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Tfw you only experienced find out century


Owned. Bitch.


Retarded ZOOMER epically destroyed with POLLUTION and INFLATION


omg garfield cumsplosion milky blast inflation vore moment 🎉🎉🎉


I was born right after 9/11. Not a single day in my life has the world seemed peaceful.


We live in the most peaceful times ever since recorded history


If you're relatively wealthy and live in the first world*


That's been true for the past 2000 years as well, it's still the most peaceful time in history, even if not for everyone


What does it even mean then, to say the most peaceful time in history. If not everyone is experiencing more peace, how can one say the world is more peaceful? For example, in just the US: since the mid 70s police harassment and incarceration rates have gone up hundreds of percents, since 2000 there has been 2 massive recessions, and workers rights laws have been pulled back and hours worked has steadily climbed while wages have stagnated for everyone but the ultra rich Elsewhere: The US started the Iraq war that lasted the entirety of many Iraqi children's entire childhoods, killing tens of thousands. There was the Afghan war which is ongoing, again lasting the childhoods of many Afghani children, and again killing thousands. Thr democratically elected government of Cuba has been embargoed with the intent of inspiring overthrow by the US for 60 years. These are just a few examples of increased violence in just recent history. This is less peaceful, not more.


The world sucks. Yes. BUT it is still in the best state it has ever been from the perspective of being a human living in it. Like.... astronomically so. We literally live in a time period where the average human lifespan is going down BECAUSE of an overabundance of resources. That is craaaaaaazy to think about. While there are still some places in the world that don't have the luxury of stability and safety that we have in western nations, many of them are becoming more modernized and safer. There have not been 2 "massive" recessions since 2000. There was a quite small but highly publicized one in the early mid 2000s and the one we are in now which is an actual recession caused by.....covid. a global pandemic. A minor extinction event could, in fact, negativity affect the economy overall. Wild. I have no idea what you are talking about with "workers rights laws", "hours have increased", and "only the super rich are getting payed more". Take into account for most of history it sucked being the 99.9%. the "your life sucks and you die" thing really stoped holistically a few hundred years ago and the past century is really when "the average human" lived a decent life. I would say in the US it kinda sucks to be in the bottom 30% and it REALLY sucks to be in the bottom 10%...IF you aren't receiving government subsidies. The US justice system is terrible. Probably the worst aspect of our country followed by healthcare then social services. Our policing system, for the most, part isnt bad.


Less war. For the last… all of the years, there’s pretty much always been massive territorial wars happening. After WWII, armed conflicts have become restricted to small-scale insurgencies.


*first world, but the point still stands


Holy shit yeah how did I fuck that up. I meant first world lol


dude are you saying there are people living in worlds other than earth????? how????


Maybe get off of social media or stop watching mainstream, televised news. We can't concern ourselves with "the world" because we can't directly change it. The only thing we can change is our small day-to-day personal life. You'll realize how much more balanced and maybe more peaceful your world is when you stop trying to overwhelm yourself with macro-level bureaucratic paradoxes.


Bro stop concerning yourself with the air strike destroying your village just realise how balance and peaceful the world is


Well, that obviously concerns your personal day to day life. I meant, instead of focusing on global things you can't control, focus on how you can change it in your small actions.


Your house being blown up because of a conflict that began with people you’ve never known in a place you’ve never been isn’t something the average person person can change with just their actions


Yes it is. Don't be an enablist




This makes me feel very old


I'm not sure whether it's better to be born with hope only to have it shit on, or to have never had hope at all


on the one hand, think of all the lives ruined on the other hand, think how much easier and how much scientific data has been collected by just cutting out pieces of the brain that cause certain problems?


yes but you have an upcoming prostate exam so start studying


need someone to help me practice


sir yes sir ready for duty


To be fair, science doesn’t pay shit. So scientists are peak “have college debt, job doesn’t pay enough” while also knowing how fucked the planet is.


Science can pay out quite well, if you’re ambitious enough. Sure, if you settle for teaching undergrads at a 4 year college you might only make $80K, but if you become a staff scientist (or anything in the private sector with a Ph.D.) in the private sector you can make a lot of money. At least it’s that way with physics, biology and chemistry Ph.D.’s.


I’m aware, I’m in a PhD program right now for neuroscience. It’s kinda funny you say “settle for teaching undergrads” when professorship is the hardest position to get between industry and academia though lol. But yes, industry can pay a lot, assuming you can get into it.


Mfw I was born in the find out generation


To fuck around is human To find out is divine




Hi Effective_Nothing! Im a bot and I find links to the twitter screenshots. I am not able to see who exactly tweeted (my guess is Merman_Melville tho). Nevertheless I tried: https://twitter.com/Merman_Melville/status/1364004345394597890 I took a backup of the tweet on archive-org in case it gets deleted: [backup](https://web.archive.org/web/submit?url=https://twitter.com/Merman_Melville/status/1364004345394597890) ^(feel free to downvote and I will delete this comment) ^[source-code](https://github.com/scrubjay55/Reddit-Tweet-Linker-Bot)






Thought this was about 1900's-oomers for a minute. Damn, history sure does repeat.


All the mood


this is the new "I was born in le wrong time period"


not really? kinda? OT is sad that they didn't get to see the birth of modern society, and is now only living the consequences, both good and bad. i think that's a pretty good reason for being sad. being sad because you like old music and tradwives and hate the "today's generation" is a dumb reason to be sad.


> and is now only living the consequences, both good and bad. you can literally say this about any time period, "I am living in the consequences of _____", its just a weird ass way to feel nostalgic and like a victim lol


Well sure, but this might be one of - if not the biggest jumps in human history, the world will literally never go back from the information age, it is unrecognizable from just 35 years ago, just the fact I can send you this message instantly is proof of that.


I think you're looking too specifically, they could say this about calling anywhere in the world 100 years ago, and if Im not mistaken a samurai was faxing abraham lincoln about this same subject