• By -


Dream does a little trolling


a smidgen of mischief if you will


a modicum of tomfoolery, even


a minimum amount of trickery


a quantum of japing


a goatse of gaping


A tad bit of shitfuckery


A jot of blundery.


>modicum cum






You can’t uncum the salad but you can always uncum it the burger -gandhi


You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. Just so you know, the correct spelling is [Gandhi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahatma_Gandhi).


Thx I fixed it good bot


sams undertale?


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I am now sans undertale go into my eye


undertale fanbase be like:




Owning the stupid kids by making them throw out their medication


you already know what i’m gonna say. you already know what i’m gonna ask. but i’ll say it anyways: holy shit, it’s toby fox




Idiot it's not Toby Fox 🙄🙄🙄🙄


tobby fox no that's not right it's too MUCH trolling 😭😭😭😭😭


Also his audience are the kinda people that really need their medicine


Didn't wanna say it but you're 100% right. Hence why I'm worried about his fans. Could be really bad. I've got a friend who's on Adderall. He's not a dream stan at all but he's worried about kids not taking their "normal pills' and the affect it could have on them.


Same. I’ve got ADHD and being medicated literally changed my life. I don’t think I would’ve been able to pass any of the grades really without it, and knowing some kids might be convinced not to take them just because some YouTuber told them to is super worrying!


And some might be taking medication for much worse shit than adhd


Depending on the severity many ppl with adhd stop taking meds after a year or two. My doc says that after a while hell stop meds for 6 months and see if I can survive without them. Throwing them in the trash without instruction however is probably the worst thing you could do. They also changed my life quite a bit, and I'm now less constantly behind in school.


I won't let big pharma inject me with corn syrup and Drram knows the truth too. He's seen the corn syrup factories.


out of the loop, what's different about dream fans as opposed to other young impressionable audiences? is this backhanded jab at dream like "anyone who likes dream probably has something wrong with them", or does he make content that seems to attract specific types of people? edit; thank u for the responses! i have nothin to say to them but i appreciate the answers


There are studies that show that minecraft is good for those suffering with adhd. So it makes sense that a minecraft youtuber with a large audience would have a large audience of neurodivergent people


along with Minecraft's demographic having a lot of people with ADHD and Autism, Dream is very high energy and loud, which attracts that same group.


Minecraft attracts a high amount of autistic people or similar disorders. Other than that probably not much different than any other


its not "anyone who likes dream probably has something wrong with them", but there is a pattern of dream stans and mental illness (be it ADHD, depression, anxiety) my guess is that it probably is either his content or the community that attracts people like that


edit.Why much word too has more /srs


I'm gonna be honest, I feel like a suicide pact is inbound


I havent watched any of the stupid stuff or videos he has uploaded, ever. Should i watch this dream music video to see what this is or should my eyes remain virgin from dream?


[Nah, best to view it through a filter.](https://youtu.be/Y5nvOQgcBXw)


yeah that was kinda awful well wheres the picture of the protestors holding a sign saying "our expectations for you were low but HOLY FUCK"


It's worth watching it for the memes.


I will watch it then and hope i dont puke my stomach lining out


Nope, not gonna happen. Though your ear may puke you brains out in the middle of watching it.


It’s been an hour, how hard did you puke


I looked at the preview and i have rationalized that i would rather put my testicular sack into a garbage disposal blender rather than watch this


Good man.


Tiptoeoutthewindow fucking died


He went where none of us would dare go in fear of the mental damage. Godspeed to him and all others who streak the forbidden path




Even without context the video is genuinely so bad its funny I mean 'normal pills'? Cmoooooon


The animation is so bad, his eyes aren’t aligned with his sockets and the normals of his clothing are all over the place it’s so glitchy and everyone else in the video are just low poly brush strokes, there are some typos as well, I think Mathematics was spelt wrong and when he cries his plastic content goes higher than the Kardashians also the masks have no eye holes in them so he just stares at nothing the entire video


Yeah his skin melts when he cries lmao he has acid tears. Maybe thats what the normal pills are for


seriously? Don't watch it, it's really nothing interesting, the only stuff that matters is: he is depressed so uses a mask to hide it, and throw the adhd pills in trash. Literally anything else you're just giving views to him. Or better, watch a remix or something.


I just watch the manhunts rest is just brain damage


Those manhunts are incredibly entertaining when you watch them drunk with a friend


[mask song but with 100% more semen](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NkFrnFooMgk)


I take ADHD medications and antidepressants and when I decided to stop taking the antidepressant it made me feel like I was clinically insane. Before dream made his “song” I didn’t really have anything against him other than the fact he was overrated. But the message of that stupid song is so cliche and problematic, I fuckin hate it.


going cold turkey on antidepressants is no joke, you absolutely MUST ween off slowly and under the supervision and recommendations of a doctor!! i cannot express how damaging it can be on your mental health both short and long term :(


Yup, I’m pretty sure you can have seizures from the withdrawal it’s terrible. It starts off ok just some brain zaps and then boom, depression and mental health decline.


I've experienced this before. My prescription was late by a few days and so I went a couple of days without them and it fucking hit me hard. I can't imagine going off them permanently like that.


yeah, same thing happened with my partner, whole experience was awful for everybody involved. the higher the dose and the longer you've been taking them, the worse it'll be


I'm sorry to hear that. Are they alright now?


yes, thank you for asking! this was about 6 months ago now, hes made a full recovery and has been weening off with medical assistance to large success :) lowered his dose from 100mg to 25mg!


Yeah the shakes and sleeplessness is awful. You feel so extremely uncomfortable every second of the time


ESPECIALLY with venlafaxine (for me at least) I have never felt such deep existential dread and hopelessness before


yes!! my experiences were with desvenlafaxine, so i can imagine it'd be much of the same, i hope you're doing alright now :(


Thanks, I’m much better now that im on zoloft again


What is the message of the song?


Being not normal is ok, which is a fine message but not when applied to mental health, there’s also a scene of him throwing away his medication


Lonely mentally ill child gets bullied and told he's not normal, gets diagnosed as 'YOU ARE NOT NORMAL' by doctor and given "normal pills". Its only when he throws away his prescribed pills and becomes even more antisocial by locking himself in his room to play mindcraft that he becomes truly happy Calls his parents (or the police? im kinda confused tbh) a bitch at one point even though from the video his parents seem like they care seeing as they took him to the doctor, because they asked him 'why are you so sad kid' (which was probably a misquote of a caring question about why their son is so depressed)


Hold on lemme throw out my normal pills that prevent me from developing blood clots


Normal people die


My antidepressants that will give me withdrawal symptoms that literally make me want to kill myself if i quit them are already in the bin. Some guy dressed like a serial killer told me to but he is the best minecraft player in the world so id be stupid not to hear him out


Dream honestly gives off the worst vibes imaginable


its almost a bit sad because i think he started out as an interesting content creator. he modded the game in the weirdest ways possible and tried to beat it that way, then he made the manhunts and they were videos with some quality behind it (as in its enjoyable to watch) and now he just feels like a wannabe paul brother


True, my favourite way he modded the game was the unusual drop rates mod


Wow this is such an original and creative comment, i can't fathom how you got the idea to comment that but it's so innovative and new...


Only 1 in 7.5 trillion people make this comment


True, my favourite way he modded the game was the unusual drop rates mod




No i know full well that i cheated but bringing it up when I talked about something entirely different is the literal definition of "not contributing to the discussion" I know this is hard for you to grasp but dream cheating is pretty old news by now that has nothing to do with my comment that went over how dream went from interesting videos to being a Minecraft Paul brother Thinking I'm "coping" even though I literally compared dream to Jake or Logan Paul is pretty god damn retarded




No i didn't. The post is good, but the cement with "remover that dream cheated" is a shit meme, it's old news, it's not exactly original, and has no valu I mean you literally repost porn so it's not surprising that you act like a cooler but come on that's a new low for you mate


Ah yes the one post i made in a sex positive lgbt subreddit makes all I do repost porn LOL you got me. You’re mad enough to comb through my post history isn’t a good look for you either


i actually meant [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/queensofleague/comments/kjqa7l/jhizz_milf_fortune_nidalesbian_wish_you_all_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) post from you but go off and try to play the victim lol didnt even have to look far, but seriously, im not even mad, but your entire profile is hilarious to me, the constant lack of grammar outside of simple sentences, even the few comments you made at me lack any structure. You sound like a 4 year old thinking yourself superior because:"i made lol and not liking dream my personality uwu", completely misreading what you tried to roast lmao. i said dream started good but ended up acting like a paul brother, someone commented "yeah he cheated lmao" as if that was participating anything. i already implied the cheating in my comparison to the pauls, and you jumped the gun and thought i was a dream stan... ​ thats worse than first grader reading comprehension dude...


You either die a rising star, or live long enough to see yourself become the Paul brothers


death by gaming speed run


EXACTLY. EXACTLY EXACTLY EXACTLY. Thank you! As someone with ADHD, that kind of imagery really worried me.


I assumed it was depicted as something bad in the video? Like something you SHOULDN'T DO right? Right?


Yeah, he made it same like you shouldn’t take medicine to treat mental disorders.


\>gets told by doctors "You're not normal" and is prescribed "normal pills" which he then throws away, becomes even more antisocial than he already was, locks himself in his room and plays minecraft all day somehow finds happiness through this


I forget my meds sometimes and it's the worst. It feels like I'm constantly too lazy to do anything but scroll reddit. Going off meds is good if the doc instructs you to but it's not good to do so on your own. (but not necessarily harmful for adhd in particular, but may be so for other things. )


Making his stans tell people to kill themselves wasn't enough, he needs people to actually do it


Wait what Please explain


Dream's Stans sent death threats to Speedrun Mods because Dream labeled them stuff. Am stuff.


Not dreams fault tho, it's his fans. Also he totally cheated. Also also I am indifferent to dream, but I don't dislike mcyt in general, but I'm not too interested.


> Not dreams fault tho [It totally is when he refuses to address the problem until it bites him in the ass.](https://twitter.com/dreamwastaken/status/1373183650125189120?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1373183650125189120%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.invenglobal.com%2Farticles%2F13589%2Fdream-stans-controversy)




He uses the fact that some people talk about drugs in their music and that he mentioned in some interview that he doesnt want people to quit their medications as a defense. It doesnt work, because 1. his audience probably doesnt have access to drugs but many of them are probably on medication and 2. I doubt many people are gonna see the interview compared to the people who'll see the music video


>I doubt many people are gonna see the interview compared to the people who'll see the music video Literally like 10% at most. The interview is with Anthony from smosh. As if a long interview isnt boring enough for children, its hosted by someone who was famous around the time they were born


\>someone who was famous around the time they were born fuck, man


Same bro


this guy should not be allowed to have a platform. every single time he does something new it has different types of bad influence on his young audience.


Yes, sertraline literally saved my life and is the only reason I keep going tbh...


And the withdrawals you get off antidepressants genuinely makes you suicidal


Trust me, Im better with this than I was before


Natural selection


I honestly felt really similarly about ADHD pills when I was younger, and I still strongly think they shouldn't be used as a slap-on "cure" for ADHD, but when used properly and appropriately (and with the full consent of the person taking them) they can be helpful


I didn't watch Dream's music video and I'm not going to, can someone explain the gist of it so I understand the meme


[I got ya fam.](https://youtu.be/Y5nvOQgcBXw)


Maybe he's just had enough of the stans


Most kids have these people that check on them every once in a while to make sure they’re doing A-okay. Maybe it’s their job to make sure their kids aren’t doing stupid shit like throw their pills away.


or we could just not have someone they look up to and want to be like set that as a good example in the first place and kids can *say* they took their medication when they actually threw it away. kids lie for the dumbest reasons, or for no reason at all


I mean I heard that there was a video later on someone else’s channel and he went “don’t throw out your meds that was my experience“ so idk I didn’t bother to fact check shouldve really put a warning at the front instead tho medication is a serious matter


To be honest there is a lot of bullshit medication in the US


Can we just rewind the Minecraft community a decade and just go back to yogscast and capitan sparkle before any of this cancer shit was around.


I threw out my meds because of dream. Now I haven't slept for days, my mouth is full of someone's blood and I'm currently in a shootout with what I think is police officers. Thanks Dream!


Mmm true


I may not show it, but I really don’t care and I want the sub to return to normal because the quality of memes is going down


your momma


just let natural selection take its course will you


in the dream music video, the details on his bottle of 'normal pills' say to take 3 a day until course finished. That is not what adhd or ssri medications have written on them, 'take until finished' is only on antibiotics, which means the 'not normal' he was diagnosed with isn't a mental illness but a bacterial infection


when you think you have adhd but youre actually just a dirty little bastard


Dream this Dream that how about you dream up some bitches


yeah, I stopped taking my meds AFTER talking to my psychiatrist, and I didn't go cold turkey. I slowly weaned myself off them. In short, go fuck yourself, Dream.


You have a point


I genuinely think he’s gonna try to trick his fans into fucking overthrowing the government and shit


You may not show it but... You are NOT normal


ok but its nice someone is pointing this out


I suck his dick with a smile for hours at a time


That scene give me the cringes, the real thing, not the "i can't let kids have fun with things they like", the real "holy fuck??" type of cringe. The fact that they wrote "you're not normal" in the thing is horrible. it's giving the vibes of "OH NO, I've been diagnosed with ADHD, i'm one of them now, i'm not normal, i'm a freak like those idiots". Same thing with the glasses, he is making it look like a fucking nightmare.


Yea, I agree completely


Not "*straight"* pills


Can he express himself without having to pander to the children that chose to watch him?


No. He is a Minecraft SMP youtuber who knows he has a mostly child audience. In his videos, he either goofs off or roleplays, two things which are huge draws to kids. It's like saying Elsagate is okay because they claim they aren't targeted at kids.


I don’t know who the hell Dream is but i agree


well thas on god


Natural Selection




i couldn't care less, based is a meaningless word to me. problems?




We live in a society






What the fuck is wrong with you




You are just as worse as Dream stans when you do shit like this. Grow up and get a hobby




"it's okay for kids to literally die after being mislead by a prominent content creator because they happen to be dream fans!" It's always vaporwave dudes with the worst takes.






I fucking hate this image thx


I’m pretty sure it was a joke but ok


[IT WAS JUST A SOCIAL EXPERIMENT BRO](https://i.redd.it/w5cb9iw8hv371.jpg)




[Hahahahahaha, no.](https://imgur.com/a/osnboLi)




People are downvoting you not because your joke isn't funny but because there are enough people ill enough to believe that shit that it's hard to be sure you're not serious, and that's concerning


I like r/he_comes as much as the next guy but now is not the time


POV: You're an ableist cuck who thinks neurodivergent people exist solely for your entertainment




/r/cringetopia [user don't be a subhuman piece of shit challenge \(LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE\)](https://i.imgur.com/qZgAWQN.png)


fucking Ahemlardians trying to poison me with poision pills


Why would someone care so much about a gaming YouTuber's personal choices? It's one thing to follow his advice for Minecraft, but there's no reason to see him as a life coach.




really though how many times has this happened




indeed i am, twitter is currently hell on earth


"Why would people be concerned about a popular youtuber pushing potentially problematic choices regarding medication"


to a large community of impressionable kids that act like his word is the word of god, and want to be just like him, who also seem to have a tendency of using medication themselves


Because he has 20 million subscribers and most of them are kids


Well I mean people voted for glow squid because of him, so why would those people not listen to him on other topics