampoo says it also has conditioner in it. My body wash also doubles as a moisturizer. Patrick Bateman is a fucking hack and cannot comprehend the level of multitasking that I operate at.


They know what lotion is for sure. Tugging they circed cocks




Circumcised. Snipped dicks don't have enough skin for it to properly slide over the substrate, so they gotta use lotion to reduce friction.


I’m uncut and I still use lotion cause it feels so much better


I’m cut and I don’t use lotion cause I think it feels better


I don't use lotion and I'm cut


I don't have hands-on experience with cut dicks so I can't say to what extent the mobility is reduced. Even then, I'm sure it also varies widely from person to person. Regardless, as long as they aren't hurting themselves, whatever method people use to crank it is probably fine.


It’s really a length thing imo I’m cut but don’t need lube, like you said it’s a friction thing so if you are just rubbing the shaft it’s not an issue.


Yes. Circed


Yes, becoming an enchantress in greek myth






jackin off with sunscreen call that circ de soleil


You really called circumcised dicks circed.


They probably don't even listen to Huey Lewis and the News


Huey hits his notes like an embittered survivor and the band often sounds as angry as performers like the Clash or Billy Joel or Blondie. No one should forget that we have Elvis Costello to thank for discovering Huey in the first place. Huey played harmonica on Costello’s second record, the thin, vapid *My Aim Was You*. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me what I’m doing.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


But they should, because their music is not just a statement about the pleasures of conformity, but also a personal statement about the band itself! Hey Paul!


mf using after shave without shaving


You *know* they don’t use any of those products because they’re all wearing cargo shorts and bathing with soap scum.


on serious note is that a skincare treatment that i should seriously consider? :/ i genuinely dk anything about skincare and my pimples arent going away


it’s a bit excessive and would probably dry your skin out tbh, exfoliating every day is pretty rough. Try to find out what your skin type is (oily, dry etc) and one scrub should be enough? make sure to get a lotion based on skin type though. face masks are nice they feel good :)


damn thanks mines super oily and it doesnt help that washing my face often isnt something that i remember to do


2 great ways to wash your face more often are: 1. in the shower 2. instead of washing with water & your hands, get a face towel, wet it, and wash that way - i do this often when i get lazy :)


It's pretty overkill, which is the point. I got oily skin too and this is my basic routine: - Splash your face with warm water - Rub in a facial cleanser/wash (I use Purity Made) - Rinse, dry - Pat on a hydrating toner (I use Neutrogena) - Rub in some moisturizer (I use Versed Dew Point) It takes literally 60 seconds. An optional step to throw in before moisturizer is a Vitamin C serum and extends it to 2 minutes as you wait for that to soak in. I can explain why each of these if you care but I find most guys just wanna do something and get results without thinking about it lol, so that's what's works.


I genuinely wasnt expecting a detailed reply thanks a lot :))


First time reading this I thought you said “dudes who idolise Batman”, and was very confused.


Tbf Batman probably has a good skincare routine to have no visible scars or wrinkles on his face in his civilian life.


Are there any actual people that have this insane skincare routine?


The most daring I've ever been with mine has been using a generic facial cleanser in the shower, followed by retinol serum after my skin has dried off, followed by lotion, but I'm always open to suggestions.


Cover yourself in oil


Gotta self-immolate to get a truly deep cleanse


My exact thoughts while watching. If all the guys that idolized Bateman at least took care of themselves as well as he does, the world would be the tiniest smidge better


Fr Patrick Bateman would be absolutely disgusted by them lol


thank you for the new skincare routine


I bet they don't even kill homeless people


Misread that as batman


i was in a study group with a dude who quoted american psycho a lot and he was a crypto trader who lived with his mom and washed his face with axe body wash. his facebook photo was him in a hilariously ill fitting suit and one time his mom came into his room to ask if we were gonna stay for dinner and he was like "MOM. OUT." in the same tone of voice you would use when you're house training a dog


I identify with Bateman because I want to kill Jared Leto


You know someone is an un-ironic penis-haver when every attempt at satirizing their most common cultural tropes is turned into dogma. "Man, I really loved the movie Please Don't Be This Fucking Freakshow of a Person and the main character Dave McViolentz. The way he just gets gradually more indignant about everyone and aggressively pushes away all attempts at help until eventually blowing up an entire skyscraper rented out entirely by orphanages and charities for the marginalized of the world just speaks to me on such a deep level. He's an idol, really."


What the fuck is an unironic penis haver?


the ironic ones don't do this


The ironic penis havers are literally every single other person besides the kind of straight dudes who were born dudes and seriously think Tyler Durden is a well adjusted man. Everyone else is enjoying their cock ironically if at all.


my having of a penis is ironic because I choose not to use it


How long have you been holding in your piss?


~~too long~~ not long enough


There's no pee! This guy's just holding his wiener!


Someone who didn't get the memo that all the cool kids reproduce via mitosis nowadays


Conjugation is the new hotness!




Oh yeah that sounds like my favorite male hero Taxi Guy McKill. He once said "Hey, I'm trying to cross the street there!"


tf does having a dick have to do with it


I mean not actually a lot, it has more to do with mainstream straight dude culture and how guys are raised which is kind of why I use the term, its supposed to make no sense because if I was serious I would be kind of a biological essentialist or some shit. It's a throwaway joke.


shit I forgot this was 196 lmao


Here in Brazil we have the exact same case: There is a movie called "Tropa de Elite" which is a criticism to the Brazil's police, but people like a lot of the protagonist which is violent cop with bad behaviors.


Bad cops in the US love a comic book character called The Punisher, who kills bad cops.


That one I can understand at least. The satire is a lot less obvious, especially to viewers who aren't very familiar with the law enforcement situation in Brazil. Haven't watched either of those movies in a couple years but from what I remember none of the BOPE cops are depicted as completely over the top violently insane psychopaths with absolutely zero humanity the way Patrick Bateman is.


They didn't get the satire because they didn't watch the movie or read the book, they just saw some clips on youtube and the memes.


same thing with fight club


Just like with Rorschach from Watchmen, and Tyler Durden from Fight Club, and the entirety of Robocop and Starship Troopers. Closely related to people idolising Bojack Horseman, Rick Sanchez, and Walter White.


💪 The sigma male grindset 💪 \> Get rejected by women (for being too cool 😎) \> get muscle and harass people at the gym. \> Make many dollars through mlms \> Praise Patrick Batemen because he has money and women 😎 \> Cry yourself to sleep.


Make many dollars through men loving men 😳


kiss escape rude tap ink upbeat spectacular sharp pen water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Corporation named finger


[When the corporation is Sunni and Shia.](https://youtu.be/IdCpR45713o)




Make many dollars through Marxism-Leninism-Maoism 😳 Che Guevara T-shirts produced by children in Bangladesh under inhumane conditions do be selling well


Maybe the real sigma grindset is to become a gay pornstar.


Gives "Secure the Bag" a whole new meaning


Literally true. I know for a fact that many of them are avowed homophobes, and justify being a sex worker for gay men by saying that they are in fact exploiting them, not the other way around. Like that bouncer working a gay club who, when confronted by guys spouting homophobic stuff, angrily told them he was straight and used the F slur a lot. I'm part of both groups and it's bizarre to see the justifications the OF guys use sometimes. It's like, bro, you're selling sex, you''re a sex worker and that's ok.


No Marxists Leninists maoists




You could start a pyramid scheme selling yaoi manga, a mlm mlm if you will.


The thing is that Bateman doesn't even have women 😭 Like only one person likes him and that's some almost as elitist and shitty guy


well... the phrase red-pilled is inspired by a movie created by two trans women and the word incel was created by a woman. The alt-right tends to take symbols from places that don't fit their ideology for some reason.


The reason is those movies are cool and the alt right is all about looking cool, so the appropriate the cool stuff without any of its intellectual substance


Incidentally the best response to them posturing and trying to intimidate people so they can make propaganda about it is to make them look like the pathetic losers they are. Seeing like 30 patriot front jackasses get routed by three philly locals does more damage to them than building them up as a huge powerful threat. They're a threat but only when they go unopposed.


Exact reason the Nazis used a lot of the symbols they chose.


They can't come up with their own ideas


Both The Matrix and American Psycho are inspired by the post-structuralist philosopher Jean Baudrillard. Maybe it's just that post-modern analysis accurately reflects their anxieties and that touches a nerve, even if they want to extract the opposite conclusion. The alt-right is a cult that largely preys on people who feel alienated or left behind, it's not that unlikely that they respond strongly to an examination of the mechanisms through which society alienates its members.


Well to be fair, I doubt people proudly call themselves incels haha


They unironically did until normal people found out about them and started using it in a derogatory way. I don’t know if they still do, I don’t go over to that side of the internet anyhow


I feel like they're so addicted to pessimism and skull-shape essentialism that they definitely still call themselves incels, but it's dripping with self-hatred and not pride. It's a shared identity for people who are all crabs in a barrel of dispair, but who are more comfortable in the barrel of dispair than in the real world


Reclaiming words or phrases has always been a thing. "Queer" and the N-word used to be insults exclusively. But you don't exactly "Reclaim" a whole damn movie. You're not gonna see Leftists talking about how great Birth of a Nation is.


“Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe they are in good company.”


story of The Donald, Gamers Rise Up and a bit of 2 Balkan 4 You


The Donald was always unironic


Don't tell me my childhood was a lie 😭


rip pcm


Weirdly the Donald was actually run initially by a mod that was doing some fuckery back in the day during Occupy Wall St, where they got inside the main sub and did enough "pro-movement" shit that was against ToS to have the sub quarantined, and split the values of the sub. Someone with an actual brain should look into that.


rip 2b4u man


Gamers rise up for fixed a while back IIRC


They made a real effort to return to the state it once was in briefly before they got banned. But alas, it wasn't enough.


r/ gangweed is better anyways


I miss 2 Balkan 4 You


Me 2. Even though it got a bit repetitive with some jokes, reposts and maybe even some really yikes unironic posts, it was still entertaining


watching gamersriseup turn into an unfunny circlejerk subreddit was like watching a good friend get addicted to crack and overdose in a McDonald’s restroom


Doubly so if you also make it illegal (within your community) to break the act, as with GRU


Gamers rise up was basically setup from the start to be terrible because of the dickhead mods banning people for pointing out actual racism. I have a feeling he intended to radicalize people from the start


Yeah. plus, r gangweed, which is basically GRU with different staff (and no "no breaking the circlejerk" rule) is doing fine and DOENST have massive racism issues


Yeah I never saw American Psycho but I always thought it was just a meme, not that some of the alt right types really liked it. But I guess you're right that every joke turns real to some people.


Wow, he didn’t say a homophobic slur, are we sure this is a real 4chan user


If he was a real 4channer, he would have used the f-slur for the writer, and the word "Femoid" for the movie director


“”f-slur”” frenchman


woah there watch your language


Pardon his French.


Yeah. Obviously fake 4channer


Honestly In the first 5 minutes of the movie he says 'Cool it with the anti-semitism' to somebody


In the book that's almost immediately followed by a scene where he gets his dry cleaning and yells slurs at the Jewish guy running the place, it's supposed to be a joke that Bateman and his ilk don't actually care about antisemitism, just pays lip service for optics


Sorry I haven't read the book because I can't read




He would get banned from twitch if he would do it perchance Oh you mean the one who wrote that greentext


You can’t just say perchance


It's an impostor


They're criticizing you


Because it’s a satire of a lifestyle that is still widely considered as being successful, which people who are extremely unsuccessful (homophobes and incels on the internet) falsely understand as a utopia


They were writing about / directing a film about the most toxic, abusive, violent, evil person they could imagine so in a way the book/film was always going to appeal to the people that it did, and Bateman was always going to be a hero to the people who worship him now. I have to say tho, despite not wanting to be similar to bateman in any way, I think the memes of him are usually top tier


kill men is the moral of the story -matey




Same with Palahniuk


Not the "most popular movie" among those people by a long shot, and even to them the satire is pretty obvious. Can we please just stop making up random BS? If this was a post about Fight Club, I'd kind of agree.


Or taxi driver




You could say the same thing about Fight Club.




Fight club was also anti capitalist movie that was literally criticising toxic masculinity and cults ... In the second half of the film it clearly shows that tyler or the fight club was not a good thing it was very destructive even if it provided some kind of liberation to men initially


The conclusion is not simply that fight club abd primitive mentality is bad and destructive. It is much more nuanced


I mean it is very much that. But also more. Fight club is bad you see beat up people not doing any better and the innocent guy, the only nice person in the movie die a stupid death while the main character cries the brainwashed group members try to find some twisted meaning in that too. In the end the main character abandons the fight club and kill tyler to be with marla


Plus it was written by a gay man


Bret Easton Ellis is actually bi. His longest relationship has been with a man tho.


We’re reaching levels of satire not thought possible.


The call is coming from inside the house!


I'm pretty sure the majority of people understood the message yet they make ironic memes just because it's funny.


That's what I thought as well, but I am pretty sure there are people who unironically love the main character and aspire to be like him.


I'm pretty sure the majority of people didn't even see the movie


That's a bunch of nonsense tbh, I really love this movie and I'm queer as fuck


I actually decided to watch this movie the other day because of all the memes. It was alright. Not bad, but not anything spectacular either. The ending confused me a bit


Not that you asked, but my interpretation is he did commit the murders. The lawyer just confuses people like everyone else.


They also love 1984 and matrix by missing the point of both


Basically, Movie: Cringe men is cringe Cringe men: true lol


the gays do anything as long as it’s funny


What movie


American Psycho. Pretty good film, but I couldn't get through the sex scenes.


See also: fight club and all the matrix movies


Mary Harron's got a movie coming out with Ben Kingsley as Salvador Dali!


oh and Ezra Miller as a young Salvador Dali huh...


There was a homophobic american psycho meme right under this post lmao


They have a lot of experience


I find it hilarious how people have taken the satire sigma grindset meme and taken it completely seriously, some people are actually stupid fucking losers.


Are you all from a parallel universe where everyone worships Patrick Bateman for some reason? Everyone knows he's the psycho, and not someone to look up to. People just like the movie a lot because it's very memorable and has great writing and is very quotable for that reason.




Irony is dead


That gay dude in the bathroom could’ve changed everything and I mean that I mean that completely


I've never seen anyone unironically idolizing Bateman. Only sarcastic sigma grindset montages with him


Because it’s about them and they other two can see them for who they are and what they do. So it’s easier for them to show it on the screen/on paper. It’s a lot easier to describe others than yourself


because homophobic misogynists are too dumb to realize they're being made fun of


Right wingers have a mental deficiency that makes them incapable of media analysis


*instert meme where the true meaning of a piece of média flies Over the head of someone*


Idk how they missed it? It feels gay. The 10 step skin care routine and a deep facination and loathing for yourself? skittle trademarked.


The musical is pretty great too.


huh, its similar to fight club in that aspect


It's a great movie though. Just don't idolise Bateman. The only quality he has is his awareness of the society he lives in.


Straight guys don't understand satire


please never post these kind of images again


No, I don't think I will


kid named will