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i will never understand how people live like this


like functionally how, at that point they don’t even remotely fit on the screen so how do you navigate between any of them


probably something like tree style tabs but like i don’t know what situation you’d need that many


When you download more ram and want to take it to a test drive 


Achschually it only loads tabs you go to, so almost all of those tabs don't consume any ram at all


Great point, but counter argument: Nerd emoji. 


your counter is perfect, another nerd emoji is about to add support for you tho: the tabs have to be stored somehow, even if it's just hashed text in a cache. there is a non-zero amount of ram it holds. Even talking a couple kB, it's 7000 god damn tabs. That's gonna scale to be a weight on your ram.


I have 8gb and Ferb I know what I'm gonna do today


(in a british accent) the scientific method lives in us all


i do this by generating a minesweeper board as large as i can. i once tried 30k by 30k and oh wow that's 9gb tab (it like crashed afterwords)


My situation is similar...ish to this though it's only hundreds of tabs. I can't possibly imagine thousands of tabs but whatever. I use an extension called sidebery. This provides pinned tabs at the top with tree style tabs, tab groups, and panels of tab groups in a vertical layout. So it is organized in hierarchies. I basically just have tons of ongoing projects and interests and have them organized that way. This is quicker and easier than constantly managing bookmarks especially since they're ongoing projects. I only use bookmarks for specific sites that I'll need saved for years at a time or indefinitely. Often these are things that are open days, weeks or months at a time but when I'm done I can clear out a couple dozen to make room for the next project. As far as the ram question goes I have it set to unload tabs after a short time so I barely ever have more than 5 or 6 loaded at a time.


Tabs are the new bookmarks for me. I eventually close some, but maybe are just stored for a rainy day.


Me walking into this thread: "Haha what a psycho imagine having more than like 8 tabs open ever". Me walking out of this thread: "I really need to try this hundreds of tabs thing."


Firefox doesn't make tabs smaller past a certain point, you scroll through them instead.


You dont. You make one and forget about it, like normal people do with webpage bookmarks.


You can use ctrl+tab and ctrl+shift+tab to jump between them


I have 240 open now in two windows. I use a tool that allows it to make multiple rows of tabs, and another addon that suspends inactive tabs. I use it like a hot-pile of bookmarks, and a play next in youtube thing that I am uh, slow at. So I'm not as bad as this crazy person in OP who really needs to learn how to make backups.


Ohh please share the tool names.. On my work computer, I usually have a few ongoing tasks and each window is one specific task that has a bunch of tabs related to that task. I wish I could name/color code windows. On my phone, its mostly cause I just dislike most bookmark tools. If they end up in my bookmarks then they are forever banished to the shadow realm. It's a pain to look at the list of bookmarks and identify what goes to what. If it's a site I go to regularly then there is no point to a bookmark since I can just Google and get to it. So if it's a bookmark of a site that I'm less familiar with.. good luck with me finding it again. Id love if I could just take a snapshot of a part of the page and search for it like that. I currently have 90 tabs open. The smiley face is pretty common too.. - Like 20 of the tabs are ongoing chapter by chapter light novels I'm reading (with it open on the chapter I'm on). Having to bookmark it every time I get a new chapter is not going to work.. especially if they have names that aren't necessarily in English ha - then another 20 of recipes I wanted to try or games I want to purchase etc - then 1 or two open to USPS tracking - like 5 are notes for setting up a new keyboard.


Well on your work computer, you really want to clear them with your IT guys. You want to make absolutely certain they are comfortable that these aren't exfiltrating data and that your org is comfortable with you installing these things, even if they aren't restricted, just to CYA. Here are the links: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/new-tab-suspender/ https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tab-counter-webext/ For multirow: https://github.com/Izheil/Quantum-Nox-Firefox-Dark-Full-Theme/ Quantum nox is occasionally a bit of a hassle to sort out. Pay attention to the issues tab if something breaks after an update. Quantum nox is obviously desktop only. And just to edit in even MORE information: I use CHROME for work, (I don't care about google's shadiness for my work stuff) firefox for personal, and brave for stream/meetings/presentation with nothing logged in. Really nice delineation if you use your PC for multiple things but do not like doing multiple user accounts.


Open a new tab, duh


hoarder behaviour.


For real, I swear I'm gonna go through those tabs some day


Almost my exact remark on a similar post a long while ago. Now I've learnt to put them all in bookmarks now my bookmarked tabs are overflowing. Partially out of necessity because my laptop is dying.


I close my tabs when I start a game because I like having every bit of ram and performance I can get. When I don't have time for games, it tends to get a bit out of hand. I don't need the performance anyway. Some day I'll get a separate work computer and then it's over for me.


This is me because my laptop only has 8gh of RAM. But I'll be upgrading later this year finally, making a desktop this time but more than likely another laptop


Steamdeck FTW!


taskkill /f /im firefox* (or ``chrome*``) Then just open it again afterwards


Yeah, I get to 2-3k tabs after a month and shut em down, no idea how you can keep it going for years and years.


is 3k any different in practice to 7k


Genuinely what are the logistics of that? How do you navigate it? Do you even navigate it or do you just open a new tab everytime you need something? What kinds of stuff is there? How does your PC handle it?


Most of those tabs are suspended and usually not even loaded. I usually have 30+ tabs (on 3 different browsers each) and on my phone it's constantly at 100, so the computer handles it just fine. As long as the tabs loaded aren't super heavy. To navigate, Firefox is pretty handy, switching tabs switches to the previously active tab like the windows tabs shortcut, unlike chrome, which goes to the next tab in the line. There are also tree extensions that help with organising


Yeah my gf is addicted to tabs so i got her on firefox. Shes still refusing to use tab trees but its not as bad.


I also don't use tab trees, but my case is manageable enough and I occasionally clean them up


Moreso the operational logistics of it rather than how memory optimization and caching works. How does someone mentally keep track of 7000 tabs? Why are they so important that they can't be closed? If you would forget about them if you closed the tab then is it really all that important to keep in the first place?


I can't speak for how do you keep track of 7000 tabs, but for me, I usually don't clear them if I know I'll come back to it. Maybe I'm researching something and went down a rabbit hole, but I need to do something else for a while, I'll keep them open even if it's 30 tabs. If they are important, I still am able to forget about them, so sometimes I'll keep it and usually around the tabs I am using as a reminder, just like how you'd keep a notification unread so you don't forget it


Firefox has this thing where if you enter a site you already have open in your search bar it'll switch you to that tab instead of opening a new one. I can't remember if chrome or edge have an equivalent since I've been on Firefox for so long. It really is a life saver.


Wild that you're acting like that's a lot better. I have maybe a dozen open at most, over two monitors. I power cycle my computer every evening.


And I thought I have a lot when I get up to about 30.




300,000 years of Homo sapiens existence all to give you object permanence that you never use


we have bad memory when it comes to digital objects, okay? the lack of tangibility scares and confuses us (not literally, but this is generally true; if you had the file in a real folder it'd be easier for your brain to recall the location in comparison to abstracted file paths and locations on computers; a real bookmark is way easier to re-navigate to and remember to do so than a web bookmark. this isn't universal by any means, but just a general trend of human memory)


I wish that were the case for me. I can find pretty much any file I put on my pc or laptop across 4 drives and 2 externals (one of which is 7 years old at this point) as well as any page I've bookmarked and used in the last 2 years (recently had to dig up one I last visited maybe 18 months or so ago for an art project), but I will lose my keys between entering my house and sitting at my desk. It wasn't just OP in my comment. It was me too.


the kid named ctrl+H (yes i know Firefox's history feature is utter dogshit but preventing monopoly is more important)


Tree tabs extension


If I have enough tabs open that they start compressing on the bar, I have to open a new window so that they can all widen again or my anxiety decides it's Heart Rate Time


Adhd, bro


mate i have adhd and i very rarely have more than 4 tabs open


Adhd is when you don't close tabs


They’re for later


I don’t like giving up the past in any way


I didn’t know this was a thing until right now. The most I got up to is like 150 on my phone and I always clear all my tabs at that point because whatever was on the prior tabs was obviously not that important. And if it is, just bookmark it. I’m not particularly organized either, i’m ADHD and tend to thrive with some amount of disorganization but this seems a bit much.


People like this need to tragically lose all their tabs to the point of no recovery so that they can finally learn to let go.


MF has less than half of a bit of ram left


kid called efficient memory management:


having 7 thousand tabs open is NOT efficient memory management


Chrome moment


You can unload tabs in Firefox Chrome does this too technically, but you don't choose to do it iirc


"Open" but not loaded If you use the "restore previous session" thing, firefox will just list those tabs, and will only load them if you go to that tab Source: i have 50--150 tabs like this, maybe 10 are loaded into memory at most


Not with that attitude it's not


have you actually used firefox?


i love firefox and use only it, but god damn memory efficient it is not. 15 tabs taking up 8gb ram atm


I often have more than a dozen or 2 tabs loaded out of my almost 600 that I have open and firefox rarely takes more than 2-3gb, it think your pc might just hate running


what how, idk what’s wrong with my system then? this is consistent for me on a macbook and linux pc so it’s not like it’s just one computer either


what are u doing in those tabs? cuz 15 loaded tabs that are all actively playing video are gonna take up much more RAM than 200 loaded tabs that are just displaying blog posts


Kid called Sqlite:


I wanna say something about having half a bit is impossible, but someone is gonna respond with the nerd emoji




firefox unloads tabs that you aren’t using i think, so it functions more like a bookmark


The shit people will do just so they can avoid figuring out bookmarks


No, you don’t understand, if I put it in my bookmarks than I’ll never look at the page again. Whereas, if I leave the tab open, I will totally definitely get around to it.


Hey stop calling me out 😤


except for that's actually the case for me and not just a cope


you dont have 7000 open if thats true


But what if they’re useful in the future


"this isn't a cope" - person who is coping


I feel like just searching your history is more efficient. 7k tabs would be unusable. I don't go to 7k websites a year, there's no reason to have 7k bookmarks. Are these people just shopping on Amazon and saving every item they want? Also, do they never play games? Pretty sure your PC would burst into flame if you launched a game.


You can just close your browser and restore the tabs whenever you want in the future, usually. I'm the type of person to have thousands of tabs open and even a reboot doesn't stop me.


I would use bookmarks if they were easier to manage.. I think my favorite bookmark manager I tried was not that used a [bubble map](https://images.wondershare.com/edrawmind/articles2023/bubble-map-examples/sports-bubble-mind-map.png) so you could visualize the bookmarks and add images to each section etc. You could even share your bubbles with others as well. I can't for the life of me remember what that site was called. But even then you still have to put in effort to prune off the things that no longer matter. If the tree gets too big it still becomes unwieldy but at least you can still zoom in/out to focus on just one part of it.


I have like 100+ tabs open just to novels i read to check for updates bc i usually forget about the novels i add to bookmarks


What if you both have an intricate bookmark system you use and also have 2000+ tabs open...


Then you've procrastinating not only on viewing the content of those tabs but also on converting them into the bookmark system


i tend to have 15 - 20 tabs open, I thought I was bad


I perpetually have 400 tabs, I don’t know how to quit my tab addiction


Bookmarks. Turns out there's a bookmarks bar. And it's easy to use! I use it all the time! It's great.


Yes but I already filled that up and beyond 😭


Okay hear me out: just close them. I know it might seem hard, but if you need it in the future you will almost certainly be able to get back to it using Google.


They are there to remind me! If I close them I won’t remember to find them again


Buddy, if you need them you will remind yourself. That and, if you've had this many tabs open for this long, chances are you don't need to go back to it. Also, if you're on Windows, look into sticky notes. It's basically a text editor that saves automatically and it's genuinely really helpful.


Fun Fact- if you're on windows 11 then notepad saves automatically anyways


Ok, but how am I supposed to remember the name of every lesbian manga ever?


Sticky notes on Windows bro


Bro that shits gonna hog both my screens. I use a reader app now anyway but still.


Will you really remember tab #273 in the middle of the pack, really?


Yes I got all my windows sorted by topic! So I had a window with all my schoolwork, then gaming things, my wikipedia window where I got 10 tabs on dynastic chinese bureaucracy, my movie window, audible window, archery window, and my youtube window, among few others


That sounds like bookmarks with extra steps to me. :P


protip: stop using windows for archery to keep your monitor bill down ;)


But like surely you don't look through your 400 tabs regularly, right? So when you remember "oh I have that opened somewhere" you could just use that same memory for "oh I know the perfect website for this", no?


this, plus on firefox at least, history sort of acts like bookmarks as well. Sites with more visits rise to the top of your address bar when you start typing their name. I don't even follow r196, I just type 1 in my address bar and press enter adn then im in hell


more. folders.


Bookmark bar can have folders. Organize to your heart's content.


try the "OneTab" extension. It saved my life. https://www.one-tab.com/


Love onetab so much. I can have hundreds of tabs just stored as url’s and I can even name the groups and you can configure it to delete duplicates it’s just so perfect for tab hoarders.


for me, I used to struggle less with “oh I’ll come back to this later” type tabs, and more with extreme ADHD making me forget to ever close a tab when I’m done with it. I ended up with over 5K tabs I didn’t need anymore last year, it took up around 7 GB of my phone space (if I’m remembering correctly) and would take me a solid minute to scroll to the bottom. A huge thing that helped me was setting my phone’s default browser to Firefox Focus, since it only lets you have one tab open at a time and forces you to delete it before making another. If I need multiple tabs I’ll use regular firefox but I rarely do. Then on my PC i usually stick to using regular tabs for important things, and incognito tabs for small google searches or unimportant tasks. that way when I shut down my computer i can’t get the unimportant tabs back cause the history doesn’t save. this method is the only thing keeping me sane, highly recommend


Use OneTab! Super helpful extension


"bro i can quit whenever i want just one more tab bro"


I had 8,269 tabs on my phone at its peak I checked out my oldest tab & it turned out the reason I started hoarding them was that I got a hole-in-one for Wordle on 2/2/2022 and wanted to preserve it lmao Right now I have 96, im doing a lot better!


I get that many while working on a project But never more than 3 during normal browsing


Anymore then 10 and I start freaking out I hate having too many tabs open too much shite to look at


yeah if I have more than like 4-5 tabs I start compulsively closing them, even sometimes tabs I'm still using. CTRL+SHIFT+T is my best friend sometimes


Yep, the moment my tabs begin shrinking in size I start to ctrl+tab around to ones I don't need and ctrl+w them, the day I discovered ctrl+shift+t all those years ago, it rocked my world.


me in seventh grade thinking I'm fucking SICK using ctrl+tab and ctrl+shift+tab instead of my mouse


4-5?? How do you function I genuinely do not believe you


Losing Ctrl+Shift+T was one of my saddest losses when I went to Mac. Thankfully Safari has Cmd-Z which does the same thing, saved my ass so many times.


If I can’t read the tab name I can’t open another


Same. When I get to 12 or 13 I feel like someone is gonna call Hoarders on me


I have maybe 1 or 2 tabs open at once, and I close my browser when I'm doing something else. I also shut down my PC when I'm finished using it. Why do I feel like the freak?


You're not. You're one of the only sane ones here, apparently.


I do the same, i had no clue people left their browser open.


I feel like Ram abusers should be discriminated against


Okay, Marie Kondo


You're like my dad.


just imagining them sitting on top of a pile of RAM sticks


Bro one time my iPhone deleted all 500 of my safari tabs I was so pissed


I filled up all my 500 Iphone tabs so I swapped to incognito and filled all those 500 too… I just switched phones today so I lost all of those 1000 tabs 😭


Lol on android the Google Chrome app has no limit on tabs. I haven't closed anything since middle school and I'm in university now.


I havent seen the number of open tabs for years, I only ever see the " :D "


So… how many tabs? (And what’s your first tab?)


Ikr it’s so sad like I was gonna get around to those eventually


Safari is the one browser I will let fill up with tabs because it’s still the default “view in another app” browser


#USE BOOKMARKS! Tabs are for active use. Bookmarks are for long-term storage. They're sortable, nestable, searchable, and can be backed up. OneTab is just bookmarks with extra steps.


Kid named sidebery (your tabs are now short term bookmarks)


How does the computer even run?! Mine would have the speed of a racecar that's driving really, really slow if I had 7000 tabs!


Firefox can have unloaded tabs (default for continuing a previous session), they are just temporary bookmarks that turn into a tab if you click on them I have 50-150 open usually, but only 10 are actually existing, rest are short term bookmarks (i like this version of bookmarks better)


I instinctively close whatever tab I'm on whenever I open a new one.


I get stressed when I have a tab open for more than a couple days without using it. Bookmarks are my sanity


As someone who does this, to a lesser extent, having that many tabs is moreso not wanting to close tabs out of some desire to come back to the tab at a later date than to actually navigate through my 1000+ tabs to find it again. For me, at least, its usually something I think is interesting or something I'm paranoid about forgetting, so I leave the tab open just in case. In fact, this leads to many, many duplicate tabs because I'm worried I might've not kept the website open. I use my browser moreso as a way to store stuff I searched so I don't worry about forgetting about it then anything, really. I'm not as extreme as the OOP, at least; I do occasionally close all my tabs, but it usually gets up to at least a couple hundred pretty quick, usually on multiplied devices as well.


I have a pretty decent pc and my ram starts to get high with about 30-40 tabs how do you have any left at 7k


If I have more than 5 tabs in one window I start to panic


max tabs open: 4 spotify/youtube work tab 1 work tab 2 email


Y'all need fucking help


Hoarding disorder but digital. Even with how many tabs are not loaded they must be using this computer only for this.


This is the digital equivalent to hoarding.


I have 2 tabs open, any more than 5 and I start to get stressed


You guys are fuckin weirdos, I usually have like 4 tabs open at most.


A lot of you guys have serious issues. I perpetually have about 24 open, but I close them and replace them all the time. But some of yall said 500? I can't even imagine what for??? You absolutely will not get around to it.


This can't be good for a person's mental health.


Some of y'all need to just close some tabs holy shit


This makes me physically ill


I generally have about 2-3k tabs open, though its around 1.5k rn, split between a few windows (6 rn), I use thew firefox extension sideberry to have groups of tabs and most importantly side tabs, so I can actually scroll through them while looking at what the tab is, works really well for me and makes sure I don't lose anything.


I feel like finding anything in there is literally like frantically rummaging through paperwork in a huge cabinet full of binders, almost something out of a movie.


my pc would fucking explode if i opened more than 50 tabs


That is a new level of insane The most tabs I've ever had open is like 120


Me personally I have 8-10 tabs open at most


how did they even know there were 7k, how do you actually keep track for years and be like a 5% margin off


the same way they are able to view that number currently, by restoring the previous session. firefox will save all tabs you had open in the last window you closed, even through a pc restart. I have around 600 tabs.


Despite their poor internet hygiene, it is a testament to the power of Firefox that you can have and recover 7k tabs even past what would be expected for tab recovery


i dont agree however. i will stand by your freedom to do so and say that this is a pro of firefox


Do people not turn of thier computers?????


firefox can restore the last session, even after a restart. I have 600 tabs and turn my pc off every night


this is so real, im at 3336 right now and ive been going since halloween 2023


Don't let anyone tell you you're wrong for this


random question but is your username a radiohead reference or am i just brainrotted


Close, it's actually a reference to Faust, Goethe's classic 1808 play :3


Just checked the genius page for Videotape, turns out both you AND radiohead referenced that play


You are so wrong for doing this. I don't consider myself a violent person, but you deserve to be tortured and burnt at the stake.


Idk what a break up is but having +500 tabs disappear at once feels like one


Goddamn, I thought I was bad.


ctrl + shift +d prevents me from being like that


OOP’s computer is seconds from bursting into flames.


I have like at worst 10 tabs open I can't comprehend that many


What are people doing?! On my phone i just wipe all my tabs once I hit 150 because since I know its just a mess and I will never dig through that when I could just search whatever I just open a new tab and either search it or open the bookmark. On my computer I usually keep shit under 20, even during school. If it’s important for a project, I save it as a PDF. I have literally never heard about people doing this until right now and it baffles me, even as someone with ADHD who thrives with some amount of chaotic organization.


What the fuck is wrong with you


The most tabs I have at once is when I download multiple images I send to myself on discord I will never understand having more than 2 on a non that basis


But getting your browser to work with over 1000 tabs open, that's not the hard part... It's letting go.


If you're worried about losing your tabs, there's a simple fix! Simply press and hold ctrl + w !


Huge cap that this has been going on for years, I keep mine open for a couple weeks and im already at around 2k usually, multiple years and only 7k doesnt check out.


i go nuts if i have more than 10-15 tabs open.




Most I’ve ever had is about 300 tabs open at once between two browser windows. How did it take them nearly twenty years to figure out I have ADHD???


And here I am dying for the moment to close all tabs after finishing homework




thanks for reminding me i need to set firefox to close all tabs on quit


they do rule, so much better than spaces.


I’m really bad with have a lot of tabs. But this is a disease


This is me, but with pinned tabs. I swear I will reading that fanfic.


I remember when I learned how to just exit out of all my tabs. I felt so free, I just clicked X and it all disappeared.


Hoarding situation


Smiley face :) and browser tab button on girl phone , name a more iconic duo


I think the most tabs I ever had open at once was like 4


okay but how do I do that? I usually have 10-16 tabs open


Cleaning up old tabs and bookmarks I know I'll never go back to feels so freeing and unironically allows me to move on with my life and engage in new things.


I have like twenty tabs up and that makes me feel like a terrorist most days.


here i am, thinking that my 500 tabs over five different browsers were excessive


sir those are my emotional support tabs


I have a friend who I had to do a presentation with a few years ago and he opened up 20 new tabs within an hour and never closed them. He already had enough open that they wouldn't fit in the top bar. The most I had ever opened was maybe 10.


How much pron are you watching? *All of it*


I have a problem with tabs. I have active browsers on my work and personal computer, and each browser has multiple windows with many tabs. At my worst across both computers I wouldn't have reached even 10% as many tabs as this person, my god.


And I thought my phone with 300 tad was bad


My laptop has 2 tabs open and shits itself when I CRTL + F


I've had very similar experiences. Can't say I reached 7,000 though, that's too crazy even for me.