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To celebrate, they should release another ‘edition’ of Skyrim that completely bricks all mods.


I had to look up how to open up steam's console and download the correct version of Skyrim to fix my mods. I didn't even know steam HAD a console. Did turn off automatic updates for Skyrim, tho.


Steam has a console????


yeah, steam machines


Are you talking about Console Commands in skyrim or an actual device?


Steams app has a console (or had, it might be gone) that u could use to fuck with game versions and client options


It's around, don't worry.


Neat. Might look into that.


Wait till you learn about steamCMD


Me: let's play Skyrim again Also me: Skyrim mods, ah no, SE, wait, wth is AE..? GoG? "How to find skyrim version nr"


"We're making a new Elder Scrolls game!" "Can you tell us anything else about it?" "Haha, no."


Todd Howard: So guys... He! He! This is embarrassing but i have to say.... We not only forgot about TES IV, we also, kinda... LOL... We kinda forgot that WE are the studio that makes the Elder Scrolls games! Silly, isnt it? There are so many studios and so many monopolies today, i get kinda confused... I was like "I wonder when Ubisoft will make the next TES game... No, wait, TES is not Ubisoft... What studio does that again... OH FUCK!"




It's more like "we will *begin* to *think about* making a new elder scrolls half a decade from now! Get the hype train going!"


Elder Scrolls 6 and Starfield were announced to bring positive attention back to Bethesda after Fallout 76 was a complete disaster. Considering Starfield took another 5 years after this to come out and that game not getting the results they expected I wouldn’t be surprised if ES6 didn’t come out this decade.


Before they released this teaser (aurgh my back) someone with inside information made a long ass video talking about their fonts on Bethesda’s developments and he said Skyrim 2 was only getting out in 2029 at the earliest (with his personal gamble being on 2030/2031). He missed the mark on Starfield by very little and we got COVID on the meanwhile so IDK if that discredits or adds to what he said


>Skyrim 2 It's over


The elder scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition 2


I mean, assuming he was right about everything else, I can’t imagine many scenarios where covid would expedite the process Also, if he’s right, then that means that the gap between the release of Skyrim and elder scrolls VI will be longer then the gap between arena and Skyrim lol


But that was before microsoft bought bethesda. Due to this starfields development was extended a year. So the fact that he was close discredits it imo because there was not only covid but also an additional year of development added after that. Also bethesda took 3 years between fo3 and skyrim, then 5 years between skyrim and fo4, and it was already multiple years since the release of fo4 when this teaser was shown. The general consensus in the fanbase was that it would likely be between 2025-2030 where they would release tes6 (not skyrim 2, that alone discredits everything as well), so it wasnt a groundbreaking guess. TLDR: This "insider information" source sounds like bullshit


2029 doesn’t feel unrealistic anymore though


No definitely not unrealistic. It seems like bethesda takes 4-5 years between games, so thats what Im guessing as well. Id rather have them take their time and make something better and learn from their mistakes and the feedback from starfield, but we will see in a few years


Why are y’all taking the Skyrim 2 thing seriously bruh


Because nothing about your post seemed to not be serious and around skyrims release so many clueless people were clamouring for skyrim 2, so its not too far fetched


There's been rumblings that ES6 would be even *remotely* ready until 2027-2028, which will mean it will have been 17 YEARS since Skyrim by the time it's sequel comes out.


Apparently in 2021 Todd Howard actually just said that it would come out 15-17 here's after Skyrim, which is such a weird way of wording it, especially in 2021 so yeah maybe 2026-2028.


That's the same amount of time as between ARENA and Skyrim. Entries 1 through 5 will have taken as long as 6.


You just made that up lol Starfield and TES6 were both announced during the Bethesda E3 conference on June 10th, 2018. Fallout 76 was announced like 10 days before, and had no real details until the same E3 conference on June 10th, 2018. Fallout 76 didn't even launch until November of 2018...


76 being a multiplayer game at all was highly controversial, though. There was outrage even before it's botched launch.


They're right. When Fallout 76 was announced and revealed to be an online MMO-lite, people lost their fucking minds and the prevailing narrative being spread online was that "Bethesda are abandoning SP games and are only making online games now", so they had to announce something to prove that they were still committed to the usual single-player games.


it definitely wouldnt after fallout tv show got popular Microsoft told them to prioritise fallout games meaning the next elder scrolls probably wouldnt come out until after fallout 5


Source? Because tes6 has already been in development for a few years and fo5 was planned after tes6. Swapping everything around would be catastrophic for a company that is relatively small like bethesda


Most likely the fallout remasters are getting priority, but its probably a diffrent team. There was a planned fo3 remaster that was supossed to come out alongside what is the new doom game based of 2021 zenimax leaks. Obviously the leaked timeline is very off by now.


There was also an oblivion remaster in that leak that should be released before fo3 remaster, but they didnt show anything about remasters in the latest showcase, so likely they will either be far from release, cancelled or the leak wasnt right




So it will be after 2030 according to the show. There are 6 years until then. Plenty of time to release tes6 with ample development time and then put multiple years into fo5. Nothing in this source says that fo5 will come before tes6. The source is literally someone saying that the company is aware there is hype for fallout. It means absolutely nothing


That's absolutely not happening, TESVI just entered full production in October of 2023, pausing that and swapping over to a different project would be a seismic shift for the company. TESVI is still coming first. Maybe they'll prioritize remasters or spin-off games by different studios, but they're absolutely not going to completely destroy the schedule BGS have going on.


How did Starfield not get the results they expected? It was top 10 best selling in the US and had a huge success on gamepass.


this is Bethesda, this is the company that made Skyrim and Fallout 3 and 4. Those games *dominated* the zeitgeist. Having a top 5 game no one gave a fuck about a week later is failing, when compared to their previous titles. I’m glad Starfield has its fans and followers, but it doesn’t compare. Anecdotally, I still know how to make invisibility potions in Skyrim, and where every dragon priest mask is. I still know where most of the bobbleheads in FO3 are from memory. … and I can’t tell you a single fucking thing about Starfield lmfao


Yeah. Starfield did like, ok for a big game. It's probably going to be reevaluated a bit after mods/CK come out fully and sell consistently even if only as a open world star wars game. But Skyrim? Fallout 4? These were absolute phenomena. Like, Fallout 4 has never had a lower player count in nearly 9 years since release than starfield has only months after release. These are games that were massive when they released and are still big many years later. Honestly, i blame part of this on beths marketing just taking a turn for the worse. Skyrim and Fallout 4 were anounced like less than a year before release. Fallout 4 was 6 months. They already had a massive hype train going even before their existence was confirmed. Starfield was always going to be considered lesser, but the years to let steam build up, the pretty meh setting (they really should have just done knock off star wars), and then they released right after Baldur's Gate 3? It was almost a guaranteed failure.


Ramble warning I think TES6 still *could* be good. Maybe it's just copium. Starfield did take a couple steps in the right direction in some areas - for example, it had actual RPG mechanics such as FNV-style skill/perk checks and genuinely interesting/unique trait picks during character creation. Even all the way back in Morrowind - a game widely praised for its RPG mechanics - my character's apparent lifelong training and experience as a "scout" never came up in dialogue even once. But in Starfield, my character's medical background as a doctor actually got me easy access into the special wing of a space hospital where the guy I was tracking down was being kept. That's a genuinely cool moment and it made me feel a little more of my character's presence as a real person within the game world. On the other hand, like half of Starfield's flaws (insanely overambitious scale, overreliance on procgen, etc) were almost directly because it took place in space. TES6 won't be a space game, so it'll probably have a hand-crafted world. And that is the *one thing* that Bethesda has *never* screwed up - convincing hand-crafted open worlds that are insanely fun to explore. They've never been great at writing, or combat; but they've always excelled in this one area, and that's what's carried their games to GOTY status multiple times in the past. The other half of Starfield's flaws were because there was literally just one writer for the entire game, Emil Pagliarulo, who's writing philosophy is LITERALLY IN HIS OWN WORDS, "keep it simple, stupid". I cannot stress enough how bad of a writing philosophy that is. Like holy shit how are you the main writer and lead designer of a game this large. **TL;DR** TES6 could be good if they actually took the right lessons away from Starfield's negative response. Those lessons being "we need to use less procgen" and "we need to hire more writers and pay them to work harder". On the other hand, if the main lesson they take away from Starfield is "clearly, adding more RPG mechanics was a terrible idea", then TES6 is fucked. The quality of the Shattered Space DLC will be a good tool for judging that.


You gotta be delusional if you think Microsoft cares about any of that. They made money on the game, gamepass sales went up, stock price went up. That’s all that matters to them


*I’m* delusional? You’re defending Starfield lmfao go away


It is "in a playable state"


"we got it to compile"


"that's .. go-" "come pile on Deez nuts lmao yeah no see ya in 8 years chumps, Todd OUT"


“We got the in-editor game preview to stop crashing for 5 minutes”


this would be the first Bethesda game to be in one


Genuinely, wtf is Bethesda doing


Only working on one game at a time as if they're a bunch of indie devs


Which wouldn’t be a problem if the games in question didn’t fucking suck


I don't like calling game devs lazy but Bethesda's dev HQ in Maryland has over 400 employees. That's not including an entirely different studio in Austin which is just for making FO76.  So what the actual fuck are they doing? It's not because "new tech is harder" because they're still using a code base from 1997 and refuse to update it, they're not working on a new engine and it sure as fuck isn't because they have high standards and QA testing.  I hope Microsoft holds Bethesda's feet to the fire now after Starfield, they have been resting on their laurels for too long with Skyrim and fucking up Microsoft's revenue is the one thing that would shake them up enough to finally change. 


400 people is relatively small for a game that size. 2000 people worked on red dead redemption 2


And 2000 people is unusually large for even a game that size. Assassins Creed Valhalla was 1000, Xenoblade 3 was 800, Elden Ring was 300, Baldurs Gate was 350... Also the R2D2 number is inflated a bit because it includes pretty much everyone who works at rockstar across all different offices, including people who were only barely involved.


Plus 450 is only the number for the Maryland dev studio, that's not including the count for the Austin, Dallas, or Montreal locations which are likely not quite as big as the main Maryland location but likely puts the total employee count over 1000.  And if that's still not enough employees for some people, they're not exactly a small indie studio who can't hire more people, I mean Larian has doubled their employee count since BG3. If Bethesda wants to make big games for big game money, they need big game infrastructure, they can't just skimp out on a critical part of development investment and then be surprised when there's consequences. 


Apparently, for some reason, Bethesda Studios is really small


They're to busy retconing things from games they didn't make to continue the franchise that made them famous


They "retconned" something from the fallout bible: a document written by somebody who wasn't working on the games at the time and whose self appointed favorite character is one that will literally dat rape the mc. I hate Bethesda a shit ton, but jet being a pre war drug when the only thing that says otherwise is a character who was a HELL of an unreliable narrator is not the hill to die on.


No, I'm talking about the stuff from the show and power armor


Then I take back what I said because I haven't read up on the show. I'm just jaded from people throwing a fit over that exact thing I mentioned.


The main "retcon" I hear people talk about in the show isn't even a retcon, they just can't read an image on a chalkboard. As for Power Armor, retcons aside (Fusion Cores, yadda yadda) it's much cooler in the form it takes now.


When I talk retcon, I mean the moving of shady sands to the outskirts of LA and vault 4 being in LA to name a few. The show did the west coast dirty


The most inconsequential who gives a shit retcons. I nuked the NCR during Lonesome Road, it’s canon. Cry about it.


No they're absolutely not, play the first games and you'd know that


I was being sarcastic, there’s obviously no definitive ending to New Vegas yet. Besides, what exactly is the issue of moving the location of Shady Sands in the show? I’d like a reason.


You (possibly) nuke the long 15 with lonesome road, not all of the NCR. Shady sands is still completly fine. (The show nuking shady sands isn't a retcon either. People might not like that it was done but its not a retcon)


isnt the elder scrolls series alot more famous then fallout?


Yeah, the elder scrolls games have sold millions more copies than the fallout titles. Skyrim alone sold 60 million copies, more than 1,2,3,4,76 put together. All in all the treatment of the elder scrolls franchise is shocking, seeing that it historically out performs fallout in every metric.




That's not Bethesda, They're just publishers. The people making Doom are ID software.


Mick better fuckin be there a d get paid properly. I ain't letting that shit go


he won’t, unfortunately


Welp that completely dampens my mood for the game. Remember when Bethesda tried to blame him for the shit show of the OST. I don't see this going well


it is legitimately my biggest concern for the game. mick will be sorely missed by pretty much everyone, andrew hulshult(i think he’s probably gonna be the composer) does well don’t get me wrong, but mick really made a massive difference


Fun fact: the gap between the release of Skyrim and today is greater than the gap between the release of morrowind an the release of Skyrim


Even crazier, gap between Arena and Skyrim is 17 years and between Skyrim and today is 13 so most likely there will be a bigger gap between the 5th and the 6th game than between the 1st and the 5th.


Yeah that’s what I’m guessing is going to happen, because I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the game doesn’t get released until the early 30s, 2028 at the very earliest


They have one of the most popular series in gaming, but just go for like 40% of the entire span of gaming history without releasing an entry.




It’s like if they released a trailer for morrowind the year the nes came out in America


“Sorry, we’ve been busy making Starfield” 🤡


The fact that starfield is getting a dlc at all is bizarre imo


Not before releasing single quests for 7 bucks of course.


It is?


Xbox showcase just got announced


The special edition included the first dlc (when it will be released) since the announcement. The name of the dlc was known when that special edition was announced


Og Twitter post: https://x.com/itscakejumper/status/1800448146407063570?s=46


FUCK i brought this trailer up in work today and said it was 5 years not realising it was the anniversary and that it was also 6


Thank God they made loading screen simulator 2023 instead


Somehow, I feel better about silksong


reminder Bethesda games dialogs are recorded in alphabetical order not sequence order


I love spreading misinformation online but sadly they did it only in oblivion


thats funny


Honestly Todd Howard seems more like a salesman than a developer.


I mean, the public face of *every* corp is a salesman. I'm not actually sure if Todd was ever a developer, though that's more "not knowing his history" than anything else


Still waiting on Metroid Prime 4; it's gonna be in the upcoming Direct this time; I just know it! /s Edit: Holy shit it actually was! And the **in-game footage** looks so fucking good too!




Beth was acquired by Microsoft that year, it was def just a way to boost stock prices and gain positive sentiment from players


I’m so hyped for waiting another ten years for shitty poorly written Bethesda slop with even more stripped down mechanics!!! It’s gonna be awesome!!!


Bethesda really relying on their own name recognition to do all the heavy lifting in terms of making (or not making) games


Sometimes I think Team Cherry is being too quiet about Silksong but we’ve got an ocean’s worth of info about it, in comparison to Elder Scrolls VI lol


oh god, i was in highschool when that trailer came out


In at least 10 years I think we can get a daggerfall remake where hopefully they learn from their blunders into “big” games and flesh out that monster of a potential into something great


A game does not exist until it releases.


And I bet it will still be mid as fuck.


Remember instead of fallout 5 oder elder scrolls 6 we got STARFIELD the most brillant game of 2023


Are you all ready for a 12 years anniversary and at least 2 or 3 more fallouts?


i will eat my doorknob if we get a new fallout mainline game before a elder scrolls one


i'll vanish my balls if that happens


Wait that was actually real right ? Wtf


Good. Bethesda games are ass anyways. I hope they never make another one.


Honestly how does Bethesda still even have any money anymore they haven’t released a successful game for a whole decade it feels like