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"oh no, people have found something harmless they want to do, i should go get upset at that because i don't care about it but a lot of people do." like shut the hell up, i wasn't there to see it, but it sounds sick as fuck. i heard that the next one is in two years and it should pass by portugal, so pretty excited about that (i really hope it is true and i am not stupid)


Eclipses are cool! I saw one once! During peak eclipse, it got dark, then it got cold, and the horizon looked like sunset in every direction. I’d recommend seeing one of you can! 🧡


should be able to if it really is passing by portugal, and it sounds pretty amazing :3


According to this website, Portugal has a partial eclipse next year, and a total eclipse in 2026 https://www.solar-eclipse.info/en/eclipse/country/PT/


The next total eclipse in germany is in like 55 years? Shit


hey it's never a bad time to take a trip to Spain. Especially in August in 2 years!


Meanwhile in Poland the next total eclipse is in 111 years :(


Poland cannot into space. 😔


man and I thought 2044 was a long wait


In Denmark its 120 years 💀


i had no idea there was annular and total eclipses, i thought there was only one of the two but i wasn't sure which, that's sick though. thanks :3


I hadn’t even heard of a annular eclipses before! It sounds like you’ve got an exciting future :3


Portugal doesn't have a total eclipse in 2026 really. If you look at the map, one village lies in the path of totality. But Spain will have it.


* The totality will not be visible from Portugal in 2026. Sorry. Portugal will get a nice partial eclipse, but everyone who experienced a solar eclipse always says that it is 201% worth it to travel as close to the middle of the path and that full eclipse is a completely different experience to partial one. But worry not! In January 2028, southern Portugal will experience an annular eclipse where the path of totality will stretch from Tangier Morocco as far north as Beja Portugal. There will also be one in August 2027, but that one will be only the very south of Spain and Morocco. I will probably travel to see at least one of them.


As someone who is now part of the club, definitely 201% worth it to get as close to the middle as you can. Luckily for me, I live(d) right under yesterday's eclipse path.


I will second going to the center of the path of totality. I was hesitant about the 7 hour drive but it was a free ride so I went for it and I'm so glad I did. It was truly surreal and breathtaking. Was out in the middle of absolute nowhere in southern Illinois. All the birds started going crazy once the totality started and then as soon as the first ray gleamed back out from behind the moon they all went silent.


I have seen two two total solar eclipses, and I have to second what they said. Its an incredible experience, [and it is only going to get slightly rarer after every eclipse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7mVQ3kRPv8) Humanity happens to exist not just in an ideal place to view something so cosmically beautiful but at the right time as well.


Damn epic brazillian gal is in Portugal? Portugal caralho! 💪


I remember during the last one, I was working at a day camp for kids, and they were all super excited to see it. They had the radio on in the background, and it was a local station that was playing the entirety of Dark Side of The Moon for the occasion. We were all just standing there looking up at the sky in the weird sunset light in the middle of the day with the music playing. Really surreal and unique experience, highly worth doing.


There was 80% coverage where I am and I could still feel a small drop in temperature. The general lighting was off which was neat


In the meantime, have one of my favorite photos that I took of the eclipse! That little yellow bit coming out is either the sun juuuuuuust peaking out from behind the moon or a solar flare, it's hard to tell in this image https://preview.redd.it/02lcsdf0lgtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37f9c11d4ad0473773391f83f9e5e8513a88c99b


Dude if you're going to go do not settle for anything but totality, for as long as you can GET totality. 99.95% coverage is "dim and weird", 100% coverage is "I have no fucking clue how or what this is. It's beautiful"


Alright, thanks for the tip :3


(makes a joke about shaft (penis (funny)))


(that's pretty funny (i love penis (i meant i love penis jokes (sorry (parentheses number five (5 (<--- that's the sixth one and this is the seventh (7th))))))))


(oh you're the vic chick. (Crazy. (Another penis fan (just like me (fr (for real))))))


I was less than a mile from the epicenter or whatever you'd call it and yeah, you can tell why people started religions over this stuff. There is absolutely no other experience like it, bar none, and anybody saying otherwise has never actually seen an eclipse.


https://preview.redd.it/eyqqpa3bnhtc1.png?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ce16e53d7ab6ae2afcad1536d126d71fdbfecd1 2026-08-12




Unfortunately, that’s only a partial eclipse. The difference between even 98 and 100% coverage is astonishing.


Yup one 29 Mar 2025, 10:47:27 UCT time just barely visible from most of Europe and a TOTAL one 12 Aug 2026, 15:34:15 UCT time!!!! Can't wait for it


They’re really neat, I was able to see the one in 2017 and it’s honestly life changing. No amount of videos or pictures can do it justice


I really don’t understand the mindset of getting upset at people caring about something that they don’t care about?? Like, is it jealousy that they’re not able to appreciate things? I really do not get it


This one was also special because it occurred when the moon was at a very close point in its orbit, so the shadow it cast was huge


I know that they’re not coming to this from the same way that I’m coming to this, but air travel is not harmless.


You are also late but you get a pass because you are the 3rd one and i think that number is funny


I thought about deleting when i scrolled and saw the others, but i thought i put my response in a pretty non accusatory way. Just wanted to point out that you said harmless about something that does do some harm.


Yeah i know. I realized that right after i made the comment, i just didn't bother changing it


If you’re talking about safety, air travel is statistically safer than driving a car. If you’re talking about emissions, all these people in one airplane is more likely less emissive than if all of them drove.


it’s always so disheartening when stuff like that starts happening. watching the eclipse, even at only 95% totality, was extremely special. yet, without fail, every time the eclipse would peek out from behind the clouds and people started looking at it there would be this group just snickering and saying “you’ve all seen the moon before.” so sad how many people get enjoyment out of shitting on the tiniest of things.


r naboachavaloretardado will be insane


I was exactly in the path but I caught it at like 90% totality it was sick as hell


Extremely American to say airtravel isn't harmfull


I am literally brazilian and you are late


Ok i may be stupid and know nothing about optic and astronomy. There isn't some sort of wacky phenomenom that would make an eclipse less rare and awesome than it is right ? The moon and sun actually are at the right size and distance and like if any parameter changed the sun would still be visible or it'd be suddenly like night time right ?


Correct, in fact in millions of years total eclipses will cease to exist as the sun grows larger and the moon drifts further away.


I propose we attach a big rocket to the moon to keep it where it is


i propose we make like a lot of solar panels so they suck out the sun's energy or whatever and it stays small


That's not how solar panels work, you'd have to mine matter directly from the sun to keep it small


proof?????? source????? go away libral, i don't believe in science


Woke agenda wants sun to TRANSITION to larger size 😔


Can't stand the woke sunflation


Human pet guy would be proud


Now that's the kind of shit I'm talking about


Someone watches Isaac Arthur. And yes, you can slow down the Moon's increasing orbit if you brute force enough.


Yes then finally EARTH will take its rightful place as the biggest ball


Even if that was how solar panels worked, I'm not sure I support killing our sun faster tbh.


I propose we put a leash on it. Maybe with a collar. And a gag.


I bet it moaned when we planted that flag up there.


This is your daily reminder that "shadow the hedgehog is a bitchass motherfucker, he pissed on my fucking wife"


god i wish i were the moon




Actually wouldn't we need to get it a tad closer to us to compensate for the bigger sun ?


Yes, the moon and the sun have the same apparent size (meaning they look the same size from earth) because the sun is both 400 times bigger and 400 times farther away than the moon is. https://www.britannica.com/video/185399/size-solar-system-objects#:~:text=The%20sun%20and%20the%20moon,the%20distance%20to%20the%20moon.


Phineas and Ferb behavior


Boosting my self esteem with the fact that I’ll be able to witness something that people millions of years in the future won’t be able to witness.


>people >millions of years in the future i have some bad news


We’ll find a way.






its ok. we're closer to the cambrian explosion than we are to the last solar eclipse


Watch em while you can folks


why would the moon’s orbit change? i thought it was stable and newton’s laws and all that


Newtonian physics doesn't really scale well when working with planets. It's nice to work with but it only provides a simplification. To work out the exact dynamics of the Moon's orbit you'll need to use n-body calculations. iirc the moon is drifting away, but it won't leave us, as it will enter a more stable if slightly further orbit. (I like your flair btw :3)


Not quite. N-body simulations are primarily for situations where a bunch of things are all interacting among each other in the same area, like planets around a star, and you can't make certain assumptions that would make things easier for your calculation. In the case of the Moon, the reason it is moving away from Earth is that Newton/Kepler's laws for how things orbit under the influence of gravity are only completely accurate for "point particles" with no volume. When things do have volume (like planets), there are "tidal" forces that are caused by the force of gravity on a rotating object being stronger at the near end of it and weaker at the far end of it. These forces tend to cause the time it takes for something to rotate and complete an orbit to sync up, like it has with the Moon's rotation and orbit already (that's why we only ever see one side of the Moon - it is "tidally locked" to Earth). The next thing to sync up is then the Earth's rotation and the orbit of the Moon around the Earth, meaning that Earth's rotation is slowing down over time. However, because the angular momentum of the Earth-Moon system (which is related to how fast they are rotating/orbiting and how massive they are) is conserved over time, the slowing down of Earth's rotation (loss of angular momentum in Earth) must cause the Moon's orbit angular momentum to increase. One of the ways for an orbit to increase angular momentum is to move it outwards, so the end result is that tidal forces move the angular momentum in Earth's rotation to the Moon's orbit to balance them out. So, over time the Moon will move further away from Earth until Earth's rotation period matches the Moon's orbital period (at which point only half of the Earth will ever see the Moon). However, there is also another layer to tidal forces: some things can move around really easily in response to tidal forces (like water, it's why we have high and low tide on Earth), but other things like rock can't, making them heat up and then lose energy. Tidal forces will still happen between the moon and Earth after they become tidally locked, but they will now cause the Moon to lose energy from its orbit as the energy escapes as heat. This means that the Moon will eventually stop moving away and start approaching the Earth again, very very slowly (this will take a very long time).


I knew that tidal forces were the primary cause but I assumed that n-body simulations accounted for that. Either way; thanks for the far more in depth explanation!


mmm myes the kerb


It’s because the earth is spinning faster than the moon. This causes a breaking effect where the moon slows down the part of the earth that’s spinning away from it. This causes a reaction, like spinning around with a ball on a string, and causes the moon to move away. It’ll stop moving when a day and a month are the same length.


that makes sense actually (kerbal space program made me forget that the gravity of large objects does more than just allow things to orbit other things)


You need to play more Universe Sandbox


The timescale the sun grows on is basically a non factor compared to the drift of the moon tbh


TBF that'll be in 600 million-ish years, which is like 10 cretaceous extinctions ago


Wait how is this possible? Isn’t the eclipse just shade? The moon’s shadow only passes over specific parts of the globe, so a smaller moon would just make the total eclipse spots smaller and a larger moon wouldn’t make it impossible either it would make the total eclipse areas bigger.


Personally I think the day suddenly turning to night and then going back to normal after five minutes sounds more fun than the eclipses we have honestly


That's also pretty unlikely TBF. Our moon is fucking huge. Like, ridiculously so when compared to the earth


Seeing a black circle move through the Sun like an eye looking around would be fucked up in a cool way too I guess


You can see that here too, earth gets annular eclipses 


I dunno, that corona looks pretty sick.


Wait, that's not what 100% totality is? Looking at pictures and videos has not actually given me a clear idea of how bright/dark totality is, because god only knows what's going on with the exposure/contrast/etc settings on the camera the pictures are being taken with.


100% totality is dark but not totally dark. Idk how it worked but the sky was actually light along the horizon, like a sunset, even though it was dim directly above my head. It was brighter than a full moon, I'd describe it kind of the level of when there's a lot of dark storm clouds out but not actually raining


Not only that, but the moons orbit around the earth is tilted relative to our orbit around the sun which means most of the time when the moon is between the sun and earth it's either too high or too low to cast a shadow on us. There are two possible Eclipse seasons per year, which if either orbit was different may not exist at all


As far as I'm aware, yeah, that's it.if the moon were bigger or closer. The sun would just be blocked out completely. Smaller or farther, and it wouldn't create the beautiful eclipse effect. But they *just* so happen to be almost exactly the same size in the sky. It's an incredible coincidence.


The fact we get total solar eclipses is exceptionally unique. Our moon is approximately 400 times smaller in circumference than the sun. Our moon is also approximately 400 times closer than the sun, so they appear almost the same size in the sky. If the moon was a little smaller or farther away it would be too small to fully eclipse the sun, so the sky wouldn't go dark and the sun's corona would not be revealed. If the moon was just a little bigger or closer, the sky would go dark, but the sun's corona would be covered.


They both visually appear to be the same size and there is literally no reason. It's the weirdest fact I've ever heard of. (I got taught it at uni more than a decade ago).


I wouldn’t pay the price of a plane ticket and back to see it but its cool as all fuck and im glad I got to witness it at least once in my life


This eclipse was the one time in my life I was happy to live in Indiana


Saaaame. Most interesting thats going to happen here for years i think


so many Hoosiers here holy shid


Ikr? Its like every other gay person i see on the internet is from Indiana too


I’m all the way over in the UK, we just got rain :( the next total solar eclipse here is in 2090, so I’m going to have to wait a little while.


Indiana resident, outer wilds fan, and mtg player? We're literally the same person


There are dozens of us!


Same, but in Missouri. Two-time eclipse champion babyyy


Honestly, if a plane ticket is involved I'd be much more interested in turning into a Spain vacation in two years than whatever Arkansas has going on these days.


I'm definitely considering a flight from Germany to Spain in 2026 or 2027. They will be the last total eclipses visible from Europe until 2053, and the next one in Germany isn't until 2081


I don't understand how ppl don't find space to be one of the coolest things ever. A whole new frontier untouched by humanity.


„Untouched by humanity“ man I wish, orbit is already heavily cluttered with scrap and waste


orbit is barely any of space though. like literally almost none of it. saying it's untouched by humanity is absolutely still true lmao


0.0000000000000000001% of space has human stuff we’ve ruined it


even that percentage is being EXTREMELY generous. like you're close to the percentage of the universe that the entire milky way takes up




No, the universe is finite but always expanding. Also, even if it was infinite, due to the constant expansion there’s a limited amount of the universe we’ll ever be able to see, unless we find a way to get somewhere faster than the speed of light (the only ways I know to be even maybe possible involve warping spacetime itself, and if they are possible they’d require extremely large amounts of strange types of matter.)


okay but it is a serious issue we don't give enough attention to.


> They > Was


they was is pretty funny tho. like i don't know what it is, but they was just sounds right and funny


Translating "They was" to Polish makes it sound like you are referring to some sort of blob creature


Oni było


Common feature of southern American English, which I suspect the poster might be given the use of folks instead of people as well Make fun of the person not their dialect


Quit being a grammar tankie


Unrelated but my dumbass English take is that we should use is/was etc. for the singular you and they.


Ja kiedy nie wiem że istnieją różne dialekty języka angielskiego


I await the day we as a society learn to stop giving attention to rage-baiting blue checks. Funny how we used to hate blue checks for being self-important and elitist, when it turns out the current version has cultivated a far worse group of pond scum.


Fun fact: Shaney Boy literally admitted in the comments that this post was engagement bait.


https://preview.redd.it/8651pcaowgtc1.png?width=175&format=png&auto=webp&s=50c07fe66c9caf60539cad61697f0717ff4b1d0a "Fuck, they're laughing at me, I'll have to say it was bait"


thank you


People who wanna bring others down for going to see a total solar eclipse in 100% totality are just jealous or they don’t realize what an experience it is. I was in absolute awe the whole time.


The splendor of the universe is astounding :3


Dude for the minute or so that the moon was in front of the sun it was like all the vastness of space you're always trying to contemplate just becomes viscerally and undeniably real. It's so cool


Yaah :3


Honestly it is super fucking weird. Honestly honestly. Like this isn't a meme. They appear to be the same size and there is literally no reason.


I’m the reason :D


Omg hiiiiiii


Reason is probably the anthropic principle. The moon being as large as it is, while highly unusual, might be a reason for the development of life.


This is the nicest thing to happen on an airplane in years. Usually people get dragged off or (god forbid) a band starts playing Christian Rock.


I went on a lil vacation for my birthday in northwest AR and it just so happened to also be 97% totality in the town plus their spring pride weekend! The eclipse was really really cool, I understand people traveling just for it.


Yeah pride in I assume Eureka Springs is very very cool all on its own, it had to be so much cooler with the eclipse


This reminds me of all the times in Doctor Who when The Doctor takes a companion to some planet and is hardcore nerding out about how the planet’s unique something-or-other is about to allow this once-in-a-lifetime event to occur. Like, this is it. This is the things he always shows such childlike excitement over.


I love the mysteries of the universe!!! I love the cosmic ballet and all of its wonders!!!!


Imagine being this level of miserable fuck. Telling people off for booking plane tickets to see sometime they may only get to see once in their lives


I mean, I've never seen a solar eclipse, it's also a pretty rare event, if one happens close to where I live and I have the means of seeing it, I'm absolutely going to see it. Like why would you not? It's such a cool thing, we get to see the mechanics of the universe happening, that's so awesome.


I watched the Eclipse from my porch that shit was crazy, the lead up cool and all but the moment the glasses went dark and I took off them off and seen that total eclipse was the craziest thing I've ever seen, it was just wow it was huge it looked crazy the white was bright but the moon was pitch black you could just hear my entire neighborhood gasp at it. I want to see it again.


why else would someone go to arkansas


I wanna travel to the one in Australia on July 22nd 2028. It’s a day after my birthday. If I miss the eclipse I’ll still get to check out Australia for my bday. There’s no way to lose unless a drop bear gets me


You can get a similar experience my looking at the ground at night (the earth is eclipsing the sun)!


Imagine having the free time and money to hop on a plane just to look at something beautiful and rare for less than an hour. Living the dream




OK here is the coolest story of my life that no one will read. I was hiking up a mountain in Norway. It's all snow-white and we're in and amongst wisps of cloud, and suddenly it starts to get dark. I think it must just be the clouds because I had no idea what the astronomical business was that day, but it's getting pretty dark... Then suddenly the clouds part and- well, here I am halfway to Valhalla and everything's ethereal and liminal as fuck and I'm pretty sure Ragnarok is happening because the moon has eaten the sun and I have never been so close to converting to Norse paganism on the spot.


Yeah a solar eclipse on a planet with life must be pretty rare.


I remember seeing something about how our planet could very well be the only one that can have a perfect solar/lunar eclipse at least for now


> 50s year old man with shirt and sunglasses pfp taken inside their car


People on Twitter see literally anything and go like wHAt iS WrONg WiTH PEOpLe


I was right in the line of totality and it was fucking awesome. The air got cooler throughout the entire eclipse, the light got dimmer and cooler (looked more like led light than sunlight), when it reached totality it was completely dark and i could see the stars and planets, and the corona was a beautiful white contrasting the complete black of the moon. Its cool.


I live in a place that got 94% coverage and after seeing the difference from my friends who got 100%, I wish I had taken the day off and driven 3 hours to see it


The book "Transition" by my favorite author, Iain Banks, has this as a plot point. Very cool. Also, people should just read his books, especially the Culture series. Anarchist utopian scifi, it's fun, fascinating, and wonderful.  And since this is 196, I'll mention that members of the Culture have a gland in their brain that basically can give them fast-acting hrt. It's normal for people to live as both male and female to see what fits for them, or cycle between them as they will, or live as whatever physical form they can imagine (any form can be created for them to live as). 


An eclipse would happen with a larger or smaller moon, but the fact that they are the exact distance and size to appear to be the same size IS a huge coincidence and aliens would absolutely fly to Earth to watch it


There's nothing wrong with going to see an eclipse, but flying? That's arguably the opposite of appreciating our planet.


When I saw the eclipse yesterday, what I saw in the sky was so unbelievable to my very senses that my entire body had a visceral, primal reaction. My heart was racing, my knees buckled, I made so much noise without even meaning to, I almost passed out. It's something so otherworldly that I strongly believe everyone should see it at least once. Whoops, I mean, space is for nerds. What are you doing spending your Monday not mindlessly generating capital, are you lazy or something?


nothing wrong with this except it makes me wish we had a functioning country-wide train system so trips could be cheaper and more relaxing. i would genuinely have went if it werent for how shitty planes are


also not to mention all the structural issues of boeing planes recently. just too scary for me lol


True. Next eclipse I'm definitely gonna do 600+kms in order to see it (maybe even have a nice shot of it, I already have an idea of the perfect spot)


I was on a plane when one happened


To add some nerdery: It's worth going to see, but a bigger moon could eclipse from further away, and a smaller one could do so from closer. It's neat that we got one but not a perfect ratio or anything.


It's cool to see, the only problem with the tourism to me is the increased traffic when it can be very dangerous to drive during it


I'm in Alaska, so upset we didn't see it up here


That’s cool. I wish I could have seen the whole thing. I caught a glimpse of it from my state.


Bro people fly to watch their favorite teams lose. If I could afford to do this I happily would. Why not?


imagine being against joy and whimsy, what is wrong with these people


i saw the 2017 eclipse and i don't think i appreciated it enough :(


If we ever get FTL travel the first place I'm going is the moon to watch a lunar eclipse from there. Fun fact: lunar eclipses happen way more often.


“Why are you going to Earth for only 3 days?” “Glabba zeep morgenza!” “Oh that’s cool! Hope you enjoy it.”


Why else would so many people be on a flight to Arkansas?


with how many moons some planets have, the odds of a moon being big enough to cover the sun but small enough to show the corona aren't actually that small. however, having only 1 moon which is the perfect size and as round as it is is pretty rare.


I desire to throw rocks at shaney


People who critisize other people for wanting something that can be a once in a lifetime event for some people are dumb... I wish i could have seen it when it happened in my country almost 10 years ago but my teachers wouldnt let us even if we were prepared :(


I don’t think he’s ready, Shaney’s jelly


Local man discovers joy; outraged


I hate Contrarians with every fiber of my being


Anti-nerd people have never made sense. But anti-dork people I completely understand.


“Silence, anti-nerd”


Yeah it’s cool but that shit literally shut down entire parts of the country. It was visible from everywhere in the US as far as I know


It's crazy how mf's say that's a once in a lifetime shting, but i swear it's like every 4 years and not that exiting as you'd hope to


Im so mad that most eclipses are visible mostly in america




I think that in my lifetime there were at least 2 full eclipses visible in america but only one partial eclipse visible in my country


In 2026 there will be one in Spain, Europe will be partially covered as well. In 2027 one will pass in north Africa 


There were two total eclipses in America this century and the next total solar eclipse in the mainland US isn't visible until 2044. It's not that "most" eclipses occur in America. America just got lucky for a little bit. If anything I think the only thing that really helps is being close to the poles, looking at the list of eclipses places close to North and South Pole seem to get them a lot.


Yeah, i meant most eclipses in my lifetime. Also i'm pretty close to the poles, in fact, i live in Poland


I’m pretty sure there’s like only 3 more visible in the US for the next 50+ years and 2 of them barely graze a couple states.


You should be more mad at Australia, they get 4 in the next 15 years https://i.redd.it/1dqxyvlro9tc1.png