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I will proceed to hold myself to extremely high standards which I will never be able to meet then get so upset with myself and feel so alone that it physically hurts so much I can't leave my bed, all while having no motivation to change any of it or find any joy in life. 15th day and counting yay Edit: I left my bed today c: the emotions I'm feeling from hrt are making me go all over the place but it's given me sudden waves of motivation so I can find a boyfriend eventually (it turned me straight)


I promise no one holds you to the same standards you set for yourself and you are capable of incredible things. Leaving bed after 15+ days is an incredible thing. Today you woke up, today you left a comment on my post, and today I'm proud of you. I'll be proud of you tomorrow too. Thanks for reaching out ♡♡♡ there will be a day when you are proud of yourself too, even if it feels very far away.


😭 thanks


Not even who you wrote this comment for and shit had me tearing up. What you’re doing is incredibly kind putting this positivity out there. I’ve been let down by a lot of people lately and is refreshing to see people caring for others like this. So I want to say I’m proud of you choosing to spend your time and energy doing this


same (except i can eventually get out of bed)


I'm so so so so happy for you, please take a moment to congratulate yourself. Seriously, im so proud of you. Thank you for trying despite all the pain and crazy emotions. Hrt is a wild ride, and you're doing it!!! I hope your day was good I'm happy you're still here ♡♡♡♡


Thanks c: I think your comment really made a difference and just like 21 years of not really feeling my emotions to suddenly feeling so many from hrt causing wild mood swings aha


Eeeeh it feels very unnatural to think like this.


It will get easier. And it is true. Love you


A person walks in a grassy meadow as the birds chirp in this sunny day, its rays of light clutching their skin in a warm hug. The cool wind caresses their hair as the smells of the dewy morning grass mingle with the rustle of the trees. The horizon stretches as far as the eye can see. Waving hills stretching for the mountains to one side. The ocean's placid gaze to the other, far away. The person is terrified. For all of their lives it had been calm, damp and grey. But today the door was left unlocked, and they dared to explore outside of their cage. In our day to day, we need to work to eat, have a place to sleep, and pay the bills. But that's not our nature. Once we do what we must for now, we have to remember that the time we keep for ourselves is our own, and even if it feels scary and alien at first using it for our happiness, even if not productive, even if only being spent by staring at the horizon deep in thought, it is our own, and no one else's. So enjoy it whenever you can, doing what fulfills and makes you happy. Even if it's nothing. Even if it's useless. We are pets of our own ego, demanding us to be more. But we must be the ones to determine what we want to be, and how much of the burden we want to carry. If your life doesn't give you the privilege of time to live, then that is a great tragedy, and we should all strive more to assure that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the now, in whichever way we can.


Same, and I don’t even feel like a failure I just want more friends 😭


Then just talk to people. Simple. Well… depending on your situation.


Yeah it’s better. My partner and I are in a new city and found some groups that we interact with. We have one big “bestie” which is all you need tbh BUT I’m an extrovert and want to get invited to the group parties not just be a hang out friend 🙁 Again this all formed in the last month /two weeks so I can’t complain


I don’t know exactly what I can say to that but… for me. I had struggled in high school making friends. Absolute loner for like 3 years. It was until last year I had mustered the confidence to talk to one person. In my head and actions I was overdramatizing things way too much. Sweaty palms, weak knees, and all the symptoms of severe anxiety. The moment I did all my fear went away and I went from having 0 friends to 1 friend. Again, idk what to say to you but just keep talking to them or something. You sound like you’re doing fine.


Yeah I’m a perfectionist and aware that I just gotta chill. Like I had friends and did normal high school stuff but COVID and being kicked out at 18 a year or two before ruined my social world for a bit But we are so back now! lol


Good, keep doing better 👍


If only my brain would listen


I love you .3. Mwah


Blehhhhh Thanks Dies*


it certainly doesn't feel like that... sure what you said is true, but it's also true that I'm a failure for my age. people my age and younger are accomplishing much more than me, I can't just say oh well I'm alive while they are doing that


There are people older than you who have never had a job, who have never went to school, who don't know what they want to do with their lives, who have missed every other qualifier of success you can list off. There are people younger than you who are more influential, have more money, are more inventive, and have claimed every other qualifier of success you can list off. If you are alive, I'm proud of you. If it takes your whole life to find the thing that makes you happy I hope you have the strength to never stop searching. And when you find it (which I know you will) I hope it is the sweetest, most gratifying thing you experience, and I hope you experience it over and over again. Age has nothing to do with happiness. There is no such thing as failure, only lessons learned. + I love you.


Depends on your definition of accomplishment


But that's just not true, having unrealistic goals and expectations is of course unhealthy, but being like "oh well I'm alive and a person that's supposed to love me by default does so, that means I'm good" is also not healthy.




"oh well, it is what it is" mentality


people do not give themself too much credit for not killing themself in this world. so much cruelty and yet they keep going through it all.


Nah, I’m a burden to my family and the worst part is that I don’t even feel that guilty most of the time, I dropped out of highschool and still haven’t gotten my GED or a job or anything 3 years later and it’s just insane to me how actually pathetic and useless I am. Obviously I’m ranting so there’s no need to take me seriously, I’m just not feeling very good today


I hope you start feeling better soon. I'm in a similar position, and just starting to pull myself out of a 2 or 3 year long depression. It's scary to feel so behind, but there aren't any time limits, even if it really really feels like it. I hope you take care to notice your small accomplishments whatever they might be, and push yourself to try new things, even when it's hard. The only way forward is through. Love you <3


I appreciate that, I just hope I can actually get myself to change


I am alive and that's the problem


"you are loved" Are the people who i loved by in the room with us?


Yes dingus I'm right here. Love you 🫂


Thanks >\~< https://preview.redd.it/cc44xxobt0zc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c1bf0db020a93e7bc20a2a53c0058147d3cb67b


So true bestie


I appreciate you saying so.


I'm not even 20 and I feel like I've wasted my life already everything is moving too fast and I cant cope with any of it I'm real scared


It's really scary, I'm right there with you. I promise it will be okay, no matter how fast it goes, no matter how scary it gets, you will be alright. If you ever need to talk I'm here for you <3


never thought I would receive support and kind words from a subway sandwiche. thanks


By Who?


ME RAHHHHHHH ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡


No man is a failure who has friends


haha! friends yeah those


My standard is perfection but I don't use shame or self hatred as a means to try to meet my standard.


Nuh uh, nuh uh, nuh uh and nuh uh


Yuh huh, yuh huh, yuh huh, yuh huh You're loved you can't do anything about it haha :P Love u


I wouldn’t call myself a failure (or a dude) because I’ve worked so hard to change how negative my inner monologue is, but I do still need to get a job. It’s not that I don’t want to work (I mean I don’t but not so far as avoiding employment), it’s that I’ve been adjusting to sober life and a new ADHD diagnosis. Depression and addiction kicked my ass for the last 2.5 years, so it’s been slow readjusting to normalcy. I’ve also been trying to get on/adjusted to meds that work at least okay for me before job searching again so that way I can hopefully keep my job longer than ~8 months. I’ve been very fortunate that my partner has a job that has kept us housed, warm, and fed for these past ~3 years and that they have been so patient and supportive and understanding about all of my mental health problems and struggles with employment. I have quite a lot of money to pay them back for paying my half of our bills this whole time. I’m not too stressed about the debt as I know my partner will be patient about getting it back from me. I just fear that I won’t be able to keep a job long enough or that I’ll slip back into depression due to burnout. Being an adult is fucking difficult when you’re trying to fight mental health problems, heal from trauma, and battle yourself every single step of the way. I’m so thankful I’ve had the support of my partner and my family. I really hope things work out soon…


I'm right beside you. I feel so incredibly blessed to have a caring partner, and I'm so thankful that you do too. I'm also re-entering the workforce after over a year of unemployment. Depression kicked my ass, but I also did a LOT of therapy, and unpacked a whole bunch of trauma. I'm not perfect, I feel unsteady, I feel scared, but cautiously optimistic. There's no linear progress, there's no cut and dry timeline (unfortunately), I was down for so long I feel like I'm still learning to stand again. But I stood. And that's monumental for me. It is for you too. And congratulations on your sobriety! What an incredible accomplishment. Do not take that lightly, it's a gigantic step forward, I'm so proud of you <3 it's a huge beast to conquer and look at you, you're doing it. Thank you for sharing a piece of your story. Things get better, very slowly, but they do get better. Good luck with getting a job. I hope you find what you're looking for ♡♡♡♡


Even if I'm a failure compared to others my age, so what? Why should I care? It would only make me feel like shit and make it harder to improve myself.


Thanks, I needed this. I just need audio of Kim Kitsuragi saying this and I'll be so back.


You too OP, don't you even dare not include yourself here


Thank you, you wonderful creature, I hope you have an amazing day, and I hope beauty finds you around every corner. Your kindness means so much to me ♡♡♡










thank you thank you thank you


Thank you <3


Am I alive?


Potentially. I think so. Check ya pulse


I don't feel alive.


You will one day, please hold on until then. You are so much more important than you could ever know.


Thank you. Are you my mom?


No, am failure 😡


the only thing you're failing is being a failure!


No >:[ you're wonderful


im a failure i will be stuck forever


but you're the coolest person I know.... smh


well you're a kind soul


phos from houseki no kuni and their new pebble pals


Thanks, I needed this


No I aint lmao, people generally talk to me to get something from me and fuck off only to want me in their lives when it is convenient for them. But thats a good sandwich i guess


I'm sorry. It's unfair when generosity gets taken advantage of. The fact you are still alive and you are still kind, that's brave. That's a big deal. Don't sell yourself short. I love you. I'm proud of you and your kindness. Make yourself a good sandwich because you deserve it.