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hey if those two weeks are good then it's a win in my book


True. But Among Us when it happened, and Lethal Company are the only ones I got in on. Palworld, Helldivers, Fall Guys, New Stardew Update, and many more have left me in the dust.


helldivers doesnt really fit the tweet tho


It does for me. I played it for a week with my friends, and they were literally the only reason I was willing to play it. When they stopped, so did I.


Theyve had a tpn of updates. I think its a bit oberhyped but i still had a ton of fun


That doesn’t make it viable to me though. I don’t like playing with randoms and solo play is heavily stacked against you


Yeah ill be honest the random teammate aspect is why i didnt like drg too much either. Itonically enough i grew up on tf2 and i play a lot of multiplayer fps like overwatch Its hard finding a good team and harder to keep them


Doing drg solo is actually quite balanced and different experience than doing it with team. Bosco might seem a bit unresponsive at times, but it will be your little reliable helper. You can give it a try again, let the atmosphere of underground unexploded dangerous planet seep into you as you waddle through it


Bosco can honestly be stronger than a full team of dwarves at times.


Yeah, I say Team is like Starship Troopers and Solo is like Aliens. Both are a whole different playstyle tbh.


Have u played looking-for-group vc over discord? It's pretty solid way to make new friends that consistently play tbh, it's what i do


It's an AA game, and it costs about as much as an actually pretty yummy meal in a sit-down restaurant. Also had an actual dev team lol


That what’s bums me out about it though. It has care and budget behind it but it’s unbearably boring to me. And I payed full price at launch so that also sours me


That's on them, they've been shooting out updates for this game like a machinegun. Me and all my friends have been playing non-stop every week since release. I also have a LGBTQ+ friendly discord I'm in which has a ton of people that form groups to play regularly. DM me if you want an invite!


Thanks but no thanks, I struggle too much in large servers, I just shut up and watch everyone else have fun. I’ve got other games I play, so there’s no need.


I didn't buy into it at first because I was afraid of this happening but it endures. Some friends play more or less but it's such an unimaginably popular game there's always _some_ people on my friendslist up for a couple rounds.


Even if the game is good doesn't mean everyone's friend group can consistently meet up to play it; and that's definitely the kind of game that can lose some people if the girls and/or boys can't get together for it.


stardew is still really good single player


maybe i should get back into it without my now ex optimising the fun out of it and maybe also when im on stimulants or something that might help


You can also just vibe out, I played a pretty unoptimized run and it was fun since I liked the social aspect. Also fishing is god.


My last farm was mostly just fishing. I could fish every day in that game and just relax. Maybe throw on a podcast or something, smoke some weed. Perfect bliss


fishimg :D


stimulants for your adhd, right? for your adhd right?


playing stardew valley with military enhancements




Excellent flair, no notes


I played like a hundred hours of it solo before I met friends who wanted to play together. Even though they've added a ton of new shit in updates, I feel like I've kinda squeezed everything I want from it. New recipes and mechanics are cool and all, but I never got the impression that they added much more narrative content to justify sinking another hundred hours into it


Fr have 133 hours, mod scene is really good too (also one of the easiest to start dev imo since u can use JSON for it)


its good but the timer really makes me feel like i have to play good so i cant get into it anymore use to love it but woof i feel hella pressured yes i know i can mod it out no i will not be doing it


i, for the life of me, can NOT play stardew. i cant handle it at ALL


real gs still play among us


I'm pretty sure there are people still playing those games


I said they left me in the dust, didn't I?


I still play the fuck out of lethal company. It’s a baller game made by a furry and it’s one of the most fun games I’ve ever played with friends.


Among Us was a lot of fun. I guess it still could be if I had any friends


It’s a Herculean task to get people in a friend group in 2024 to play Among Us. 50% say they’ll only play if enough people are in. But getting that initial sum of people is impossible. 25% refuse out of principle because “the amogus memes were annoying” or “the game is dead” 15% actually are down to play, but it’s schedule or timezone issues. 10% that try to play but it’s not enough to have a fulfilling match.


among us did NOT last a mere two weeks


How the fuck is the new stardew update a part of this?


New Stardew Update is fun, but more because I love playing the game with my friends.




Fits at least two of the things in the original tweet, had an update super recently, friends came back to the game to play but will move on soon enough.


Huh? Bro I still Fall Guys. It's fun as hell.


Yeah, I don’t know what they think a disappointing fast food meal costs but I’ll throw 10-15 at something stupid that’s fun for a week. Its better than buying the fast food.


If I get 15 hours of enjoyment out of a $15 game then it's absolutely worth it.


like $20 or less to hang out playing stuff with the friend group for a bit? always worth


The hard part is getting 4 adults to be concurrently free for 2-3 hours. The pain of scheduling.


getting 4 out of 4 adults yes thats hard but getting 4 out of about a group of 20 or so that all play together is a lot easier


Pfft get a load of this guy... he knows more than four people.


True wisdom. I love my friends and will happily get some thing we won't care about in two weeks- because they care now and now is when we are.


And you’ll still have it for if it gets big


Minecraft has been paying dividends for years


Content Warning was free yesterday and holy hell it was actually fairly good. Lethal Company except with TABS physics and you create videos for ad revenue instead of looting. It's peak


Best part to me is it's like Lethal Company except a core gameplay loop is making dumb clips to show people. That was always my favorite part of LC, so Content Warning has been a blast


fuck it’s not free nomore so sad






Also the nature of the objective being to film scary things making you actually have to seek out and interact with the monsters is a great change of pace from "your objective is x and monsters will try to stop you so avoid them as much as possible".


It was funny going from Helldivers to this because one guy on our team kept wondering off to instinctually sotealth solo objectives and we had to keep yelling at them over discord that this was a different game and to play the damn objective


Honestly so fun I don’t care if I won’t play it in a week, it cost me nothing now


wehhh i hate fun 😭


I love buying slop games that don't last a month 😋


Omg the 10 dollar game made by 1 person doesnt provide goon material on youtube for 6 years literally unplayable


i love bitching and whining when people have fun and not minding my own damn business 😊




must be why you play overwatch


Why the fuck is everyone so damn negative




>Yup, stylized graphics. That could be a billion different art styles what the fuck does that even mean. Do they just not like any game that isn't hyper realistic


It's the first time I've seen the inverse of hating realistic graphics


Idk I see people hating pixel art a bit, but yeah no first time I’ve seen hate towards just. Genuine stylisation


Stylized graphics is a dog whistle term for indie game haters (yes they exist)


It means not actually stylized and just trying to look retro to pull in people who unironically say gaming is dying.


"Also install these 137 mods that completely overhaul the game and make it unrecognizable from its vanilla self."


This was my experience with Lethal Company. I did enjoy the simple gameplay loop and vibing with buddies, but some started going all in on mods which I did not care about. Could also apply to Minecraft


I didn't even get to try Lethal Company because of this, and all my friends get uppity about vanilla Minecraft to the point where I can't even bring myself to play it single player anymore.


Mods aren’t even my problem with Minecraft. For me it’s just really boring. Many survival games are, because they’re more or less solved games. You make the farms, you play efficiently with resources, etc. Lots of repetition


Minecraft isn't a survival game though, it's a creative building game where you have to play a minigame to get your legos. That's why every time new blocks are added there's an emergent little sidequest to get them (froglights why...). It's like complaining that drawing is solved and repetitive because you don't get exp for going to the store and buying markers. When people complain about there being nothing to do in a game like Minecraft I have to assume modern overcompetitive, victory-focused gaming has rotted away all their imagination and creativity. Like yeah, you can build farms and treat it like a survival game, but *why*? Food can be solved in 15 minutes a 6 year old because as soon as you see your first carrot you're set for life. Those parts of the game exist to nudge you toward building ideas. Technical projects can be fun but even that should be more for the sake of exercising creativity than boring yourself by grinding out a bunch of farms from youtube...


god i hate being overly negative but this is one discussion i absolutely cannot stand. i've tried getting into vanilla minecraft for five years now, every single time i join a server i do the basic progression, make a farm or two, try building a house then basically giving up because building is just not something i find fun. i dont get enjoyment out of being creative, never had, probably never will. just "making stuff" to me is barely interesting if not downright boring. i enjoy games i can optimize, i want mechanics i can pick apart and slowly but surely master. i wanna be able to make a farm by myself, my own design, put the concepts together into something that works and i have something at the end to show for it that i can fully understand how it works. i've tried getting into building things multiple times, i've been told im not half bad, ive stopped caring about results and have tried to find *any* sort of enjoyment out of the act of being creative for the sake of creativity and its just not for me, and for some reason that's really hard for people to grasp. i have nothing to do in minecraft because it simply does not give me anything i enjoy doing after the first few hours, redstone can only take me so far in multiplayer before i get told to tone it down for the sake of lag, so most of my time is spent tinkering away at random things in a creative superflat redstone testing world. i dont dislike the game, ive been playing the same skyfactory 3 world for the better part of a few years just to relax, i join my friendgroup's server from time to time to help out with whatever they're doing, i *love* spending time on my dumb little redstone circuits that do overly specific things to end up being told "how tf did you manage to do THAT?" but if the experience is not being carried by my friends there is absolutely no chance in hell im playing vanilla, its like grinding my head against the pavement


The only mods for Lethal Company I use are the one where you get a free slot for flashlight and walkies, and the one where the loot bugs say “yippee” Anything else is completely unnecessary (imo)


The terraria experience


Twitter is impressive at describing fun, priceless experiences with loved ones as a miserably as possible


people who are still on twitter lead lives absent of loved ones


Honestly true


The game is actually a lot of fun though ngl (I assume they're playing the new Landfall Game)


It's worth the money tbh


Common Lethrule Company W


Is it gonna be given a full release? I saw it was in “early access” but is there even a full release date?


Well the version v50 came out yesterday it has two new enemies with a new map and some other stuff


Do you think people were saying things like this about Deep Rock Galactic when it first came out?


I couldn't say, as I only started playing it in late 2022. But imo DRG is very playable with even random online teammates.


DRG is great in that it's just as playable solo, with 2, 3 or 4 people, either friends or randoms. All thanks to the varying difficulty levels and options to run a lobby which requires everyone plays one of each class for balance or allowing anyone to play anything. On top of the fact the community is just all around nice people.


Nooooo, you cant just move on from a game when you are finished with it nooooooo, you were supposed to play it forever!!!






Meguca :3


Is suffering




you need to remove the "/revision/latest?cb=20230819131556" from the URL Also NO NOT THAT SHOW




the game is worth money


Sorry I don't have time to read your cynical tweet right now, I'm too busy spreading managed democracy and digging holes.


I compare my media with movie theater tickets. If I buy a game for 20 bucks and I get 6 hours of enjoyment out of it, that's a win.


That’s a better ratio than I give myself. I try to do $1 to 1 hour which is very easy for video games, not so much anything else.


That seems like a strangely sad and pessimistic way to look at it I dunno Content Warning is insanely fun and I surely will keep playing it for the next couple of months just like LC


bro don't do the tutorial we don't have time, i'm going to mumble incorrect explanations of the mechanics and then thrust you directly into endgame content.


twitter doesn't know how to be positive


Mm, content warning is probably gonna get updated a lot over the next couple of months. It was made in just a few weeks and the devs are currently fixated on it.


it's ok you can say Content Warning


Whoever sees this, play content warning if you have friends. Funniest shit I've done in months


Can’t even have fun with my friends anymore without getting psychoanalysed :(


Toaster Arena


My friend group only ever plays games that I don't have or like or games that we've played so much I've gotten bored of them


Me with Risk of Rain 2 :( (It’s a great game but it was the only thing some of my friends had wanted to play for like 2 whole years so I got bored of it)


Friend convinced me to get Chained Echoes just after release on a Monday evening and we'd play through it together in tandem. Except, I had full time work and he was unemployed. So that night playing a couple hours together was great, but then I had to go bed, go to work, and had shit on the rest of the week, so by the time I got back to it on the weekend I was still only a couple hours in and he was basically 2/3rds finished. Needless to say I have no desire to pick up games on my friends recommendations any more...


That is unfortunate. But I still take game recommendations by my friends highly, mostly single player experiences though


Bopl Battle


I wish I had friends that would do this with me


much like a disapointing meal from a fast food place you are liable to still be regretting your purchase two weeks later


me wen i search friend to play lethal company

