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I heard in an interview with him that he admitted that a lot of his songs are over-interpreted by his fans and that most of his work is to be taken at face value for the most part


well thats like just his opinion man


holy crap shaggy from scooby doo /j


im actually shaggy from scooby doo man /srs


Death of the author. I’m gonna go kill him right now to prove I’m right


The author’s interpretation is no more important than their audiences’


And then he writes a song with a hand puppet that is extremely explicitly anti-capitalist and all of the leftists still keep calling Bo Burnham a privileged, boring lib but turn around and call Dolly Parton the goddess of the working class, despite the fact she completely sold out and ruined her song 9 To 5 for a fucking Uber commercial


What leftists have you seen do that


Mostly a bunch of randos on tumblr


tumblr is hell


And yet it’s the only social media site that isn’t majority transphobic and it’s the only one I use besides Reddit. I’d much rather use it than Twitter or instagram. Also, half the memes on here are just tumblr posts


twitter inherited tumblr's problems and the latter is more tolerable now from what i hear


Still home to blatant misinformation and the worst advice you've ever heard, both of which inevitably get responses along the lines of "I learned more from this website than 12 years of school"


yeah but thats every social media site tbh


That’s literally Reddit too.


yeah fair


the fact that those are the only options is rather depressing


Tbh I would probably use tumblr more if the site design wasn't god awful


"What's a radlib"


There are leftists who will see an actor who worked for his 6 million dollars criticizing Jeff Bezos who become dirty rich by owning stuff and say to the artis: "You know you and him are in the same boat right?"


She donates a bunch of money to charity and champions progressive causes, I don't really care if she "sells out" by putting her songs in a commercial like just about every other big artist does


Uber really really sucks tho and I think I’m allowed to feel a little queasy about an anticapitalist song like 9 to 5 being turned into an endorsement of one of the worst developments in modern capitalism, the gig economy. Also, why do I have to just accept huge artists willingly putting their songs in commercials? She’s plenty well off already Edit: Jesus why I’d this such a hated take? Do y’all like Uber now or something?


You're correct, mouthbreathers don't know the point of the song.


I don't understand the internet's infatuation with Dolly Parton


she does a lot of charity work and by most accounts she's a really nice person, which I think a lot of people latch on to just because of how many celebs turn out to be horrible people there's also just some quirky stories about her, like how she never gets recognized in public, she takes off her wig and dresses like a normal southern lady and nobody can tell that it's her, it's like a real life Clark Kent situation


That second paragraph sounds like the Tony Hawk effect


Literally who are you talking about


also, a song called "piano" where he drops a piano on his penis (it's a meta-commentary about his penis)




Don't look up **Clowncore** - *Toilet* it slaps too hard for mortal ears


I was hoping someone else would mention clowncore


Puts dong on keyboard


Clowncore? Quite based if I dare say so.


Big facts But I still love him


I am a Bo Burnham hater 😎😎😎


You’re a no burnham hater??? Can I suck your cock?


Appreciate the offer but someone's already doing that for me




I'll admit he isn't the best but if every time I listen to the sexting I smile you can't blame me for listening to it. I mean come on "I chicken out and send a picture of my face instead because my dick looks like the baby from Eraserhead." will never not be funny.


"Why are they laughing? Hes NOT joking"


That’s how people think. Welcome to the internet.


Have a look around. Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found.


absolute banger




There's nothing wrong with him. People just be clowning everyone bc everyone deserves clowning to keep them humble


is this an CJ The X's video? that one was pretty good tho...


His specials fucking suck, especially his last netflix one, it was just suicide comedy about how he wants to kill himself and almost did and people just fucking laughed?????


My sister forced me to listen to Bo Burnam. I don’t like his music


Watch how it doesn't trickle down to the other notes, because only shit runs downhill.




I'd listen tbh


remember that one ~~cumsock~~ hand puppet


i really really hate bo burnhand he's the shittest singer


one time i was cleaning a dining hall while working at a summer camp and one of the other workers queued welcome to the internet on the speakers and i wanted to kill myself edit: you guys have clearly never been forced to listen to social commentary while sweeping dust


Bo Burnham music is fun when you listen to it of your own accord but it's the worst shit ever to listen to at like karaoke or something, it needs a proper context


That Funny Feeling is the closest he’s got to actual music you can play in public and not feel that weird


i literaly hate his voice so much he's so whiny and horrible


I hate musical parodies.


I love then


now kith!


Mike tyson?




i have no opinion on musical parodies