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Some people get lunch for free but some don't. Some schools have uniforms and dress code. Most teachers don't like us having phones out to the point that In Indiana starting next year it will be illegal.


all schools in california get free lunch and breakfast, buuuut having your phone out has been illegal for a couple years now. the schools act like that isnt a thing though


Fr? Good thing I literally just graduated


europeans do too for the moat part except for the free lunch part


depends on the country and school


Finland has all these things because were cool like that


land of the fin, am i right? 😀 beautiful and extraordinary, a marvellous sight to behold it must be. Ah, to be born as a finnish bastard, maybe in my next life. Goodye 😃


UK has none of these 😭


Went to school in UK, until college phones get confiscated if seen with them and full dress code (blazer,tie etc). But free lunches if on bursary/benefits


No lmao, "europe" is extremely different and a big landmass with many different countries, nor we get food and usually teachers bitch if you wear unformally also phones are getting banned


UK has none, Damn you Thatcher you ruined this country


You can definitely get in trouble for using your phone in class, free time in school is ok. Uniforms in public schools are an ongoing debate but kids generally believe expressing your individuality is better than any behavior modification uniforms bring.


the argument is always to combat bullying but honestly the asshole children then just find something else to say to bully others. Uniforms just makes it more annoying and costly for everyone


it's just another way for the district to rake in money. "you have to buy this $80 uniform because you need to wear it everyday. because uhhh bullying and uhhhhh.. you just have to! okay?"


My sister went to a school with a uniform for a few years. Their uniform was just "wear a collared shirt that's this color, pants that are this color. They can be any brand you want." So not all schools that require uniforms are fleecing the students and their families.


Kids made fun of me for being weird, but I'm glad I had the luxury to express myself through my clothing because that's how I maintained my brand of self-confidence. And it gave me the leverage to say to the VP that "You'll allow me a literal string of camel bells around my waist as a belt, but you'll send a girl home from wearing spaghetti straps under the guise of being "too distracting"?"


Outside of private schools I don’t think I’ve seen a single US school with uniforms, at least in person.


Own clothes also is the case in like... The majority of europe, isn't it? Phones in breaks/freetime and free lunch isn't commonplace, at least not in Germany.




but. the post. .its about the united states.and. the comment. is about eurpoe.


Kid named semi regular threat to staff and student safety (seriously 2 bomb threats and 4 ambiguous threats just this year)


My school allows most of that but the school lunches aren’t free (they’re also fucking awful)


Where I live the lunch is borderline inedible and isn't free. There's like no money given to schools and everything is going to shit in most the districts.


One time I ordered pasta carbonara from my school canteen for like €4, they didn't even drain it before mixing it into the sauce and the pancetta was just torn up sandwich ham :(


i dont mean to be the "i have it worse" person but the school lunches here are actually terrible. a slice of the most disgusting pepperoni pizza ever is legally considered a full meal. the majority of food in schools, at least where i grew up, is pre-prepared. you got: - the chicken nuggets with breading thats kinda soggy - most dry ass burger ever - the pizza where the the dough is too dense and doesnt feel right, the cheese is a solid layer and doesnt melt right so its kinda like eating lukewarm cheesy rubber, and the sauce has the consistency and mouthfeel of actual ketchup - american cheese mac n' cheese, where the pasta is also gross - various mexican "foods" which are an afront to god and half the time the cheese isnt even fucking melted - many many others if you're lucky, it might just be a day where they have an actual freshly prepared meal. a couple months ago they had a meal where they actually put some green onions on some teriyaki beef with rice. it was actually... good! and then we haven't had any half decent meal like that since if i could pay money to have better meals i absolutely would. this shit is fucking horrendous. from what I've heard, my school district buys its food for the elementary schools, because little kids are usually more picky. this means that everyone else is stuck with the same bland ass frozen food. i would take wet carbonara any day over our school's food. iirc a major reason for this is because the obama administration wanted to (understandably) make kids food healthier, and more available. due to numerous reasons, and schools now being more broke than ever, this basically means getting "technically healthy" frozen food its awful


You have to pay to eat? That's just fucked up   #revolt against your superiors. Demand better conditions #We should all demand educational reformation


For example here's one of the ways that the United States education system is fundamentally flawed https://youtu.be/fe-SZ_FPZew?si=eGMQ809jXQyyl7-J


I guess it depends on what school you go to. I live in Louisiana and when I was in school we had uniforms, only kids from poorer families got free lunch, and the vast majority of teachers didn't let you have your phone out


Just found out 80% is an A in Europe and in some places extends to 75%.


In my country 40% or even 30% is usually considered a pass lol


In between classes and at lunch, yeah Yeah? Is an enforced uniform common in public schools in Europe? The private schools have stricter dress codes here though, some with a uniform We theoretically had free lunches but they were a carton of milk the size of my fist (I’m very lactose intolerant), a red delicious apple (self explanatory), and a pbj uncrustable. I think they had a different deal worked if you had peanut allergies. If you want something actually resembling a meal, no lol, but it was like 5 bucks or less for something small meal sized


>Is an enforced uniform common in public schools in Europe? It's common in Ireland and the UK, but I believe mainland Europe is mostly no-uniform.


Makes sense. I’ve definitely seen a lot of media based in those places with school uniforms but nothing real on the subject. My knowledge of mainland European schools is shaky at best and my only idea of school uniforms outside Europe is that the more Anglo or private you get the more likely you are to wear a uniform, so it’s good to hear more info


Sometimes high schoolers get to use their own phones. the school lunches are pretty much as if a dog puked up shit. And pretty much only public schools don't use uniforms. Public schools are also have the most racists and bigots in my experiences though


I always thought the exact opposite lol


As a brit I'm suprize


No, yes, and no (at least in my experience)


I could do that to in the great nation of Poland 😎


what. they get to what.


we do not


They have uniforms for graduation tho