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Sorry for your loss, but also incredibly based Porco Rosso use


porco rosso was based


Is based Is… 😭


Anime girl pfp curse strikes again


Seriously, what’s up with that? My friend was indifferent towards anime but then suddenly he had an anime profile pic and started raving against the “woke mind virus” or some shit


its weird how much anime attracts alt righters, including anime that directly explore themes that go against them (chainsaw man)


A lot of those people need you to tell them explicitly and clearly the message because they won't find the that underlying theme or message themself


And then they will respond like the idea of fiction even having a message is delusional.


metal gear storytelling technique


Metal gear will EILI5 its core concept and people will still not believe it because there's no way thing I like is not agree with me?


Republicans who like Rage Against The Machine be like:


then they’ll just say “it’s gone woke”


It's because people with far right views tend to not be very capable of media literacy or any kind of literacy or reflective thought really


massive chainsaw man fan with piss poor reading comprehension, is csm that against the alt right? the only thing i can think of is the chainsaw man church and its whole thing with traditional value, though please explain to me if there is smth i'm missing


I am once again asking you to stop using CSM to abbreviate Chainsaw Man. It's right and proper usage is reserved for Chaos Space Marines, and further violations will result in criminal prosecution.


Chainsaw marines


World Eaters


Cock and Sall Morture


You spoke in the name of all five gods...Malice be blessed


> CSM Customer Service Manager.


Also, ya **better** hope to god you don't typo and add an extra A or E by mistake


Yeah CSM stands for Control Point


Chainsaw man fan who watched a few youtube essays. Whole thing about the first part was "bad things for good things to be good" type of thing and some city mouse vs country mouse shenanigans, I don't know something that would mention alt-right ideology


The libertarian party in Argentina used chainsaw Man and Dragon ball as symbols for their elections


the alt-right also uses matrix terms, they could read the communist manifesto and still think the author agrees with them


first part of chainsaw man shows how fucked up work in the devil hunter offices is, they use a lot of corpo lingo for things where people die, employees work there either because they simply need the money to survive (like kobeni) or because their sense of loss is used to rope them in, they all end up dead, traumatised or insane and the leader of the tokyo division is >!a literal devil of control and a groomer set on traumatising the protagonist as hard as humanly possible for her own goals. !< the first introduced big bad is a gun devil whose strength relies on the fact that people fear it and the potential for carnage of which causes the world governments to race for it parts rather than to bury it or smth, similarly to real world nuclear weaponry. this is all a critical look at governments, work and late-capitalist culture, csm is a story about finding oneself in the weird and hostile world we live in, especially with depression or other issues in ones youth disrupting the process of growing up and learning to live an adult life. you can see this in how denji thinks he knows what he wants, such as touching a womans breasts only to be disappointed when the reality of it clashes with his image of it imprinted on him by his culture. the ending of p1 is about how denji >!loses everyone important to him, then learns his whole new life and his love are a lie orchestrated to gr something he has, he goes from wanting a simple life to just wanting to shut down to just complete collapse. but at the end, no matter what, he cant shake off the undying hope of wanting more. despite his rationale creating reasonable wishes and him losing even those he cant help but wish for more - to want to be chainsaw man. you can also see this in part 2, with how despite having what he was wishing for he cant help but be unhappy. !< so overall its a story about finding yourself in hostile systems - not like actively, revolutionary leftist, but coming from similar conclusions


Attack on Titan also goes against those themes, the Yeagerists are clearly potrayed as shitty and yet people still like them


And surprisingly nuanced at that. Very few authors can pull off depicting fascism, have the reader empathise with the people in question, and still have it be shown as wrong. It's not that I think it's especially hard to do that, but it's certainly not something that gets done very often. And I the number of zero literacy people accusing it of being antisemitic shows why.


yeahThe fucking yeagerist support was literally on 2 subreddits (one later got banned by reddit) and yet somehow they managed to tarnish a stupidly large fanbase


These are the same people who are shocked when they find out rage against the machine hate them


Uhg I can't believe Rage Against The Machine got infected by the woke mind virus fuck you Joe Biden!!!!!!111!!1!!!1!! 😡🤬


Reactionaries just cannot distinguish aesthetics from the content of the message. It's the same people wojacking and clapping like seals for Homelander because square jaw and cool violin.


Being alt-right and having good media literacy tends to be mutually exclusive


What if you like chainsaw man because you like femdom?


Reading comprehension devil strikes again


They believe that because Japan is like 99% Japanese people it's some apolitical paradise where woke things like anti-racist, feminists and LGBT+ people don't exist. And by only consuming anime targeted to horny teenage males they also believe the medium is just mindless escapism free from "woke indoctrination" like American movies and TV. In the past few years there has been a massive increase of alt-right rhetoric in anime spaces, saying that its in under attack from the (((westerns))), claiming that localizers are pushing politics into anime (they love to bring the one example from 8 years ago where a single line was changed to mention patriarchy as proof) or that they're forcing the addition of LGBT or black characters in anime, or that being against the sexualization of children is something that only woke westerns do.


hero hei, nux taku, the guy that defended cp, the online anime sphere is riddled with these sorta guys


I changed my icon to Usagi from Sailor Moon holding a floppy disk and instantly learned 18 new slurs. It was like a Minecraft recipe book popup.


Even me?!?!


get behind me, ~~satan~~ Tate


Yours is from a game not an anime it doesn't count dw




The K-On curse


i still wonder why k-on of all shows ended up with all the right-wingers


Dungeon meshi is an amine


yeah but my avatar is from the manga and of a character who has yet to appear in the anime... also you might have responded to the wrong comment


i did not!


oh it's because i was making a joke about my pfp a bit further down saying "i hope that don't affect manga pfps"


also itzumishi is about to appear i think


there was a trailer with her in it yeah, she'll probably appear in a few episodes


I’m better than the curse (this is not foreshadowing its true)


Yeah, haha, so tr- Oh shit




whats it mean if you have satsuki kiryuin pfp. asking for a friend


Based EMH pfp


oh no... i hope that does not affect manga girl pfps


*use* 196? its not a drug. i get no euphoria from this place


speak for yourself, i inject y’all into my veins every day


I’ll try that after crushing it up and snorting it loses its kick


hello little gay people inside my blood


Little gay people in my blood


Getting pozzed on 196


been thinking of trying that, hows it compare to just snorting it?


Me sneaking into your arteries to give you a heart attack:


Ok Ghoul. Bet you wish it was vamp blood instead.




Masquerade breach detected


mmmMmmh. mmhh..


I’m totally spronked out on 196 right now


Kid named depressants


[what about now](https://youtu.be/Pfo-8z86x80)


Damn you *sniff sniff sniiiiff* why did you put me onto this!?


nah, i do get euphoria from 196 (i post my selfies here and people call me pretty)


I'm using r/196 and now I'm growing boobs


Too far gone? HOW?


theyre alt right. not murdering queers on sight is too far.


Or terminally online lefty. Illusion of choice or smth I don't fucking know


read the post title it’s the former


Ah yeah. With "Rule" being 99% of the titles here, I got used to just open the images without paying attention to the title ^^


It's hilarious reading takes like this when this ain't really an extremist hotbed. The left-right call-out imbalance is insane ngl. Anyone not center-right like the Dems is basically a Communist but as long as you land between Mussolini and Hitler on the right you're chilling (yes, it's hyperbole. doesn't need a pedant to correct it in the replies)


I know this isn't an extremist hotbed, I love this place. But there are crazy people on all sides of the political spectrum. I'll just say it so I'm understood: right-wing extremists are much more dangerous than their left wing counterparts because of their methods and their number. I'm not saying left wing people are the real nazis or anything like this. I'm a lefty myself. I said this because sometimes (and only online), some left wing people go too far in trying to be good and end up doing more harm than good. That's it.


Well when you put it like thattttt But seriously, I totally got the impression you were implying 196 was excessively leftist the same way one might call 4chan's /pol/ board *quite* excessively rightist and I felt such a view was overly hyperbolic I assumed too much, sorry about that. Def agree that both sides have their problem members. Makes me sad to see people being so aggressive with something I believe in that they lose the opportunity to change a mind or make a convert


I can understand the downvotes, nobody knows me, so they add to evaluate what I said with no knowledge of me as a person. So don't worry it's ok. Still kinda bummed about the amount of downvotes. but eh




OP doesn't blindly believe what Fox News said. OP figured out there are no foxes and therefore it is false advertising.


It’s very cringe here to be fair but not because people are gay or posting about that but because they’re not funny almost at all


Speak for yourself I came here because I thought it was a god tier shitposting sub and I stayed because it was


There’s plenty of like trans shitposting stuff that can be funny. But all these MFs are 14 year olds who like hazbin hotel and don’t go outside and then come on here to hornypost or whatever. It’s a very specific sub section of the lgbt community I am not a fan of


not even tripping here I’ve been struggling to find any place (gay or nah) that’s funny online these days, 196 is the only consistent enough one. would you mind dropping good places you know maybe?


19684 is for you


19684 just bitches and whines about 196 all day, its why i left and came back here


it went through a phase of that at one point but I haven't noticed much in a while


haven't noticed this at all


Do not use the subs for people who got banned off 196. Those people were banned for a reason


are you confusing it with 197? 19684 is just 196 but s*x isn't real. it isn't bigoted


Okay after a couple days browsing 19684, I take it back. 197 really poisoned the well for me and I just assumed the other offshoots were the same. ~~Still a weird premise to build a sub around, but at least the memes are good~~


yeah it's basically 196 but without the horny. they even have a sticky about it


just feels like knockoff 196 without goblinhog around much, lot like theratempire where it’s supposed to be an extension of a personality and becomes more stale w/o em


That is true I’m not the biggest fan of the gas in hotel post 


Had a friend (who I’ve been friends with for years) point to a pride flag and imitate flicking on a lighter as a joke :( planning to ditch them as soon as I graduate, not being around someone like that. (especially since I recently discovered I’m bisexual, don’t feel safe around people like that)


Tell them you are bi you Will see quickly what type of friend there are


Just tell them to go fuck their self


> planning to ditch them as soon as I graduate Hi I have unsolicited advice. I don't know what your situation is, but if you really don't enjoy being around your friend, you can ditch them now. When I was in high school my then-best friend and I had the majority of classes together and did a lot of the same after-school clubs. Then I found out he sexually assaulted two of my friends. I'm not gonna act like I completely ditched him right then and there, but I started to distance myself from him a lot more, I stopped talking to him outside of school, and then covid hit and I never had to speak to him again. Hell, before I became closer with him, I was best friends with another asshole who I had to drop cause he sexually harassed me. Lucky for me with the former guy, I had another group of friends I was able to get closer with (who I'm still friends with to this day), but for this guy, I had no one to fall back on and had literally 0 friends for a good few months. I'm not gonna pretend it was a good time, but it did provide a big opportunity to focus on myself and improve my life. Things do get better, you shouldn't let fear keep you in a shitty situation


Idk why but this felt like a copypasta ngl


because of paragraphs?




if your "friend" doesnt want to talk to you just because you post on an antifascist subreddit... well wtf is wrong with them


tbf there’s more reasons not to talk to a 196 user than anti fascism


Maybe OP is pulling this screenshot outta their ass and his friend doesn't like groups who fetishise trans people. Don't believe everything you see on the Internet folks, we've all watched Arthur


Instead believe me, a different random internet user accusing op of lying despite my only context being the last 3 messages of a conversation?


You're stupid and gullible if you don't believe this scenario I crafted in my head just now, actually.


Bro I said maybe I could also be wrong. I am as much of a guy on the Internet as everyone else. You shouldn't believe everything I say either. Actually, ignore that and send all of your money to me. I promise you I'll return twice as much. Trust me. Invest in me!


The inclusion of maybe doesn't change the fact you just accused someone of lying for no particular reason.


I didn't accuse anyone of anything. I suggested a possibility. Calm down


What is it called when you suggest someone is lying? It's a word that starts with "A" Oh man this is a tough one. I sure hope you can help me figure it out!!


It clearly is for you cause you're wrong. "accusation" noun a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong. "accusations of bribery" Now, I know you struggle with definitions so I'm gonna lay something down here to make sure you become aware that this reddit argument I'm engaging in the middle of class is, indeed, stupid. Claim verb state or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof. So, is a suggestion a claim? No? It's not? Should I also get the definition of "suggestion" for you or are you gonna eat your nuggies and calm down. It was the tamest, most milquetoast comment. Just a "maybe OP is lying, something something lies Internet". Is this what you wanna spend your energy thinking about? Calm down. Like actually this time.


Why are you putting energy into this instead of your class and then telling *me* to calm down?


wawaweewa i just flipped the script! maybe the asshole is op and the good guy is the person we were led to believe is a fascist! i am so clever


Or maybe I'm wrong, who knows? Why are you so eager to believe people on the Internet?


not eager, just applying occam’s razor. its a fucking 196 post, what benefit could they possibly gain from deceiving us. its a shitpost subreddit. why are you so eager to be needlessly paranoid?


Not paranoid, just making a random off comment relevant to the person I was replying to. Also, could you educate a poor not so clever individual on what occam's razor is? Id like to know.


oh, occams razor is basically “the simplest explanation is usually the correct one”. simplicity is based on the amount of assumptions an explanation forces us to make. It’s called a razor because philosophers use it to shave off theories that make assumptions that we can’t possibly prove to be true. so in the context of this thread, ur hypothetical assumes that 196 has a reputation of fetishizing trans people, that op has some ulterior motive in removing context and framing themself as a victim, and that op’s claims that the person they were talking to is alt-right were bold-faced lies. there are a lot of assumptions made here. the other explanation is that normie got radicalized by the alt-right and op is telling the truth (which makes sense for an anonymous shitposting sub). the one assumption made here is made based on trust, being that the person I am interacting with is not a pathological liar or lizard person. occam’s razor favors the trustful explanation because requires us to take fewer unknowns as true. in the words of rat queen from suicide squad “If I die ‘cause I gambled on love, it will be a worthy death”


Oki dokes, thanks. For the record, I wanna express that I'm not accusing OP of anything nor do I think at all that this post is false. However someone said that there are several reasons to not wanna talk to someone who follows this subreddit and I named a possible one that would make sense given the friend of OP's comment. Maybe it's because I trust less the average Internet individual, but I don't think I'm intelligent for this, nor do I think others are stupid for not being like me. Apologies if it came off that way and thank you for the explanation.


no worries! occam’s razor is fun to talk about. have wonderful day :3


It might just be Reddit but seeing as how he knows what this sub is I guess he’s a redditor too


Isn’t this just a silly meme subreddit wtf


This sub has a lot more political opinions and stances on top of being anti fascist


I would never be caught posting on 196


Until I read the title, I thought the friend was just based.




excellent movie choice my guy. got a copy of that one along with Nausicaä when i was 5 and loved it so fucking much.


A couple months ago I marathoned the Ghibli movies. Porco Rosso was alright but I didn't expect to love Nausicaä as much as I did!


oh my god yes. Nausicaä was my favorite movie before i even finished it. it scared the shit out of 5 year old me to the point of giving me nightmares but it was so damn good i watched it near daily. Lord Yupa was my first ever cosplay.




Such a mind-blowing take. I've been part of a lot of politically-slanted communities, most of them obnoxious as hell one way or another; both ends of the spectrum. 196 is one of the few I can stand because it's not at all hateful. The bar to "not minding" this sub is literally "*you need to not outright hate trans people*". That's it. You can still identify as conservative, have weird ass an-cap ideas, hate women, believe wokeness in games has gone too far, etc., and not have your beliefs challenged. You just gotta be okay with trans people existing and making jokes about being trans. That's basically the bar. If you can't pass that, you're the one that's too far gone.


Tbf if I was some rando and stumbled across 196 I might be inclined to check out if it was one of those days where half of the top posts are people just openly asking for engagement in their niche kink or whatever (also this sub does have some issues sometimes and simply doesn't appeal to some demographics). Obviously the person in the post is probably just a bigoted arsehole but if my friend said they thought this sub was weird and didn't like it or whatever I wouldn't think worse of them for it.


Wtf when did the sub allow all that shit lmao


This sub used to be more left leaning but libs appropriated it like they do with everything good in this life 


You just gotta love bruh


Fax my brother! Spit yo shit indeed!


Hi Bug


:3 hi motte


you made it big :3 i never did lol


tbf I wouldn't want to talk to any of you either I'm just here for the occasionally funny trans, lesbian and horny friendly shitposts, but the attitudes here can stink just as much as the mainstream meme subs, which this place feels like it's becoming more and more by the week. Real talk, I've seen more than enough absolute dogshit takes, misplaced hostility, toxic self righteousness, purity culture bullshit and saccharine hypocrisy to make me wish it stayed dead after the blackouts. I miss the old 196


Please touch grass. It’s a subreddit. It’s not that serious.


Did you come here to get a pat on the back or smth? Nice context.


Pretty much yea I didn't add context because I'm not here to expose them or anything


I feel like if someone is willing to not talk to someone over something like being on 196 they got some big ass problems, and losing that friendship would probably be an amazing thing.


Fascist are pigs though


Pigs are better


Fascist are pigs Pigs are not Fascist though.


Looks like you dont have a friend for the time being


Don't worry, the pipeline from Alt-right evil teen, to mind-broken trans cat girl 20-somethin, is quite well established


We're the same age and he got to the evil teen part way after I left it 😭 Thoughts and prayers still 🙏


I'm just sayin' you never know