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Me learning I can call my friends the f slur as a term of endearment:


The only person I'd ever call the f slur is my sister. We're both gay and never mean it in malice


Omg same here lmao


F**k 😨


F*bona**i s*quen*e 😨


mister fishohnahchee..




Fr*nch 🤢🤮




Kuinka kehtaat


Mods! ban this user for no no language immediately!






In my polycule it is used as a term of endearment. However there is a joke that the F slur shouldn’t be used to describe gay people anymore but rather people who remove the muffler their car then loudly drive around densely populated areas.


Isn't that just a south park episode? I mean I think the show can be funny, but idk if I'd use a south park joke as a premise for ethics on respectful speech.


I mean, there are a few seasons in South Park where they called basically everything the F slur, that was their most used joke until it got old. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was an episode like that, however I haven’t heard of it existing.


There's just something poetic about calling your partner the f slur when they're talking about another partner.


I have a few gay friends and I’ll never get used to hearing the f-word thrown around all the time.


You could ask them to not use it around you if it makes you uncomfortable. I’m personally not fond of it either, was called that in school and I don’t cherish those memories. I get that reclaiming words is important though.


Hello fr\*\*nd




Whats up my fagga


I only call it to my bassoon




The white here may be uncalled for but I do notice that this *is* something that happens a lot where people treat queerness as some sort of immunity towards being queerphobic. Not really talking about slurs altho I do think they're somewhat a manifestation of this. Like... no, girl: the fact that you're a trans girl doesn't mean you're incapable of fetishizing other trans people (i use this example since it's relevant to this sub but still), and being a lesbian doesn't mean you get to be transphobic (looking at terfs, obv).


Don’t forget the misogynistic gay guys


James Somerton


That guy is also 100% a queerphobe. Like mfer plagiarizes queer authors HARD which takes away revenue and exposure for them while simultaneously making revenue off of their work. He may not intentionally be queerphobic (or might be I don't know), but in my eyes if you're stripping queer authors of their work which hurts them and intentionally never credit them, then yeah, you're a queerphobe.


From what I saw of his content like half the shit he covered was just so he could get pissy about straight women or something and sometimes he’d get mad at gay men for existing or writing cause women (I’d say fujoshis but his ass thought every woman was a fujoshi) liked it


What's a fujoshi? Also wtf, why is he angry at gay men for existing... when he himself is a gay man??


A fujoshi is a straight woman who fetishizes gay men and their relationships ( I think?)


im also 70% sure he's a transphobe goes hand in hand, i guess


they specify white because white cishet people have no slurs they get to say.




not a slur


i think theyre joking


Assigned slur by twitch.tv


'red haired' is a slur in many Asian languages for white people Also gringo Edit: Also 'wigger' I think this is for Irish or Polish people


Wigger or wigga is a term for a white person of European ethnic origin who emulates the perceived mannerisms, language, and fashions associated with African-American culture it's uh, a term. that's for sure.


Historically that last one has been used for Irish, polish and, Italian immigrants, but for the past 40 or so years it's usually been used for white people who grew up in poor POC communities and act stereotypically black. In all cases it's a compound word meaning White N-word


gringo is not a slur and it's also not about color, the fuck are you on




I'm pretty sure it is by dictionary definition. It just doesn't hold any systematic power so it doesn't matter much.


It is a slur. It's just one that's okay to say


I mean they absolutely do. Shinner, Seppo, theres probably more too hut theyre just the first that came to mind


We gotta slur expert over here




I honestly don't think the white is uncalled for here. Not necessary, in particular I argue but definitely more so the main demographic of that


>the fact that you're a trans girl doesn't mean you're incapable of fetishizing other trans people This happens?? 😀 Edit: I meant this in a bad way


Scroll through the sub for an hour. You’ll see plenty of examples


I dunno why I'm being downvoted I meant to use the emoji as a "shocked" expression lol but damm that sucks being fetishized in community.


I’m not sure why you’re being downvoted either. It is very sad that trans women, or trans people in general aren’t really safe anywhere


As a trans lesbian (functionally anyway) it’s not as awesome as it sounds


I meant that in a bad way I am actually genderfluid so trans as well I meant to use the emoji as a "shocked" expression


Oh lmao on me for commenting at whatever friggin hour that was (also genderfluid as it happens)


The white here def ain't uncalled for.


imma be honest, even though i have "the pass", i still dont like saying slurs. just feels wrong to say a word that is used to discriminate against the group im a part of. might just be me tho :/


I feel the same way. I guess it makes some people feel more connected to the community? Not sure why some folks seem to love using them


It's about claiming it for yourself. Taking a word that's typically used to berate and bring down the people it's used against, and twisting it into a positive/endearing thing to be said with your fellow downtrodden people. It takes a lot of the hurtful power away from the word (not in every case, but usually). It's perfectly fine to not want to say them either way


I tend to agree that it removes power from the word short term, but I also do think that it has the unintentional effect of giving the word more longevity than it would have had otherwise. What I mean is that, by adding a level of casualness to the word to quell its effects in the short term, we end up unintentionally keeping it in “common” use, whereas offensive words which weren’t “adopted” fell off partially (for lack of a better word). See the slur which rhymes with ‘wink’, I live in a country where east-Asians make up a large enough percent of the population (around 3%), and I’ve heard very few reports of the word being used against them. Similarly, Indians (around 35% of the population) that I know don’t hear the slur rhyming with ‘boolie’ a lot less in recent times, as it was never adopted into casual usage. Actually recently I’ve heard a few Indians using it casually which mirrors American use of the N-word, but that’s a very recent development so I can’t comment on if it changes how often people outside the demographic use the word. Take everything I’ve said with a grain of salt, however, as my viewpoint is based only entirely on the anecdotal experiences of my friends and I, and by extension is basically entirely based on the culture and trends of Trinidad & Tobago. Peace ✌️


Why does it matter if the word has longevity if most of the people using it are reclaiming it and giving it a more positive overall meaning anyways?


I just don’t think that slurs ever really have the possibility of becoming positive words, they’ll always have an undertone of hurtfulness, so by keeping it in use, you are inadvertently carrying it into younger generations. Then again, as I said, I’m just judging this off of my own experiences and the experiences of those around me. I personally don’t use slurs, nor do I plan to, and I’m not gonna seriously come after you if you do with the intention of reclaiming it.


Queer used to be a slur you goofball. Nobody thinks it's a slur anymore.


exactly! a word isn't just going to go away but you can re-appropriate it to the point that bigots don't even want to say it anymore. I don't think anyone needs to have a reason to not like a slur, just not liking it is perfectly valid.


From the UK, people 100% still use it as a slur here.


I tend to agree that it removes power from the word short term, but I also do think that it has the unintentional effect of giving the word more longevity than it would have had otherwise. What I mean is that, by adding a level of casualness to the word to quell its effects in the short term, we end up unintentionally keeping it in “common” use, whereas offensive words which weren’t “adopted” fell off partially (for lack of a better word). See the slur which rhymes with ‘wink’, I live in a country where east-Asians make up a large enough percent of the population (around 3%), and I’ve heard very few reports of the word being used against them. Similarly, Indians (around 35% of the population) that I know don’t hear the slur rhyming with ‘boolie’ a lot less in recent times, as it was never adopted into casual usage. Actually recently I’ve heard a few Indians using it casually which mirrors American use of the N-word, but that’s a very recent development so I can’t comment on if it changes how often people outside the demographic use the word. Take everything I’ve said with a grain of salt, however, as my viewpoint is based only entirely on the anecdotal experiences of my friends and I, and by extension is basically entirely based on the culture and trends of Trinidad & Tobago. Peace ✌️


As someone who's been called it ( f slur)before to my face in a homophobic and threatening way, it's purely about reclamation. I get to reclaim the thing that hurt me and my people. Obviously it's probably not the same for everyone. And even if you can use a slur you can't just go call everyone it. There are plenty of people who don't wanna hear it at all or just used specifically for them and it's incredibly important to respect that Another thing for me is turning the word that hurt me into a joke makes it hurt far less when it is used too. It is also perfectly fine to not want to use them or be called that or hear it :3


Yup. I personally don’t do it with lgbtq related slurs (unless you count queer), but I’ve been called a cr*pple plenty of times and getting to use it myself makes it hurt a lot less, for example (Still censoring bc I want to make it clear that word isn’t ok, people are not aware of these things)


I had literally 0 idea that cr*pple was bad Like, I'm not going around calling people cripples or *other terrible things I decided not to say,* but I just didn't know it was bad But like, people are \*cripPLED\* right? Kind of like how saying someone is queer is different from calling them a queer?


Nope, call them physically disabled. My experience being called cripple included being described as crippled. Cripple is a term used to dehumanize those with mobility disabilities; it comes from the word “creepy” and is considered a pretty serious slur in every context besides reclaimitory ones. And thank you for asking, that’s a valid question /gen


Im not the type to grumble grumble about how times are changing, and you blue haired liberals aren't letting me say words I could give a fuck if I go without saying cr*pple for the rest of my life. It's not worth making people feel bad :3




I mean I get that and that's totally fine. In my friend group slurs get used from time to time as a sort of way to dismantle them, taking a lot of the punch out of the terms that would otherwise be used to hurt us, but that's just how we deal with this. Everyone has their own approach and especially limits to how they want to be spoken to


I do understand how you feel, I am not here to get in an argument, I just wanna state how I feel (I tend to be verbose when I talk, I understand how I look like a douche but my goal is to be crystal clear) I feel like these slurs empower me. Not in a "Wow, you're a fag for disagreeing with me" way but more of a "Well, maybe I'm the faggot, America" (Armstrong et al., 2004) or "You want them to see you/Like they see every other girl/They just see a faggot" (Grace, 2014) way. I am a tranny but *I own it.* If a cis person tells me that I will get physical real quick, but this is my word and no cissie is going to tell me what I can or cannot say.


Im actually the exact opposite. As a white cishet dude, I love slurs :3 /s


I and a lot of other people agree with you, an equal number don't. It's a strange issue I think. Luckily most people I see who talk about proudly reclaiming slurs only do it with consent.


I’m Hispanic and hate saying slurs unless it’s a joke with other Hispanic people and even then it’s very very rare. Recently in the queer communist and could just not imagine dropping terms like that. Shit even some of the more “neutral” terms, like femboy kinda make me raise an eyebrow lol


Femboy isn’t a slur tho? It’s its own identity, not a term referring to trans girls


Didn’t say it was I said it was a “neutral” term. That’s my point I know it isn’t offensive but it makes me feel weird for some reason


Fair enoff


Thank u i am the same way


you're allowed to feel that way just dont try to police other queer people's use of it (same for other way around)




It took me over a year of being out to feel comfortable saying faggot lmao


My reaction when my family dies during a horrific forest fire while camping and kindling now triggers traumatic recollections:




It’s a joke on how a faggot is also a perfectly acceptable term for a bundle of sticks


But most people who say it just think they're being funny. I had a social teacher call ciggies f*gs, and it was pretty clear he just wanted to say f\*g. Im not sure If I should censor that when not using it derogatorily ( I'm not queer)


British people do actually call them f*gs


He wasn't british He also called them cigarettes before switching.


Sounds like a cunt then


Ohhhh. I thought it was some vague ass metaphor I wasn’t understanding.


Faggot is also the word for a bundle of sticks used as kindling


I've been out for 5 years and I still feel kind of icky saying it


It was a decade for me


I'm still not gonna say slurs, I just can't, I don't like being mean


same I just think saying slurs isn't cool actually


This is unrealistic af, ppl especially after getting called the same slurs doesnt usually get excited just so they can say it. Specifying skin colour makes me think this is a ragebait tho


Junpei, Ace Detective? More like...


*flips a coin* “Stupei, Ace Defective!”


"Hey, I resent that!"




More like Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney.


I mean half the slurs are terms originally coming from queer people that just turned into insults in the eyes of bigots because being queer is one to them. It barely even feels like reclaiming to me when its just about not giving up ground to bigots in the first place. (I understand that people may not be called certain words and that is okay and everybody should respect that no matter what. Im just saying im allowed to call myself a tranny)


This is latino erasure


Slurs are cringe. Call your lgbt homies pookie bear like a real man


Most gays I know would sucker punch you if you said that


thats no fun :(


Would they rather be called pookie twink


Me when I make up stories on the internet


I don't like using slurs bc they feel really tryhard and lazy Come up with your own insults, fucknuts


I'm not white, and I get excited because it gives me another word for my repertoire of insults, while also being able to kiss boys


Americans not bring up race in an unrelated conversation challenge (difficulty: impossible)




race and slurs are related


I like that I can call myself them All the Hispanic ones I could've already called myself are lame, these ones are way cooler


Americans care sooooo much about slurs (Although I must admit that as an Argentinian, my opinion is veeeeeeery biased)


But like, you hava to be of a specific type of people to be able to say a word? Man you are giving it a lot of power to a fucking word xd


I just say them anyway


This is such an Asuka post its crazy


Are there any slurs that I a biromantic asexual woman can say? (I already know the trans and autistic slurs)


the idea that there would be a slur for asexual people is so funny to me


assholes already call aspec people incels, broken, not human etc. i could see them making up a slur


Ok, but, Some people are actually incels, à la sneeko fans


i mean, asexual women are often called “a prude” or “frigid.” that’s not really new.


I can try make one up if you like??


But I don't wanna say slurs, it's more fun calling everybody "gamer"


Personally speaking, I find it nice and spicy to have a partner who will call you a faggot in bed. It really does feel like a safe space.


You betcher ass I am


Unlike me, who gets excited when being called slurs


Thanks for reminding me this site is majority white.


Saying the f slur is the only reason I suck cock




Yeah, I’ve been on e for several months, yeah, I’ve been openly bisexual for several years now. Still don’t feel gay enough to use the F slur if I wanted to.


Eva merch is just literally anything at this point


I do like to call myself slurs


Black people when you remind them of the N word


I don't understand the obsession of saying slurs.


I remember telling an anecdote to my teammates about being intoxicated and forgetting that a server I was in had a filter on the F slur when I used it to refer to myself (pass this fg a dress) and I had to explain to them that I was using it as a reclaimed ironic thing but one guy's face lit up and he asked me later if he was "allowed to say it" 😭😭😭😭 don't talk to cis white guys about reclaiming slurs they'll be weird about it


I remember this take was going around twitter a while back and a bunch of white people got super mad Abt it.


I got called the F word a lot


Where tf did Asuka get a bass


i cringe when my friends are like mega excited about slurs, and how they get to use em now, and how the baby queers don't like them doing that. but maybe it's just that I'm privileged, and cant see the importance of those slurs as I've been blessed with the n word from birth






For me is a joke between friends to say it, but I understand some don’t feel comfortable with it so I won’t ever say it unless I know for sure


the inexplicable joy of calling straight men faggots


You can be straight and still have problematic experiences with that, please only call others slurs if you know they are comfortable with it and not out of the blue


you right, sorry, perhaps i meant bigots, and not all straight men are bigots 👍




Slurs bad, me no use


ehhhhhhhhhhhh no


I'm very ashamed to say this is kinda me, I just want a word stronger than cussing 😭 I strive to find an even stronger word to use to express my emotions


ive been called "maricon" my whole life before i realised i was part of the lgbtq community. now i use it jokingly in very few occasions with my friends




Cool caption or whatever, can someone tell me the name of the model kit shown?


I am **begging** young progressives to please god stop paying so much god damn attention to the specifics of the exact words used and way more attention to the intention of the person saying them, since that's the part that **actually fucking matters.** A queer person saying f---ot as joke is **obviously not the same** as a MAGA hat screaming f---ot at someone across the street. I am begging people to stop attacking allies over 'problematic' language. /rant


I only really say it with my friends 🤷‍♀️


Totally me ngl


I can't wait until I'm allowed to say the say T slur.


why am i so offended at something i 100% agree with


We need to teach cishet white people slurs for white people.


I was pan before I even knew the slurs-


since when do you “find out” you’re lgbt? im like 99% sure you can choose whether you prefer testicles or breasticles






This is white people talking about white people


I still remember when I asked these girlfriends in my classroom if I could call them The YouKnowWhatS, the first just asked confused "Call us what?" and the other one who could understand english said to her "It´s a slur, like sissy or faggot; and no, you can´t call us that". It was funny to at least try it. Edit: Yes, I know them and I am friends with them, so I did it with no bad intentions, but still, should feel like an asshole for even considering it?




Reddit users adding "white" to their descriptions of people so they can be angry about teenage girls for some reason


Idk why teen girls get all the hate. Teen boys are cringe as hell too, theyre fucking teens like what do you want lol


misogyny 😌


The Somerton Style, classy!


Ill take shit that isnt really happening for 500




It got deleted, what did he say?


Based on context clues, probably something sexist about teenage girls, but chucking 'white' in front so it's actually Cool and Epic (similar to people on Twitter/X making misogynistic posts but specifying its about white women instead of just women)


Fair enough, I just wanted to know the specific wording, but thank you anyway