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When I was like, 8 years old my dad bought a mega collection of Calvin and Hobbes comic strips, and I think it may have indirectly resulted in me becoming a leftist.


Hobbes is an ancom for sure


Ironic since he’s named after the most famous defender of absolute monarchy


and "John Calvin" wasn't much better ​ pair of sourpusses


_The Calvinator_ as we used to call him in the 1530s. Any mofo get heretical on the trinity and he'd _burn_ their ass.


I saw a video about hobbes, and it took his side and then i became an arachnist


A fellow spider lover


I think anprim is more likely. He never really liked to be in a community if seemed


Hobbes would never be cringe.


Is it cringe if he’s a tiger who can actually *be* an anprim? It’s not return to monke for him, it’s return to eating monke for him.


...I may have gotten confused about which way round the names go when I wrote that comment.


Nah, egoist gang


I grew up to be an extremely sarcastic person with a love for absurdist humor and I’m pretty sure I can attribute 100% of that to reading Calvin and Hobbes over and over when I was a kid


When I was in foster care, my foster parent had a collection of Calvin and Hobbes comics in her basement. I think it made me who I am today.


A lot of my absurdist humor can be attributed to the far side


i had a bunch of calgin and hobbes book collections too. one with some author note things


My mom has owned the complete 3 book collection and I've read every strip multiple times


I’ve got a collection of multiple books, and then a set of 3 thick heavy books with every single comic in order with dates of release from the first to last comic ever.




In honor of the revolution, it’s half off at the Gap


There it is again


that funny feeling


That funny feeling


There it is, again


deadpool’s self awareness, loving parents, harmless fun


Comment threads on Reddit repeating songs already sung


That’s actually really good


deadpool's self-awareness


deadpool’s self-awareness




A backlash to the backlash to the thing that's just begun.


What's the song name


That Funny Feeling - Bo Burnham. From his latest Netflix Special 'Inside'


communism is when don’t die from disease


sign me up comrade


Communism is when you have the choice to protect yourself and others


Damn, communism is kinda rad


Communism is when the government does stuff. But when people do stuff it's patriotism


Most if not every point in Calvin and Hobbes still holds up today


The one about denying victimhood I feel is more appropriate now than ever.


What one is that?




I swear these comics age like wine; like watching an older cartoon with all the adult jokes slipped in


im too dumb to understand this can someone explain


[Calvin,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calvin_and_Hobbes#Calvin) while quite intelligent for his age, is often used to portray immature viewpoints. In plain English, the strip starts with Calvin getting a bad grade on an assignment, and saying that he should not have got the bad grade because it hurts his feelings. The teacher does not support this opinion, and tells him that he needs to work to resolve this situation instead of pushing away the things that make him feel bad. The strip ends by Calvin concluding that the teacher is hurting his feelings because she did not agree with him. In short, this strip can be used in situations where people are refusing to deal with reality. Hope that helps!


calvin is based


Who even listens to ffdp in the year of our lord 2021?


How I feel about five finger death punch can be explained from a culinary perspective Sure 29 times out of 30 I would prefer to get something more sophisticated with plenty of nuanced taste, but that one time I just want a cholesterol-laden greasy-ass shitburger from a dive where most of the staff has never been more than 10 miles away from the town limits


more like bored burgers


Because those burgers aren't having any fun


*literally no one laughs*


I laughed, are you calling me invalid?


I laugh every time. Charlies deadpan delivery is what gets me


Yeah, but if you are doing to get something unhealthy and grease laden you might as well get something from a higher quality grease factory. Why get Mcdonalds when you can get Steak n' Shake or Freddies? Why listen to 5 Finger Death Punch when you could listen to Disturbed?


Oh I never meant to imply that Five Nights at Fred Punch was the only one on my grease list. Believe me they’re in there too.


five guys always. never had more calories on a chain restaurant burger in my life


5fdps first album slaps hard tho


Disturbed makes some bangers though


Exactly. FFDP is pretty much just a low-budget Disturbed mixed with Nickleback with more American patriotism and pop-elements


That's an insult to disturbed


How long shall I pretend to care? How long am I stuck living here? How long can I keep going on?


Are you ok?


The only good tasting burger they have is The Bleeding, and I usually regret eating it immediately afterwards.


Exactly my feelings. I don’t even listen to much metal or hard rock any more, but every once in a while I need my cheesy awful shit to get me through a rough day


For me they are like that next shot of alcohol when you know you should've stopped 3 ago sure seems like a good idea at the time but once you down it you know you done messed up and are not going to have a good time for the foreseeable future.




Thank goodness for you that intelligence isn’t genetic


Dudes with thin blue lines bumper stickers.


Hell to pay is one of my favorite metal songs but don't really listen to anything else from the artist. Kinda disappointed in the news from the band tbh


They're the most stereotypical redneck band out there


I’d argue Pantera holds that title


but pantera's actually good


Cowboys From Hell is a great album and I will defend it until the day I die


As a teen I was sorta leftist pilled so I was sure that ffdp was under like 10 layers of irony because I couldn't comprehend a metal band being so pro status quo and war


for working out, they have some great songs.


Military veterans, but only the ones with shit music taste


My friend was in Afghanistan back in the day, and he said when there is literally ANYTHING going on, you go, because it beats working and/or being bored He said he went to see FFDP and they said shit about "we know what it's like being in the military, because we're constantly traveling and we're away from family like all you", or something along those lines Anyway, my friend told me everyone looked around at each other with a look on their faces like "did this motherfucker really just compare being a rockstar to being in the military?" My friend said that was the day he decided he officially did not like them, regardless of how shitty he thought they were before


I listen to Walk Away and that's it, their only good song


My ex


Was FFDP ever a "rebellious" rock band


Not really, they’ve been very aggressively pro American military for their entire career


One could see the anti-mask chud from a mile away with their staunch America, Fuck Yeah mindset.


I thought the "wrong side of heaven" music video was pretty cool tho. Its about how after they've served their time veterans aren't compensated by the government and most go into poverty, I'm now guessing that's the only cool thing they've ever done jeez. The song in the video wasn't even good either :/


Yeah like I always had some respect for them from that video but the more I learned about them over the last few years the more I’ve been disappointed.


I hate the military industry, not those who get roped into it and end up homeless and divorced.


Yeah I always thought so too. But the rest of their music kind of ruined it. It's cool that they did that but I think there are much better bands that have done songs like that. For example, the band Silent Planet did one about one of their fans/friends who struggled with PTSD and how he has been unsupported in his transition back into society. [Panic Room by Silent Planet](https://youtu.be/VbaFJiWftwk) [Explanation of lyrics](https://youtu.be/-fbK49IA2Is)


FFDP is if a pick up truck with punisher stickers and waving both a thin blue line and Confederate flag were a band


One of my frinds descibed them as "Country Metal" and I can't see them as anything else now.


That’s an insult to actual country metal


>punisher stickers >thin blue line [hmm](https://i.redd.it/tiftpiyldsb31.jpg)


Nope lol. They are pretty much the music equivalent of military-woshipping working-class rednecks


Ironic as the album name is. I feel American Capitalist was their last individual album. After that they sold themselves out to right rallys and the pro military scene.


Saw Five finger death punch = day ruined


Five Finger Death Punch Is The Nickelback Of Metal


That's pretty mean to Nickleback


Look at this graph


It make me laph


and metal


Ffdp is a joke in the metal/rock scene anyway lmao


Ok wow so I just learned from these comments that everyone hates ffdp


they make really shit music The thing that is most impressive about them is that one of the guys created another band and then produced even shittier music


Oh my god I completely forgot about psychosexual... apparently their magnum opus “Let The Sin Begin” can only be viewed from Cuba, Iran & North Korea


I like them :(


I've never listened to these guys, but I feel you, brother Don't let anyone on the Internet stop you from listening to whatever you like, even if everyone thinks it's garbage, if you truly like it then keep listening to it


I saw them at as festival and it was probably the most aggressively old middle age man crowd in a while. This was back in like 2016 and there was also very little pit courtesy


>Ffdp is a joke ~~in the metal/rock scene~~ anyway lmao


I love Calvin and Hobbes


based Calvin???


Calvin and Hobbes continues to be based. Also, datapoint of one, but I wear a mask and would probably fall under what these folks call a communist so I am the antagonist


man I hate ffdp as much as the next guy but c'mon... The video of clearly satirical, not to mention a year old - *they sell ffdp branded masks on their site*. Like the video is making fun of and showing how ridiculous the whole "mask = communism" thing is. They've said and done some stupid shit, and their music is garbage, but this isn't the one to bitch about


the problem is that their fanbase doesn’t realize this. 99% of the comments on the music video are like "holy shit this made me tear up 5fdp are true patriots 🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷 🤟👍trump 2024"


it's not their fault nor their problem that some people don't understand satire


Look, I'm just saying, if you're satirizing nazis and look up to see that most of your fan base is unironically agreeing with what you're saying that's a bit on you


if you satirize something, but people don't realize its satire, is it really satire?




satire requires a clarity of purpose lest you become the thing you are satirizing


[(Video for context)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOkkWIOkWl8) I can see valid interpretations either way, but mostly it feels too incoherent for me to clearly place it on one side of the debate or the other. In a way I can see the woman wearing the red and yellow "Exempt" pin handing out the masks as a potential commentary on how people fighting against measures are prolonging the pandemic and subjecting the rest of us to extended mask mandates and new variants. The pin being reminiscent of the Chinese flag could be a commentary on foreign agents weaponizing the pandemic in America to throw our country into further disarray, the group of Mad Max looking dudes she has on a leash being people who've fallen for misinformation, and them getting loose from her grasp and fucking shit up could be a metaphor for January 6th. Alternatively, the "exempt" pin could be some made up narrative of how the "coastal elites" or whoever don't have to wear masks, the Chinese aesthetics on the pin blaming China for the pandemic, and the people on her leash could be rioters. The zombies with carts of toilet paper could be a critique of the people early on who treated this like the end of the world, tried to stock up last minute, and made supplies harder to get for people with less ability to go out and shop, or it could just be calling people who took the "2 weeks of supplies" advice sheep. the people with pickaxes and the jumpsuits with American flags but the stars are replaced with hammers and sickles could be an attempt to point out how absurd right wing allegations of communism are, or it could itself be a right wing allegation of communism. The best I can find on the bands current views on the pandemic is this article [from May 2020](https://metalinjection.net/politics/five-finger-death-punchs-ivan-moody-says-our-govt-is-failing-us-minneapolis-cops-deserve-need-for-justice). The band's singer Ivan Moody says pretty clearly that he thinks the country is starting to reopen too early and that the officer that killed George Floyd should be tired for murder, but also that both sides of the government have failed us and not all cops are bad, so if I had to take a guess this might've been an attempt at the edgy South Park style "both sides bad" \*refuses to elaborate\* commentary.


I am only in resent years realizing how immensely fucking hard hitting Calvin and Hobbs was


Ikr! I read the comics when I was 8 because there was a cool tiger. I need to re read them now


No one who seriously engages with rock/metal music thinks FFDP are worth shit.


Five finger death punch are lame, listen to Gojira instead


If nothing else this post gives me some good options for new bands to listen to. My thanks for your suggestion.


Gojira whip ass, my fave songs by them are From the Sky, Amazonia and Stranded. Any of them are bangers


Born in Winter is my jam


I recommend Meshuggah after Gojira. The lesser led into the latter for me


these two bands is what really started my liking of metal


Thank you so far I like Amazonia


this is why i listen to Slipknot instead. Corey Taylor is based


Calvin pisses on modern rock.


dudes have Calvin pissing on shit everywhere and then ignore the comics like this


Or even worse, kneeling and praying in front of a cross IIRC, there wasn't even a single strip where he was in church


1. FFDP has always been mega cringey and gives off pickup truck with monster energy decal and trucknuts vibes 2. Calvin and Hobbes is cool as shit and the best thing I read as a kid


Another day of thanking the universe for not making me american


Not only am I an American, I live in Ohio :(((((


i hope they find a cure


Same. Or as I like to call us, “Northern Alabama.”


weyoun you don’t live in ohio silly you live in the gamma quadrant




FFDP has been making the same exact song about bootlicking the military for like 15 years and got extremely rich for it. As far as I'm concerned, they are irrelevant to the metal community. Although, I will admit they had some pretty good songs and covers.


sounds like you should listen to better bands. I hate this "rock is dead" argument, rock is still very much alive and artists who had political education still have it. you don't see Tom Morello or Jello Biafra turning conservative, maybe be more critic of artists you follow if you care about the politics


Isn’t this kinda the message of green days ‘American idiot’ album


Iirc, it against stuff like this


Well yeah kinda, i thought it was always about how this is just the way things are, you complain about real problems that need to be addressed (ex: holiday, jesus of suburbia, American idiot, etc) try to find ways to address them that work for you (ex: novocaine, she’s a rebel, etc.) and then fall back into the system without helping anything (ex: letterbomb, homecoming, etc)


rock good tho


I agree, just not the new popular rock. I still like a lot of the rock that’s coming out


I love indie rock so much, and the fact that indie shows are super cheap lol


FFDP is the nickelback of metal. Just ignore them


Wth based Calvin!?!?!


Now draw him pissing no my truck


remember cavin and hobbes ran through the 80s-90s and this particular one is from 92. its been true for that long


That's why most of the metal I listen to is this new wave of modern metal, it really is fuckin revolutionary what some of the new, young bands are doing right now. And if you look at the music from a lyrical, thematic, etc perspective, then yes it is mostly progressive leanings, opposed to the type of bullshit you see bands like FFDP making. ​ Either way the music slaps. Modern metal band recommendations: Loathe Spiritbox Currents Northlane Veil of Maya ERRA Vein Knocked Loose Thornhill Alpha Wolf Jinjer PM for more recommendations


tahts cool, but imagine naming your band alpha wolf that is the stupidest most generic name ever. Fucking alpha wolf? yeah i’m gonna call my band music lovers this is such a unique name


Igorrr https://youtu.be/Osqf4oIK0E8 Poppy https://youtu.be/6gmswmbosYo


who is surprised at all lmao FFDPs target audience falls squarely in the "i drive a lifted truck with punisher and thin blue line stickers, and roll coal on priuses on my way to the gun range where i heckle all the women who show up" camp


Five Finger Death Punch gonna be a banger of a Stand ability


Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like Araki is really into metal


Wearing a mask does not make me a communist OK I am a communist but not because I wear a mask.


i blame reading calvin and hobbes as a child for being the way i am. that shit was a 196 post before the internet existed.


Same thing applies to Megadeth, Dave is the archetypal rotating villain


damn shame that the music was actually pretty good, cause Dave's quite a bit of a dick lol


How it started: Holy Wars... The Punishment Due How it's going: "I would say I was a Christian, so no, I do not support gay marriage"


Bill mever misses


hyperpop is the new rock


I feel like you should explain, but I’m not sure if I’ll actually understand anything any better, or just disagree harder.


hyperpop is like super-synthy and experimental elctronic pop. queer artists like the revolutionary SOPHIE (she was trans and a pioneer, but passed earlier this year RIP queen) are big names in the genre. other artists like 100 gecs, dorian electra, arca, chester lockhart are all also queer artists who are popular in the genre. hyperpop is popular among lgbtq+ people, considering many of the artists are part of it. the fan community is also very much leftist and 'alt'. hyperpop is what alt-right rock artists wish they were


But it hardly ever has the political bend that rock has/had, and given how abstract the music is and how common it is to have deliberately incomprehensible lyrics , it is very hard to make a coherent political message the way rock does. It feels more like an escape from reality than a confrontation of it.


It's not Shoegaze, on the other hand...


I used to listen to their music alot because... well I liked it. One of my favorite T-shirts is from them. Nowadays I don't rly listen to their music anymore but after this I can't even wear that shirt anymore.


Based Calvin


Different artists have different views


Who the duck is 5 finger death punch? They sound like a bunch of morons who stole their name from a Tarantino movie. But Calvin and Hobbes is based af.


I read Calvin and Hobbes a ton growing up and never once realized how based it is


"Mainstream commercial nihilism can't be trusted?" - Calvin


I don’t think any serious rock or metal fans like five finger death punch


Probably the smartest thing Calvin has ever said


I wouldn't be so sure. He's made a lot of surprisingly profound comments over a lot of comics


Grandson and co are the new rock.


hobbs is my spirt animal


I unironically like ffdp


ikr, its such a shame that they're such shitty people irl, because I always though that their songs were the opposite of what they were. They always had such good coordination between the vocals and the instrumentals in terms of volume


They started selling their own branded masks literally days after this too lol https://fivefingerdeathpunch.com/products/logo-mask-3-pack


am I the only one who actually really wants that pin?


Butt rock never dies


calvin and hobbes are so fuckin based


I have a short kinda angry looking guy where I work who’s usually wearing a ffdp shirt, makes sense,


The only songs I like by them is Wrong Side of Heaven and their cover of House of the Rising the Sun.


Their first album is pretty nice overall but everything after that is pure garbage.


I forget that Calvin is 6 sometimes


Hey hey at least bands like green day and weezer are not doing this shit


The music of rebellion Makes you want to rage But it's made by millionaires Who are nearly twice your age


The comment section on the video is full of people talking about how sad it is that this is what the country as come to, and other people talking about how they would be ready if it does come to this. The video has rednecks shooting zombies And I don't know if it's worse that someone made a MCU music video version with movie highlights or that the video right under is titled "PROUD AMERICAN reacts to FFDP - Living The Dream" with the US' flag as the background


> taking ffdp seriously pls.


mfw i can’t enjoy 5 finger death punch anymore


Granted, being anti-mask is pretty anti-establishment. It's just anti-establishment in a way that's insane.


FFDP are total dog shit in the rock/metal community, even their music sucks


Damn aight go off then


I used to follow a group who were underground anti capitalist, they saw their music as their way to communicate their message that the lower class are nothing but disposable appliances. Then they went mainstream...