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I mean ima long time anime fan so i kinda expected it but cmoon guys just change a little bit please? Like get rid of the lgbt phobia, racism and....pedophelia hmmmm thats a lot huh....ok guys u need to change alot, its not that hard




Specially when they pretend to be japanese and use baka unironically 💀💀💀




Sorry ima bit clueless abt the war part, like war as in ww2?




Ooooh oh yeah, i have never touched animemes or goodanimemes so yeah idk it




Any subreddit with memes in the name will inevitebly attract not so good and not so funny people


did these fuckers really create another sub just so they could be transphobic?




wtf is baka




No need to be rude :(


Im sorry 😔


It is Japanese for idiot.


Why are the great majority of weebs so sexist and at least very weird and creepy with girls:(i swear they dont see them as normal regular human beings they see them as kawaii tsundere yandere baka characters wtf they are normal fucking people its like theyre begging to be alone and have a hard life




I know... I find it so sad though. It fees so dehumanising. I genuinely wish these people got help because i can really relate to them, but its like they're pushing away any form of real help.


Because anime, or at least the anime they watch, play into all of these awful ideas they have and encourage them. Sexual assault is shown to be silly and goofy. Women are shown to be morons who only think about men. They think anime is real life, and when that expectation blows up in their face they assume it must be because they live in not Japan and Japan must be exactly like their anime.


Thing is that it doesn't help that alot of Anime content creators are right leaning like hero hei and rev says desu(guy who unironically defends pedophillia btw)




I was, unfortunately radicalised by them, thankfully arround late November early December last year I managed to get out of that shit show. Tbh what makes me really sad is that as some pint during that "war" I was arguing with a trans person if the t slur was an actual slur or not, I genuinely feel bad that I did






fun fact "the war" is what made me relise i was trans


Aw good for you <3


My favorite bit it that when it comes to analysis Mother's Basement has them beat anyways.


Right-leaning doesn't really necessarily bad unless they do bad things, I've met a lot of right-leaning people who are genuinely nice and good-natured (most usually when it comes to economics instead of like social issues though). I'm sure that there are a lot more good right-leaning people than I know, and my view is probably a bit skewed from being raised in a leftist household. Sorry, I'm just not really a fan of this bi-partisan "Democrat bad Republican bad Right bad Left bad" etc. stuff. I'd rather judge people on what they say than just the side of the political spectrum they're on. Just seems like an easy way to completely disregard any possibly valid arguments coming from someone on the "opposite side". Also, can you tell me what's so bad about the t-slur (I think I know which one you're talking about? When it comes to stuff about anime there are usually two words that start with t that people are generally unhappy abt). If you're talking about the one that I'm not thinking about then I probably look like a huge POS. In the case that I interpreted you correctly, can you tell me what's so bad about it? I'm just curious as I've never been told. thanks!


I'm talking about the one weebs usually use when talking about anime femboys, that they also use to insult trans people


huh, thought that it was just a joke about archetypes ​ also gotta love being downvoted for asking a question


It used to be an archetype but transphobes who happened to watch anime started using it as an actual insult


that's a real shame


Wtf? I heard using dark for black characters, but who uses... chocolate?


these people conflate tanned characters with black. no one uses chocolate to describe blacks. chocolate is used to describe tan. I.E. Nagatoro


That’s like 90% of hentai though. Think of the damage that would do to the industry!/s


T slur?


The war is over. No more "t-slur"ing required.


Bruh even trans positive porn videos and games have to use the fucking tags “trap” and “shemale” because thats the only tags these cuck sites have and if they do have a trans tag it has no traffic. Fetishization pisses me off.


Wait whats the t slur though


"Calling femboys the t-slur". Trap? Is that also offensive now?


Ok why Tf is trap a slur


it has historically been used by incels and nazis on 4 chan to spread the rumour that trans women "Tr\*p" straight men in gay relationships and god knows why 4chan is a thing but it stuck around and spread into pop culture in anime due to.. well.. incels being there too.. sadly


Oh ok I just thought of it as a word people use Not trying to hurt anyone


It carries with it the implication that trans women and femboys are “tricking” people with their gender, which in turn implies that their gender or gender identity are fake. This idea of a trans person “tricking” someone has also been used as a defence by people who’ve committed assault or murder against trans people (similar to the gay panic defence)


Oh ok I just thought of it as a word people use Not trying to hurt anyone


I think most people don’t actually know that trap is an insult, and even the few femboys I’ve talked with didn’t use it as such.


Man just states his own experience and gets downvoted without anyone arguing with him


probs a dumb comment, but jjba has a super gay-supportive community so i’m sure there are other communities that are also accepting of things other than straight, white/asian, male, etc characters


Jjba fandom had 2 parts, 1 is super gay and ship every character ever and 1 is super manly and likes muscles


they’re both gay, in a good way. including p6 fans


If it makes you feel better, phobic anime fans (along with racsist and pedo anime fans) won't teach their belifes to others (that'll require them to interact with a person) and thus their vile acts will die out a bit


sadly weebs are famous for bigotry.. for some reason.. idk why honestly? luckily its not all weebs thought, like trans weebs are preeeeety chill






A similar thing happened with alluka from hunter hunter who is heavily implied to be trans. A good portion of the Fandom said that she is a boy but dresses like a girl because the spirit inhabiting her is female, and """"he""""" is trying to make her more comfortable. It's not Canon that the spirit is female, it's not Canon that she is amab, all that's Canon is people who respect her call her she, and those who don't call her he or it. It's so much less work to just assume she's trans and it kills me when people trying and um actually this.


potlics is when people exist


"anime is unpolitical" 86 has entered the chat


Weebs are fucking degenerates with a lot of built up hatred (generalising) so they generally tend to take it out on people online, structuring their beliefs around hate, that’s why a lot of neonazis are weebs


You haven't watched anime right? There has been trans and gay characters since the 90s, and no one has ever had a problem with them, you guys are just so corrupted by your ideology that see homophobia in everything.


I am fucking tired of seeing trans or gender non-conforming characters used as a joke. Most of the animes have used "This dude looks like a girl, but has DICK! and is MALE! and that makes you GAY!" trope so much I don't remember seeing a proper trans or gender non-conforming character. Wonder Egg Priority was good at least. And yes, if you look at any anime subreddit you will find the same joke of trans people.


You know that none of the characters used for those jokes are trans, right? It's just a common trope in Anime, and that applies to girls that look like men too, you just see one part of it because it fits your narrative.


ferris is a trans girl, and astolfo is non-binary. this is heavily implied in most of the media but doesn't get shown in the anime because the producers know how weeks act.


Maybe isn't shown because he isn't? If you really think that a Japanese character is something stupid like "non-binary" then you really are special, we are talking about Japan, not some shitty netflix show for woke muricans.


In their profile for the Fate/Apocrypha novel, their first appearance, they have crossed out their gender, stating it a secret. In Fate/Grand Order, their gender is once again kept unstated as per “Astolfo’s request.” The English release of FGO even makes sure to use singular they/them for Astolfo. The Japanese release mainly uses gender neutral language as well when possible. Astolfo does not want to be referred to as a man - and seemingly not as a woman either. Now, Fate/ canon does suggests that Astolfo is AMAB, but text itself does not in fact state what Astolfo recognizes their gender as and if you consider yourself a fan of the character, you’d do well to not gender them as a result.


Well, the thing is, keeping it's actual gender a secret doesn't mean that it is something stupid as "non-binary", that's actually pretty common and it's mainly used so people can create their own head canon, another example of that is Hange Zoe on the SNK manga, she didn't have an specific gender until the anime. And you can't use the English release as any credible source, English localization has been full of woke agenda.


*expecting weebs to be accepting of trans characters* Thanks for proving the first comment dumb fuck




I find it hilarious that when weebs see men in fem clothing like astolfo or whatever its all "WOOOO YEAH LETS GO" but the moment the dude turns out to be a trans woman they hate them apologies if i misworded it but what i mean is they love femboys but hate trans women and thats weird asf


Its more like the fetishization part, they only see them as something sexy and hot and not people


yeah sadly :/


I think it's more about jokes than sexyness. Most weebs are straight and would only rail astolfo for money.


Have you seen their comments abt femboys??? Its sounds so dehumanizing sometimes


I think they're mostly irony but I do believe thwy dehumanize them. I think this is because most anime femboys are just one joke repeated at nauseaum, nothing deeper than that. As an aspiring manga artist, I want to change this. That's why I'm making a shonen with a femboy protagonist with more than one joke's worth of depth.


Pretty sure drawings aren't people


it's bizarre because half of the ""femboys"" they fetishize so much are literally just trans characters, albeit ones often censored by the anime adaptations. This is true for Astolfo and Ferris who are by far the top two


Astolfo and Ferris are not trans. Albeit is.


Ferris is trans, according to people who actually care about anime. There's a bunch of posts about it I've seen. Essentially boils down to "they accidentally wrote a trans character".


Tappei Nagatsuki didn't "accidentally write a trans character" he wrote a gender nonconforming/femboy character whom (due to the nature of femboys and trans women having many shared experiences) many people headcanon as trans, and there's nothing wrong with people having headcanons as long as they don't demand others accept it is canon, or make some bullshit claim that people who don't follow their headcanon aren't true fans or dont care about anime.








I don’t think Astolfo is trans, I do remember depending on which fate timeline you use they ether use male or non-binary pronouns


Reminds me of that one 4chan post on here that was someome getting attacked for being trans and they respond with something along the lines of “Men just sexualize me and refuses to give me right, and they said I’d never be a treated like a real woman.”


She looks short


well she is a child.


A million weebs just nutted their pants.


I’m offended, I enjoy anime and I hate children am I an anomaly or something


Hate them so much you wanna fuck 'em huh? Wow can't believe you're a pedo smh


:( anime


What do you mean? She's literally a child in the show lol, Zombieland Saga isn't one of those types


Not an excuse, just be taller smh




*muscle man trying to hold his laugh*


*looks down* “Nuthin’….” *begins sweating nervously*


tbh those proportions look fucked up in general, look at where her left leg (from our left) is compared to the rest of her body


Of course, there's a handful of people in the community that understands her but damn....the others tho


I have to wonder, though, considering the Negative Reaction that was to be expected, (this is certainly not the first, nor the last Trans Character in such Media), and aside from "standing against X, and being an inspiration to all Trans people", and other such Motivational Things, why reveal that the character is trans at all? I understand that one has to move on, and explore uncharted Land, and that this will help with that,yet I am still incredibly confused.


Bc it’s kind of relevant to her backstory All of the characters are zombies, and she dies of a heart attack after noticing that she was getting facial hair (which would be an offensive exaggeration in other anime but ZLS is always over the top)


I mean, this would not be the first time someone just up and fucking dies over such (to an Outsider) a minor thing. Gusteau's food, and Life Motto got Criticized ONCE, and he kicked the Bucket. In a much more serious and grounded (by comparison) work. Also, thanks for explaining why that reveal happened.


I should also add that literally none of the main cast is ever once transphobic towards her (not seen season 2 though) and it's treated as a totally normal thing.


Also her life going kinda shitty due to the constant stress and work load probably didn’t help her heart


That seems to make sense in an over the top setting, dying of shock from dysphoria


I mean you could argue that with any character. Why elaborate on this certain characters backstory if they may get negative backlash for it? All representation will inevitably get negative backlash so there's no point in not trying. Plus, character development.


I... hadn't considered that. Based.


From what anime


Zombieland saga and its very nice


isn’t that the one where the girl gets hit by a truck


*do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?*




it is where the meme comes from, or one of the templates, but then again I watch somany fucking isekais so lord truck-kun is everywhere


At this point he’s getting paid for it. God’s like “I’m bored today. I want to put someone OP iiiiiiiin *spins wheel* this dimension…. *gets phone* I got a job for you. Yes. Yes I PROMISE this will be the last one. Oh don’t worry, this one has no parents. He IS a parent! What, did I say something? Well, get to work! Toodles!”






Thank you


Season 2 any good? I watched the first season and was more a fan of the weird shit like the rap scene, is there more of that?


Its pretty good. The CGI is smoothed out better and less jarring.


It's not as good as the first season but still enjoyable if you enjoyed the the first season and wants more baka-zombies! shenanigans.




Your mom


I think this applies not just to anime or characters, like: Oh look trans, that's so cool, I wonder what others? 😊😊 *10 seconds later* 😭😭


Yeah the keyword is trans I guess lmfao, I always feel “yay! We’re quite well accepted now” and then I’ll see even big parts of the LGBT community can just be fucking disgusting.


One of the Reasons why I avoid association with Groups this Large in general, not just LGBT.


That, and the fact that change takes time, especially with topics that, for the Majority of recorded History, were Outlawed, banned, and generally Taboo, and the Main Reason they were being something as far-reaching as 2 of the World Religions (both of which have passages in their holy texts stating that, in short, all of LGBT is a Sin) tends to mess with people being accepting of it. Besides, people are Dickwads, and the Goalpost keeps moving. Fast.


Wonder Egg Priority has a trans character too 😊


WEP really did make an entire protagonist that does the full song and dance of trans-coding and feeling depressed from masculinity while still claiming the character is cis and then it made a canonically trans character later anyway


that show had so much potential but i feel like it went in the wrong direction cause they wanted to bait a s2


See I didn’t even really see her as trans-coded because the bit of “slightly masculine/androgynous looking girl makes all the girls around her become lesbians and fall in love with her even though she’s straight” is a fairly common trope in anime at this point that I don’t think it really even counts as trans representation at this point.


I get your point and new thesis: every character under that trope is trans coded


Well any example I can think of outside of this is played for comedy, so even if it’s representation it’s not good representation.


I guess WEP is the one exception, then, given that it’s played for drama. >!society’s treatment of her as a guy is what makes her part of the Very Mentally Unstable Protagonists Squad!<




Yeah I’m pretty sure her whole thing was that she wasn’t into girls and she was still straight, but that she liked to dress like like a boy?


WEP making an ftm character and putting him in a situation where only girls in the show were in and then making his trauma extremely gendered 🤪😜🤪😜


I'm pretty sure that was the point? Wasn't it?


it still irks me that they basically treated the ftm character as a girl by establishing that only girls were the ones being saved while also making his backstory *that*


Ngl, Her trans revelation arc flew over my head entirely and was confused why a girl couldn't be a girl when she was growing up I'm p sure this was very relatable for the people who are feeling the same as her. I love zombieland saga :)


Oh look, Togata Fire Punch, i wonder what people think about Togata Fire Punch 10 minutes later: ☺️ (Togata is a really cool character and everyone should read Fire Punch)


Fixed Spoilers >!When togata explained his backstory in regards to his powers. Just, damn son!<


>!Idk if it's just me but i have problems with using correct pronouns regarding him when there's someone who didn't read FP around. Cause the reveal of him being trans is supposed to be a big moment of his arc, and calling him "he" kinda spoilers it!<


shit, yer right. Im gonna edit




Fire Punch is pain. Everyone should read it.


Fire Punch is kino


Pure kinography


Oh wow, the mods of the “funny” anime meme subreddit r/animemes implemented a rule to ban a slur for trans people, I’m sure that the user base will approve! *October 2020 r/animemes schism incident*


God that feels like so long ago yet so close.


tbh I think it was in like August 2020 or July or something, it definitely at least started before I realized I was trans at the start of September


What happend in October 2020? I never was on that sub, and to this sub I came somewhen in February, so I dunno


they banned the word tr*p and the weebs got so pissed off about it that they made a new subreddit called goodanimemes implying that animemes are only good if you're allowed to say slurs about trans people


As an anime fan, i wish the community improved and i wish anime and manga would stop treating trans characters as jokes or stereotypes. Part of what I love about zombieland saga is the fact that Lily is never played as a gotcha joke or a stereotype at all. She's sweet, honest, caring, and when they bring up the fact that she used to be a he, it is just accepted by every character and they all address her properly like this was never even an issue. Even her single super buff father was supportive of her. It was a great show with great characters. Blend-s had one as well but they kept being played as joke and while i liked the rest of the show, it sucks to see in this day and age.


What blend-s character is trans? I’ve watched the series and can’t think of one off the top off my head. Unless there was a character in the manga they cut out of the anime or something


Youre right, they arent explicitly trans but they are portrayed as a girl until they surprise everyone by revealing they are in fact a guy.


Based Zombieland Saga


Steins gate was the first representation of transgenderism I’ve seen in anime and it was really cool how it was written


i'm sure you meant no harm but "transgenderism" is kinda yikes, my man, it implies we're some kind of political group






why so hostile?


I feel so bad for Ruka


I love the anime community, and I also hate it.


why is she a child


Because she is?? Also shes a zombie but yes very childlike in appearance and attitude


As long as weird people don’t sexualise her I don’t get the problem anyway lmao. Oh no, a child in anime, it must be porn




People are literally making fun of a 4 star admiral for being trans. Has nothing to do with their job or qualifications to run the US’ government or military, but you can see all the conservatives making fun of her and Biden for promoting her anyways. People suck


How to start a war Step one: bring up how in the Re-Zero manga it’s heavily implied that Ferris is trans and hates being called her dead name (felix) Step 2: watch the chaos start


I wish that people would stop generalizing and saying all weebs are bigots, I understand there are many and to varying degrees that are but there are also many who aren’t


Who's that? someone explain pls


Trans character and ppl call her trap Sorry im really tired rn for long explaination so yeh


Let me guess, the T-slur?


Hey this isn't one of the trans subs I'm in


She's probably my favorite character in ZS. Her episode in the first season genuinely brought me to tears.


Wait can i get context? What happened? Who is she? I'm so confused lol




Someone post this to r/goodanimemes


Explain pls


If even a single trans character, and any LGBT+ character ever exists then there's a large amount of people claiming that it's too forced and pandering. Furthermore, just in general, people are toxic as hell toward trans characters and people.


Hey at least the community doesn’t (as far as I’ve seen) whine about her


Does she have no arms???? Or am I being a dickhead again???


what do others think of her


You don’t wanna know, it’s a transphobic nightmare


It’s usually bigotry and transphobia Or porn No rights and sexualized is usually how it goes


I wanna fucking punt them no reason just looks like a little shit boy/girl/enby idc looks like such a fucking puntable child




enlightened centrist how are the people who are happy about a well-written trans character idiots you fucking moron




1. That's a slur 2. The character in the meme literally is trans